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"Earn That Body Podcast" with Kim Eagle

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Earn That Body Podcast is here to give you fitness, nutrition and health information you can put into play right away.


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The Earn That Body Podcast is here to give you fitness, nutrition and health information you can put into play right away.





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#358 How To Maximize Your Workouts!

If you are going to take the time to show up for a workout, you might as well MAXIMIZE the benefits! Did you know that there are things you can actually do to get a better workout with even better results? This week we do the deep dive on this very topic! Don't just show up and workout anymore team...get the BEST results possible!


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#357 The Best Way To Get More Prebiotics & Probiotics

Let's do the deep dive about PRE & PRObiotics! They definitely play an important role in our gut biome. So, let's find out the best way to get these in our body & if supplements are the way to go?


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#356 Boosting That Metabolism & NEAT!

We are all getting older & know this means slower metabolism. But did you know that even if we have slower metabolism due to genetics & aging, there are still things we can do to BOOST it? And this includes something called "NEAT". Get all the details in this episode so you can keep your metabolism FIRED UP!


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#355 Finding Balance With Nutrition & Fun!

Do you feel like you can't be HEALTHy with your diet and also have fun? You might be afraid to go on that girl's night because you don't want to sabotage your weight loss goals? I'm here to tell you 5 simple things you can do to make sure you have a balance between healthy nutrition & enjoying life fully! Life is too short to be deprived.


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#354 The Sunblock Controversy!

Did you know that sunblock has become CONTROVERSIAL? OMG! What is next? But yes, there is some controversy about it right now and I'm here to do the deep dive into this very topic for you! Let's find out if we should or should not be putting these chemicals on our skin.


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#353 The New FOMO- Fear Of Missing Ozempic

I have decided FOMO has a new meaning in today's time! It means Fear Of Missing OZEMPIC! Everyone seems to want to go on these types of drugs because it looks like a FAST & EASY way to lose weight. But I think it's important to understand how the drug works, the side effects & the fact that this drug "used correctly" is not actually so EASY after all. We are doing the deep dive about GLP-1 drugs in this episode & I might say a few things you would not expect!


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#352 Can You Eat Too Much Protein?

There is quite a bit of HYPE around eating MORE PROTEIN right now! But is it possible things have gone overboard? Be careful of where you get your nutrition advice team! In this week's podcast episode we do the DEEP DIVE to find out if you can eat TOO MUCH PROTEIN.


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#351 Do You Still Need Cardio As You Age?

Are you ONLY seeing that you need to STRENGTH TRAIN lately? Does it make you wonder if you should strength train more and drop the cardio? Well, if you are in this new stAGE of life...we are doing the DEEP DIVE today about CARDIO!


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#350 How She Lost The Weight!

I thought you might like to hear how one of my recent clients lost weight. She talked about so many things that I think you can relate to, and also discussed the 4 BIGGEST things that changed everything for her when it came to helping her reach her goals.


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#349 Weight Loss Myths Debunked!

There are more myths about weight loss than ever! I think we have social media to thank for you that one! Well, in this episode I'm going to go over some of the biggest weight loss myths to make sure you know the TRUTH!


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#348 Can You Workout When Sick?

Do you always wonder if you SHOULD or SHOULD NOT workout when you are feeling under the weather? This week we are doing the deep dive so you know exactly what to do the next time you are sick.


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#347 Letting It Happen? Or Making It Happen?

I recently realized that I see 2 types of people lately. And whether you are one or the other might determine your overall health and life. Find out in this week's episode which one you might be (and which one I am) and decide for yourself if that is where you want to stay. A few things might shock you!


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#346 Evidence Based Health Tips

I have 26 Evidence Based Health Tips for you! Many you might already do and some might be NEW to you. The best part is that these are all simple things you can focus on or shift to get HEALTHY.


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#345 Zone 2 Training

Have you heard a lot about Zone 2 Training lately? It's funny because this is NOT a new thing. But I can see why people are incorporating into their workout program more often..especially if you are a woman entering menopause. In this episode we are doing the deep dive on what Zone 2 Training is, how to do it, when to do it and more.


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#344 Why Cold Water Exposure?

Is cold water exposure worth the torture? That is what I asked myself as I got out of a 40 degree cold plunge! Well, find out why I have started including this cold therapy into my health routine and how you can do it right from your home.


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#343 Nutritional Changes For Perimenopause

Hey ladies! Are hormone shifts hitting you hard? Last year I entered full blown PERIMENOPAUSE and my body started changing so fast. The belly fat! OMG! Well, it took me one year...but I finally figured out how to adjust my nutrition for this stage of life. And yes..it helped the belly fat! Find out all the details in this week's podcast episode.


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#342 What I Had To Change In My 50s

My 50's ROCKED MY WORLD! I had not anticipated the changes my body was going to go through so quickly when I hit 50 years old. I spent the entire last year adjusting my workout routine, nutritional habits & daily practices in order to stay fit & healthy in an all new way. Join me in this episode to learn the details. And if you are in peri-menopause or menopause, please share this episode with others so they too can be well informed.


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#341 Back To The Nutrition Basics Part 2

Last week we talked about calories and this week we talk about 5 THINGS that will help you dial your nutrition in without logging a single calorie or macro. Whether this is new information for you or review, it always helps you get the New Year started right.


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#340 Back To Nutrition Basics (Part 1)

When you want to get back on track with nutrition but you feel like you fail year after year! Let's talk about the #1 reason you keep failing and how you can fix it this year.


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#339 The Year To RE-FOCUS

If you are OVER New Year's Resolutions but want to make changes in 2024, THIS is the podcast episode for you. We can be our BEST self this year just by shifting this one thing. Let's live our best life this year and set ourselves up for the years to come.
