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Declutter Your Life: Reclaim Your Time & Freedom


If you’re overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, exhausted, and sick and tired of the clutter in your life, maybe it’s time to do something about it. And if you’ve ever felt hopeless and dragged down by dead-end relationships, addiction, crushing debt or just the disappointments of everyday life, then this show is for you. In this podcast, The Most Organized Man in America, Andrew Mellen, will demystify how to get started and organize your world. Andrew hands you the keys to unlock the power to stop clutter from robbing you of your precious time, freedom and joy in your life.


United States


If you’re overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, exhausted, and sick and tired of the clutter in your life, maybe it’s time to do something about it. And if you’ve ever felt hopeless and dragged down by dead-end relationships, addiction, crushing debt or just the disappointments of everyday life, then this show is for you. In this podcast, The Most Organized Man in America, Andrew Mellen, will demystify how to get started and organize your world. Andrew hands you the keys to unlock the power to stop clutter from robbing you of your precious time, freedom and joy in your life.



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Decluttering Your Diet and Your Health with Dr. John McDougall | Feel better in 4 to 7 days!

In this podcast episode,Andrew Mellen invites you to join him on an inspiring journey with Dr. John McDougall, a renowned nutrition expert and author. Dr. McDougall unveils the hidden truths behind the dairy industry and exposes the profit-driven motives that shape dietary recommendations. You'll learn about the incredible benefits of adopting a starch-based diet, emphasizing the importance of simplicity, and the natural inclination of humans towards consuming starches rather than dairy. Delve into the fascinating world of nutrition as Dr. McDougall shares his research findings and personal experiences that challenge long-standing beliefs about calcium requirements and bone health and plant-based journey towards vibrant health and overall well-being. A starch-based diet, such as rice or potatoes, has been shown to result in better health outcomes compared to diets rich in dairy and meat.Humans are not naturally designed to consume dairy, and over half the world's population is intolerant to lactose.Osteoporosis is a result of excess acidity in the body caused by a high-protein and acidic Western diet.Historical and cultural factors have shaped dietary perceptions, leading to a bias towards animal foods and undervaluing starch-based diets.Climate change and personal experiences have reinforced the need for individual contributions through dietary changes.Changing our diet can reduce CO2 contributions by 80%, with the agri-animal agriculture industry playing a significant role in greenhouse gas emissions. This podcast episode is a game-changer, providing you with the tools and knowledge to transform your health through the adoption of a starch-based diet. Remember, your health is in your hands, and by embracing the power of a starch-based diet, you have the ability to unlock your full potential and live a life of vitality and fulfillment.Tune in to this episode and discover the path to a healthier, happier you.


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Addressing Anxiety and Other Stressors with Georgie Collinson

In this podcast episode,Andrew Mellen speaks with Georgie Collinson, an expert at addressing anxiety and author of the newly released book, The Anxiety Reset Method. As a hypnotherapist, anxiety mindfulness coach, naturopath, and nutritionist, Georgie is committed to helping people step out of anxiety and fear so they can thrive with confidence and pursue their heart's desires. In the conversation, Andrew and Georgie discuss the importance of having a regular morning routine that includes meditation and other grounding practices to improve mental and physical health. Key takeaways: A regular morning routine, including meditation, can help improve mental and physical healthCreating space for emotions rather than numbing them can help in managing anxietyOvercoming the anxiety of decluttering and organizing involves creating a clear vision, cultivating a reward system, and identifying the root cause of fear through self-inquiry and speaking to your inner child. Andrew and Georgie provide valuable insights and practical tips for managing anxiety, creating a morning routine, and decluttering your life. By implementing the advice given in this episode, you can achieve greater peace of mind and live a more fulfilling life. So, tune in to this episode and start taking steps towards a happier and healthier you!


