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A Higher Branch

Health & Wellness Podcasts

A Higher Branch Podcast is created for people who want to continuously upgrade their life. You will learn proven mindset tools to help you stay motivated and practical techniques to help you overcome fears and obstacles that often stop you from taking daily action. It is based on a proprietary operating system for living developed by Sam Makhoul over 30 years including The 8 areas of life and the Circle fo Conscious Living. Sam Makhoul holds a Master of Laws degree and is Founder and managing director of MSA National, a law company specializing in banking. His clients include numerous Australian and international financial institutions including Westpac, Macquarie Bank and National Australia Bank. As an entrepreneur he has started and sold over 7 successful businesses over his career and is credited with some of the most effective business strategies during volatile economic conditions. He is married with three children and lives in Sydney, Australia. With a curiosity that makes him see the potential in people, Sam has a unique blend of experience across many areas including business strategy, product development, sales and marketing, customer experience, staff engagement, technology and financial accounting. His ultimate strength is in his ability to bring the best out of people and mentoring them to their personal greatness. He has amassed a vast knowledge in areas such as health, fitness, cognitive behavioural therapy, and how the mind affects the body. If you are ready for an outright revolution of transformation in your life, tune in to A Higher Branch podcast. Sam also interviews some of the greatest thought leaders of our time including Dr Guy Winch, David Goggins, Jim Kwik, Dr Jenn Mann and many more. For more information visit us at www.ahigherbranch.com and www.sammakhoul.com




A Higher Branch Podcast is created for people who want to continuously upgrade their life. You will learn proven mindset tools to help you stay motivated and practical techniques to help you overcome fears and obstacles that often stop you from taking daily action. It is based on a proprietary operating system for living developed by Sam Makhoul over 30 years including The 8 areas of life and the Circle fo Conscious Living. Sam Makhoul holds a Master of Laws degree and is Founder and managing director of MSA National, a law company specializing in banking. His clients include numerous Australian and international financial institutions including Westpac, Macquarie Bank and National Australia Bank. As an entrepreneur he has started and sold over 7 successful businesses over his career and is credited with some of the most effective business strategies during volatile economic conditions. He is married with three children and lives in Sydney, Australia. With a curiosity that makes him see the potential in people, Sam has a unique blend of experience across many areas including business strategy, product development, sales and marketing, customer experience, staff engagement, technology and financial accounting. His ultimate strength is in his ability to bring the best out of people and mentoring them to their personal greatness. He has amassed a vast knowledge in areas such as health, fitness, cognitive behavioural therapy, and how the mind affects the body. If you are ready for an outright revolution of transformation in your life, tune in to A Higher Branch podcast. Sam also interviews some of the greatest thought leaders of our time including Dr Guy Winch, David Goggins, Jim Kwik, Dr Jenn Mann and many more. For more information visit us at www.ahigherbranch.com and www.sammakhoul.com





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Season Finale - Why You Should Start Writing Your Life Story

Sam delves into the profound journey of writing your first book, not just as a project, but as a pivotal act of self-discovery and personal growth. He emphasises that the most impactful book you'll ever read is the one you write, as it reflects your unique wisdom and life experiences. Sam shares his personal story and the invaluable frameworks he developed to enhance the 8 areas of life. He dispels the myths around writing, reassuring you that everyone has a story worth telling, regardless of their background or perceived obstacles. The episode offers practical steps to begin writing, centered around introspection and journaling life's lessons across various aspects, such as health, love, and work. Sam stresses that writing is a personal journey of self-discovery, not about gaining fame or impressing others. Sam encourages everyone to embrace their daily experiences as opportunities for growth and storytelling. He reminds listeners that writing their book is not just about leaving a legacy, but also about undergoing a life-changing process of self-exploration.


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How I Discovered Life Balance

Sam tackles the often misunderstood concept of work-life balance, replacing it with a more holistic and fulfilling approach to living. Discover the profound insights and practical strategies to manage and prioritise the critical aspects of your life: health, relationships, work performance, and finances, without neglecting any. Drawing from his transformative talk at the "Upgrade Your Life" event in 2020, Sam shares his personal journey and the defining moments that led him to create the eight areas of life framework. This episode isn't just about identifying what's wrong; it's about providing solutions. Sam offers a clear, actionable framework to achieve a balanced, fulfilling life. Engage in a thoughtful activity to prioritise the eight life areas and align your time and energy with your true priorities. Discover how setting goals and dreams in each area can lead to an explosion of energy, allowing you to live more holistically and abundantly. This episode promises to reshape your understanding of success and guide you towards a life of completeness and fulfillment. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life.


