Health & Wellness Podcasts

"The Body is a Temple" Podcast was born from my profound passion for inspiring everyone to live holistically and healthily. I aim to share wisdom and motivation on extending your lifespan and health span in all aspects of life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. After years in the corporate world, I realized that pursuing social expectations wasn't bringing me joy. This realization propelled me to explore health deeply. My adventures took me from Poland to Iceland and then to Mexico, where I am embracing a nomadic lifestyle, continually learning, working, and experiencing the best life. By tuning into "The Body is a Temple," you're joining a movement dedicated to living a life filled with conscious and mindful living. I share my passion for wellness and well-being, hoping to inspire you to live a fulfilling life. Let's embark on this journey together, exploring how to cherish and nurture the incredible vessel that is our body.


United States


"The Body is a Temple" Podcast was born from my profound passion for inspiring everyone to live holistically and healthily. I aim to share wisdom and motivation on extending your lifespan and health span in all aspects of life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. After years in the corporate world, I realized that pursuing social expectations wasn't bringing me joy. This realization propelled me to explore health deeply. My adventures took me from Poland to Iceland and then to Mexico, where I am embracing a nomadic lifestyle, continually learning, working, and experiencing the best life. By tuning into "The Body is a Temple," you're joining a movement dedicated to living a life filled with conscious and mindful living. I share my passion for wellness and well-being, hoping to inspire you to live a fulfilling life. Let's embark on this journey together, exploring how to cherish and nurture the incredible vessel that is our body.





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#079 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] Marco & Amita on Reviving Traditional Tantra and Cultivating Sacred Spaces

In this enlightening episode I'm honored to host Marco and Amita, seasoned practitioners and teachers of traditional Tantra. With nearly two decades of experience, they share their profound insights into the authentic roots of Tantra, distinguishing it from its more widely recognized counterpart, Neo-Tantra. Marco and Amita delve into the essence of traditional Tantra as a holistic spiritual path that transcends mere physical practices, aiming for the dissolution of the ego and the realization of oneness. They emphasize the importance of creating safe, respectful spaces in Tantra teachings, where individuals can explore their spirituality and sexuality without fear or exploitation. Listen in as Marco and Amita discuss the timeless relevance of traditional Tantra practices in addressing the challenges of the modern world, offering practical advice on integrating these ancient teachings into everyday life. This episode is a must-listen for anyone curious about the depths of Tantra or seeking to create more meaningful and safe connections in their spiritual journey. Connect with AUM Tantra Yoga: Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#078 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] Dating Deep Dive: Cultivating Authenticity and Emotional Strength in Relationships with Tim and Will

Hey everyone, Karina here, and I truly feel that 2024 is the year where relationships and dating are hotter topics than ever before. I'm beyond excited to share this special episode of the Body is a Temple podcast with you all. In today's world, where dating seems more complex, I believe it's essential to focus on the foundation of healthy, authentic connections, and that's exactly what we're diving into. In this episode, I've had the incredible opportunity to chat with two amazing coaches, Will and Tim, who are on the forefront of modern healthy dating. Will, with his background in software engineering turned emotional resilience guru, brings a unique perspective on navigating the emotional highs and lows of dating. He shares invaluable insights on building emotional strength and how this can transform the quality of our relationships. Then there's Tim, an approach coach who champions the power of authenticity. He talks about the importance of being genuine in our interactions and how overcoming the fear of approach can lead to extraordinary connections. His advice is a game-changer for anyone looking to find joy and fulfillment in their dating life and beyond. On Body is a Temple, we're all about embracing the journey to self-love and finding genuine connection, and I couldn't be more thrilled to explore these themes with Will and Tim. Their expertise and personal stories have inspired me, and I'm sure they'll do the same for you. So, whether you're navigating the dating scene, looking to deepen existing relationships, or just interested in personal growth, this episode is for you. Join us as we uncover the secrets to modern healthy dating, fostering emotional resilience, and living authentically. It's time to transform how we view and approach dating in 2024, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Welcome to Body is a Temple, where we believe in the power of love, self-discovery, and the endless possibilities that come with truly knowing and valuing ourselves. Let's dive in! You can find Tim & Will here: Instagram Spotify Apple Podcast Google Podcast Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#077 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] Discovering The Power Within - with Tanja Powell from Adventures for Connections

