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4:13 Podcast with Jennifer Rothschild

Health & Wellness Podcasts

If you are deep in the trenches of life and looking for hope-filled encouragement and practical wisdom, this podcast is for you. With her down-to-earth style, blind author Jennifer Rothschild offers practical encouragement and biblical insight to help you live the "I Can" life of Philippians 4:13 (“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"). Each episode, Jennifer answers real-life 4:13 questions like, "Can I overcome my fear?" or "Can I find balance?" You won't find just a cheery “Yes you can”—you will hear a confident and compassionate “Yes, you can—and here’s how." You will gain the inspiration and help you need to be and do more than you feel capable of! So, if you could use some practical encouragement, join Jennifer and her “Seeing-Eye Guy” KC for the 4:13 Podcast—it’s just 2 friends, 1 topic, and 0 stress. Podcast Website + Show Notes: 413podcast.com


United States


If you are deep in the trenches of life and looking for hope-filled encouragement and practical wisdom, this podcast is for you. With her down-to-earth style, blind author Jennifer Rothschild offers practical encouragement and biblical insight to help you live the "I Can" life of Philippians 4:13 (“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"). Each episode, Jennifer answers real-life 4:13 questions like, "Can I overcome my fear?" or "Can I find balance?" You won't find just a cheery “Yes you can”—you will hear a confident and compassionate “Yes, you can—and here’s how." You will gain the inspiration and help you need to be and do more than you feel capable of! So, if you could use some practical encouragement, join Jennifer and her “Seeing-Eye Guy” KC for the 4:13 Podcast—it’s just 2 friends, 1 topic, and 0 stress. Podcast Website + Show Notes: 413podcast.com



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#301: Can I Find Comfort When My Heart Is Breaking? [Summer Sizzle]

It's summer and it's hot! So that means it’s time for our hottest episodes on the 4:13 … something I like to call “Summer Sizzle.” For the next five weeks, we’re featuring your most shared episodes of the podcast, and that includes Episode 35: “Can I Find Comfort When My Heart is Broken?” We’ve all experienced grief, perhaps varying degrees of it, so in this conversation, KC and I get practical about how God comforts you when your heart is breaking. You’ll discover that God’s comfort doesn’t erase your grief. It absorbs it. His comfort doesn’t make your sorrow less. It makes your capacity to face it greater. And God’s comfort helps you walk through grief and sorrow with hope. There’s a reason this episode is one of the most shared! It’s encouraging, real, and will give you some truth to tuck in your heart when you need it most. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/301 FREE DOWNLOAD: Get your “With You” Scriptures for comfort printable HERE.


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#300: Can I Pray Scripture Over the People I Love? With Sharon Jaynes

Prayer doesn’t come easy for everyone. Whether we’re praying for ourselves or for someone else, it can be such a thing, can’t it? Well, it doesn’t have to be. Author Sharon Jaynes is back on the 4:13 to teach us how to pray for the people we love! And you are going to love this because it’s memorable and something you can do each time you interact with your loved ones! Sharon introduces a framework to pray for all your people from head to toe—from their eyes and ears (or what enters their mind) all the way down to their feet (or the path that lies ahead). Plus, she’ll help you understand the importance of prayer and give you a gentle reminder that prayer isn’t a means of gaining control over that person but relinquishing control to God. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/300


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#299: Can I Build a Strong and Beautiful Life? With Anh Lin

We all long for lasting peace and stability, whether we’re healing from painful memories, grieving a recent loss, or simply trying to find a quiet path forward in a chaotic world. So today on the 4:13, author Anh Lin vulnerably shares how she rebuilt her life following the instability and trauma of her early years. With Christ as her new foundation, she built a framework anchored in biblical truth—which ended up being the beginning of her “forever home.” Anh shares the good news that renewal is possible for you too, giving you the blueprint for your own forever home in Christ. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/299


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#298: Spill the Beans LIVE with Annie F. Downs and Laura Story [Fresh Grounded Faith Plant City, FL]

