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Enjoyment of the Lord's riches: Recovery Version Bible, Hymns, Life study Messages, Collected Works of Witness Lee & Watchman Nee, etc.


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Enjoyment of the Lord's riches: Recovery Version Bible, Hymns, Life study Messages, Collected Works of Witness Lee & Watchman Nee, etc.



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HWMR W4D1 10.09.23

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HWMR W1D2 06.27.2023 TRANSFORMATION IN LIFE --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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HWMR MAT4 T12, 6AM A 6.28.2023 Going Along with the Lord’s Work of Transformation to be Conformed to His Image --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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Title:Scripture:Speaker:Life-study:Message 51 Discipline for Holiness In this message we come to the matter of discipline for holiness (Heb. 12:5-14). One of the basic concepts of this book is that God wanted the Hebrew believers to be holy, to be separated absolutely unto Him, not to remain common in Judaism (v. 14; Heb. 3:1), but rather to enter into the Holy of Holies (Heb. 10:19, 22). True holiness is to enter into the Holy of Holies. Once we have entered into the Holy of Holies, we have reached the peak of holiness. There is no place where we can be more holy than in the Holy of Holies. Entering into the Holy of Holies is not merely a matter of being in the shekinah glory. Even this is somewhat outward and superficial. Although we may be in the shekinah glory in the Holy of Holies, we still need to experience the contents of the ark. Even inside the ark there is something concealed — the hidden manna in the golden pot. This hidden manna is near the tables of the testimony, the ultimate item in the experience of Christ. To be holy means to reach the consummate point of the experience of Christ, that is, to experience the law of life. Nothing can make us more subjectively holy than the law of life, for it works God’s holy nature, which is true holiness, into our being. God’s divine nature is the substance of holiness. Nothing other than the law of life is able to work God’s divine nature into our being. Only when we experience the law of life can we be truly holy. The aim of the book of Hebrews is to bring us on into the Holy of Holies, with the intention that we may experience the contents of the ark of testimony. These contents consist of three things: the hidden manna, the budding rod, and the law of life. Both the hidden manna and the budding rod are for our enjoyment and privilege, but the law of life is for God’s working. Through it, He works Himself into our being. Therefore, if we would be holy to the uttermost, we must experience the law of life by which God works Himself into us as our real holiness. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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W1D3 How the World is an Evil System arranged by Satan to Frustrate Man from Enjoying God May the Lord open our eyes to see the pernicious one utilizing this world system, the material world with its things, to head up all things under his control, and how he is preparing all things for Antichrist, the man of lawlessness, to appear. More and more the situation becomes evil and also anti-Christian, godless. But praise the Lord, in the spiritual reality we know that Satan’s evil world system, the kingdom of darkness, was judged through Christ’s work on the cross (John 12:31-32; 16:11)! Hallelujah! Through His death on the cross in the likeness of the flesh of sin, the Lord destroyed Satan, who is in man’s flesh (Rom. 8:3; Heb. 2:14). Christ didn’t only bear our sins and transgressions in His body, but as He died as a sinner, Satan was also crucified there, and Christ came to destroy the works of the devil! When He was lifted up on the cross, the world was judged and its ruler – Satan – was cast out (John 12:31-32). In Him the ruler of the world did not have anything – no room, no ground, no possibility in anything. Such a One is in us, and He is exposing and judging the world in us day by day. May we love Him, enjoy Him, turn to Him, and allow Him to renew our mind in His word until we are transformed in His image, not being conformed to this age. Hallelujah, through His work on the cross Christ judged Satan’s evil world system, the kingdom of darkness! Praise the Lord, Christ came in the likeness of the flesh of sin and He destroyed Satan through His death on the cross. Thank You Lord for judging Satan and the world which is hanging on Him. Amen, Lord, in You Satan has nothing – no ground, no room, no possibility in anything, and You came to destroy the works of the devil. We open to You, Lord: expose the world in us, judge the world in us, and transform us by the renewing of the mind so that we may not be fashioned according to this age but be one with You to live a life for Your purpose on earth! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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LORD I DO THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER DAY | HYMN IN THE LORD'S RECOVERY 1Lord, I do thank You for another day To practice living You, in You to stay, Lord, grant me the grace, Your life mine to replace Two lives one, oh what a sweet embrace.2Lord, You are glory, You are beauty; Divine and human woven utterly Have mercy on me, that I may be Joined to You, expressing You daily.3Lord, be my pattern, humble and lowly; Save me from self and pride and vainglory. Preserve and keep me, for Your economy, Live in me, possess me wholly.4Lord, I do love You, operate in me, Be my salvation, save me constantly To hold forth Your word, life to others afford; Shining You, so radiantly, dear Lord.5Lord, I’m so saturated with Your joy That I am drunken, You as wine enjoy; I’d pour out my being, as a drink offering Upon You, God satisfying.6Lord, my desire is to be found in You As lived out righteousness, give me this view. Lord, clothe and stitch me, with embroidery Day by day, inwrought Your gold in me. M.E S.E --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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LORD I DO THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER DAY 1 Lord, I do thank You for another day To practice living You, in You to stay, Lord, grant me the grace, Your life mine to replace Two lives one, oh what a sweet embrace. 2Lord, You are glory, You are beauty; Divine and human woven utterly Have mercy on me, that I may be Joined to You, expressing You daily. 3Lord, be my pattern, humble and lowly; Save me from self and pride and vainglory. Preserve and keep me, for Your economy, Live in me, possess me wholly. 