In this enlightening episode of the 'Body is a Temple' podcast, we are thrilled to welcome Tanja Powell, the visionary behind Adventures for Connections, for an intimate exploration of personal transformation, inner strength, and the journey to self-discovery. Join us as Tanja shares her incredible transformation from a successful entrepreneur to a spiritual guide dedicated to helping others unlock their true potential. Key Highlights: Journey of Transformation:The Power of Mindset:Adventures for Connection:Tools for Inner Work:Empowering the Self:Creating a New Reality:Tanja's journey is a testament to the transformative power of self-awareness and intentional living. Her story and insights offer valuable lessons on overcoming challenges, embracing change, and the endless possibilities that open up when we connect deeply with our inner selves. Whether you're an entrepreneur feeling the pull towards something more, someone facing personal challenges, or simply interested in exploring the depths of your own potential, this episode is a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration. Listen to episode #077 of 'Body is a Temple' to embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment with Tanja Powell. Dive deeper into the power within and uncover the secrets to living a life of purpose, joy, and profound connection. Available now on all major podcast platforms. Tune in to discover the power within you. Connect with Tanja: Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#073 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] Liberate Your Potential - Hypnotherapy with Kaia

In this episode profound conversation with Karen (Kaia) Day, a prominent figure in the domain of mind-body-spirit wellness. Kaia's journey, which began with childhood conversations with trees, evolved into a deep exploration of holistic healing. Her early introduction to meditation sparked a passion that led her to integrate mindfulness and mind-body medicine into her studies in empowerment-based mental health. A firm believer in the mind's healing potential, Kaia delved into clinical hypnosis, catalyzing a series of transformative experiences. Through the establishment of the Daybreak Clinic, Kaia provided a sanctuary for holistic psychotherapy and mental health services, significantly impacting numerous lives. Uncover the inception of her groundbreaking Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapy (C.Hyp™) Practitioner training program, fostering a global network of therapists committed to the fusion of mind, body, and spirit in psychotherapy. Join us as we delve into Kaia's insights, her impactful book "Breaking the Worry Trance," and her steadfast faith in ancient psycho-spiritual healing traditions. Immerse yourself in the realm of mindfulness, healing, and the profound potential residing within each of us. Listen to this episode of Body is a Temple on your preferred podcast platform. More: YouTube Channel Karina's UpWork: Support the show If you like the show, please support by sharing with others or/and living a donation. Your support matters to me and helps be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for the better! Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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Discover the transformative power of integrated somatics, psychology of the body, and the innovative Triple Vagal Method® in this episode. We delve into the world of holistic healing and mind-body integration. Meet our extraordinary guest, Dr. Majda Zachari, a trailblazer in the realm of psycho-somatics and healing. As the visionary behind the Integrated Somatic Institute, Majda is on a mission to liberate individuals from the chains of past traumas, empowering them to reclaim their inner harmony. At the heart of the Integrated Somatics Institute lies a commitment to offering unparalleled in-person training and online home study courses in applied psychology, psychosomatics, and bodywork. Majda's unwavering belief in everyone's birthright to inhabit their bodies fully has led her to teach integrated somatic methods to professionals, therapists, body workers, and anyone seeking transformation. Somatics, as Majda passionately explains, transcends conventional therapy. It's a philosophy that recognizes the intricate connection between our physical and mental selves. By exploring facets like neuro-physiology, posture, gestures, and movement, somatics unlocks novel paths to the unconscious, inviting profound healing possibilities. But the journey to pioneering The Triple Vagal Method® has been personal for Dr. Majda Zachari. Confronting her own battles with CPTSD, depression, and generational traumas, Majda's quest for personal healing birthed an innovative approach. Marrying ancient healing practices with contemporary neuroscience theories, The Triple Vagal Method® emerged. It's the culmination of Majda's two decades of expertise in psychology, spiritual practices, and leading life-altering trainings and retreats. Majda's approach is infused with a unique blend of humor and light-heartedness, making deep transformation feel accessible and even enjoyable. Her trainees and clients consistently award her glowing reviews for her refreshing teaching style. So whether you're a seasoned professional aiming to elevate your practice, an advocate of holistic well-being, or simply curious about the boundless potential of mind-body synergy, this episode promises insights that might reshape your perception of healing. Get ready to embark on a journey into the wisdom of The Triple Vagal Method® with the incredible Dr. Majda Zachari. Tune in for an illuminating conversation that might just set you on a new path of holistic understanding. More: Karina's UpWork: Support the show If you like the show, please support by sharing with others or/and living a donation. Your support matters to me and helps be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for the better! Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#071 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] Sound Healing with Jared Bistrong