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? What do you do to unwind? What’s your favorite smell or sound? These are just a few of the questions we were asked as we sat around the bistro table in Plant City, Florida at a Fresh Grounded Faith event. Author and podcaster Annie F. Downs and singer-songwriter Laura Story were with me, and these women gave so much insight and inspiration when we spilled the beans. We talked about the importance of hanging out with a small group, how I preserve memories when I can’t see pictures, and if you have to be an extrovert to go into ministry. Plus, we were asked about how to deal with disappointment when a deep longing remains unfulfilled, as well as how to show yourself grace when you feel like a failure. This conversation was deep and wise, encouraging and fun, and it would be even better if you joined us. So pull up your chair at the bistro, and let’s spill some beans. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/298


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#297: Can I Persevere When I Want to Quit? With Nick Connolly

With each wave of resistance in life, it can be so tempting to simply give up—to quit the calling, to leave the relationship, to walk away from all the dreams God may have placed on your heart. But according to today’s guest, Pastor Nick Connolly, God hasn’t let go of you, so you do not want to let go either. Nick will help you choose persistence in the face of resistance, find renewed energy and faith, and confidently pursue the promise of who God made you to be. Plus, he’ll get real practical about how you can outlast discouragement and discover a resilience you never thought was possible. So, don’t give up yet! SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/297


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#296: Can I Survive the End of the World As I Know It? With Amy Lively

When your life is turned upside down and you realize it’s the end of your hopes and dreams … your plans and ambitions … what you thought life would be like, it can seem like the end of the world. Or at least the world as you know it. Whether it’s a personal crisis, national chaos, or global catastrophe, it can feel like all hope is lost. But, my friend, hope is not lost, and today, Bible teacher Amy Lively is here to pour you a venti-sized cup of hope. She’ll guide you through the beautiful story of Peter and show you how to set your hope on Christ alone. And you’ll discover that when the end of the world as we know it looms, it’s just the beginning of the power of Jesus. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/296


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#295: Can I Build a Resilient Faith for a Resilient Life? With Jay Hewitt

After a devastating brain cancer diagnosis, today’s guest, Jay Hewitt, had a decision to make: Should he give up on his faith or practice what he preached and trust that with God, all things are possible? Well, if he’s on the 4:13, you know the decision he made! But what he did and how he did it will totally bless you and teach you how you can face hard things too. Faith in action for Jay included competing in an IRONMAN triathlon while undergoing cancer treatment. Incredible, right? Well, perhaps an IRONMAN isn’t for you, but what it represents certainly applies. Jay’s race serves as a call to resilience for all of us! So, get ready to unleash your superpower, because the same power God put in Jay is the power He’s placed in you! It’s Christ’s power that gives you strength, so even when you are weak, through Christ you are strong. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/295


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#294: Can I Find a Path Through Pain to Healing? With Ed and Lisa Young

Most of us spend our lives avoiding pain at every turn, so when we do experience it, it can send us into a tailspin. We can begin to question why God even allows it, why He doesn’t stop it, and if we can really trust Him in it. Well, bestselling authors and pastors of Fellowship Church, Ed and Lisa Young, know the kind of pain most of us hope never to experience—the death of a child. And on today’s episode, they’ll share how they went from sorrow and anger to hope and healing. This conversation is real, raw, and so incredibly relevant to where we all live as we face pain, regret, and grief. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/294


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#293: Can I Trash Expectations and Still Be Happy? With Amanda Held Opelt

What does it mean to be blessed? Are Christians automatically entitled to happiness, fulfillment, and perfect peace? Does God’s presence guarantee us emotional ease amidst suffering? Wow! Those are some very interesting questions, aren’t they? Well today, you are about to get far more than interesting answers. You are going to be enlightened and inspired as we talk about our expectations of what a life of faith should feel like when facing difficulties. Author Amanda Held Opelt joins us and shares her own experience of loss and grief. And, like so many others, she expected her faith to cushion her from the pains of life. But when it didn’t, she was left disappointed and disillusioned. So today, she debunks the myth that if you’re struggling, something must be wrong. She’ll explain what the emotional prosperity gospel is, adjust your expectations of how faith shows up in your feelings, and help you reimagine what it really means to be “blessed.” SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/293


