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Find Your Feminine Fire

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Are you a high achieving woman ready to have more energy and sexual desire again, but feel stuck because you are too busy, feel overwhelmed, and don’t want one more thing on your “to do” list? Congratulations brave one, The Find Your Feminine Fire podcast is for you. In this podcast, renowned Sex and Relationship Expert Amanda Testa shares what it really takes to have incredible sex, enjoy deeply connected relationships, and light yourself up from the inside out. Over the years, Amanda has guided thousands on transformative journeys to heal their relationship with their sexuality, fully embrace pleasure without shame, own their electrifying confidence, and have epic relationships. Listen in to discover how to fan the flames of your Feminine Fire, fall in love with your sensual self again, and experience intimacy like never before - all in a way that feels really good to your system. Ready To Get Your Feminine Fire Back? Head to for free goodies and your Free Sensuality Activation! Join my FB community here:


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Are you a high achieving woman ready to have more energy and sexual desire again, but feel stuck because you are too busy, feel overwhelmed, and don’t want one more thing on your “to do” list? Congratulations brave one, The Find Your Feminine Fire podcast is for you. In this podcast, renowned Sex and Relationship Expert Amanda Testa shares what it really takes to have incredible sex, enjoy deeply connected relationships, and light yourself up from the inside out. Over the years, Amanda has guided thousands on transformative journeys to heal their relationship with their sexuality, fully embrace pleasure without shame, own their electrifying confidence, and have epic relationships. Listen in to discover how to fan the flames of your Feminine Fire, fall in love with your sensual self again, and experience intimacy like never before - all in a way that feels really good to your system. Ready To Get Your Feminine Fire Back? Head to for free goodies and your Free Sensuality Activation! Join my FB community here:



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The Future of Psychedelic Therapy with Sherry Rais

Today’s episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the cutting-edge therapies transforming mental healthcare. We’re diving deep into the realm of psychedelic assisted therapy with a remarkable guest, Sherry Rais. Sherry is the CEO and co-founder of Enthea, and she has been at the forefront of blending purpose with professionalism, guiding entities from startups to global organizations like the United Nations and World Bank in achieving their mission. In this episode, you’ll discover why Sherry’s work is pivotal in the current wellness revolution and how Enthea is making psychedelic therapy accessible to more people. With Sherry’s rich background in public policy, in-depth research in psychedelics, and her dedication to reducing human suffering, you're going to gain some very valuable insights today into the future of mental healthcare. Key Takeaways from this episode: Transforming Mental Health:Science Behind Psychedelics:Practical Access:Enthea’s Mission:Future of Treatment: — If you are ready to take the next step in reigniting your passion and enhancing your relationship, head over to to get started. Sign up here to receive your complimentary Sensual Self Discovery Kit Journal, Self Love Meditation, and Activation Practice.


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Unlocking The Power Of The Mind To Heal Chronic Pain With Brandy Gillmore

From Pain To Empowerment. Do you or a loved one suffer from chronic pain? Have you ever felt the frustration of hearing there's no solution for your suffering? How this affects your relationships, and challenges your intimacy? If so, this episode is for you. Today, I’m thrilled to be joined by Brandy Gillmore, a researcher and mind-body healing expert with an extraordinary story of recovery and empowerment. Brandy shares her personal journey from enduring two devastating accidents that left her in extreme pain and reliant on a wheelchair, to discovering the profound healing power of the mind. Key Takeaways from this episode: Healing Through the Mind: Brandy talks about how she beat chronic pain and disability by using the power of her mind. Emotions and Health: The chat highlights how our emotional patterns and awareness can really impact our physical health and recovery. Research and Tips: Brandy shares what she's discovered through her research and gives practical tips for emotional healing. Beyond Positive Thinking: An important takeaway is the difference between just thinking positively and making real emotional changes for true healing. New Healing Perspective: Brandy stresses the need to change how we think about healing, showing how our minds can lead to lasting health improvements. — If you are ready to take the next step in reigniting your passion and enhancing your relationship, head over to to get started. Sign up here to receive your complimentary Sensual Self Discovery Kit Journal, Self Love Meditation, and Activation Practice.


