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Grief and Frozen Lasagnas

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So sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine. That is terrible. The sad head tilt. The meal trains. The things you see and hear after you lose someone or something. This podcast is dedicated to talking about grief out in the open. Out loud. Really LOUD. We will share personal stories ranging from the sad, the angry, the are you freaking kidding me to pee your pants funny. We are not licensed professionals nor grief experts. We are just real people who have experienced grief and want to share what helped and what didn't. So join us but please leave the frozen lasagna behind.


United States


So sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine. That is terrible. The sad head tilt. The meal trains. The things you see and hear after you lose someone or something. This podcast is dedicated to talking about grief out in the open. Out loud. Really LOUD. We will share personal stories ranging from the sad, the angry, the are you freaking kidding me to pee your pants funny. We are not licensed professionals nor grief experts. We are just real people who have experienced grief and want to share what helped and what didn't. So join us but please leave the frozen lasagna behind.



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Loving someone after they lost their person

Send us a Text Message. This episode is dedicated to the people out there who dated and married or are dating someone whose partner or spouse has died. This is looking at grief from a different view point. Today’s episode features Julie Cox and her story of meeting a widower, falling in love, getting married and starting a family. Our listeners might remember one of our first episodes with her husband Michael Cox. Michael lost his wife Lindy to brain cancer many years ago. After she passed away, he completed a spiritual and life changing 250 mile hike through Spain. In Season 1 episode 5 he shared his story about grief, transformation and finding love again. This episode focuses on Julie’s story of their courtship and love. This couple is quite remarkable and is an excellent example of what having faith looks like. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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My Grief Now

Send us a Text Message. This episode I will catch you up on where I am now in my grief. My husband died 6 years ago on Thursday, May 3, 2018. It was without a doubt the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I did not know how I was going to keep going. But it has been 6 years and I have learned a few things. I decided to not drown in my grief but rather use it to help others. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Complex Feelings About Fertility

Send us a Text Message. I recently had the opportunity to sit down with my friend Jocelyn Tiner and just have a conversation about the grief you feel with a miscarriage, the grief you feel when you can't get pregnant, the grief you feel regarding all the things that come along with this. Sometimes it's hard to get our heads around things that happen to us or things that don't happen to us. These feelings are big and sometimes very difficult to navigate especially when we have outside forces trying to weigh in. You question your thoughts, you wonder why did this happen, is what I am feeling ok? When does it get better? Basically just a constant barrage of stuff going on in your head and in your body. It’s exhausting. And sometimes it is not visible to others. Which makes it even harder. But you are not alone. I also want to include a trigger warning. During this episode we talk about miscarriages and sexual abuse. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Time to Grieve?

Send us a Text Message. You need to grieve. You are sad. You feel lost and evertyhing seems overwhelming but you don't have time to really grieve. Life just keeps throwing out curve balls and you thought you were playing a whole other sport. This episode I talk about losing my dad and the stuff that "interfered" with my grief. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Resilience Through Grief

Send us a Text Message. Sometimes we are going along thinking, Ok, my life is on track I am doing pretty well, and I am happy. Then in an instant something can happen to change all of your plans. Today our guest Sarah will share her story about how a car wreck changed her life and how she adapted to create a new path for herself. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Holidays and Grief

Send us a Text Message. This episode is about understanding our grief during the holidays. Holiday decorations, Christmas trees, menorahs, carols, twinkle lights, commercials on tv, shopping, family traditions. It seems like it is EVERYWHERE starting in October. It is supposed to be this warm loving happy time with your friends and loved ones. But when you have lost someone it can just be a constant reminder that they’re gone. You certainly don’t want to begrudge anyone of their happiness but sometimes you might just feel like the Grinch. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Preparing-Wills and Things

Send us a Text Message. Today we are taking a little detour on grief to talk about Estate Planning. We have covered many stories related to death grief and I have even mentioned how important it is to have a will. Our guest today is attorney Paul F. Wright from Wright Legal Texas firm. We were fortunate enough to sit down with him recently and talk about estate planning. Obligatory disclaimer first: The following is not legal advice and we highly recommend that you consult counsel for your individual needs. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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My Grief Evolution

Send us a Text Message. So this week I wanted to just take a moment to reflect on my own grief. How it’s every changing and evolving. We have covered so many different types of grief so far but I think it helps to sometimes just go back and see where we started. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Natural Disaster Grief