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#292: Can I Turn My Setbacks Into Steps Forward? With Dr. Gregory Jantz

Most of us grow up thinking failure is bad. And, let’s face it, it never feels good! Failure—and all the bad feelings that go with it—are real, like unemployment, bankruptcy, and divorce, just to name a few. Over time though, we might stop thinking we’ve failed at something and instead start believing we are failures. But, according to today’s guest, failure is never final. Dr. Gregory Jantz is back on the 4:13 to remind us that God’s view of success has more to do with who we are than what we do. He’ll not only help you redefine failure, but also give you strategies and paradigm shifters to turn every setback into a stepping stone. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/292


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#291: Can I Love Myself Unconditionally? With Melissa Johnson

According to a survey, 97% of women have at least one “I hate my body” moments in a day. That’s a staggering statistic! Well, the beauty and diet industry just loves that, and in fact, they work hard to create those moments so you’ll buy their books or products or lies! But what if we rejected their lies and the false beauty narrative that exists in our culture? What if we embraced the truth about what God says about us and could break free from self-scrutiny and judgment? Well, my friend, get ready! Because author and therapist Melissa Johnson is here to expose the lies that fuel those “I hate my body” moments. She’ll repair the broken beauty narrative that teaches you to look for the flaws and instead help you see the true, authentic beauty you’ve always had. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/291


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BONUS: Talking Story With Karen Kingsbury

Today I’m “talking story” with the one and only Karen Kingsbury! “Talking story” is a phrase I learned in Hawaii, and it’s when you have a casual conversation with someone. You know—hang out, shoot the breeze, and just tell stories. Well, since Karen is one of the best storytellers I know who also happens to be a #1 New York Times best-selling author, I thought there’s no better person to “talk story” … about story! We chatted about how she creates her stories, all the elements of story, the power of story, and the impact of story in your life. Plus, this storytelling mastermind shares how she has taken one of her most beloved stories to the big screen. That’s right! Karen is now a film producer! You are going to love this behind-the-scenes conversation with Karen, and what she shares will inspire you to take risks, trust the Lord, and make the most of each day. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/Karen


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#290: Can I Make Anxiety Behave? With Sissy Goff

Anxiety has an amazing ability to spread. It is downright contagious! And if you’re dealing with it, it's likely affecting your people, distracting you in the present, and making you feel like it will define your whole future. But how do you know if it’s anxiety or just a deep concern for the things you care about? Well today, author and counselor Sissy Goff will give you three questions to ask yourself, and your answers will help you know if your worry has morphed into anxiety. Plus, she’ll give you practical, well-researched tools to make your anxiety behave! It’ll make such a big difference in your life and the lives of the people you love. It’s time to stop spreading anxiety and make peace contagious instead. So let’s go… SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/290


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#289: Can I Choose Words That Speak Life and Give Grace? With Sarah Molitor

Do you ever have moments when your words get the best of you? Maybe it’s complaining or yelling when deep down, you really want to be a person who speaks with kindness and grace. Maybe you know how much your words hurt, but you say them anyway because it feels good in the moment. Or maybe you spout off, shut down, or spit out some ugly words without even thinking about it. Whatever your “maybe” may be, you’re in the right place. Today on the 4:13, author Sarah Molitor shares some tough lessons she learned about how words can hurt—but they can also help and heal. She’ll give you practical tools to help you choose your words so they reflect the heart of Jesus. Plus, I’ll finish this episode with a song asking God to help us use our words well, so be sure to listen to the very end. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/289


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#288: Can I Drop the Good Mom Myth? With Alli Worthington