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Supporting Our Intimate Health With Caroline Goodner

We often don’t talk about common vaginal health issues, and the mental impacts of those issues. Today We are talking with Caroline Goodner, the co-founder and CEO of OrganiCare, a leader in transforming feminine healthcare by making highly effective, natural products that are science-backed and available over the counter through national retailers. Listen in as we discuss promising solutions for common vaginal health issues,and why lifting the taboo around this subject is key. Key Takeaways from this episode: Tackling Common Yet Under-Discussed Conditions: Conditions like yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis (BV), and genital herpes are very common but often not talked about due to stigma. Addressing the Emotional Impact: Women's sexual health issues don't just cause physical discomfort; they also bring emotional challenges. Feelings of shame, uncleanliness, and anxiety can be alleviated by having effective treatments readily available, enabling women to get back to their normal lives quickly. Innovative and Safe Solutions: Organicare focuses on innovation and safety, using ingredients like oxygenated olive oil to provide antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties without the negative side effects of traditional medications. Empowering Women Through Education and Support: Talking openly about sexual health and providing education on common conditions and treatments helps reduce stigma and empower women. — If you are ready to take the next step in reigniting your passion and enhancing your relationship, head over to to get started. Sign up here to receive your complimentary Sensual Self Discovery Kit Journal, Self Love Meditation, and Activation Practice


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The One Thing You Can Do To Improve Your Relationship with Mark and Amanda Testa

What's the one thing I can do, such that doing it will make everything else easier or unnecessary? Today on the pod my husband Mark and I are sharing how prioritizing your relationship can make everything else in your life better. This episode was inspired by the book, "The One Thing" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. We talk about the power of focusing on one important thing at a time and explore how prioritizing your relationship can have a ripple effect on your whole life. Liisten in to discover: The Power of One Thing: Learn how zeroing in on one priority—like your relationship—can simplify everything else. The Multitasking Myth: Discover why multitasking isn’t as effective as we think and how focusing can improve your life. Daily Life Impact: See how a strong relationship boosts your success at work, with your kids, and in your community. Vulnerability & Communication: Find out why being open and communicating well with your partner is crucial. Setting Boundaries: Get tips on creating boundaries with technology to strengthen your connection. Having Fun Together: Embrace playfulness in your relationship for more joy and intimacy. — If you are ready to take the next step in reigniting your passion and enhancing your relationship, head over to to get started. Sign up here to receive your complimentary Sensual Self Discovery Kit Journal, Self Love Meditation, and Activation Practice


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New Solutions for ED with Dr. Elliot Justin

Are you looking to elevate your sexual health and wellness? ED, aka Erectile Dysfunction, can cause real struggles in relationships. And, ED is not just a later in life problem. 30% of men at the age of 30 suffer from ED. This number increases 10% every decade of age after. If this issue affects your relationship, you’re in luck as today on the podcast I’m talking with Dr. Elliot Justin, MD, the CEO and Founder of FirmTech, the first sex tech company dedicated to improving men’s erectile fitness. He has a background in Emergency Medicine and healthcare technology consulting. Happily married for 35 years, and father of three children, Elliot and his wife Ann live in Montana with three energetic mares and a flock of chickens. He is a passionate trail rider who sometimes imagines, to his wife’s chagrin, that he’s a centaur. Listen in to discover: ED Affects All Ages: ED isn't just an older guy problem; men of all ages can experience it, and it impacts both their mental and physical health, plus their relationships. Dr. Justin’s Journey: Dr. Justin’s story is inspiring—after a major accident, he got into sexual wellness and invented a smart cock ring that helps with ED and gives important health insights. Breaking the Stigma: We dive into why it's so important to talk openly about sexual health and work on breaking the taboo around ED. Root Causes Matter: Instead of just treating symptoms, we need to look at and address the root causes of ED for better long-term results. Non-Pharma Solutions: Firm Tech’s products offer a drug-free way to boost sexual performance and overall health, which is a game-changer for many. Relationship Tips: There’s practical advice on how partners can introduce these tech solutions into their relationships to enhance intimacy and sexual health. Ready to “put a ring on it”? Use my promo code “FIRE” for a 20% discount here — If you are ready to take the next step in reigniting your passion and enhancing your relationship, head over to to get started. Sign up here to receive your complimentary Sensual Self Discovery Kit Journal, Self Love Meditation, and Sensuality Activation Practice.