4Lord, I do love You, operate in me, Be my salvation, save me constantly To hold forth Your word, life to others afford; Shining You, so radiantly, dear Lord. 5Lord, I’m so saturated with Your joy That I am drunken, You as wine enjoy; I’d pour out my being, as a drink offering Upon You, God satisfying.6Lord, my desire is to be found in You As lived out righteousness, give me this view. Lord, clothe and stitch me, with embroidery Day by day, inwrought Your gold in me. M.E --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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The Omnipotent God we Serve is Hiding Himself, Especially when He is Helping us and Working in us The Bible clearly says that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28). However, the God who works out all things that they would turn out to good to us is a God who is hiding Himself. The omnipotent God whom we are serving is still hiding Himself, especially when He is helping us and working within us (John 14:26). We may have a certain sickness and may be rushed to the emergency room, with surgery being scheduled promptly, and man would do everything possible to take care of this emergency. But the One who is really in control is God, for He is with us, He helps us, and without Him, we cannot go through all these things. Yet this One is a hidden God, for He is hiding Himself; we may see Him yet could not find, for He is hiding. He is active in our environment to arrange all things, and He is very active even in our being to operate in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure. Yet He is hidden, concealed, and we cannot see Him or touch Him with our eyes. Sometimes we may look back at our situation and history and we realize that it was God who did this, and it was Him who took care of that. We may consider our life when we were young, the university we went to, the people we met, the saints we met and when we met them, and the fact that today we’re in the church life, and though we realize it had nothing to do with us, we clearly see that God was working in all these things. Our finding a spouse, the timing, and the whole process, it was all under God’s sovereignty, and He brought us together for His purpose. So there are many retroactive Thank You Lord for all that He has done in us and among us. And He does this again and again. We are so focused on our present problems, our current situation, and the things at hand, but God is working tirelessly and ceaselessly, yet in a hidden way. We cannot see Him and, apparently, He is not doing anything. If we look at the situation in the world today, it seems that God is not present, that He is not in control, for He tolerates so much of the evil that is happening today. We may bring the current immorality, evil, and rebellion before God, and we may ask Him to do something about it, yet it seems that He does not hear us, for He is hidden. HWMR W11D3 06.14.2023 Part 2 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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W11D3 The God who Hides Himself is Operating within us Silently yet Mightily The Lord is working non-stop in us, and He works in a hidden way, in His own time, yet He works secretly and ceaselessly. Even when we don’t cooperate with Him, we will not stop Him from His work; He knows how to break through in us, and He is gently yet hiddenly gaining our cooperation. If we study the Scriptures carefully, we will see that God has the kind of temperament that dislikes ostentation; He likes to work secretly rather than openly (Matt. 6:1-8). He doesn’t like to be showy, to make a big display of what He does. We, fallen human beings, like to make a display, and we want everything to be in the open, for everyone to see. But the Lord works secretly rather than openly. Our disposition is diametrically opposed to God’s disposition; He likes to hide Himself, and we like to show ourselves and make a display. God likes concealment, and we like display. God doesn’t crave outward manifestations, but we can’t be content without them. Oh, Lord! This divine disposition constitutes a great trial and test for us. But we trust in Him, we know He takes care of us, and we know that He loves us and does all things secretly for our benefit. And we cooperate with Him by going along with the inner sense of life, the gentle and quiet voice that is within us whenever we touch the Lord. As we cooperate with the Lord by saying Amen to His working within us, He operates in us silently yet mightily, and He gains what He is after in us. Hallelujah, the God who hides Himself is operating in us silently yet mightily! Amen, Lord, we open to Your inner operating in our being. Operate in us both the willing and the working for Your good pleasure. We say Amen to Your work in us. We want to cooperate with Your inner work by responding to the inner sense deep within us. We say Amen to Your working in us, for in the depths of our being, secretly and ceaselessly, the God who hides Himself is working. Save us from trying to see outward manifestations of Your work. We want to come to You in secret, enjoy You in secret, and pray to our Father who is in secret. Amen, Lord, do what You want. Go where You want in us. We need You. We can’t live another day without You. We trust in You. Oh Lord, we open to You! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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OUTFLOW ENJOYMENT/ ENLIGHTENMENT 2.14.2023 M.E --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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OUTFLOW ENJOYMENT FROM THE WORD FEB.13, 2023 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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OUTFLOW SHARING ONES ENJOYMENT 2.06.2023 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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OUTFLOW SHARING OF ONES ENJOYMENT M.E MARCH 30, 2023 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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HWMRW11D4 All believers are in the process of being deified in God’s full salvation; we are all in the process of becoming God-men in full, the victors and overcomers, the Zion within Jerusalem. Now that we know this high peak truth, we need to live our daily life in all its details as God-men. If we realize we are God-men, believers in Christ in the process of being deified to become the New Jerusalem, we will be revolutionised in our daily life! We need to make a resolution that we will live out this truth, we will walk in this truth, and we will have our daily life living the life of a real God-man to bring in a new revival that will end this age! Lord Jesus, thank You for becoming a man so that You may make God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead for God to have a corporate expression in humanity for eternity. What a high truth this is, and how we treasure the fact that we’re made in the image of God to resemble God and be filled with God until we become the same as God in every possible way! Hallelujah, our destiny as children of God is to become the New Jerusalem, the consummation of the mingling of divinity with humanity for the glory of God to be manifested in man for eternity! Thank You Lord for such a glorious destiny. May we cooperate with You in the process of being deified until we become the New Jerusalem for Your glorious, bright, and splendid expression in humanity for eternity! COMPANIONS IN THE LORD JUNE 08,2023 8AM --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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CAPTIVES OF CHRIST COMPANIONS IN THE LORD 4/14/23 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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ICSC GC 2023 APRIL 07, 2023 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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2. Jehovah is our light and our salvation E.S SINACABAN, MIS. OCC --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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Hymn Singing-Sing A Long