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3 Reasons You Have Low Energy

Sam unravels the mystery behind low energy levels and presents a guide to harnessing an infinite source of vitality. Energy, is not just a component of our well-being; it's the cornerstone of our success or downfall. In this episode, Sam shares his insights, personal anecdotes, and the wisdom garnered from his life's experiences and coaching sessions to shed light on the three main culprits of low energy and the actionable strategies to combat them. Dive into the heart of the matter as Sam discusses the importance of doing the right things, eating the right foods, and nurturing positive thoughts. Explore the eight areas of life—health, love, family, work, friendship, learning, wealth, and charity—and understand how misalignments in these areas can deplete your energy. Learn from the captivating story of Sam's daughter at the beach, a profound moment that revealed the intrinsic link between happiness and energy. This episode doesn't just highlight the problems; it offers solutions. Discover the antidotes to energy-draining habits: aligning with your heart's purpose, indulging in clean eating, and adopting clean thinking. Understand the power of exercise, words, and meditation in transforming your mental landscape and boosting your energy levels.


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What Does It Mean To Love Yourself

In this insightful episode of "A Higher Branch," host Sam McCool tackles the often misunderstood concept of self-love. With a blend of wisdom from his book and personal insights, Sam debunks the clichés surrounding self-love, emphasizing its crucial role in enhancing all eight areas of life. He introduces listeners to the "Tree of Love," part of a unique framework that symbolizes the importance of balancing self-love with love for others. Sam shares practical tips and a Higher Branch method to genuinely love oneself, advocating for a holistic approach to life by nurturing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. As the episode unfolds, Sam guides listeners on how to live fully and consciously, ensuring a life of harmony and growth in every aspect. Tune in to "A Higher Branch" and embark on a journey to understand and embrace the true essence of loving yourself.


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How To Use The 3 Laws Of The Universe

In this enlightening episode, Sam delves into the profound realms of the three universal laws and their pivotal role in achieving what he terms "effortless success." With the wisdom of a seasoned life traveler and the freshness of millennial insights, Sam navigates through the complexities and simplicities of the Law of Attraction, the Law of Creation, and the Law of Detachment. He shares not only his lifelong adherence to these laws but also the common pitfalls and how to skillfully avoid them. From the power of creative visualisation to the courage in action and the serenity in detachment, Sam offers a rich tapestry of personal anecdotes, practical tips, and transformative strategies. Whether you're navigating the nuances of love, health, work, or personal growth, this episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone seeking to harmonise their inner aspirations with the external universe.


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Conquer Stress With These Latest Techniques

In this episode Sam brings forward invaluable techniques to help listeners manage and adapt to stress, building on the last 2 episodes. In this episode Sam shares a comprehensive guide to handling life's inevitable stressors, emphasising that while stress is a universal experience, our response to it defines our journey. The episode unfolds as a treasure trove of practical tips, from the power of mindful breathing and movement to the therapeutic effects of music, journaling, and meditation. Sam doesn't stop at the basics; he dives deeper, presenting advanced strategies like embracing gratitude, tackling supplements wisely, and understanding the soothing impact of physical touch and laughter. With his decades of research and personal insights, reminds us that managing stress isn't about eliminating it entirely but rather mastering the art of living with it. Transform your approach to stress, ensuring it fuels rather than hinders your life's journey.


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8 Emotional Stress Triggers

In this episode Sam tackles the topic of emotional stress, building on his previous discussion about physical stress. This episode, dives into how our thoughts and emotions interact and why it's crucial to recognise and manage these stressors to maintain our mental health. Drawing from his own life experiences, Sam shares personal insights and explores eight key triggers that can lead us into negative thinking patterns. He addresses various stressors, from the impact of toxic relationships to the weight of holding onto past regrets, offering listeners practical advice on navigating these challenges. Tune in to discover how to manage stress and transform your daily experiences into a more fulfilling journey.


