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Senior Bitches with Mary Jo Eustace

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Senior Bitches explores the super fun world of becoming and being a Senior Citizen! As a woman! You know aging out and everything fabulous that goes along with it! No more sex and fun times for you! Just please follow the line to the left and QUIETLY leave the building, especially if you are 55 + and up! Meet me, Mary Jo Eustace, your host. I am a best selling author, an award winning TV host and last time I checked, still very much alive. I am also a SENIOR, SINGLE and still having SEX. Ecstatic to be an empty nester, I am ready to roam and shatter all the bullshit stereotypes we have of women who DARE to age. What’s your number?


United States


Senior Bitches explores the super fun world of becoming and being a Senior Citizen! As a woman! You know aging out and everything fabulous that goes along with it! No more sex and fun times for you! Just please follow the line to the left and QUIETLY leave the building, especially if you are 55 + and up! Meet me, Mary Jo Eustace, your host. I am a best selling author, an award winning TV host and last time I checked, still very much alive. I am also a SENIOR, SINGLE and still having SEX. Ecstatic to be an empty nester, I am ready to roam and shatter all the bullshit stereotypes we have of women who DARE to age. What’s your number?



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Walnuts, Tuscany and La Dolce Vita!

Hanging on every word as I discuss all things Italian with the incredible Debbie Travis. Oprah approved and still going strong, we dive deep into her life altering decision to restore a 16th century Tuscan Villa over a decade ago. Undeterred by sleeping in a tent for five years, she lovingly speaks of the creativity of the renovation, the sweetness of a slower life and the women who now come to her life changing retreats. Plus she is helping me design my next chapter in glorious, glorious Italy. Grazie Mille Bella!


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Komodo Dragons, Pearls and The Perfect Man

My guest today is the dreamy Captain Jason Chambers from the smash hit TV show, BELOW DECK. We met last summer when I was lucky enough to spend 6 weeks with him at sea, cruising the divine Indian ocean, dropping anchor in places like Bali, Lombok and the Gili Islands, to name a few. He is warm, funny, smart and a loving dad. He is also in possession of information we all needed to know yesterday; women have 3 G SPOTS. Who Knew??? Sp please tune in for an anatomy lesson and tips on how to get there. Did I mention that I am in love?:)


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Our guest today Dan Holtz has got his act together! He is a pioneer in the beauty and wellness industry and the treatments that he is offering through his award winning medspa Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Centre are insane. So get out your notepads - we are covering it all! From the newest techniques in injectables, stem cells and hormones ( men get bitchy too???) to the new and GROWING treatment - no pun intended - on how to enhance your male partners... penis. You're welcome.


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Coming in hot as the ultimate fan girl, I have been dying to interview Patti Stanger for years! The Millionaire Matchmaker should be required viewing for anyone venturing out into the world of relationships and dating. She does God's work. Speaking to her almost a decade after the launch of her hit show, it is safe to say things have changed a wee bit. We cover it all; quantum physics, narcissists, dating etiquette ( does it even exist anymore??), ghosting, hoovering and the weight we carry if we dare to be too damn fabulous as women. Yet at heart, she is a total optimist and a complete and beautiful romantic. Tune in for all of it. Secrets will be shared.


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Pure Joy

Who knew getting dressed and actually giving a shit about your appearance could actually begin to transform your life. My guest today is the effervescent and incredibly inclusive Caroline Baudino who is changing how we view ourselves one outfit at a time. Everyday she galvanizes her global following to GET UP. GET DRESSED. LET’S DO THIS!. Plus she is my go to gal for anything fashion, sharing secrets and tips that will change your life. Check out this absolute jolt of sunshine on Instagram @shop.with.caroline


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Uno is Life

Who knew that Jann and I were both almost taken out from an UNO incident? Her's required a hospital visit and mine protective glasses. Join us as we dive into sex, plastic surgery and the beauty of not giving a f**k, especially when your air pods go on the fritz and your guest and your PRODUCER just decide to go on without you! Namaste!


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Let it Flow...

Welcome to 2024 and a huge “see ya later" to the cluster f**k that was 2023! Absolutely thrilled to be kicking off the new year with the uber fabulous Rebecca Kordecki, whose life is literally an 8 part mini series; possibly 10! From running with celebrities to barefoot and penniless in North Hollywood she has lived a thousand lives and is here today to dish on it all. Get ready….she even had me guessing. :)


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Sweetened By Risk

MJ spends a magical hour with the iconic Alana Stewart discussing the power of finding your own voice, the benefits of men who cause you pain, and the sacred journey she took with her sweet departed friend Farrah Fawcette. Beautiful inside and out, Alana gives a masterclass in grace, forgiveness and tenacity. Subscribe and listen wherever you get your podcast!


