Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers
Health & Wellness Podcasts
Hi, I'm Matilde, your host! If, like me, you are a daughter of a narcissistic mother I know you have experienced some degree of abuse as a child, and more than likely these wounds are still controlling your life as an adult… How do I know?? Because I experienced it first hand and went through years of inner work to see the light again! What I learnt in my personal journey and in over 15 years of experience working with women is that: Undealt with narcissistic mother wounds are the source of most, if not all the beliefs that are currently causing you to live a life of struggle, constantly in survivor mode. I want you to know that you are not alone in this. Many women are daughters of narcissistic mothers and experience the same difficulties in life as you do. The good news? You can totally transform your life starting now! In this podcast I share my experiences, reflections and practical content to Support you and Guide you in this moment of Your Life. My invitation is to take what serves you and leave the rest. From time to time wonderful Guests will join me here to share their beautiful message with us. So, if you are ready to take back control of your life and Reclaim Your Fullness, let's go! **No AI was used to create any of the episodes on this podcast, just the good all-fashioned pen and paper, my experience, lots of research and the questions and requests from all of you sharing with me! With Love🤍
United States
Hi, I'm Matilde, your host! If, like me, you are a daughter of a narcissistic mother I know you have experienced some degree of abuse as a child, and more than likely these wounds are still controlling your life as an adult… How do I know?? Because I experienced it first hand and went through years of inner work to see the light again! What I learnt in my personal journey and in over 15 years of experience working with women is that: Undealt with narcissistic mother wounds are the source of most, if not all the beliefs that are currently causing you to live a life of struggle, constantly in survivor mode. I want you to know that you are not alone in this. Many women are daughters of narcissistic mothers and experience the same difficulties in life as you do. The good news? You can totally transform your life starting now! In this podcast I share my experiences, reflections and practical content to Support you and Guide you in this moment of Your Life. My invitation is to take what serves you and leave the rest. From time to time wonderful Guests will join me here to share their beautiful message with us. So, if you are ready to take back control of your life and Reclaim Your Fullness, let's go! **No AI was used to create any of the episodes on this podcast, just the good all-fashioned pen and paper, my experience, lots of research and the questions and requests from all of you sharing with me! With Love🤍
S2 Ep97: Your narcissistic mother doesn’t want you to be your authentic self but that’s not all!
S2 Ep96: 2 ways your narcissistic mother can triangulate between you and your father & what to do
S2 Ep95: Daughters of narcissistic mothers need to ditch New Year resolutions & do this instead!
S2 Ep94: Here’s why daughters of narcissistic mothers often struggle with self-love & asking for help + one thing you can do from now to break the cycle
S2 Ep93: This is what happens when you set boundaries with your narcissistic mother - A personal experience & 2 fundamental questions to ask yourself
S2 Ep92: Family traditions or manipulation with a narcissistic mother? 2 steps to break the cycle of guilt and fear.
S2 Ep91: Public perfection & isolation as manipulation by your narcissistic mother (secrecy part 2)
S2 Ep90: Special Episodes - All you need to know about perimenopause with Antoinette Mc Weeney
S2 Ep89: How to recognise secrecy as a manipulation tactic by a narcissistic mother & your number 1 solution
S2 Ep88: How your narcissistic mother can triangulate during holiday season & 5 things you can do to stop it
S2 Ep87: How deeply your narcissistic mother can impact your life – A real life experience
S2 Ep86: How to stop gas-lighting yourself & learn to navigate strong emotions with Genique Baker
S2 Ep85: What you can expect when caregiving for your narcissistic mother & what to do to lessen the emotional load
S2 Ep84: This is how your narcissistic mother triangulates between you and your partner/husband & how to stop it
S2 Ep83: Does "Grey-rock" work with a Narcissistic Mother? Pros & Cons
S2 Ep82: 5 Signs of Triangulation Between Siblings by a Narcissistic Mother & How to Stop It Now
S2 Ep81: Is Every Word Spoken by a Narcissistic Mother Manipulation??
S2 Ep80: 14 Signs of Triangulation with Your Narcissistic Mother & Your Number 1 Defence
S2 Ep79: The Impact of Parentification with a Narcissistic Mother & How to Heal in 5 Steps
S2 Ep78: The Top 3 Mistakes You Need to Stop Making when Setting Boundaries with Your Narcissistic Mother