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Miller Family Light


Formerly (M.O.D Newsletter) This is a simple newsletter also called a prayer letter from the Miller family as they try to get the Gospel over seas.


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Formerly (M.O.D Newsletter) This is a simple newsletter also called a prayer letter from the Miller family as they try to get the Gospel over seas.



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Life in Action: (Prayer letter #2 2024) an update

Show for this month's update, thanks for praying. 1. Church Campout: - Overview of the church campout event in the nearby woods with families. - Activities included: food cooked over a fire, setting up tents, and staying until dark despite the cold. - Special moments: A night spent under the stars with Bible stories and fellowship. 2. Church Ladies Meeting: - Recap of the gathering of eight ladies, including discussions on hospitality and its importance in demonstrating Jesus's love. - Impactful testimonies on how the meeting has been beneficial. 3. English Class: - Introduction of a new English class initiative led by you and your wife, supported by church members. - Purpose and goals of the class are to enhance language skills and foster community bonding. 4. Leadership Class: - Start of a leadership training program for men within the church. - Details on the curriculum and the number of attendees. - Future objectives for the leadership class. 5. Teaching Bible Class: - Plans to launch sessions focused on training in effective Bible teaching. - Target audience and expected outcomes for the participants. 6. Croatia Campaign: - Upcoming trip to Split, Croatia, to support and learn from the Leslie family's outreach campaign. - Details about the purpose of the trip and what participants can expect. 7. Church Workday: - Summary of a community workday for painting and cleaning the church's rented space. - The dual purpose of the workday: improving the church's physical space and serving as a community testimony. 8. Answered Prayers and Future Plans: - Recognition of recent blessings and answered prayers including the expansion of language sessions. - Anticipation of future assistance and the need for more volunteers.


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A Vibrant Journey: (Prayer letter #1 2024) Reflections on Recent Months

Hello everyone! Life has been anything but dull lately, and we're excited to share some highlights from the past couple of months. From heartfelt celebrations to deepening community connections, our journey has been filled with joy, challenges, and answered prayers. In January, we kicked off the year with an "Ugly Sweater and Game" night, fostering fellowship and laughter among friends. Our Russian community saw growth as Katarina began teaching a bilingual Sunday school class, while Emilija's first birthday brought cherished moments with loved ones. We also hosted a meaningful ladies' gathering, spreading messages of spiritual renewal in multiple languages. February brought a whirlwind of activity as we prepared for a marriage and family conference. Despite modest attendance, we remained steadfast in our commitment to God's call, drawing inspiration from the prophets of old. Our combined service bridged language barriers, fostering unity and shared worship experiences. Tangible blessings, such as a new church piano and the arrival of a much-needed helper fluent in Russian, filled our hearts with gratitude. As we reflect on these recent months, we're reminded of the beauty of life's milestones and the faithfulness of God's providence. Our journey is marked by moments of joy, challenge, and growth, and we're grateful for each step along the way.


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"The final showdown", a.k.a. our last prayer letter for this year.

Hey! In this special letter we just let you know all the things that happened during this wonderful year. We give thanks to all of our supporters and we want to let you know of the good, the bad, and the ugly things that happened this year. Thank you all for being so wonderful and thank you to our wonderful God and His blessings to us during this fruitful year. You can reach us at


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Starship Log #5 (Prayer Letter no 5) 2023

Daily blessings: September and October have been no slower than usual for us. I had the opportunity to visit the Czech Republic, and Croatia to help a national pastor. We have had new visitors in church and acquaintances outside of church grow in interest and curiosity about our faith and this life of ours that they watch on display. We need God to do His work through us and pray that He will use us to reach the lost here. Past outreaches: A few days before school started here we organized a trip for our small group to the zoo. I think we had 22 of us in total, including our missionary friends from Mexico who stayed with us for a month. We all had a great day as we traveled by bus, car, and train to view the wonderful creations of God. Many of you asked how our friend day went, that we held in a park one Saturday evening. We advertised online as well as in person with flyers. Besides our regular church friends we had two other visitors come. One young man from Russia who I met in language school and the other was a muslim refugee man from Sudan. I had my guitar, we played some hymns and had snacks and some games for the kids. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and the fellowship and we look forward to hosting another one this coming spring. Future outreaches: In February we plan to do a winter campaign in the north. This will be our first family conference. The families here are a disaster and most of them recognize that there are many problems in the home. Our goal is to host this conference and teach them that the solutions to a solid happy family can be found in the pages of the Bible and are rooted in the Creator of the home. After the conference we plan to have a few days of follow-up classes in hopes of seeing the interest in starting a local church group there. If you are a church interested in helping fund this conference and the material to go with it just let us know. Another future plan is to have an emotional sickness conference here as well. We recently traveled to the Czechia to witness one put on by a church from Oklahoma. We talked to them about having one with us here. They seemed excited so we will wait and see how the Lord works this out. We also have a ladies meeting, mens "European bbq" and a family day to the forest planned over the next couple of months. Homeschool: In September my wife began homeschooling our children. The boys have enjoyed learning and we count it a blessing that the Lord has allowed us to be in a country where this is possible. It also has caught the attention of some of the people we know here. Many are intrigued about a mother teaching her own children and ask the question, "why?" It is a good opportunity to have a conversation about the Bible. We also have hired a college student named Djurdjica to teach Miloš and Nikola language twice a week. People: The Lord has blessed us with several new friends who visit us often in the church here. We still have our Russian family of seven that comes to be with us every other week. We have two Brazilian couples who enjoy our English service, our three native friends that meet us for local services, and a young lady from Russia who has joined us for a time, for how long only the Lord knows. Last week we had another visitor from the capital named Dima who seemed to enjoy the fresh truth of the Word as well. Please pray for the church here as God leads and grows us all.