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I have interviewed many people over the years but no one has moved me so deeply or inspired me as much, as my guest, the wildly gorgeous and soulful Maria Del Mar. An award winning actress, producer and activist she is in the throes of battling cancer as well as processing the loss of her beautiful son Gabriel. Guided by her incredible intellect and raw courage, we dive deep into the monsters and questions that reside within, knowing that at one time or another, we will all be called to confront. She is one of the strongest life forces I have ever known. We laugh, we cry and consume numerous cocktails all the while navigating this tangled experiment we call life, where there is always joy and beauty in the mix, if you choose to find it. Mucho Gracias Maria XXXXX


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Elevate and Celebrate

David Furnish and MJ met over 40 years as teenagers, relegated to the back court of their local tennis club because they just weren’t cool enough for prime time. Connecting as the ultimate outsiders they went on to change the club’s culture, embracing their trailblazing spirit and finding the confidence and conviction that only a soul connecting friendship can provide. Fully embracing their 14 year old selves, listen as they talk about loving the rebel within, David’s entrepreneurial skills prior to running Rocket Entertainment ( he killed it with the pool snack bar ), and the game changing work he has been doing for over 30 years with the Elton John AIDS Foundation, the global charity he runs so passionately with his much adored husband, Elton John.


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Dubai and Midnight Cocktails

A delightful midnight chat between California ( Evening Cocktails ) and Dubai ( Morning coffee), getting to know the iridescent and game changing Caroline LaBouchare. Forced to reinvent her life after a set of life altering circumstances, this trailblazing woman landed her first modeling job in her 50’s. For Vogue. Posing nude and killing it. How’s that for a woman who once avoided mirrors and felt perpetually invisible? She is absolutely my new hero for the power of YES and uses her multimedia social platform to inspire, educate and curate the aging landscape in the most connecting and empowering way. Tune in as she talks, love, life and the joy of not knowing what is next (plus dropping kick ass beauty tips and much needed transparency in procedures to help us look our very best). We love her!


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Hanya: 66 and Killing It

A thought provoking and far reaching conversation with the sparkling Hanya K who at 66 years of age is bringing her super powers and luminous beauty to the world of fashion and modeling. And killing it I might add. Our conversation was free flowing and inspirational, landing on the beauty in knowing yourself, the joy of letting go and the surprising 4 am thought that made me love her even more because I have that one too... Tune in for a sunshine infusion.


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Life, Love and Rock 'n Roll

A delicious dive into all things life affirming with the indomitable and Iconic Jeanne Beker. MJ hangs on every syllable as Jeanne shares stories from her incredible life as never before. Laughs, tears and her current mantra, the beauty of an open heart. Plus - Who knew all that about Sting????


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Ouch - That Hurt :)

Recovering Dolce Vita style in Rome after a series of life altering events, MJ’s Parisian Bestie Anne Marie gives her a cold hard truth that leads to another set of life altering events. But this time... better.


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Who knew that Jann Arden giving MJ a melon and a door knob thirty years ago would be the jumping off point for a roller coaster conversation on love, sexuality, death, desire, secrets and the absolute beauty of failure. Plus Jann invites MJ for a Canadian visit, as long it does not exceed 90 days...


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What do you do when every aspect of your life implodes? Publicly - thanks for the article People Magazine! Personally - another break up??? And Professionally - Coitus Interruptus with a side of legal... Well - You go to Rome. You walk the ancient streets, broken and beautiful. You eat pasta and find a good sports bar. Then the magic begins...


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What's Your Story Worth?

Join Mary Jo Eustace on Ex’s & Uh-Ohs! With her guests Donal Brophy and Emrhys Cooper as they talk about exes, lies, truths, and the value of your story. #truth #love #sex #liberation #value


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Love, Lies and Hollywood with Canadian Icon George "Strombo" Stroumboulopoulos

Mary Jo weathers the storm with an assist from Canadian icon George "Strombo" Stroumboulopoulos as they discuss love, lies and Hollywood.


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Coitus Interruptus

Mary Jo had an Uh-Oh! Join her, Toronto Mike and her surprise guest, Icon actually, Rae Dawn Chong, for a fascinating dive into... everything! #new #Love #loss #resilience


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17 years after Dean McDermott and Mary Jo Eustace's epic divorce, they're here to help those going through a nasty split, sharing what they've learned. But first, they revisit D-Day.
