The Boxer Podcast with Barbara and Nicole Boxer-logo

The Boxer Podcast with Barbara and Nicole Boxer


A United States Senator for twenty four years until 2017, also served in the U.S. House and on the Marin County Board of Supervisors. She is known as a pioneer for women and a champion for the environment, human rights, civil rights and economic fairness. She is now speaking on current issues across the country and is a volunteer for a political action committee she founded called Pac For A Change.


United States


A United States Senator for twenty four years until 2017, also served in the U.S. House and on the Marin County Board of Supervisors. She is known as a pioneer for women and a champion for the environment, human rights, civil rights and economic fairness. She is now speaking on current issues across the country and is a volunteer for a political action committee she founded called Pac For A Change.



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Two Scoops with David Corn and Sen. Ben Cardin

It’s a Boxer Podcast Double Header with two exclusive scoops from our most trusted colleagues! First, they speak with journalist and author David Corn about the vulnerabilities of our elections to Russia and what we need to do to limit their interfering. Then, they talk to Senator Ben Cardin about Trump’s recklessness with Iran and how we need to show restraint moving forward.


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The Iran Debrief with Rep. Anna Eshoo

The Boxers are back! Fresh from vacation, Nicole is bringing us the top things you will and won’t see in Paris. Also, let’s talk about Trump’s bizarre behavior in his statement on Iran. Then, they speak with California Representative Anna Eshoo about Trump’s rash decision despite the lack of an imminent threat that got us into this trouble in the first place. Are there parallels between this and the Iraq war in our desire to get involved? Plus, her thoughts on the articles of impeachment.


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The Answer to Our Housing Shortage with Steven Dietz

Happy Holidays from the Boxers! Today we chat with United Dwelling CEO Steven Dietz about his innovative approach to quickly and meaningfully addressing the housing crisis in California via ADU’s, accessory dwelling units. Learn how he came to his unique solutions and how they can be replicated and used across the country.


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The Battle for Democracy with Rep. George Miller

The hearing for the articles of impeachment is on, so what will that mean for us and for Trump? It can't be reiterated enough how critical 2020 is, not just to unseat Trump but to flip the senate. Then, Barbara and Nicole speak further with former CA Rep. George Miller about the impeachment proceedings, his 40 years in the House, and the power of Nancy Pelosi.


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This Week in Presidential Politics with Matt Littman

Barbara and Nicole catch us up on the continuing impeachment process and the seriousness of Trump’s misdeeds. Plus, Nancy Pelosi’s powerful position in opposition to him and Biden’s new ad taking him down. Then, they talk with Matt Littman who wears many hats when it comes to politics. He’s a speechwriter, pundit, campaigner and most recently the executive director of 97%, an organization dedicated to passing smart gun reform that amplifies the voices of gun owners who want gun reform.


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Talking Turkey and an Encore with Speaker Nancy Pelosi

It's Thanksgiving! And Barbara and Nicole want to celebrate with you. What are you thankful for? But before that, let's breakdown the impeachment hearings. Plus, a flashback interview with Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi!


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Impeachment is Coming with AG of "Mueller, She Wrote"

Big impeachment breakings have the Boxers talking with Mueller, She Wrote and The Daily Beans podcast creator, A.G., about what this means for the President and Republicans and how to effectively move forward with further impeachment proceedings. Plus, how Robert Mueller’s tactics and report helped paved the way for future juries to potentially prosecute him as a private citizen.


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Moving Forward with Karine Jean-Pierre

Barbara and Nicole address the recent shooting at Saugus High School and how the Republicans hope we stay numb to tragedy. How can we drive young people to the polls to change this and put a stop to the NRA? Then, activist, commentator, and campaign organizer Karine Jean-Pierre joins Nicole and Barbara to take a look at the 2020 field and what it’s going to take to bring people to the polls and start a new movement. The two primary focuses are the issues and getting Trump out of office.


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Leading on the Climate Crisis with Rep. Jared Huffman

Barbara and Nicole are recapping the recent election and how this paves the way for hope in 2020. As the Democrats say, “when people vote, we win.” Plus, Donald Trump and the Republicans effort to discredit Nancy Pelosi with “stupid” comments. Then, they speak to Congressman Jared Huffman about the progression of the US pulling out of the Paris Accord and the ongoing impeachment pursuit of Trump. Plus, his work now representing the district Barbara did while she was in Congress.