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The Power Of Intentional Dreaming With Madeline Giles

Are you ready to tap into the transformative power of your dreams? In the latest episode of the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast, we dive deep into the world of intentional dreaming with Madeline Giles, a somatic spiritual counselor, breath facilitator, herbalist, and novice beekeeper devoted to living and dreaming a more compassionate world into being. Her new book, "Then I Woke Up, Dreaming With Mother Earth" complies some Madeline shares her own compelling journey of healing and awakening through dreams, and offers potent practices to help you cultivate a sacred relationship with your own nighttime visions. You'll discover how to: Whether you're a seasoned lucid dreamer or a curious newbie, this episode will inspire you to embrace your dreams as a treasured ally on your path of self-discovery and awakening. Find out more about Madeline Giles and her new book HERE. _________ If you are ready to take the next step in reigniting your passion and enhancing your relationship then head over to to get started. Sign up here to receive your free Sensual Self Discovery Kit Journal, Self Love Meditation, And Activation Practice! Thank you for listening, I will see you in the next episode.


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How To "Get Quiet" In A Busy World with Elaine Glass

Has our very noisy world disconnected you . . . from yourself?? If you are on a path to restoring your sacred connection to yourself and to all that really matters to you…. tune in. In today's episode of the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with the inspiring Elaine Glass - visionary author and master life coach with over 15 years of experience helping people transform their lives. We dive into some of the themes of her most recent book, "Get Quiet, 7 Simple Steps To The Truth Of Who You Are." Elaine shares her personal journey of finding her way back to her truest self after going through a challenging 13-year marriage that ended in divorce. She talks about how the stress and heaviness of that situation led to an autoimmune disease, and how she had to make the difficult decision to leave the marriage in order to reclaim her health and wellbeing. Tune in to discover: • The importance of getting quiet and creating space to reconnect with your inner wisdom and intuition, and simple steps to do this. • How to use movement, rest, and being in your body to release stuck energy and emotions. • What it takes to create a healthy, nourishing environment, and why this is so important. • How to reconnect with a spirit of play and creativity. • The healing power of presence and deep listening, and much more. While it can feel daunting to make big life changes, Elaine shows that it's possible to find your way back home to yourself, one small step at a time. I hope this conversation inspires you to trust those inner nudges and give yourself full permission to pursue what makes you come alive. Enjoy! If you are ready to take the next step in reigniting your passion and enhancing your relationship then head over to to get started. Sign up here to receive your free Sensual Self Discovery Kit Journal, Self Love Meditation, And Activation Practice! Thank you for listening, I will see you in the next episode.


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Moving From Exhaustion to Ecstasy with Amanda Testa

Today I'm diving deep into exploring how we can move from feeling drained to feeling energized in our skin. Growing up in a culture that often teaches women to dim their light and prioritize others' needs, I understand firsthand the challenges of feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from our innate potential for fulfillment. But here's the thing: it doesn't have to be this way. There's a proven blueprint for reclaiming our vitality and pleasure, and I'm here to guide you through it. In this episode, I introduce a four-phase blueprint for reclaiming power and vitality, covering topics such as clarity, compassion, boundaries, and the importance of tuning into one's body and desires. Each phase builds upon the last, creating a strong foundation for a life filled with pleasure and vitality. So, if you're ready to embrace your feminine fire, to reclaim your sensuality and vitality, then join me on this journey from exhaustion to ecstasy. Let's rediscover the joy of being fully alive in our bodies and fully present in our lives. Thanks for tuning in!