Send us a Text Message. Tornados. Fires. Floods. Hurricanes. Earthquakes. These are just a few examples of natural disasters. They can happen with or without warning. They can leave you feeling lost, angry, sad, devastated and fearful. It takes a toll on your mental and sometimes physical health. Our guest shares his personal experience of being affected by a tornado. He was not home when their condo was hit. He opens up about what it was like and his grief on losing his home. So this episode will focus on grief after a tornado. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Losing someone to addiction

Send us a Text Message. Grief is something you can’t avoid. It comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes we grieve because we could not save someone no matter how hard we tried. Today we are talking about loss due to addiction. I read that something like 46 million Americans struggle with addiction, but many don’t get the treatment they need. Maybe they don’t realize they need help. Maybe they aren’t sure where to start or think they cannot afford it. Or maybe they have tried. Our guest shares her story of losing her husband to addiction and the grief that followed. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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House Fire Grief part 2

Send us a Text Message. Trigger Warning: Some of the sounds and or conversation could be triggering for those who have experience fires. Adult language is used. A Lot. Our guest, Angela, continue her story of her condo fire. We pick up on the next morning and she recounts what happened the next day, weeks and months. Please visit our webpage for fire safety tips and how to donate to the Maui fire victims Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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House Fire Grief

Send us a Text Message. What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and your home is on fire? Our guest Angela shares her story of the night her condo was on fire. She recounts that night and next day in such a way that you feel all the feelings with her. Trigger warning: some of the sounds and descriptions might be a trigger to those who have survived a fire. Some adult language is used. a lot. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Losing Your Dad

Send us a Text Message. Today we are going to share another story regarding losing a parent. There are so many ways to experience grief and loss. Our guest Leah tells the loss of her dad and her thoughts on grief. She shares her story with such love, and peacefulness. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Dementia Grief part 2

Send us a Text Message. Join us as we chat with guest Sherry Etzel regarding more conversations around dementia and grief. The costs, the care, the worry. Just to name a few. My dad is new to memory care. I know I am not alone as a child of aging parent but it is a hard topic. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Remembering loved ones

Send us a Text Message. This episode is about ways we can remember our loved ones. AND why I think it's important to share our memories of them. My late husband died five years ago May 3rd. I am still learning ways to blend my past with my future. I am a work in progress...aren't we all? Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Dementia Grief

Send us a Text Message. Overwhelmed. Scared. Angry. Sad. I am talking about dementia. It can change the way the brain and body thinks and behaves. It is an illness that affects not just the patient but their friends and family too.. Memory , speech and motor skills are some of the things the patient loses. You feel like you lost your loved one WAY before they actually die. Our guests share their experiences from a caregiver prespective. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Friend Loss Grief

Send us a Text Message. The Lucy to your Ethel. Abbott to your Costello. Thelma to your Louise. Damon to your Affleck. Snoop Dog to your Martha Stewart. Best friends are a wonderful thing. They really know you and love you anyway. But what happens when you drift apart and lose that friendship. Today we will hear from a friend of mine that went through a friend loss. Not because they died but because they grew apart. Not all grief is death related but can hurt very much. Richard and his best friend started off strong but as life took them on different journeys they grew apart. He joins us today to share his story. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Job Loss Grief

Send us a Text Message. That sick feeling when you get a vague email or call from your boss that they want to meet with you. On a Friday. At 4 pm. What could it be? Am I getting let go? Oh crap what am I going to do? Will I be able to find another job? Rent is due soon. Damn. I shouldn’t have splurged on those concert tickets. ARGGHHH! Then you think ok maybe I am overthinking this. Just be cool. Then it actually happens. Join our guests as we talk about all the feelings that go with losing your job. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Celebrities and Death

Send us a Text Message. When a famous person dies we sometimes mourn even though we never met them. This episode talks about how and why we mourn. Please join me as we chat with writer, actor and producer Joey Dietz. If you or someone you know is in crisis you may Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline) at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741). Both services are free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram


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Break Up Grief Part 2

Send us a Text Message. It's not you. It's me. We need to talk. We should just be friends. It's over. We are not getting back together. Breakups suck. Divorce sucks. When a relationship ends we grieve. Sometimes I think that type of grief gets forgotten because it did not involve a physical death. We grieve a relationship because we had a close connection, a bond with another person that only the two of you will completely understand. I mentioned in a previous episode that love and grief sometimes go hand in hand. We grieve because we loved. Now it may not always stay love but it was probably there in the beginning. This is part 2 of break up grief. Support the Show. Grief and Frozen Lasagnas is part of Patronica Productions. Music and sound designed by Patrick Gary and the musical talents of The Sideshow Symphony. To hear this and other music by The Sideshow Symphony, go to or find them on Apple Music or the streaming service of your choice. Visit us at Find us on FB and Instagram