In today's episode, we will be discussing what sound healing is and how to become a sound healer. First, let's define sound healing. Sound healing is a holistic practice that uses vibrational sound to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It is based on the idea that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration, and when the body and mind are out of balance, they can be restored to their natural state through the use of sound. As a sound healer, Jared has been on the forefront of sound healing exploration for over 20 years. He incorporates a variety of instruments and techniques, including drumming, the didgeridoo, and sound baths, into his sound healing sessions. If you're interested in becoming a sound healer, Jared recommends starting by learning about the different instruments and their healing properties. He also emphasizes the importance of intention setting and creating a safe and supportive space for clients. During a sound healing session, clients can expect to feel deeply relaxed and may experience a range of physical and emotional sensations, such as a release of tension, a sense of peace and clarity, and even spontaneous physical movements. The benefits of sound healing are numerous, including stress reduction, improved sleep, pain relief, increased focus and concentration, and a greater sense of well-being. It is a non-invasive and natural approach to healing that can be used alone or in conjunction with other therapies. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Sound Healing podcast with Jared Bistrong. If you're interested in learning more about sound healing, visit Miami Sound Institute or come to one of the events in Miami. Miami Sound Institute Jared Bistrong Karina's UpWork: Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#070 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] Exploring Spiritual Wellness with Myk Likhov

Join us for a captivating conversation with Myk Likhov, the founder of Modern ŌM, as we dive deep into the intersection of spirituality, business, and community. In this episode, Myk shares his perspective on the importance of grounding spirituality in real life, emphasizing that it is not just about meditation and prayer, but also about creating healthy, abundant relationships no matter what you do. As a wellness entrepreneur, investor, and pioneer for over 15 years, Myk has made it his personal mission to unlock human potential and foster community. He started his career as a venture capitalist before attending The Wharton School, where he launched the iconic yoga brand, Green Monkey. With his expertise and experience, Myk has been recognized as a leader in Mindfulness by various publications, including the Miami Herald, LA Yoga Magazine, MindBodyGreen, and Well & Good. If you are interested in spirituality and its practical applications in daily life, this episode is for you. Listen in as Myk shares his insights on building a thriving spiritual wellness community and creating a life of abundance and meaning. Find out more: 👉 👉 👉 My Top Rated UpWork Profile 👉 Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#069 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] Human Design with Jelena

Welcome to the BODY IS A TEMPLE podcast. Human Design with Jelena, where we explore the fascinating world of Human Design and how it can transform your life. Human Design is a powerful tool that helps you understand your unique gifts, talents, and purpose in life by analyzing your birth chart. In this podcast, we dive deep into the different aspects of Human Design and how you can apply them to live a more fulfilling and authentic life. And I have some exciting news! I'm thrilled to deliver this episode as a video as well. You can watch us on YouTube channel. So whether you prefer to listen or watch, I have got you covered. So get ready to unlock the secrets of your Human Design and discover your body's true potential as a temple. Originally from Latvia, Jelena is an ex-corporate Londoner who now lives in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. She now runs her own business called & also space. The mission of & also space is to empower individuals to connect with their true selves by exploring different modalities. Each person is unique, and she strives to offer diverse practices that help people understand their innermost selves, cultivate self-awareness, and live with intention. One of the key modalities at & also space is Human Design - a practical self-awareness tool that helps us thrive. Calculated using your birth date, time, and place, Human Design reveals your genetic design. Human Design is a great way to get to know yourself deeply. You will understand your unique gifts and skills, how to best use your energy, easily make decisions, and thrive in your career, relationships, and life. Find out more about Jelena: 👉 👉 👉 Youtube podcast recording here. My Top Rated UpWork Profile 👉 Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#068 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] The Systemic Healing Method with Thiago Verardi