Raising kids who are spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy is what every parent wants to do, right? But when everyone else seems to be doing it better than we are, it leaves us full of doubt and worry: “Am I doing it right?” “Is what I’ve done enough?” “Is it my fault they’re struggling?” In comes the mom guilt, mom shame, and mom burnout, which can show up whether you’re surrounded by toddlers or teens, or many years into sitting on an empty nest. But they don’t have to! Today, author and podcaster Alli Worthington gives some straight talk to all the moms about what happens when you carry the “motherload” and start believing the “good mom” myths. She’ll not only build your confidence as a parent, but also help you break free from the pressure you were never intended to carry. It’s time to rediscover the beauty and joy in the sacred art of motherhood, which viewed through the lens of the gospel is grace-filled and guilt-free. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/288


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#287: Can I Chill Out About What I Eat? With Leslie Schilling

Diet culture is everywhere! It lurks in schools, medical offices, and even in our churches. We're even sold well-meaning messages wrapped in Bible verses that are actually rooted in diet culture. Well today, dietitian and nutrition therapist Leslie Schilling will help you recognize diet culture myths, fight the lies you've been told, and discover the truth about your health, well-being, and how God sees you. She’ll help you embrace your unique shape, trust your divine design, and use that good body of yours to enjoy the life God gave you. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/287


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BONUS: Can I Practice the Presence of Jesus? With Joni Eareckson Tada

“Suffering has a way of heaving you beyond the shallows of life where your faith feels ankle-deep. It casts you out into the fathomless depths of God.” These profound words were written by an incredible woman and one of my heroes of the faith, Joni Eareckson Tada, who I’m super pumped to have on the podcast today because if anybody knows about the “I Can” life of Philippians 4:13 … it’s Joni. If you haven’t heard of her, she survived a diving accident when she was a teenager that left her totally paralyzed. That incident changed her life forever, but for the past several decades, God has used her to help others in similar situations and inspire countless people around the world. And today she’s going to inspire you and our entire 4:13 family. Because on this very special BONUS episode, Joni talks about how you can experience the nearness of God in your life—something she does every day using the principles taught by Brother Lawrence in his ancient book, The Practice of the Presence of God. Both Joni and Brother Lawrence discovered the secret to peace and joy regardless of their circumstances, and my friend, you can too! SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/Joni


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#286: Can I Break Up with What Broke Me? With Christian Bevere

It's time to stop letting your past define your future. Easier said than done, right?! Especially when your past includes bad choices that haunt you. But here’s the good news… Today’s episode is an invitation to liberation, a chance to break up with what has broken you and kept you dogged by shame. Author Christian Bevere explains how shame and regret often hold us back from where we're called to be, but they don’t have to have power over us anymore. Today you’ll learn to leave your less for more, silence shame’s lies, and step into the restored story God has for you. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/286


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#285: Can I Meet Healthy Needs in Healthy Ways? With Tommy Brown

Deep within each of us is a longing for acceptance, significance, and provision. Ultimately we’re asking, “Will I have enough? Am I enough? And do I matter?” Well, did you know the answers to all three questions can be found in the temptations of Christ? That’s right! So today, author Tommy Brown will pull back the curtain on Christ’s temptations to reveal how they represent your greatest needs. And, even better, he’ll give you practical mindsets and tools to help you invite God to meet all those needs instead of striving, performing, and white-knuckling your way through. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/285


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#284: Spill the Beans LIVE with Tammy Trent and Shaun Groves [Fresh Grounded Faith Greenville, SC]

We are coming to you LIVE from a Fresh Grounded Faith event in Greenville, South Carolina, where I’m spilling the beans with two of my good friends, Shaun Groves and Tammy Trent. We’re talking about knowing your calling, giving grace when someone disappoints you, and dealing with depression. Plus, Tammy speaks a good word of encouragement to the ladies who are single or single again. Oh, and you’ll want to hear about how I climbed the Great Wall of China in the dead of winter on ice, as well as the story of my worst makeup mix-up ever! This was funny, warm, practical, and everything you need to make this day even better! So, pull up your chair to the bistro and let’s spill the beans. SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/284