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Leveraging your Core Values to Reach your Productivity Apex with Mike Michalowicz

In this podcast episode, host Andrew Mellen invites us to explore the clutter warrior's relationship with organization. He welcomes Mike Michalowicz, a serial entrepreneur and author, to share his insights and experiences in staying productive and focused amidst the chaos of ideas and distractions. Mike candidly talks about his struggles with shiny object syndrome and how he overcomes it by following a structured day that keeps him on track and motivated. Andrew and Mike also delve into various organization techniques and tools, highlighting the importance of note-taking apps and the potential of AI tools like ChatGPT. They emphasize the value of collaboration and the power of community in achieving greater productivity and creativity. Key Takeaways: Mike shares his struggle with "shiny object syndrome" and how having a structured day helps him stay focused and productive.The potential of AI tools like ChatGPT is discussed, specifically how they can aid in organization and synthesis of ideas.Collaboration and bouncing ideas off others is emphasized as a way to increase productivity and output. In a world full of distractions and endless possibilities, staying focused and productive can be a challenge. But as Andrew and Mike remind us in this podcast, organization and structure can go a long way in helping us achieve our goals and realize our vision. Whether you're an entrepreneur, creative, or simply someone looking to stay organized and focused, this podcast offers valuable insights and inspiration. Tune in to this podcast episode and join the conversation on how to stay focused, productive, and connected.


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Finding Meaning in Our Limited Time: Insights on Finitude and Self-Discovery with Jennifer Louden

In this episode, Andrew Mellen sits down with personal growth pioneer and author Jennifer Louden to discuss the power of organization and letting go of expectations. Jennifer shares how her desire for tidiness can sometimes conflict with her creative self, while Andrew provides insight on finding a balance. Key Takeaways: Jennifer Louden developed her organizational skills to deal with anxiety.Clutter in our homes can result from deferred decision-making.Letting go of expectations and demands can lead to more delightful outcomes in life.Personal growth, opening the heart, and learning to hold back from saying unnecessary things can result in a richer experience. Tune in to this episode and touch upon the idea of confronting the finitude of life and how it can lead to a richer, more meaningful experience!,


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Entrepreneur Adam Gillman shares his daily routines for focus and happiness and gets some closet coaching from Andrew

Goal Mastery 101: Adam Gilman's Strategy for Crushing Your ObjectiveIn this podcast episode, Andrew Melen interviews Adam Gilman, a successful entrepreneur and investor who shares his method for goal setting, which involves breaking down goals into mind, body, spirit, and business pillars, and setting annual goals. They also discuss the importance of being hyper-organized to manage daily tasks and the Lift Six method for holding themselves accountable for six priorities that align with the four pillars. Key Takeaways: Clutter can come in various forms: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and psychological. Physical clutter can reflect inner clutter, and setting organized plans can help achieve goals. A method for goal setting involves visualizing life 10 years in the future, breaking down goals into mind, body, spirit, and business pillars, and setting annual goals.The Lift Six method involves having six goals for six days a week and taking Sundays off. A system of color coding and categorization can make it easy to locateclothes or toys. Whether you're struggling with physical clutter in your home or looking for ways to stay organized and focused on your goals, this episode is sure to provide valuable insights and inspiration. This episode offers valuable insights on how organization and goal-setting can help us find success and happiness, both in our personal and professional lives. So tune in to this episode,and master the art of goal setting!


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Manifesting Everything You Want While Still Being Kind To Yourself With Peggy McColl

In this podcast episode, host Andrew interviews Peggy McColl, a bestselling author, on organization and productivity. But the conversation goes beyond that, as they discuss finding opportunities in every situation, having a goal you love, and breaking old patterns with discipline and commitment. They also share a personal story of how a layoff led to a career-changing opportunity. Tune in to learn about the power of mindset and self-belief in achieving success.


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Making Time for Relationships and Decluttering with Andrea Syrtash

In this episode, Andrew interviews Andrea Syrtash, a relationship expert and founder of Pregnantish. They discuss the connection between relationships, organization, and clutter, and how clutter can be intrusive and take away from meaningful relationships. Andrea shares how her productivity and intimacy increase in clear spaces. They also talk about breaking patterns in relationships and suggest going to Pregnantish for support and making a list of positive things to bring to a relationship. Tune in for more tips and insights on building better relationships.