Thiago Verardi , the wizard of family dynamics, is a hypnotherapist and creator of the Systemic Healing Method that releases limiting unconscious beliefs and reprograms behavior. His unique hybrid method integrates ancient wisdom with cutting-edge personal development tools for humans to thrive. His childhood spent in the Brazilian Amazon awakened a passion for healing traditions which has lead him on a journey around the world investigating spiritual philosophies and plant medicine. His former practice as a family lawyer and contemporary art curator also shaped his deep understanding of cultural systems. The Systemic Healing Method will release your limiting unconscious beliefs and reprogram your behavior. I integrate ancient wisdom with cutting-edge personal development tools for you to thrive! The Systemic Healing Method is my life work that combines knowledge such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Multidimensional Healing, Akashic Records Readings, Thetahealing, Quantum Physics and Systemic Family Constellations. It is a culmination of the teachings of numerous spiritual philosophies from around the world and my intuition sharpened by a lifestyle of advanced spiritual practices and devotion to self-development. The Systemic Healing Method is a therapeutic approach that aims to address and release limiting unconscious beliefs and reprogram behavior patterns that may be holding individuals back from reaching their full potential. It is based on the idea that our behavior patterns and beliefs are often deeply ingrained in our unconscious mind and can be difficult to change through conscious effort alone. The Systemic Healing Method utilizes a variety of techniques such as guided visualization, somatic experiencing, and family systems therapy to help individuals explore and release these limiting beliefs and patterns. By working with both the conscious and unconscious mind, this approach can help individuals achieve long-lasting transformation and healing. However, it's important to note that while the Systemic Healing Method can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, it may not be effective for everyone. It's always recommended to work with a qualified and experienced therapist or practitioner to determine the best approach for your individual needs and goals. Find out more: Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#067 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] Healing Depression with Psilocybin with Michele Cempaka

Michele Cempaka's life totally transformed after she moved to Bali in 2002. During her 19 years there, she studied and mastered a variety of Healing modalities & Coaching. Her path took a turn in 2007 when she discovered Shamanism; she immersed herself in this deep Spiritual path discovering how everything is interconnected through her journey work into the transcendental realms. Michele was initiated by a Balinese Shaman - Ibu Ayu Cantik to work with two Balinese Helping Spirits who she often calls upon during her healing work for others. In 2020, Michele was activated to become a Medicine carrier. The Spirit of the 'hongos' spoke to her saying that she was ready to facilitate sacred mushroom ceremonies in service to helping others. She began facilitating ceremonies in Bali and continues to hold ceremonies in both Bali & throughout Mexico. Additionally, Michele is a Spiritual & Professional Healer Mentor for healers who want to take their work to the next level. Michele also teaches a variety of workshops in person, which are focused on empowerment and healing. She is currently living in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. Podcast: 'Embodying Your Higher Self: Tools for Conscious Living' _________________________________________________________ PODCAST SUBSCRIPTION PAGE MY FREELANCE UPWORK PROFILE Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#066 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE ] Why You Should Stop Stretching with Yogi Aaron