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Leaping Big In Life And Love With Gay Hendricks

Are you ready to manifest your next level life and relationship? If you’re looking to find out what it really takes to go beyond your happiness ceiling and experience the joys of life in deeper ways, you are in for a very special treat this episode. Today I’m talking with the incredible Gay Hendricks, PhD and we are going to dive into what it takes to bring forth your genius in your life and relationships. As a leader in the fields of relationship transformation and body mind therapies for more than 45 years, Dr. Hendricks and his wife Katie have written more than 40 books, trained thousands of coaches, appeared on Oprah, and hosted seminars around the globe. In this episode, we are going to be diving in what it takes to bring forth your genius in your life and relationships, the common "Upper Limit Problems" that hold us back, and powerful insights to connect to your unique genius and shine it in more fulfilling ways. Dr. Hendricks reflects on 44 years with his wife Katie, and shares some powerful advice to a successful, love filled relationship, and much more inside! Enjoy the episode! _______ Remember, you deserve to experience vibrant, fulfilling love, intimacy, and connection in your life. If you're ready to take the next step and explore your unique desires and challenges in a free personalized sensuality discovery session, visit to download your Free Sensuality Kit or to book your session with Amanda.


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Why A Checklist Won't Get Your Libido Back

Have you ever tried to improve your sex life or increase your sensuality by making a checklist of things to do? Many high-achieving individuals, especially women juggling multiple roles, find comfort in the structure of a checklist. But what exactly should you include in your checklist to enhance your sensuality and embrace your feminine essence? We explore the dos and don'ts of checklist items, separating the effective from the futile. True transformation doesn't happen overnight. We explore the concept of practice and experimentation in the realm of sexuality and relationship dynamics. Like building strength in the gym, cultivating intimacy requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to find the pace that is right for you As you listen, you'll discover how the journey toward rekindling your Feminine Fire is more about embracing practices, exploring what feels good, and allowing yourself to grow at a pace that feels right for you. Amanda provides insights on why you can't just checklist away certain aspects of your journey and why compassionate support may be what you truly need. Remember, you deserve to experience vibrant, fulfilling love, intimacy, and connection in your life. If you're ready to take the next step and explore your unique desires and challenges in a free personalized sensuality discovery session, visit to download your Free Sensuality Kit or to book your session with Amanda.


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Kicking Fear + Shame Out Of The Bedroom

This episode is a powerful exploration into the ways fear and shame can hinder us from embracing our sexuality and creating fulfilling connections. Tune in to this week's episode of The Find Your Feminine Fire Podcast as I confront the common barriers of fear and shame that often impede our journey towards sexual fulfillment and deep connection. Drawing from years of experience, we’ll explore the roots of these challenges and how to overcome them. Fear and shame can manifest in various ways, affecting everyone. From societal stigma to personal insecurities, we unpack the common fears that hold us back from embracing our desires and owning our sexuality. This journey towards sexual empowerment requires patience and self-compassion. We emphasize the importance of taking small steps and learning to listen to our bodies' needs and desires If you are ready to take the next step in reigniting your passion and enhancing your relationship then head over to to get started. Sign up here to receive your free Sensual Self Discovery Kit Journal, Self Love Meditation, And Activation Practice! Thank you for listening, I will see you in the next episode.


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What Does It Mean To Find Your Feminine Fire And How It Transforms Your Relationships

Welcome to the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast, where we celebrate six years of empowering women to reconnect with their inner spark. Join us as we relaunch the podcast with a deep dive into what it truly means to find your feminine fire and why it's such a transformative journey. In this episode, we explore the significance of finding your feminine fire in today's fast-paced world. Amidst the chaos of daily life and societal pressures, reconnecting with our inner fire becomes essential for personal growth, fulfillment, and empowerment. We delve into the journey of self-discovery, embracing sexuality, nurturing relationships, and prioritizing self-care. The Find Your Feminine Fire podcast aims to create a safe space for listeners to explore taboo topics, embrace curiosity without shame, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. By distilling valuable insights and resources, this podcast empowers you to implement positive changes and cultivate a life aligned with your desires. Finding your feminine fire is not just about personal transformation—it's about reclaiming your power, embracing your authenticity, and igniting a brighter future for yourself and those around you. If you are ready to take the next step in reigniting your passion and enhancing your relationship then head over to to get started.


