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Behind The Strength

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Today, we’re feeling more lost, unmotivated, and unhealthier than ever before… We're Christian and Carlo, high school friends and co-founders of Strength-N-U Inc.. At the age of 26, we took just a few thousand dollars and, in less than 6 years, turned it into a multi-million dollar, fitness and therapy business with multiple locations across Greater Toronto Area. We'll share the lessons we learned along the way so you can avoid our mistakes and dramatically improve your health, wealth, and peace of mind. Welcome to Behind The Strength!




Today, we’re feeling more lost, unmotivated, and unhealthier than ever before… We're Christian and Carlo, high school friends and co-founders of Strength-N-U Inc.. At the age of 26, we took just a few thousand dollars and, in less than 6 years, turned it into a multi-million dollar, fitness and therapy business with multiple locations across Greater Toronto Area. We'll share the lessons we learned along the way so you can avoid our mistakes and dramatically improve your health, wealth, and peace of mind. Welcome to Behind The Strength!





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What to do when partners and friends turn thier back on you?

In business, as in life, we all want to grow and move forward. We will encounter people who are extremely loyal to you and the company mission and you will have people who will just use you for their own benefit. In the early stages, you may not recognize this and it will bite you in the ***! In the later stages, you should recognize those loyal ones and cherish them as they will be the ones who bring your company to a new light. Has this happened to you? How you react and act after these...


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Road Rage

Every single driver is susceptible to road rage. Some of us have great self control and don’t let these occurrences/mishaps get the best of us and others? Not so much. We all know someone who road rages and what these reactions lead to. Send this them a link to this episode! Christian and Carlo talk about this everyday occurrence(possibly) and how you can take advantage of this time rather than wasting your energy and mental peace on things you simply cannot control. - If you enjoy this...


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Leadership and What It Really Means

Anyone and everyone can be a boss. It doesn't matter what the situation is, from being a boss at your office, to being a coach, a teacher, anyone who commands a person or group of people to reach a goal. You are a boss. Great. Do these people respect you? Do these people look to you for help/growth? Will these people trust you and follow you like a leader? Probably not. Christian and Carlo talk leadership and what it really means. Being a boss and a leader are two different things. - If...


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Delayed Gratification

If you want something, you stick with it and work hard toward a goal/success. Regardless of what you are doing in life, if you are an entrepreneur, business person or even chasing a fitness goal, the moment you start seeing a glimpse of success, it's easy to go into celebration mode. We are all for meeting goals and we praise every step of success! But, is it too early to celebrate? Should you really buy that new outfit or car? Or, should you invest that new money back into yourself so it...


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Risk vs. Reward: Is that Exercise Worth it?

When you go online looking for fitness information, you're bound to come across exercise videos that break common practice and can even be considered dangerous. You know, those heavy squats being performed on a med ball or or tossing up the barbell on a shoulder press.. Those may look cool for the gram but are the effective? should you be doing them? Christian and Carlo talk about the risks versus rewards for exercises in your program. Are you trying to lose weight? Are you trying to gain...


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We all see them... Public figures and "influencers" are all over social media, posting everyday on their "successes", on their new sponsored products and their new photos from their last photoshoot. They have so many followers and claim to help you reach your goals. But, how many of them ACTUALLY influence your daily choices? How many of them actually help their communities. How many of them actually make a difference? Christian and Carlo discuss the anomally of social media influencers and...


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Going At Your Own Pace

With social media influencing a lot of aspects in our life, lifestyle, career, spirituality, etc., it's easy to get side tracked from your own journey. You could easily lose track of your path because you want that end, that "success", so badly. Don't get caught in the hype. You need to go through your bumps and your hurdles so you can actually handle the success. Christian and Carlo discuss the importance of going at your own pace to reach your successes. All the glitz and glamore you see...


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Maintain During Injury

Whether you train heavily or even just once or twice a week, there is a possibility of getting injured. Hopefully, this doesn't happen to you. But, regardless of your injury, getting over it mentally should be your first priority. Once you get over the fears and doubts, you can maintain your physique and health while you work on getting better. Christian and Carlo talk about injuries, how it affects you and how you can avoid letting your injury get the best of you. Stay focused, stay strong...


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Take Control Over Your Life Like A Warrior

"Face your fears." "Be a lion." "You're only as strong as your weakest link(trait)." You've heard all those quotes motivating you to push yourself to the limit and you may laugh or ignore them because they are so cliche. But if you actually instill these warriorlike traits, your outlook on life actually changes and difficult situations turn into just that, a difficult situation. Throughout your life, you will be faced with difficult challenges that you will have to "conquer" to be the best...