There are Times E.S Sinacaban Mis.Occ. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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The manchild today are those who build the ark, the church; we are here building the church, the ark, to be the Lord’s overcomers today.

https://agodman.com/god-needs-man-child-greatest-dispensational-move-accomplish-purpose/ God Needs the Man-child for His Greatest Dispensational Move: Ending this Age and Bringing in the age of the Kingdom! What a great blessing to live at the end of the age and live a life for the fulfillment of God’s purpose! God wants to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom, and for this, He must have the man-child as His dispensational instrument. The rapture of the man-child brings an end to the church age and introduces the age of the kingdom. When the man-child is raptured to heaven, Satan is cast to the earth, and there is a declaration in heaven that the kingdom has come; this means that the man-child brings in God’s greatest dispensational move! May the Lord have mercy on us that we may see where we are today, what age we live in and how much we need to cooperate with the Lord in these days, as we live on the threshold of God’s greatest dispensational move. If we cooperate with the Lord today, we will give Him a way to build up the church as today’s ark; that built-up church will be our salvation and will give God a way to terminate this present age and bring in the age of the kingdom, thus finishing and completing His eternal economy! We can cooperate with Him for His greatest dispensational move simply by opening to Him in prayer, Lord Jesus, we give ourselves to You for Your greatest dispensational move today. Move in us and work in us. Remove in us all the hindrances to the doing of Your will for the carrying out of Your purpose. Lord, produce us to be the family of Noah who are building today’s ark, the church! Make us Your overcomers – make us the man-child today, the stronger part of Your people, so that You can have a way to carry out Your greatest dispensational move. Save us from living a routine Christian life and church life; may we be up-to-date with You to be special Christians who do a special work to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom! Amen, Lord, gain the man-child to remove man’s power and the devil’s power and to bring in the age of the kingdom! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message


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FEB.11.2023 OPEN HOMES, ETC. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mitse-eugenio/message