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How To Leap Into The Epic Love Story You Desire

Tune in for a quickie pod on leaping forward into the love story you desire. Discover what typically holds us back, and how to commit to expanding your love story with yourself, and your partner. ________________ If you are a fan of the podcast, I'm curious if you would be willing to help me with something.... would you please be a part of my "Turn On Team" ? We are celebrating 6 YEARS of the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast in March, and I'm planning an epic relaunch to mark the occasion!! Here's where the magic happens, and you play the starring role. What is the "Turn On Team" you ask? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to sprinkle your love and sparkle on our upcoming posts about the launch. What's in it for you? HUGE PRIZES! By simply joining the team here, you're already in the running. Keep an eye out for my upcoming announcements on how writing a review or engaging in other fun activities can multiply your chances to win! Your voice, your energy, and your support could truly make waves as we embark on this exciting journey together. Your contribution helps create the spark that sets the community ablaze with excitement and connection. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unwavering support. Much Love and Infinite Gratitude, Amanda


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How To Get Your Partner On Board To Improve Your Relationship

Today I'm re-releasing this powerful episode from 2021, as this is a question I often recieve from clients. How do I get my partner on board to improve our relationship? Listen into this episode where you'll discover the importance of personal growth for fostering deeper connections, strategies for effective and compassionate communication with your partner, the significance of aligning your actions with your inner values and desires, and the role of understanding and creating a safe emotional space for each other. I'll also share some journaling prompts you can use to when you want to discuss this with your partner, and how to have the conversation. (grab the journal PDF with the show notes here) Time and time again, I have seen that when one person in a relationship makes changes in themselves, there is a ripple effect that happens that positively impacts the relationship. Listen below, or tune in via: Apple Podcasts,Stitcher or Spotify.


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Unleashing Your Goddess Voice And Freeing Your Expression With Sara Giita Flores

If you’ve ever felt your voice was suppressed, or struggled to fully express your true self, our latest episode of Find Your Feminine Fire is an absolute must-listen. In this week's podcast, I'm talking with trusted voice coach Sara Giita Flores around what it really takes to heal the hidden blocks that keep you playing small. Listen in to this week's episode to discover: - Why we as humans have a deep need to be seen, heard, and understood, and what stands in the way of this. - Exploring the 4 Voice Archetypes to Make Yourself Heard. - How to use your physiology to support your expression. - How to develop safety and confidence when sharing your voice. - What is your "Goddess Voice" And how to find it and express it. And much more!


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How To Go From Shut Down To Turned On With Amanda Testa

Are you longing to reignite your passion and enhance your intimate connections? In this week's Find Your Feminine Fire podcast episode, I'm revisiting my very first episode, from six years ago! In the premiere episode, I share more vulnerably about my personal journey from feeling disconnected and overwhlemed to sensually alive and deeply connected to myself and my relationship. Tune in to discover how to embrace your pleasure, heal your relationship with your sexuality, and step into your true, confident self. This enlightening conversation, hosted by my dear friend Rachel Rose, is filled with practical tips and compassionate advice, guiding you to rekindle your inner flame. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by life's demands or seeking to deepen your relationships, tune in and you'll gain a lot of inspo from this episode! Want to stay connected? Join my email list for a very special sensuality activation practice HERE.


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Feng Shui Your Life + Transform Your Relationships with Marie Diamond

Are you ready to transform your living space into a vibrant sanctuary that not only boosts your Feminine Fire but also rejuvenates your soul? This episode of the "Find Your Feminine Fire" podcast is an absolute must-listen, as we dive into the transformative power of Feng Shui with the renowned master, Marie Diamond. Marie Diamond, a Feng Shui Master, unravels the mysteries of this ancient Chinese energy system, explaining its principles in a way that's both enlightening and practical. She shares how your home, which she describes as a larger body around you, can influence your inner energy. By understanding and applying Feng Shui principles, you can create an environment that supports your wellbeing and personal growth. Tune in to Discover: ✨ What's possible when you change your surroundings, and how to overcome the obstacles in the way of changing your space. ✨ What makes Marie's approach to Feng Shui unique, and the science behind her method. ✨ Learn practical tips for your home and workspace- and what you should NOT be doing! ✨How to use Feng Shui to manifest your desires, and inspring stories of transformation. ✨ How to make your bedroom a "Love Sanctuary", and the common thing we need to get out of the bedroom STAT for better connection. ✨ And much more! This is just a glimpse into the treasure trove of insights Marie Diamond shares in the episode. Be sure to listen to the full podcast for a deeper dive into the world of Feng Shui and personal transformation!