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Avoid These 6 Stress Triggers

Sam explores the intricacies of physical, mental, and emotional stress that have persisted throughout human history. In this episode and the ones to follow, Sam delves into the six triggers for physical stress, the eight triggers for mental and emotional stress, and ultimately shares 15 techniques to help you not just cope but thrive under pressure. Sam emphasises the profound impact of mental and emotional stress on modern humanity, explaining that despite advancements in eliminating physical stress, the subtler and more insidious mental and emotional stresses persist. The podcast draws on Sam's personal experiences and over 28 years of research, focusing on stress management as a key determinant of success and fulfillment. Sam introduces six physical stresses, emphasising the importance of identifying and understanding these triggers. The stresses range from the foods we eat, the impact of shallow breathing, to the subtle yet significant electromagnetic frequencies we encounter daily. Sam's approach involves highlighting the interconnectedness of physical well-being and mental and emotional health. Listeners can anticipate gaining valuable insights into their own stress triggers and the tools needed to adapt and thrive. Sam guides you through the path of self-awareness, stress identification, and ultimately, a holistic approach to leading a successful and fulfilling life. Don’t miss the next two episodes of the series!


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Start Saying No To These Things

Sam delves into the essential resources: time, money, and energy. Uncover the secrets to ultimate success by learning to say no to the things that drain these precious resources. Join Sam as he navigates through the eight areas of life, offering practical examples and insights on what to say no to. From physical well-being, cognitive health, and emotional balance to love, family, friendship, work, learning, and wealth, Sam shares his personal experiences and actionable advice. Discover how saying no to late-night snacking, excessive technology use before bedtime, binge-watching TV, toxic relationships, unnecessary meetings, retail therapy, and excessive debt can lead to a revolution of transformation in just seven days. As a reformed distraction enthusiast, Sam's journey and newfound ability to say no have enabled him to focus on his goals and eliminate distractions. Learn how you, too, can reclaim control over your time, money, and energy.


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Q&A: Should Introverts Socialise Less?

Over the past few weeks, our episodes have ignited debates, sparked objections, and received acknowledgment. Today's episode is all about engaging with you, to address some of the intriguing questions that have surfaced. In a recent episode, Sam discussed powerful tips for upgrading your life in 2024 and shed light on the secrets to living to 100, emphasising the significance of socialising. While many embraced the idea, some introverts expressed a preference for solitude. Sam, donning his metaphorical lawyer hat, delves into the importance of social connections and aims to convince even the most reserved listeners of the merits of socialising. Sam's eight-area framework explores fundamental human needs, with the Tree of Friendship representing the primal instinct for belonging. Sam addresses objections from introverts, highlighting research that emphasises the health benefits of regular socialising. He emphasises the need for introverts to find a balance by adjusting the duration and intensity of social interactions to suit their preferences. Sam also tackles a question about dealing with toxic family members. He advocates setting boundaries to prioritise your health and happiness, stressing the importance of the relationship you have with yourself as the foundation for a fulfilling life. The episode further explores the challenge of sticking to New Year's resolutions. Sam provides insights into the psychology of goal-setting, emphasising the need for goals that truly inspire and the importance of daily rituals and systems for maintaining motivation. To keep the conversation going, please reach out with questions, comments, or objections.


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21 Tips To Live To 100 - Part 2

A wealth of wisdom accumulated over 30 years of dedicated research into living a healthy and successful life. In this enlightening two-part series, Sam divulges 21 transformative tips on how to live to 100, drawing from his passion for human potential and well-being. In the second part of the series, Sam delves into essential lifestyle habits, from functional movement and hydration to the significance of mental well-being through meditation. This podcast offers actionable insights and practical advice to help you enhance your overall health and longevity. Discover the secrets to a quality life, irrespective of the number of years, as Sam discusses the importance of self-awareness, embracing change, and giving back to others. Whether you're a longtime listener or a newcomer to 'A Higher Branch,' Sam's enthusiasm and well-researched tips are sure to inspire positive changes in your life.