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Starship Log #4 (Prayer Letter No 4) 2023

Bountiful blessings: We began July with a five-day trip to Croatia. We were able to take two Locals with us and celebrate the 4th of July with some wonderful missionary friends. We also had the exciting opportunity as a church to begin the support of our first foreign missionary, a native Croatian! Soon we will be taking the church group and children to the City zoo for a fun time together. We have our first “Friend Day in the Park” scheduled for September 16. Flyers are made and I am attempting to brush up on my limited guitar skills for this as well. Also coming up on Sept 30th I have been invited to give the Gospel during one of our Serbian friend’s wedding. Russian Church: -Due to the war in Ukraine, we have unexpectedly been having more Russians attend church with us than Locals. They were rather shocked when they found out about the lack of biblical Baptist Churches here. So please for Sergei and Tatiana and their 7 children, and a young lady from northern Russia named Ekaterina. Seekers and Church Family: As far as the locals God has given us, we have been blessed to have Lju and Alexandra who have undergone discipleship lessons, been reaffirmed of their salvation, and re-baptized here. They are a blessing and are a vital part of God’s work here. Also, we have several seekers meeting with us you can pray for. These are people interested but not ready for commitment to Christ. Please pray for Cvetko, Dragolub, and Samuel who is from Canada and studying medicine here. And Želko. Some of these come to Church and some I meet with regularly. Also, there is a small group in the south 4 hours away, who I would like to meet with more. Lastly, there is Stephan in Capital, a Christian striving for his own way of life. Prayer requests: Please pray for all the legal things we keep navigating. In short, we had a hospital keep $1,800 from us for the birth of our daughter who was not born in the hospital. The attorney who helps us stay in here is asking the judge here for a refund. As foreigners it's easy to be deceived and taken advantage of. Please pray this money will be restored to us. Ministries: As always please pray for the Church here, for the translation ministries, for the media ministries, traveling, outreaches, and our winter campaign plans in the north. We finished our meetings in the capitol a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to all who have helped in support and in special ways, for reaching out and fulfilling not only our needs but also our desires. God Bless you all. Millers...


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Language, Emilija, and slow hot summer days

Just a hot summer, learning the language, trying to get in a vacation, and discipleship. Above all just be faithful.


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Marko and the Rabbit Hole

We made this short story for the kids over here. Since I had to make it in English first I thought I would share it with you as well. God Bless!


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Spring time work!

Season 2 Episode 2 March / April Edition This round of updates involved the coming of spring and events around the house. New projects and an update on Kaylin's health. Hope this update finds you in the center of Our God's will. Have a great day. God Bless.


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"New baby and bountiful blessings"

Season 2 Episode 1 January / February Edition In this, our first update of the year we welcome our new Girl, talk about outreach and praise the Lord for His goodness to us. If you like the music and want more from the artist you can find the Linzey family music here.


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2022 November/December Newsletter “Thankfulness and reflection"

A time of reflection, thankfulness, expectations, and future planning. To God be the glory great things He hath done!


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2022 September/October Newsletter "“Upgrades and busy days”"

Visa, settling into home, office space, and learning to live life. So much has happened it's so hard to explain it all!


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Tract "Bird cages"

This is a little project we are working on. This is an example of an audio tract. We will soon be pairing it with a short animation that puts a visual to this audio. Keep on! Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.


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2022 July/August Newsletter "Building the Tacklebox"

Attending our first funeral, purchasing land, building the tacklebox, and praising our Lord! Thanks for the prayers and feel free to comment 😊


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2022 May/June Newsletter "Buckets of Change!"

Buying a car, moving countries, having a new baby, life changes and prayer requests.


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2022 March/April Newsletter

Made it overseas... Making a house a home, beginning the work, and prayer requests.


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2022 Jan/Feb Newsletter

Travels, 100% Supported, Ordering Plane tickets, more auction prep, and just general prepping for the field...


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2021 Nov-Dec Newsletter

This newsletter updated you on the Miller family as they prepare to head to Europe in 3 short months. Thanks for your prayers.