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Becoming A Smarter Consumer Whether You're A Parent Or Not With Sharon Vinderine

In this episode, Andrew and Sharon Vinderine discuss work-life balance, the impact of organization, and simplifying our lives. They share personal experiences and highlight the importance of separating work and home life, particularly for entrepreneurs. The conversation also touches on how organization is crucial for PTPA, an organization that provides products and services for parents. They conclude by emphasizing the value of purging unnecessary possessions, waiting before making purchases, and striving for more free time to engage in meaningful activities.


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The Secret Sauce of Letting Go of Things

In this episode, Andrew Mellen, the Most Organized Man in America, stresses the significance of mindset when it comes to decluttering and simplifying life. He advocates changing one's thoughts, emotions, and behavior towards material possessions to achieve lasting results. With 27 years of experience and over half a million people helped, Andrew's approach is accessible to anyone who desires change, but it requires effort. He also mentions the upcoming Destress Your Mess Challenge and how his decluttering system works for anybody who wants to make a change. Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of changing one's mindset to unstuff their life.


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The #1 step to get empowered & boost your productivity with Anna Dearmon Kornick

In this episode of the podcast, Andrew Mellen is joined by time management coach Anna Dearmon Kornick, who shares her personal journey to becoming a coach and gives a preview of her upcoming book on time management essentials. The conversation then turns to the importance of reframing mistakes and fostering an experimental mindset, with Andrew sharing his own experiences and offering advice for parents and educators. The episode also highlights the significance of taking personality assessments to find strategies that work well for you, while cautioning against fixating on the root cause of one's traits and tendencies. Overall, listeners can expect to gain valuable insights on how to achieve greater success and fulfillment in life.


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Nothing is Certain. Are you okay with that?

In this episode, we discuss the idea of uncertainty when it comes to decluttering and organizing. While we can be certain of the placement of our items, the world beyond our control is unpredictable. We often struggle with unexpected events and perceive them as anomalies, but they are a part of life. Therefore, we need to learn how to be okay with them.


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Every task has a beginning and an end

In this episode, we discussed the importance of clarifying the difference between tasks and projects, and how viewing recurring tasks as projects can create clutter and leave tasks unfinished. We used the example of folding laundry to highlight the importance of completing each task in its entirety. Additionally, we explained how some tasks have multiple steps and should be broken down into smaller tasks, using the example of reupholstering chairs to demonstrate how a project can be chunked into smaller tasks. We suggested using a timer or stopwatch to budget time for completing tasks, and encouraged listeners to quantify how long each task takes and to plan accordingly. Finally, we provided tips for planning out and completing projects. To sum up, completing tasks and chunking up projects can reduce clutter and increase productivity, and we encourage listeners to implement these strategies in their own lives.


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How To Quit Resenting Yourself Welcome to the Declutter Your Life podcast. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and sick and tired of the clutter in your life, and you want to do something about it, this is the show for you. Andrew Mellen, the most organized man in America, gives you simple, practical advice on how to organize your world. He shows you how to stop clutter from robbing you of your precious time, freedom, and joy. Forgiveness… It’s something each of us needs to practice. But here’s an aspect of forgiveness we often don’t think about—forgiving ourselves. Why is this so important? Because if you continue to beat yourself up over things in your past, it drains your energy. Your motivation plummets. You remain stuck. But let’s face it… Forgiving ourselves can be hard. So how do you get to that place? Andrew gives his take on what to do. And what NOT to do when you want to forgive yourself AND not repeat the same mistakes that led to your self-resentment in the first place. Click here now to hear what he has to say.


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How The Fear of Regret Keeps You Stuck

Regrets… We all have them. And because of this, we often fear the prospect of future regret. The fear of regret can cause us trouble. It can keep us holding onto stuff we may never need, and will likely never use, “just in case”. Fear of regret can keep us stuck. It can prevent positive forward motion. So how do we overcome it? Click here now to hear what Andrew has to say.


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Making better choices so you have fewer regrets and less clutter

We’ve all done it… We’ve bought things and then regretted our decision later. Maybe we bought on impulse. Maybe we bought it just to get an annoying salesperson off our back. Maybe it “seemed like a good idea at the time”. But anyway, what’s done is done. You’ve made a purchase you wish you hadn’t made. Now what? You’ve got two choices. One will lead to continued frustration and regret. Not to mention more clutter. The other will help you quickly forgive yourself and get on with life instead of dwelling on your mistake. What are these choices? Which will you choose? Click here now to hear what Andrew has to say.


