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Dr. Ruan, MD

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Dialogue with industry disruptors who are creating accessible healthcare using functional and lifestyle medicine.


United States


Dialogue with industry disruptors who are creating accessible healthcare using functional and lifestyle medicine.







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COVID-19 African American Nitric Oxide Breakthrough Study with Dr. Nathan Bryan, PhD

This week I interviewed Dr. Nathan Bryan, who describes why there is a racial disparity when it comes to COVID-19 deaths, hospitalizations, and diagnoses. More importantly. Dr. Bryan created NOviricid which is undergoing FDA-cleared clinical trial. Learn more at aacovidstudy.com


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Former NFL Player Kailee Wong on Regenerative Medicine

Kailee Wong is a former 9 year NFL Player and founder of the Athletic Room and Regen Room in Houston, TX. Kailee launched his rendition of a regenerative medicine facility called the Regen Room. Here we discuss the topic of regenerative medicine and bust some common myths.


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2 Strokes, A Heart Attack, and Diabetes - The Craig Williams Story

The best expert in a field is the patient. Craig Williams had a stroke a few years ago that was caused by his uncontrolled diabetes and lifestyle. He then had another stroke within 6 months. He talks about his journey and mindset to reverse diabetes and conquer through his formidable challenges. Previously easy tasks (like going to the bathroom) became challenges. Emotions ran tense. Yet he overcame them, lost 60 lbs, and became an advocate at his local hospital for those who have had strokes. Not long ago, he had a heart attack. However, the tools he learned from going through 2 strokes allowed him to build further resilience. What an amazing man!


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Farming Industry Disrupted by Greater Greens - Nutrition for Longevity

This episode I sit down with Jennifer Maynard, CEO of Nutrition for Longevity, and founder of Greater Greens. We discuss how Sustainable Farming is the future and can also be profitable. We both see a future where food is seen as medicine first. Hydroponic and Vertical farming can be done effectively, cleanly, and can produce the best tasting plans I've ever put into my mouth.


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What is the Fasting Mimicking Diet?

What is the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet Program? This interview with Dr. Joseph Antoun answers the science, creation, and team behind ProLon and why it is the next big thing in diet recommendations from the top doctors in the United States. What is ProLon? ProLon® is a 5-day dietary program that nourishes your body while promoting regenerative and rejuvenating changes, including supporting healthy levels of a wide range of physiological markers that contribute to aging, such as cholesterol, inflammation, and fasting glucose. How Does ProLon Work? The ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet® mitigates the burden and danger of water-only fasting, fasting, by providing a tasty and convenient, safe dietary program that does not require ongoing lifestyle changes, such as long-term dieting. What is included? ProLon® meals come in 5 small boxes (one for each day) that include plant-based energy bars, soups, a variety of snacks, drinks, and supplements, all studied and carefully designed to nourish your body and support healthy levels in metabolic markers, cellular rejuvenation, and healthy aging. What are the ingredients? ProLon ingredients are plant-based and do not contain additives, preservatives* or chemicals. The daily caloric intake with ProLon is between 770 and 1100 calories from healthy ingredients that maximize nourishment and provide a pleasant eating experience.


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Is Coffee Really A Healthy Superfood?

My mind was blown by the data about coffee. While coffee gets a bad rep, there is a reason for it. Topics: This interview with Andrew Salisbury, CEO of Purity Coffee took place at Functional Medicine Grand Rounds - Gut Brain Connection in Houston, TX


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How Food Affects Mental Health

I sit down for a heart to heart with Functional Medicine doctor Yousef Elyaman, MD, founder of Absolute Health in Ocala, FL. We discuss the root causes of mental health issues, how different components in food affect neurotransmitters, and how some nutrients are neglected leading to mental health issues.


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How Trauma Shapes Addiction, Habits, and Mood

I sit down for a heart to heart with Functional Medicine doctor Yousef Elyaman, MD, founder of Absolute Health in Ocala, FL, to discuss how previous physical and emotional traumas affect addiction, habits, and mental health. Trauma doesn't have to be something grossly horrible. It can be small events that are perceived as trauma. How genetics, epigenetics, traumas, and emotional state when the trauma is experienced all contribute to mental health issues.


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Food Addiction, Binge Eating & Trauma

I sit down for a heart to heart with Functional Medicine doctor Yousef Elyaman, MD, founder of Absolute Health in Ocala, FL. We discuss how I went through a period binge eating and vomiting. We discuss how these are addictive and pleasure responses and how to overcome these. Dr. Elyaman also points out the brain addiction pathways that are created. I discuss my previous concussions and traumatic brain injury also contributed to regressing to my old habits. Dr. Elyaman discusses the "happy, happy, happy, happy, blow-up, and repeat phenomenon"