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21 Tips To Live To 100 - Part 1

Sam delves deep into the secrets of longevity and well-being. From setting meaningful long-term goals to the importance of socialising, Sam shares meticulously researched lifestyle tips that promise to sharpen your mind, fortify your body, and pave the way for a long, happy life. As Sam unfolds the 21 tips he has gathered over three decades of research, each nugget of wisdom is delivered with a personal touch and a commitment to living consciously. The episode covers diverse topics, ranging from the significance of maintaining healthy relationships and regular travel to the impact of waking at sunrise and sleeping close to sunset. Sam's expertise shines as he emphasises the importance of aligning your diet with your heritage and the holistic approach to nutrition based on individual genetic makeup. Listeners will be captivated by Sam's engaging narrative as he shares anecdotes, scientific insights, and practical advice to empower individuals on their quest to reach 100. The episode also touches on the significance of laughter, continuous learning, novelty, and the rejuvenating power of afternoon naps. This captivating installment sets the stage for the second part of the series, promising even more life-altering tips to elevate your overall well-being. 24 Tips to Upgrade Your Life - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0VqV8aqfqOVk52PiA8nFR2?si=UhpppJ7jT8e-0nC7h1yTCg Please note; Tips are a general guide only. You should always consult with your healthcare professional for more specific advice.


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3 Toxic Things That Wreck Your Energy

In this insightful session, Sam delves into the paramount importance of managing one's energy levels, asserting that energy is the new currency for the 21st century. Drawing from his extensive experience as a lawyer and keynote speaker, Sam highlights the crucial role energy plays in achieving success. The core of this episode revolves around identifying and eliminating the factors that lead to wasted energy. Sam introduces the three main sources of energy depletion: toxic living, toxic people, and toxic thinking. Through a detailed exploration of each category, he guides listeners on recognising and addressing these energy-draining elements. Toxic living, as Sam describes, involves assessing what you eat, how you sleep, and the type of exercise you engage in. He refrains from prescribing specific practices but encourages eliminating processed foods, excessive alcohol or caffeine intake, and inadequate sleep. Moving on to toxic people, Sam bravely confronts the challenge of setting boundaries with individuals who drain your energy. He provides a comprehensive list of traits exhibited by toxic people, urging listeners to limit exposure, avoid sharing vital information, and resist divulging personal goals to maintain a healthier energy balance. The final aspect, toxic thinking, explores the negative thoughts that rapidly deplete energy levels. Sam identifies common destructive thought patterns and encourages listeners to redirect their focus towards positive, empowering thinking. He emphasises the profound impact of toxic thinking on one's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy. Sam sheds light on where one should invest their energy, emphasising the eight fundamental areas of life. He outlines the importance of aligning energy expenditure with personal goals and staying present in the moment to recharge effectively. Here is a powerful reminder that energy is not something to run out of but a constant flow that needs to be maintained through proper fueling, movement, and recharging. 4 Signs You Need To Do A Life Reset - https://open.spotify.com/episode/2EL4Pik82kcBYwrEgtpH3i?si=MGJ_tGKsQImm7RkqMLF87A&nd=1&dlsi=137d391ba7524c8b


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The Best Way to Spend Your Money

You work very hard to make money and spending money wisely becomes a challenge. Money is one of three important resources we all need to manage diligently. If you are not skilled at spending money, you will be wasting a very precious resource and putting a lot of stress on yourself and your relationships. How you spend your money defines your wealth. Most people think that saving money is the best way to build wealth, but let me tell you that's half the story. The most successful people on the planet know how to spend it. In today's episode I'm going to share with you two rules to spending money that will help you build the best wealth imaginable.


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Your Three Most Important Resources

There are three resources that I have been managing exceptionally well in my life that has led to my personal and professional success. And these are resources that everyone on the planet has. But the difference between success and mediocrity, is how well we managed these three resources. This is a three part series, and in today's episode, I'm going to reveal the first resource. The best way to manage your time.


