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Food and Body Freedom

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Bite-sized podcast episodes covering breaking up with diet culture, anti-diet nutrition, health, movement, self-worth and body image. Feel less isolated and tool up on your journey to thrive in your body with host - Anti-Diet Nutritionist and Body Image Coach Nadia Felsch


United States


Bite-sized podcast episodes covering breaking up with diet culture, anti-diet nutrition, health, movement, self-worth and body image. Feel less isolated and tool up on your journey to thrive in your body with host - Anti-Diet Nutritionist and Body Image Coach Nadia Felsch



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Can You Pursue Weight Loss and Make Peace With Food?

Answering one of the most common (and valid!) questions in this anti-diet, intuitive eating space. Digging into: Learn about my September 2023 Food Freedom program cohort here Episode links and notes here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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Does This Count? Exploring Movement with Jamie Carbaugh

What counts when it comes to movement? Is 5 mins enough? What if you don't sweat? What if you can't 'motivate' yourself? Is rest bad? Where do variations and rest fit? Does play have a place? In this episode I am joined by Weight-Inclusive, Joyful Movement Coach and Virtual, Certified Personal Trainer Jamie Carbaugh for an entertaining and thought-provoking exploration of movement when we remove the standard weight-centric, capitalist, hustle-culture, ableist and anti-fat perspective. What's even possible? Episode notes and links here. @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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Why Diet Culture is Just Icing On The Cake with Jessica Wilson

It's comfortable and increasingly normalised to criticise and speak to dismantling diet culture. Yet without interrogating what upholds diet culture we harm everyone and leave actual liberation behind. In this episode I am joined by queer, disabled Dietitian, Author and Community Organiser Jessica Wilson for a deeply thought provoking and insightful exploration of Health and all that gets lumped in with it including intuitive eating and diet culture. Including: loud Episode links and notes here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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My Body Acceptance Story Part 1

In this episode I want to get personal. More personal than I have before and share with you my own body acceptance story. This is a fairly exposing episode - peeling back the layers of what my journey with my body image has looked like and the key points that helped me arrive where I am today. Where the way I view my body - even when not positive - isn’t all that I am. Really sharing how my body acceptance story is my self acceptance story. And sharing what I notice in the world around me - from reality TV to the gym floor. This is Part 1 of my Body Acceptance Story. Episode notes here. @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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My Body Acceptance Story Part 2

In this episode I want to get personal. More personal than I have before and share with you my own body acceptance story. This is a fairly exposing episode - peeling back the layers of what my journey with my body image has looked like and the key points that helped me arrive where I am today. Where the way I view my body - even when not positive - isn’t all that I am. Really sharing how my body acceptance story is my self acceptance story. And sharing what I notice in the world around me - from reality TV to the gym floor. This is Part 2 of my Body Acceptance Story. Episode notes here. @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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Nutrition Myth Busting Part 2

Endless noise about what's 'good' for you to eat and endless nutrition ideas to pay attention to. It's normal that this can feel overwhelming and confusing and you deserve better so let's sift through and breakdown these myths: 1:1 coaching support here Link + notes here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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Slow AF Running with Martinus Evans

What if running was for everyone, in the body you're in right now? All too often I hear folks share how movement for them has only meant punishment, weight loss and shame. And how unsupported, judged and excluded they feel in movement spaces. Martinus Evans (@300poundsandrunning) is on a mission to change that! In this episode we explore: Full show notes + links here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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Is it Healthy or Is It Diet-y?

If you want help with food, nutrition and eating (practically speaking) to improve dietary quality, support your health without it being diet-y and feel more sorted and organised to do it… this is the episode for you! Step inside a recent (challenging) eating experience with me and explore the tools and skills I utilised to navigate it and support my health (without being diet-y!) Register for Health Redefined: A powerful 4-week small group coaching experience giving you the tools, strategies, and skills to uplevel your nutrition, improve your energy, all the while redefining what it means to be “healthy" starting July. Episode notes + links @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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What To Eat When You Have No Time and You're Over It

Inside this episode I offer you a version of the free challenge I ran last month - "What To Eat When You Have No Time and You're Over It" - which was incredibly supportive and powerful to the folks in it . This episode is ideal to support yourself in reality with food and eating if you: Register for my free MasterClass: Fuel Better, Feel Better on June 15th @ 6pm AEST A 60-minute masterclass I’m teaching live on simplifying the food, nutrition and health components you need to feel your best and optimise your health, without starting over every Monday. Episode links + notes @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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Nutrition Myth Busting Part 1