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The Equity Agenda with Angela Glover Blackwell

Nicole and Barbara are talking about the problems we’re having with Trump and big oil, Republicans continuing to obstruct justice, and the success of their recent PAC event! Then, the Senator talks with Angela Glover Blackwell, founder of Policy Link, about their program advancing racial and economic equity, the principles of designing real programs so we are prepared to take them to the big stage when the opportunity presents itself, and keeping hopeful in seemingly hopeless times.


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Sheila Kuehl, First LGBTQ Legislator in CA History

Barbara and Nicole are recapping the most recent Democratic debates. Who were the standouts and who were the weak links? Plus, Trump's insanity continues. Then, Barbara speaks with Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, who represents the 3rd Los Angeles County Supervisional District. She discusses her childhood acting career, leaving Hollywood for Law and Politics, and being the only openly gay member of the CA assembly and state Senate.


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The Feminist Majority with Kathy Spillar

Barbara and Nicole consider the vote on the impeachment inquiry and how Donald Trump is running out of moves to combat his never-ending bad decisions. Then, Kathy Spillar joins them to talk about her work as the Executive Director of the Feminist Majority Foundation. How have the history of women’s rights affected our present and what must we do to create true equality in the future?


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Impeachment Reactions with Christine Pelosi and Rep. Anna Eshoo

Barbara and Nicole talk with Christine Pelosi about the recent trouble Trump has gotten himself into and what impeachment proceedings look like as the House moves forward. Then they talk with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo about Speaker Pelosi’s responsibility in moving toward impeachment. Plus, celebrating international voter registration day and a very funny upcoming Boxer PAC event!


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Ending Single Use Plastics with the Plastic Pollution Coalition

Barbara and Nicole take a look at how Democratic rallies and campaigns can combat Trump, as well as how homelessness in California is becoming a shared political topic. Then, they talk to sisters Dianna and Julia Cohen about their work with the Plastic Pollution Coalition in helping to eliminate single use plastics, plastic pollution worldwide, and helping to protect our oceans. And what are some simple steps you can take to help toward reducing our global use of plastics? Learn more at...


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Climate Refugees with Michael Nash

Barbara and Nicole take a look at the damage from Hurricane Dorian and its impact. Plus, preparations for the Democratic Primary debates. Plus, new bills on gun control and the Senate’s duty in helping to pass them. Then, friend and documentarian Michael Nash joins Nicole to talk about his film, “Climate Refugees” and what changes he’s seen since its production ten years ago. Most people are unaware of how much the entire planet needs the help of the U.S. Just how big is our human impact?...


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Rise Up for Assault Survivors with Amanda Nguyen

Barbara and Nicole are looking at hurricane Dorian and how climate change plays an important role in our disasters and in the 2020 campaign. Plus, Trump’s plan to rule by chaos and a global movement prediction that’s come true. Then, Nicole speaks with Amanda Nguyen, CEO and Founder of “Rise” and the author of Sexual Assault Survivor’s Bill of Rights. They address the work Rise is doing to help assault survivors and how our current mindset is aware of sexual assault but is still willing to...


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Reshaping Global Power w/ Henry Elkus and Sam Feinburg

Barbara and Nicole discuss how we need to deal with China, the fires in the Amazon, more Brexit drama. Then, Helena founders Henry Elkus and Sam Feinburg join to talk about how they are working toward creating global change through partnerships and innovation with important tips on how you can become active.


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#HelpHarrison: Flipping The SC Senate Seat

Nicole and Barbara talk about the flip flopping of Lindsey Graham, who could go toe to toe with Trump, and Beto’s time at a gun show. Then, they speak with Jaime Harrison who is running for Senate in South Carolina in 2020. He discusses his time as the chair of the Democratic party in his state, his desire to move from behind the scenes to the political front line, the downfall of Lindsey Graham, and how to win trust in the state.


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Laying Down the Law Against Trump with Professor Joyce Vance

Barbara and Nicole discuss upcoming possible gun control legislation, the GOP dragging their feet hoping people will forget, the Democratic candidates time in Iowa, and Stacy Abrams’ return. Then, they talk to Professor Joyce Vance about her work as an attorney, the legality and constitutionality of the Trump administrations dealing with immigration, what Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide means for the continuing legal fight ahead, and possible ways to pursue impeachment.


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How to Combat Hate, Mass Shootings, and Trumpism in 2020 w/ Rusty Hicks CA Dem. Chair

Barbara and Nicole reflect on the recent mass shootings and how Donald Trump has played a role in bolstering hate speech and acts of violence. How will the Democratic candidates react to help show us who they are? Then, they speak with California Democratic Party Chair Rusty Hicks about Democrats being outcome focused, our responsibilities to our issues and getting people to vote, and what we can do to reach young voters.