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24 Tips to Upgrade Your Life

In this episode, Sam welcomes you to the new year and delves into the transformative changes happening in both the business and personal realms in 2024. Sam compiles 24 essential tips for a successful and fulfilling life in the year of transformation. From letting go of the past to embracing the power of mindset in health, Sam shares practical advice and actionable steps to upgrade your life. Sam emphasises the importance of journaling and guides you through creating lists of life achievements, future goals, and moments of gratitude. He explores the intricate balance of health, focusing on not just the physical aspects but also the impact of mindset on well-being. As Sam unfolds the secrets to thriving in love and relationships, he breaks down the changing dynamics of intimate connections in a fast-paced world. Learn how scheduling intimacy and daily reminders of appreciation can strengthen emotional bond. In the realm of work, Sam uncovers the art of exceeding expectations and the importance of inspiring others through commitment, punctuality, and grace under pressure. He shares valuable tips on effective leadership, emphasising the significance of knowing when to lead and when to follow. Money matters take center stage as Sam provides practical tips on smart spending, building emergency funds, and reviewing financial commitments. Discover the power of saving and investing wisely, as Sam guides you through steps to secure your financial future. This episode is packed with rapid-fire tips and reminders to elevate your life in 2024. From essential daily rituals to the power of learning, Sam leaves you with a treasure trove of insights to navigate the challenges and triumphs of the year ahead.


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The Importance of Timing

'Why' ignites motivation? 'What' clarifies outcomes? 'How' is the process? But WHEN is your point of difference? There is no doubt that we should all start at why. Why sparks the motivation for change that shapes your beliefs and defines your identity. Which is critical for behavioral change. But in my opinion, if you do not get the "WHEN" right, the "why" along with your motivation will disappear behind a sea of inevitable setbacks, energy dips, failures, rejections, hurts, and disappointments.


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Why You Need to Fast from Pleasure

Have you ever wondered why, in an era of abundance and technological convenience, rates of unhappiness, anxiety, and depression are on the rise? Join Sam as he delves into the phenomenon of hedonic adaptation, where the joy from new experiences or possessions fades over time, and our baseline happiness gradually declines. In this episode, Sam shares three powerful techniques to break free from the hedonic cycle and elevate your happiness for the long term. Two of these techniques are derived from psychologists, focusing on gratitude and introducing variety into your life. However, the real gem lies in the third technique, a timeless lesson passed down from Sam's wise grandmother, Rose. Explore the concept of fasting, not just from food but also from life's pleasures. Sam explains how consciously abstaining from things you love—whether it's your favourite food, activity, or even a relationship can bring profound changes to your well-being. This ancient practice, found in various religious traditions, is presented as a universal method to regain control over desires and appreciate life more deeply. Sam's personal anecdotes and experiences add a relatable touch to the podcast, making it a valuable guide for those seeking sustainable happiness in an age of constant stimulation. So, join Sam as he uncovers the secrets to break free from the hedonic treadmill and live a more fulfilled life.


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8 Tips to Work & Business Excellence

In this episode Sam Makhoul shares his extensive business experience and imparts valuable insights on achieving business excellence. Whether you're a business owner, entrepreneur, or part of a business team, these tips can boost motivation and lead to client satisfaction. Sam Makhoul, with over 28 years of business experience, delves into the eight tips for business excellence that he personally follows. He emphasises the importance of not making the business solely about money. Instead, he advocates for focusing on a purpose and mission, citing examples of successful businesses like BMW and Whole Foods that prioritise their mission over profits. The episode covers various essential tips, including not accepting mediocrity, hiring people with skills complementary to yours, continuous learning, and the significance of a rainy day fund. Sam stresses the importance of staying focused on the micro aspects of your business rather than being swayed by macroeconomic factors that are beyond your control. The bonus tip highlights the power of going beyond the call of duty to exceed customer expectations. Sam shares a personal story of delivering documents personally to a client, resulting in a substantial increase in business volume. He encourages businesses to embrace this mindset in the age of empowered customers who share their experiences online. Tune in for actionable tips and a fresh perspective on achieving excellence in your business. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from Sam Makhoul’s wealth of experience and elevate your business to new heights.


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Q&A With Sam "My partner criticises my Self Development"

Join Sam in this engaging Q&A session, where he tackles real-life queries, including the common struggle of handling criticism from a partner regarding self-development. Whether you're navigating the nuances of relationships, seeking balance between fear and love as motivational forces, or pondering the distinctions between tough tasks and wrong actions, Sam provides wisdom to guide you on your personal growth journey. Tune in for insightful responses and empowering perspectives that will resonate with every listener's quest for a more fulfilling life. As mentioned in this episode, here is the link to "How To Turn Fear Into Power" - https://open.spotify.com/episode/7qSJkYHTj5VqpCEC21S50x