Endless noise about what's 'good' for you to eat and endless nutrition ideas to pay attention to. It's normal that this can feel overwhelming and confusing and you deserve better! This episode explores 4 very common nutrition myths: Link + notes here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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"My Doctor Told Me To Lose Weight"

Chances are if you're exploring the non-diet, weight-inclusive healthcare space, you're possibly perplexed by hearing this from your doctor! Even if from the past, the 'recommendation' may be floating around in your mind and you're unsure how to reconcile it? Is there truth in it? What are you to take from it on your non-diet journey? This episode digs into the facts surrounding this statement and what’s available to you if you’re hearing it… If you’d like to share your experiences or ask Q’s - come over to our community. If you’re ready for support in overcoming the stuckness you feel about your weight, your health and wellbeing, you’re going to want to get inside my Food Freedom Program - now accepting applications for the May 2023 cohort. Click here to learn more and to apply. Full show notes here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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Where To Start With Intuitive Eating

Are you interested in getting started with intuitive eating? Are you hopeful about eating whatever you want and also terrified of what could happen? Are you on the way and "getting" it though struggling to put the ideas into practice? .....then this episode is for you! Sharing the two key starting points with intuitive eating that might surprise you. Apply for my Food Freedom Program May cohort Full show notes here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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5 Hard Experiences About Leaving Diet Culture

We talk about what’s great in leaving diet culture - brain space, energy, feeling more nourished, taking up more space in the world, taking care of yourself on your terms, being you. And these aren’t the full experience. Let's normalise the human experience that can come when we reject the status quo ideas of diet culture. This episode explores: Links + Resources here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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The 4 Pillars of Intuitive Eating for Health

Are you frequently second guessing your food choices or worry they’re not ‘healthy’? Do you struggle to feel nourished from food without restriction? Do you wish you could stop thinking so much about food and what you eat? You're not alone. How could you not feel this way? And do you want out? This episode explores The 4 Pillars of Intuitive Eating for Health. For your highest value option (under $AU30) to learn my top intuitive eating and non-diet nutrition tools and strategies so you can feel nourished from food without diet culture - purchase my on-demand Intuitive Eating for Health MasterClass💥 Intuitive Eating for Health MasterClass Episode notes, links + transcript here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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ADHD & Eating with Annie Crowe

Are you chasing dopamine with food? Forgetting to eat? What about the impact of medication? Is it really all this binary or is there more to consider and apply a critical lens to when it comes to ADHD and eating? In this episode Annie Crowe and I explore ADHD and eating including: Full show notes here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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4 Tools for Your Body Acceptance Journey

Are you very concerned about how your body is perceived? Feeling fed up with not liking your body and comparing yourself to others? Wishing you weren't so triggered by your own reflection? You're not alone. How could you not feel this way? And do you want out? This episode explores 4 Tools to support your Body Acceptance Journey. For your highest value option (under $AU30) to expand on the tools in this episode + dig into their implementation to accept your here and now body - purchase my Body Acceptance Breakthrough MasterClass💥 On-Demand Body Acceptance Breakthrough MasterClass Episode notes, links + transcript here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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Why It All Starts with Self-Care

If you’re struggling with anything food and body related, it all starts with self-care. Considered radical self-care when we acknowledge that the systems of oppression we live under care not for our wellbeing and that it's radical to resist that. This episode explores: Complimentary Resource - Radical Self-Care Check-In Links + Resources here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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Getting Dressed without Diet Culture with Dacy Gillespie

We get dressed every day. And that's often an intense, overwhelming and stressful experience. Apparently clothes say so much about who we are and building a stylish wardrobe that challenges capitalist, patriarchal, racist and anti-fat norms is no small feat. In this episode, the founder of Mindful Closet - Dacy Gillespie and I, explore: Find the full show notes here. @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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Why "Health" is BS

What is health to you? What isn't it? You’ve possibly seen me use air quotes when referencing "health." Maybe you’ve heard me remark after the term, ‘whatever that means’ and potentially the reasons why aren’t clear to you? You’re not alone. And understanding why "health" is BS is integral to your own liberation around food, your body and your wellbeing. This episode explores: Join the Food Freedom Program January 2023 cohort Find all episode links and notes here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook


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You Know Diets Aren’t The Answer and You Hate How You Feel

Don't want to cut carbs and chocolate nor do you feel free in your body? Such a normal and hard place to be. And one you can move forward from. In this episode I explore: DM me on IG Find the full show notes here @nadiafelschCommunity with mereviewBook