A new yogic approach to master your body and live pain-free. Creator of the revolutionary approach to yoga — Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ (AYAMA), host of the yoga podcast ‘Stop Stretching’, author of ‘Autobiography of a Naked Yogi’ and the forth-coming book ‘Stop Stretching: Eliminate Pain. Transform Your Life. Fulfill Your Purpose’, and Co-Owner of Blue Osa Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica — I’m here to help you tap into your greatest Self! He has have spent 30+ years studying the ancient teachings of yoga as well as modern and scientific practices that promote pain-free living on all levels of self — physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. His passion is in guiding people back home to their truest self, helping them tap into their limitless potential, eliminate their pain, and live their life’s purpose. Where can you find Yogi Aaron: Link to my affirmation series _________________________________________________________ PODCAST SUBSCRIPTION PAGE MY FREELANCE UPWORK PROFILE Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#065 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE ] Empower Your Brain, Body & Self with Danielle Matthews

In June of 2012 Danielle was hit by a drunk driver and sustained a traumatic brain injury, setting her life on a different course. She learned to take that trauma and shift it into something that fueled her growth. Many people talk about PTSD after trauma, but she shines light on PTG. Post traumatic growth. Rumi says it beautifully in his quote, “The wound is where the light gets in.” Danielle helps people see how all that is unfolding in their life is happening FOR them and encourages people to ask, “what is this challenge making possible?” When you can see that what you go through in life is teaching you to access the strength within you, this is when you begin to open up to the potential laying dormant inside. So many miss the beauty of what challenges bring them, learn to transmute the energy and you will ultimately gain a different appreciation for life, your relationships will depen and your ability to be present and connect in with life will strengthen. Her inspiring story and perspective has touched thousands around the world. Her intention is to use what she learned to impact the lives of others through educating on mindsets, technologies, and techniques that can empower the mind, body and spirit of anyone crossing her path. More about Danielle: _________________________________________________________ PODCAST SUBSCRIPTION PAGE MY FREELANCE UPWORK PROFILE Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#064 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE ] How to be resilient and adapt to every situation with David Falco

In this episode, David is sharing these techniques and tools to cultivate the skill of resilience and adaptation that help him deal with life challenges. He is also sharing his vulnerable story about relation with alcohol and how it influences his life. 40 yr old father of 1 autistic son & a first daughter this last Dec. I came from a divorced household at 7 years old, hopping around 19 different residences from different homes, apartment buildings, trailer park, grandparents & girlfriends' homes, and even a church parsonage. This eliminated any sense of a "home" or stability from a family aspect. Ran away from home 2x due to the complications of a broken family and simply pure rebellion of authority. With over 16 years of experience in the fitness industry with no 'formal' education in exercise science, I went from making a mere 15$ a session in the beginning to now having a multiple-year multi 6 figure online program that spans over the United States, Italy, and Korea. Historically, my life has always been a constant of adjustments and adapting. Over the last 3 years in the fitness industry with the pandemic presented a huge challenge professionally by making a pivot from in person training, to online. For 5 Months I watched our funds bleed out. What made it even more stressful is our first child Zaymund was born in May that same year, just 7 weeks after the lockdowns. This was just the beginning of our challenges that year. Our dog (Which Sasha loved like a child) had passed away a few months after Zaymund was born, She also got laid off from her job WHILE on Maternity leave. And lastly, her grandfather had to have his leg amputated in July that same year. We weren't even allowed to visit inside the hospital for support due to the pandemic. All in all, That year was definitely a huge challenge for us to make adjustments moving forward. Currently my biggest adjustment is living alcohol free. I drank from the age of 19-40. I Came to the realization after making MANY mistakes that the problems were bigger than the 'rewards'. Everything positive in my life was jeopardized by alcohol. My relationship, my business, my fitness. I ended up in jail 3x bc of my misuse. It's a vice I've had to overcome and still battle with mentally. My mission now is to create individuals who redefine their circumstances as BLESSINGS rather than burdens. I help them build courage to pursue their goals, and reframe their minds by identifying & overcoming their limiting beliefs & self sabotage to achieve higher levels of self worth and success. I currently have 8 one hundred lb losers on the resume creating a new one every 2 years. (9 lbs away from number 9). I've helped people reduce their medications, revive their relationships with not only themselves but their family members, and evolve individuals' mindset from victim to trailblazer, by using a simple step by step comprehensive empirical approach that utilizes data to expedite the process of accomplishing their dreams. David's IG _________________________________________________________ PODCAST SUBSCRIPTION PAGE Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#063 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE ] Dreaming Earth into existence with Stacey Murphy