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How To Create A Recap + Intention Ritual For Your Relationship

Are you ready to transform your relationships in 2024? Whether it's deepening the bond with your partner, enriching your connection with yourself, or enhancing your role in the community, our latest podcast episode is your treasure trove of wisdom and insight. Listen in to discover: ✨How to create unique year-end rituals that can act as powerful catalysts for change and growth in your relationships. ✨What it means to be a “Groundskeeper” in your life, and how to use it to reflect on your year, paving the way for a more mindful and intentional 2024. ✨Unearth the secrets to harnessing wisdom and power from your life’s traumas and challenges. This episode guides you through navigating these tough terrains to emerge stronger and more connected in your relationships. ✨Gain exclusive access to the personal prompts I use to envision and sculpt my relationship goals. Plus, delve into potent intention-setting tools designed to make your 2024 a year of profound connection and fulfillment. 👉Download your 2023 Year in Review Journal HERE. Join the Planting Your Seeds of Desire Workshop for FREE! RSVP HERE.


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Reclaiming Your IntuWitchin With Mia Magik

Looking to reclaim your inner magic and self trust? Get ready to ignite your intuWitchin and reconnect with nature’s wisdom in the latest episode of "Find Your Feminine Fire" podcast, where I dive deep into a captivating conversation with the extraordinary Mia Magik. As a modern ambassador of ancient wisdom and author of "IntuWitchin", Mia shares her journey of embracing her intuition after years of ignoring her inner voice, leading to profound transformations and a deeper connection with the universe. Listen into this powerful episode to discover: ✨How Mia's intuitive abilities were present in childhood but got suppressed due to societal pressures, and why it can be hard to listen to your IntuWitchin. ✨Mia's transformative experience in New York City that rekindled her connection to the Universe and her inner knowing. ✨The power of reconnecting with nature and the elements and concrete examples of interpreting signs from the universe and nature in everyday life. ✨How these principles of deepening your IntuWitchin can enhance both romantic and platonic relationships. ✨Exploring the link between physical ailments and emotional/spiritual needs. ✨Emphasizing a lifestyle that celebrates sensuality and joy in various forms. and much more! This episode is an invitation to step into a world where intuition, nature, and pleasure intertwine, leading to a life filled with magic, purpose, and deep fulfillment. Tune in and be inspired to awaken the magic within you!


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Creating Joyful Connections To Your Body with Thais Harris

Have you ever wondered how your health and nutrition plays into your Feminine Fire? If you’re seeking ways to nourish your spirit, body, and mind, you’re in for a treat with our latest conversation. In this episode of the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast, I'm thrilled to sit down with Thais Harris, a board-certified holistic nutritionist who helps clients cultivate deeper self-love as the guiding principle in making dietary and lifestyle improvements. Thais's journey from the world of graphic design and acting to holistic nutrition is nothing short of inspiring, driven by personal health challenges and family experiences. It's a story that speaks to the transformative power of food and self-care. Together, Thais and I dive deep into the intricate connections between nutrition, stress, and overall well-being. We explore how our food choices can significantly impact our health, vitality, and even our emotional state. Thais shares eye-opening insights into the importance of traditional diets and the role of joyful movement in nurturing our resilience and vibrancy, and creating better relationships. Listen in to discover: ✨ Uncover how stress impacts health and learn strategies to combat its effects through nutrition. ✨ Conscious eating and practical tips on making mindful food choices that align with your body’s needs and your soul’s desires. ✨ Getting your family on board, and how to guide your children towards nourishing food choices in a supportive, non-restrictive manner. ✨Embracing menopause and advice on using nutrition and self-love to navigate this transformative stage gracefully. ✨ How improved eating improves relationships, and much more! Grab your favorite beverage, find a cozy spot, and join us in this enlightening conversation. It's time to unlock the secrets to fueling your feminine fire through the power of nutrition and self-love.