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How To Build Up To Your Ideal Fitness Routine

Are you having trouble getting into or back into a workout routine? You are NOT alone! If your new goal is to lose weight or put on that muscle mass, getting into a routine is a challenge in itself. A challenge that can make or break your fitness journey! It's not easy to start eating "properly" or different from what you're accustomed to, it's not easy changing and sticking to your new schedule. You're too busy, tired and exhausted. We get it! Christian and Carlo talk about the...


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Destructive Language

Communication is one of, if not the most important component in any type of relationship. The way you communicate with your business partners, friendships or your significant other is a direct reflection on yourself. If you find that people gravitate towards you and seek your opinion, you probably offer great conversation or constructive critisism that betters the other person. If you feel that there is constant tension with others, conversations just turn into arguments or people just...


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Leaders Open Doors

As an entrepreneur, you will be faced with many different problems and situations alone. In order to grow, you will need to figure things out and persevere through difficult times. When your business does grow, you will need to trust others with duties that you were solely responsible for. This transition can be difficult for some as there could be an issue of trust, comparing the way you do things or simply an inability to just let go of the work. This is normal and the best of us usually...


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Fatloss - High Reps vs. Low Reps

Are you trying to lose weight but confused with your program? Are you supposed to do high reps and light weight or low reps with heavy weight? With so much information out there, it's impossible to choose the right path for yourself. Especially, if you aren't being led by a personal trainer. If you aren't sure which route you should take to meet your fatloss goals, you definitely want to tune into this episode! Christian and Carlo discuss the benefits and differences of utilizing high reps...


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Secrets To Staying Fit On Vacation

Being on vacation is supposed to be a getaway from the everyday hustle. And, if you work your ass off all year long, you better believe you deserve that vacation! But, that doesn't mean that your fitness regiment has to come to a halt. We understand that there will be tasty drinks and delicious food all around you but don't let all that hard work suffer. In this episode, Christian and Carlo respond to a question from one of our very own members, Marwa(@99marham99). How can you stay fit...


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Succeed In Your Fitness Plan

In order to be successful with your fitness goals, you must have and follow a plan. Losing those extra pounds or being able to hit that new PR won't just happen over night. Having a solid plan is imperative to reaching your goals and we can understand how difficult it really is to staying on track. The plan doesn't only consist of lifting this much and running for that long. It consists of getting adequate amounts of rest, consuming the right nutrients, not packing that cookie for your daily...


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Keeping Your Business Alive & Thriving

It takes more than capital and good looks to keep your business alive. With new trends and gyms opening up left, right and center, you need to provide more than just something different. You have to offer real value, results and you have to ensure that your clients never rethink their decision to be with you and your company. Christian and Carlo share their knowledge and experiences so that you can prevent your business from taking a plung. Take advantage and instill a culture within your...


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Better To Try And Fail Than To Not Try At All

Do you have a "crazy" idea that you know will work but you're afraid of going for it because of the risks? Are you currently at a dead-end job day dreaming of your dream career? Do you have fitness goals but are just scared or lazy to even start? What is stopping you?! Shake that fear and/or doubt off and just TRY! Christian and Carlo talk about how it is 100x better to try and fail rather than not try at all. Don't let opportunities pass you by. Don't let your ego or fears get the best of...


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Train Your Mind

Training your mind is just as important as training your body. In life, in order for you to give it your all, your mind must be fully focused and connected to the task at hand. Same goes for every single training session you have. If your mind isn't fully focused and ready, do you really think you will maximize the results of that session? Quality over quantity is the name of the game here. Christian and Carlo talk to us about training your mind and how to get real results just by being in...


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You Can't Please Everyone

If you are an entrepeneur, an influencer, if you are moving forward, growing and trying to become a better version of yourself, people will notice. You will please a lot of people and some may even approach you for advice and guidance! But, on the other hand, there will be people who may be jealous, show animosity towards you or who simply try bring you down. If you are just plain and simply trying in life and your intentions are true and not with malice, keep doing you. Christian and...


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Learning About Addiction

As the years go by, professional research and science continues to debunk and prove old theories wrong. This goes from sports training to nutrition all the way to psychology and mental health. Considering this, the new research and studies on addiction have changed the way we look and deal with it today. Christian and Carlo sit down with SNU Naturopath Dr. Sean and long time friend Jefferson Manalese. They discuss and learn about addiction, their experiences, how research has changed and...