Imagine infinite possibilities for peace and prosperity here on our home planet. If you can dream it, we can build it. Discover leading-edge ideas harmonizing nature and technology in all areas: food, infrastructure, energy, and the department formerly called “waste.” This is Stacey's YouTube channel description. I met her in Puerto Escondido, and I was super inspired by her approach to the holistic lifestyle that also includes business and leadership. Her area of expertise is sustainable agriculture. This is very close to my heart because what I eat is important. I strongly believe that we can create a world where we thrive and where we are connected to nature and take care of the planet. Stacey shares her story of creating a business aligned with a holistic approach and sustainability. How to listen to the whispers of your souls and make your dreams happen. Enjoy the show! Stacey Murphy is an award winning serial entrepreneur, impact investor, and the Founder of Rainbow Spiderwebs, the think tank that helps mission driven organizations exceed the 2030 U.N. climate initiatives with emerging technology. Her experience starting BK Farmyards, a decentralized urban farming network in Brooklyn, led her to consult start-ups using leading edge technology to incentivize clean air, clean water, regenerative agriculture and sustainable living for the planet. Her upcoming book Dreaming Earth: Ideas Inspiring Planetary Cooperation helps organizations transition with ease into a brand new era of the internet. Stacey has been featured in Fast Company, New York Magazine, New York Times, BBC, Good, Martha Stewart Radio, David Letterman, PBS and two TEDx talks on the future of food. ________________________________________________________________________________ Hi, thank you for choosing Body Is A Temple Podcast. A few words about the show and me. It started from my big passion for sharing what I’ve learned about personal development and health, which helped me to create the life of my dreams. I hope that in each episode, you find one thing that can help you improve YOUR life and live YOUR dream life. I currently choose my paradise in Mexico. My main business is marketing services for Wellness. The podcast is my passion project, and I do need support to keep it going. You can do it by choosing a subscription plan or by hiring or recommending me as a freelancer. I have a top-rated profile on UpWork you can find a link in the show notes, great reviews, and a long portfolio. If there is someone you know, or maybe you are looking for a content creator, social media expert, or marketing strategy... here I am! Other than that, enjoy the show and leave a 5 stars review or tell me what I can do to earn a 5-star review. Thank you! PODCAST SUBSCRIPTION PAGE MY FREELANCE UPWORK PROFILE _________________________________________________________ My IG: Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#062 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE ] Tapping, Sustainability, Holistic Habits and Helping Community with Caitlin

I am always thrilled when I can spend time and connect with powerful women. Caitlin is one of them. Even though the main topic of the conversation is how to use tapping to cope with stress and improve your life, it is not the only thing she does. I met Caitlin in Puerto Escondido, where she has lived for almost 12 years. Her way here was exciting. She shares her story about burnout and challenges along the way. We also discuss best holistic practices and rituals, sustainable living, helping the local community in Mexico, and changing the world for the better! Enjoy the show! Who is Caitlin? Caitlin Padgett is a coach and therapist with 11 years of experience working online and hosting in-person experiences in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. She is a certified holistic health and EFT/tapping coach. She is also the founder of ñuu, a coworking and co-living community. She loves to dance and spend time in nature and with her daughter Luna Azul. You can find out more about Caitlin and her projects here: @theycallmecatalina (general, EFT, and lots of dancing ;) @nuu_rinconada (beautiful coworking space in Puerto Escondido) @nuu_puertecito (coliving, coworking, and wellness retreat in development in Puertecito) @helpinghands_pe (volunteer-run community service organization) Web: ________________________________________________________________________________ Hi, thank you for choosing Body Is A Temple Podcast. A few words about the show and me. It started from my big passion for sharing what I’ve learned about personal development and health, which helped me to create the life of my dreams. I hope that in each episode, you find one thing that can help you improve YOUR life and live YOUR dream life. I currently choose my paradise in Mexico. My main business is marketing services for Wellness. The podcast is my passion project, and I do need support to keep it going. You can do it by choosing a subscription plan or by hiring or recommending me as a freelancer. I have a top-rated profile on UpWork you can find a link in the show notes, great reviews, and a long portfolio. If there is someone you know, or maybe you are looking for a content creator, social media expert, or marketing strategy... here I am! Other than that, enjoy the show and leave a 5 stars review or tell me what I can do to earn a 5-star review. Thank you! PODCAST SUBSCRIPTION PAGE MY FREELANCE UPWORK PROFILE _________________________________________________________ My IG: My FB: Podcast IG: Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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# 061 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE ] Sound Healing And Cacao Ceremonies with Alexi

