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Cannabis Heals Me

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Welcome to Cannabis Heals Me. We tell the real stories of real people who have experienced the healing power of cannabis. By doing so we hope to change the perception a lot of people still have about this plant and the people who use it. Be sure to subscribe so you'll never miss an episode!


United States


Welcome to Cannabis Heals Me. We tell the real stories of real people who have experienced the healing power of cannabis. By doing so we hope to change the perception a lot of people still have about this plant and the people who use it. Be sure to subscribe so you'll never miss an episode!



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Ep. 128 - Glenn Holland - Growing off The Grid

When Glenn Holland grew his medical cannabis he did so with his invention - Ganjagrid. The Ganjagrid is a plant vibrator that can be programmed with sound files from the grower. In Glenn's case he recorded his heartbeat, and had some interesting results when he used it to grow his own medical cannabis. This invention promises to have several interesting applications for growing both cannabis and other plants. Full show notes can be found at


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Ep. 127 - Glenn Holland - Cannabis for Lung Cancer

A couple years ago seemingly healthy Glenn Holland coughed up some blood tinged sputum that concerned him. After trips to a couple of doctors his diagnosis came back with that dreaded word - cancer. His doctor told him he had non-small cell adenocarcinoma that had spread to his lymph nodes and was at the fairly critical stage three A, so he didn't have much time to research or pursue nontraditional methods. Fortunately he was able to get in to a clinical trial for a new immunotherapy drug....


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Ep. 126 - Steve Ellmore - Unprescribed Medical Cannabis Documentary

We've already mentioned the documentary Unprescribed on a couple of podcasts, so I was ecstatic when writer/producer Steve Ellmore accepted my invite to the show. In today's episode we discuss the documentary and the great need for legal access to cannabis for our veterans. Steve also shares some exciting upcoming news related to the film & his medical cannabis advocacy work. Full show notes can be found at


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Ep. 125 - Christian Ryan - Cannabis for PTSD

Like so many other veterans Christian Ryan really struggled with PTSD & physical ailments after coming back from tours overseas. After moving to the boondocks to try to get his life together a friend suggested he try cannabis medicinally. His first foray into plant medicine wasn't a good one, but he continued to try to find relief through the plant. He finally found his correct dosage, and began to make strides back to normalcy. He vowed he would find a way to get involved in the cannabis...


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Ep. 124 - Sue Taylor - Cannabis for Seniors

Sue Taylor started out as an unlikely advocate for cannabis. The former Catholic school principal left her home in Georgia to have an emergency intervention with her son who wanted to sell medical cannabis. When she arrived instead of finding a desperate drug addict, she found a plant that possessed many healing capabilities. A plant that she had been lied to about her whole life. She began her advocacy career working for Harborside & doing outreach with seniors. She has been an eye witness...


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Ep 123 - Deirdra Martinez - Cannabis for Anxiety

Deirdra Martinez suffered with anxiety and chronic back pain for years. She had no idea the two could be connected until she was referred to a psychiatrist. After the mental health professional prescribed her Prozac her back pain disappeared, and life was good for a year or two. When the prescription meds started making her feel numb she succumbed to old habits and began overeating again. She confided in a co-worker about her struggles, and her co-worker recommended she try cannabis...


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Ep 122 - Fabian Henry - Cannabis for Trauma

*ADULT LANGUAGE WARNING* After leaving the military Fabian Henry struggled to re-adapt to life at home & reconnect with his family. He was constantly on high alert & found his thoughts drawn back to the battlefield - reliving mistakes & past regrets. Despite choking down a handful of prescription meds daily he still could not sleep or relax. He turned to alcohol in large quantities, but he just spiraled further downward. When a kid at work offered to give him some cannabis to help him he...


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Ep 121 - Sharon Letts - Cannabis for Breast Cancer

After Sharon Letts was diagnosed with breast cancer Pearl Moon showed up on her doorstep with a jar of cannabis oil. Sharon was a documentarian and research writer by trade, so she was incredulous that cannabis could help her. If cannabis had healing properties she would know. Right? Wrong! Cannabis not only helped her sleep & eased her pain; it obliterated her tumor. But it also helped her plainly see all the government propaganda about the plant for what it was - outright lies. Now a...


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Ep. 120 - Osiris Stephen & Nina Simmons - Cannabis for Epilepsy

Nina Simmons & Osiris Stephen's son was diagnosed with epilepsy at the tender age of 2. Sadly traditional medications seemed to exacerbate his seizures, so in desperation they tried plant medicine. At the time CBD oil was still illegal in their home state of New York, so they had to break the law to buy it for their son. After months of trial and error they found a formula that helped them with wean Aiden off of some of his prescriptions. In 2019 they started a podcast to share their story...