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Simple choices, including breathing techniques, that will reduce stress & free up mental clutter with Carson Finkle

Andrew Mellen, the most organized man in America, gives you simple, practical advice on how to organize your world. He shows you how to stop clutter from robbing you of your precious time, freedom, and joy. Perhaps, like Andrew, you find it fascinating and inspirational to learn more about the daily routines of successful people and their relationship to stuff. If that’s true, you’ll love listening in on his conversation with Carson Finkle, a successful entrepreneur and ecommerce advisor. Carson is also Founder of Create Meditation, a simple system that helps users experience greater mental focus and clarity and enjoy freedom from stress and anxiety. Here's a taste of what you’ll discover today · How Carson sets himself up for productive, successful days · How he came to believe in the importance of mindset work · How a “crazy panic attack” led to a positive outcome in his life · A silver lining from the dark cloud of COVID · The amazing benefits of saying “I don’t need this” Carson also reveals an important decision we need to make when we are relocating. And he gives you a simple, proven technique to calm down and bring your nervous system back into harmony. But here’s the thing… All this is just the tip of the iceberg. Today’s episode is loaded with valuable ideas and insight for clutter warriors, budding entrepreneurs and anyone who wants less stress and more joy out of life. Listen now!


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The Problem Isn’t “Someone Else”

There’s no way to sugar coat this bitter pill, so here’s the harsh reality… No one makes you do anything. No one makes you feel anything. The responsibility for your behavior, for how you act, is under your control. Here's some good news… Even if it hurts a bit at first to read these words, developing this mindset leads you to freedom and empowerment. So what does this have to do with clutter? As you’ll discover when you listen to today’s episode of the Declutter Your Life Podcast, it has a lot to do with clutter. Listen now to find out more!


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Your Bottom is Everyone Else's Ceiling

Do you want your people to work hard? To be proactive? Do you want them to be self-driven, to not just meet, but exceed your expectations? Then there is something you must do. So what is it? Andrew tells you in this episode. As you listen, you’ll discover · How to “lovingly confront” someone who isn’t doing their fair share · What to do, if possible, with someone who refuse to “carry their share of the load”, and why to do it · When a person you lead steadfastly refuses to do what they should, why you should redirect your energy and focus elsewhere If the people who report to you, at home or work, are refusing to hold themselves accountable or to be helpful to you or each other… If you are growing frustrated with their lack of commitment and performance… Andrew tells you exactly where to look first. Want to find out more? Listen now to today’s episode!


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When Everything Is Precious, Nothing Is Precious

In today’s episode, Andrew brings up a topic that may strike a nerve and cause you to react in a way that’s not pleasant. It may even make you feel a little threatened. And that’s OK. As you look around at your stuff, maybe you say “I love all of it!” But consider this: If everything is precious, nothing is precious. Even if you love it all, chances are you still have this nagging feeling that you have too much stuff and clutter that needs to go away. So how do you decide what stays and what goes? Today, Andrew gives you a simple, practical idea. To drive home the point, he relates a poignant story from working with one of his private clients. This simple decision making tool helped them get rid of clutter and sell a valuable item for $20,000! So if you want to do a little introspection, if you are willing to examine your desire to hang on to everything and ask yourself, “Where’s this feeling coming from?”, and if you want less clutter, and less stress, this is an episode you don’t want to miss! Listen now!


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Protecting Your Mindset From Garbage

In today’s episode, Andrew talks about protecting your mindset. Now, you may be wondering “Why would he talk mindset on a show about decluttering? What do mindset and clutter have to do with each other?” The answer is… A lot! To a large degree, our outer world reflects our inner world. If your inner world, your mind, is chaotic and cluttered, doesn’t it make sense that your outer world will be too? There’s a simple, practical, overlooked step that helps declutter your mind and boost your energy. What is it? Tune in to today’s episode to find out. If you’re struggling to make your bed, do the dishes, put your suitcase away after a trip, this episode reveals a critical mindset protection idea you don’t want to miss. Listen now!