Back to podcasting after a few months break. I'll record some solo episodes soon about what was happening during that time. I'm very happy to be back in service to everyone who is following and listening to BODY IS A TEMPLE. This episode is about cacao and sound healing. Alexi is sharing her personal journey of holistic healing. We've connected here in Puerto Escondido in, Mexico, where she offers many ceremonies and healing modalities. From Switzerland to Mexico. Enjoy the show with Alexi. Alexi' BIO and approach sharma Inner turmoil and physical discomfort brought me to yoga in Nepal and later to other bodywork practices like Emotional Bodywork. The moments of pause and conscious concentration makes my body stronger and more resistant. It makes me feel more comfortable in my skin. With this experience I found myself closer to myself and learn to create a balance on an emotional, intellectual and physical level. In Mexico and Peru I studied plant medicine and was able to deepen my Mexican roots at the same time. The paths of plant medicine and shamanism are sometimes mysterious, but I am learning to walk them with love, ease and humility. With my sharma approach I combine karma with shamanism. Karma describes the concept that every action, physical and spiritual, has a consequence. These consequences can express themselves in different ways and are particularly evident on the physical and material levels. The core idea of shamanism is that every living being - plant, animal and human - carries an energy within itself. Thus we are always moving in the world of energy and in the mystery of life and the universe. sharma combines karma in the form of bodywork such as yoga and emotional bodywork with shamanism and sound healing. The material reality and also the energy world are thus taken into account. This means healing and benefit for body, mind and soul. ​sharma is my personal way of practising spirituality authentically. One foot in the groundedness of the material world and one foot in the mysteries of life and the universe. Where can you find more: ________________________________________________________________________________ Hi, thank you for choosing Body Is A Temple Podcast. PODCAST SUBSCRIPTION PAGE MY FREELANCE UPWORK PROFILE _________________________________________________________ My IG: My FB: Podcast IG: Podcast FB: https:// Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#060 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE ] What is Scalar Light and how it works with Tom Paladino

It seems too good to be true. Can Scalar Light heal all the problems of the word? Yes and no. Is not that simple. The technology itself it's open-source, however, no one besides Tom approach designing a similar device. But what is actually Scalar Light? It is Scalar Light emitted continuously from the Sun of our Solar System, and all the Stars in the Universe. Scalar Light is the animating life force of all spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical activity in the Universe. Scalar Light is omnipresent and serves as the carrier wave of all intelligence and information in the Universe. Scalar light is a quantum frequency emitted continuously from the sun and stars. Tom developed the scalar light instrument to harness the power of this energy, and his method has successfully healed thousands of patients with hormonal disorders, nutrient deficiencies, and autoimmune & viral conditions such as Lyme disease, HIV, Ebola, herpes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria, etc. Listen to my interview with Tom Paladino, who is the leading researcher & humanitarian in the emerging field of Scalar Light Healing. At the intersection of energy healing & modern technology, Tom’s work with Scalar Light represents the future of 5D healthcare. More about Tom and Scalar Light: CLAIM YOUR 15 DAY FREE TRIAL: IG: FB: YT: TWITTER: ________________________________________________________________________________ Hi, thank you for choosing Body Is A Temple Podcast. PODCAST SUBSCRIPTION PAGE MY FREELANCE UPWORK PROFILE _________________________________________________________ My IG: My FB: Podcast IG: Podcast FB: Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#059 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE ] Greg the Hydrogen Men - Why Hydrogen is a Holy Molecule and how is proven by science!