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Ep. 119 - Jessie Gill - Cannabis for Pain Relief

Jessie Gill didn’t believe in plant medicine. Like most of us she had bought into the lies about cannabis peddled by the American education system & her nursing school. While searching for pain relief for an on the job injury as a hospice nurse she tried every pharmaceutical under the sun. After spinal surgery exacerbated her pain Jessie reluctantly tried cannabis & experienced tremendous relief. Immediately she began weaning herself off her prescription pain killers. She now runs a...


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Ep. 118 - BONUS - The Gentlemen Review w/Actual Anarchy

A few weeks ago I joined Robert & Daniel over at for a review of the Guy Ritchie cannabis themed action flick The Gentlemen. As penance for my many absences of late, I'm posting our discussion as a bonus episode for this week. Enjoy! Be sure to check out the ActualAnarchy podcast & YouTube channel! PS I do have an episode planned for Monday, but my neck of the woods is in the projected flight path of hurricane Laura, so...


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Ep 117 - Robert Cartee - Cannabis for Inflammation & Refusing to Deal

While living in California Robert Cartee & his wife discovered different varieties of cannabis worked better to treat their ailments than any prescription drugs they'd tried. Tired of living on top of other people in Cali Robert & Tracey moved to rural Georgia and built their dream home. Cannabis was & is still illegal in Georgia so Robert had a room built in their new home where their medicine could be grown inconspicuously. About 2 years ago a deputy arrived at their home wanting to search...


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Ep 116 - Julie Mejia - Cannabis for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Julie Mejia was only in her 20's when she was attacked by a cognitively impaired client at her place of employment. She was injured on her right side from her neck to her ankle. Days, weeks, and months went by and her body did not heal as it should. Even worse the pain began to spread along the entirety of the right side of her body. She was finally diagnosed by a worker's comp physician with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) and was later told she would likely never walk or work...


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Ep 115 - Mark Thornton - Cannabis & The Iron Law of Prohibition

Economist & author Dr. Mark Thornton joins me to discuss his PhD dissertation on the economics of prohibition. This dissertation would lead to the coining of the phrase of The Iron Law of Prohibition. He joins us for a fascinating discussion on the failed policy of drug prohibition and maybe a couple other topics related to the State's & its ever increasing intrusions into our lives.


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Ep 114 - Katie King - Cannabis for CPTSD, Anxiety & Fibromyalgia

Katie King had a difficult childhood, and she struggles with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) & anxiety. She was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. She has been using cannabis to treat these conditions for some time now, but recently when she was able to find a reliable source of quality cannabis she's experienced tremendous healing in her mind and body. She joins me today to discuss these incredible changes.


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Ep 113 - Rodney Bowers - Cannabis for Liver Cancer

Three years ago Rodney Bowers was given 6 months to live after being diagnosed with inoperable liver cancer. Fortunately a friend in Michigan reached out to him after learning of his diagnosis. He invited him up & cooked him up a batch of Rick Simpson oil. Six months came and went, and Rodney was still alive and kicking. His pain had eased. His abdomen was no longer hard. He could get up and and get around. Cannabis gave him something no doctors could - it gave him hope, and, eventually it...


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Ep. 112 - Scott Horton - The Drug War, SWAT Raids & Police Accountability

Scott Horton returns for a discussion on SWAT raids which have become a staple of the local law enforcement in the United States' War on Drugs. It's estimated that 50,000 SWAT raids take place each year across America - a stat that is unrealized by and unfathomable to most Americans. We also discuss the overall militarization of police, qualified immunity and possible solutions to get all Americans on the same page when it comes to the use of excessive force by LEO's and holding bad actors...


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Ep. 111 - Marlies Fitch-Ledbetter - Cannabis for Scoliosis & Neuropathy

After a couple of suicide attempts in college because of mismanaged pharmaceuticals, a friend suggested Marlies Fitch-Ledbetter try cannabis edibles to help with her scoliosis & peripheral neuropathy. When she and her husband moved back to Texas Marlies had to revert back to prescription meds. After a drug induced seizure put her in the hospital, Marlies went back to her plant based medicine. Upon re-learning to walk and talk Marlies decided to dedicate her life to getting the word out about...


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Ep. 110 - Tonya Sanders - Cannabis for Lupus

When Tonya Sanders was 35 years old her pain management team referred her to hospice and sent her home to wean off her pain meds. After 8 years of searching for a cure for her lupus in pharmaceutical drugs the former registered nurse angrily tore up the remaining prescriptions the doctors had written for her. Just hours after her fentanyl patch wore off she was in excruciating pain & experiencing intense withdrawals, so in desperation she called a friend. The friend brought over some...


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Ep. 109 - Melanie Julion - The Cannabis Doula

Melanie Julion aka The Cannabis Doula joins me today to follow up on my discussion with Delene Gilbert on the use of cannabis during pregnancy. As a doula Melanie works with women during and after pregnancy and many of her clients choose to use cannabis. We discuss the health benefits of cannabis for both baby and mother and some of the potential risks. Full show notes can be found at Help us get these stories out to more...