In the beginning sorry for not being the best quality because of the bad internet but things happen. We actually record it a second time because the first time the internet bails me here in Colombia and we had less time and I wasn’t happy about the first recording. Neither the less I’m super excited to share information about hydrogen from someone who is using it for many years. Greg had a lot of health issues and even heart surgery and was struggling a lot. When he first came across hydrogen and researched its healing benefits he couldn't believe it. He thought it was a scam. Too good to be true? Well, listen to his journey with hydrogen. Greg "The Hydrogen Man" or "H Man" is a serious hydrogen therapy guru. The study of molecular hydrogen therapy has been his passion for over 10 years. He is well versed in the extensive health benefits molecular hydrogen provides. His knowledge comes not only from his extensive study but from first-hand experience in his own healing. Greg has been featured on several podcasts including ThriveTime Show with Clay Clark which has been the #1 iTunes business podcast 6 times! Hope & Health with Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood, The Certified Health Nut with Troy Casey, The Right Side with Doug Billings, Syncretism Society with Santos Bonacci, The Truth Unveiled with Paul Oebel, Face the Facts with April Moss, and Up Front In The Prophetic with Francine Fosdick. Additionally, Greg’s Youtube Channel Uprising 144k: The Japanese company we are talking about: Use code “bodyisatemple” to get $100 discount My IG: My FB: Podcast IG: Podcast FB: Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#058 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] How to live Bigger Better Braver Life with Nancy Pickard

Nancy is a woman with a story. She had a perfect life, but..... at one point it collapsed totally and she had to reinvent herself. Prior to her work as a coach, she owned and operated a personal training gym called Tight Ends Inc. She knows what it takes to help people achieve big goals. She holds multiple personal training certifications and has focused on health and wellness for almost 20 years. Her path towards coaching was a natural evolution—she has a BS in Psychology and an MS in Education. What inspires her do to this transition in life was her own divorce and personal challenges. This is how she started to discover ways to live Bigger Better Braver Life. In 2017, she traveled alone in Thailand and Vietnam and undertook her biggest challenge, climbing Kilimanjaro at the age of 61. Coaching others to step out of fear and into bigger versions of themselves is her passion. She is the mother of two grown sons and an active grandmother to three beautiful granddaughters and a one-year-old grandson. She is an avid hiker, biker, skier, and yogi. We are talking about how to uncover your biggest limiting beliefs and transform them into your biggest motivation. More: My IG: My FB: Podcast IG: Podcast FB: Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina


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#057 [THE BODY IS A TEMPLE] Holistic Health & Spirituality with Phillip Mountrose

Imagine how it would feel to create a miraculous life with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. Life is ripe with opportunities, and in this moment, your greatest opportunity may be right where you are now. In this episode, I’m sharing the story of Phillip Mountrose spiritual awakening. It’s not as easy and beautiful as you might things with glitter and unicorns. Phillip had to go through some challenges before he found his path. He had the ambition to become a great film director. Unfortunately, his first movie was a total failure. He is sharing his story of transformation and finding purpose and meaning in life and what is the most important how you can find yours! Pioneers and innovators in the realms of spiritual growth and healing, Phillip Mountrose and his wife Jane Mountrose are holistic coaches, energy healers and authors of numerous books including their new book is The Loving Power of Your Soul: A Guidebook for Realizing Your True Potential. The mission of Awakenings Institute, their non-profit organization, is to facilitate “the unique gifts that each individual brings receive, honor and respect, where all are nurtured in allowing their gifts to blossom.” More: Website Individual clients Free Spiritual Kit Facebook: My IG: Podcast IG: Support the Show. If you like the show please support by sharing with other or/and leaving a donation via PayPal 🙏😊 Your support matters to me and help be deliver you more motivation and inspiration so you can change your life for better! My UpWork Profile: Namaste 📿 Karina
