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Harris Health And Mind

Health & Wellness Podcasts

What's up beautiful humans. Welcome to the Harris Health And Mind Podcast. I'm your host Reece Harris. I've been into podcasts for about 2/3 years now, i really find the guest on shows like Rich Roll, London Real and Joe Rogan very fascinating. The knowledge those people bring to the listening sessions are very beneficial for myself. My goal with Harris Health And Mind is to inspire people that have a story to tell by creating a open and relaxed environment which is non judgemental regardless of there beliefs as a person. I believe we as humans can take a positive message from anybody if we ourselves become open enough to the idea of change and positivity. I hope you enjoy the podcasts as i look to grow and progress organically by sharing many positive messages that might inspire and change your life in some shape or form. Peaceful Listening. Reece.


United Kingdom


What's up beautiful humans. Welcome to the Harris Health And Mind Podcast. I'm your host Reece Harris. I've been into podcasts for about 2/3 years now, i really find the guest on shows like Rich Roll, London Real and Joe Rogan very fascinating. The knowledge those people bring to the listening sessions are very beneficial for myself. My goal with Harris Health And Mind is to inspire people that have a story to tell by creating a open and relaxed environment which is non judgemental regardless of there beliefs as a person. I believe we as humans can take a positive message from anybody if we ourselves become open enough to the idea of change and positivity. I hope you enjoy the podcasts as i look to grow and progress organically by sharing many positive messages that might inspire and change your life in some shape or form. Peaceful Listening. Reece.



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Mind Technique Fitness - Zone 2 Training - Reece Harris #Episode 11

It's been a while. Welcome Back, everyone. This episode has been something I've wanted to speak on for a while now. I signed up for an Ironman back in January 2019 and after getting my training programme through i didn't really know where to start in terms of how to tie all of the training sessions together and handle the load and duration of these sessions. I fell into a great podcast from Rich Roll and Chris Hauth talking about the benefits of training in zone 2. I had no idea about this...


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Part Of The 0.01% - Josh Howell - Episode #10

Welcome back to another Episode people. When was the last time you set yourself a challenge??? Are we coming out of our comfort zones enough? Do we coast in life without really pushing our capabilities? This Episode I sat down with Josh Howell and we spoke about the incredible challenge of becoming an Ironman 70.3 and Ironman Finisher. For those who are unaware of what an Ironman is, it consists of a 2.4Mile swim, 112Mile Cycle and a 26.2 Mile Marathon. A heck of an achievement to complete...


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Operation Body Acceptance & Colourism Episode #9

Hello Everyone, in aid of mental health awareness week. Charmaine, Bradley Fleming, Vanessa Boachie and Myself created an event called Operation Body Acceptance to help highlight and share experiences and information regarding our own personal journeys but also some tips and knowledge on how you can aid yourself with things you're going through. This is a bit of a mash-up style podcast with myself, Charmaine, Bradley and Vanessa speaking before the event on particular things we feel...


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Positive Vibrations - Reena Lallbeeharry - Episode #8

Positive Vibrations - Episode #8 ⚠️🎧🎙️ This gem of a podcast is with Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Laughter Yoga Leader and Actor Reena. I first found Reena through searching for some inspiration on YouTube and came across her videos which inspired myself. So I thought I would reach out and see if she would like to spread her positive vibrations to the podcast listeners and maybe drive some audiences her way as lots of her messages are very helpful. Super grateful to Reena for jumping on...


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Invest In Yourself And Success Will Follow - Laurence White Episode #7

Welcome back to the Harris Health And Mind Podcast. This week we have TV Producer and young Artist Laurence White on the show. Laurence and I speak about the mindset it takes to succeed. The progressions of a side hustle to creating a personal brand, painting celebrities and the story behind the art itself. I really enjoyed Laurence's energy, aura and knowledge regarding himself and where he is currently at within his life at this moment in time. I hope you enjoy this podcast and share with...


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Growing Up Across The Pond - Adam Reakes - Episode #6

Really good episode with Adam Reakes, discussing moving abroad to play Soccer/Football in America. We spoke about the transitional periods, what adjustments you need to make and also how the journey "made him more humble" Such a refreshing episode and i can fully relate to what Adam says in the introduction about your perspective on what is important in life, especially when you return to a place where the goal may be to always focus on having expensive things all the time. Anyone looking to...


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A Focus On Gender And Trauma Informed Care - Charmaine Harris - Episode #5

Welcome back to Episode #5 Charmaine was born in London where she remained until she was 7 years old. She spent the remainder of her childhood and adolescent years growing up in parts of Manchester and Essex before returning to live in London as an adult. After spending most of her life battling with her own mental health illness she decided to pursue a career in training in Mental Health Recovery and Social Inclusion. Charmaine now specialises in areas related to organisational change...


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How To Build A Business - Shane Harris Episode #4

From humble beginnings to business owner Shane Harris speaks about his continued success with Harris + Wood Property Agency and how he "built from the ground up" Shane speaks openly about his trials and learning experiences regarding business and gives listeners an insight into the parameters of setting a business up, especially in a competitive field. "You have to be innovative to succeed" Harris + Wood Agency is a property based business who deal with Sales. Lettings + Have a mortgages...


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Mask Off - Accepting Anxiety, Depression & PTSD - Bradley Fleming Episode #3

Whats up guys welcome back to The Harris Health And Mind Podcast. This week discussion is based around my guest Bradley Fleming's personal experience with Anxiety, Depression and the affects mental health has not only on our physical being but also our internal wellbeing. The podcast once again is original and wanted to keep it as fresh and possible with plenty of information regarding Bradley's treatments and experiences he's had. I will list timings of potential parts of the Podcast that...


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A Vision To Succeed - James Webb Episode #2

Welcome Back to the Harris Health And Mind Podcast. Super excited to have Professional MMA Fight James Webb on the show. Stay tuned for knowledge on how to visualise your future and be positive within yourself. I hope you can take away any little gems that relate to yourself from this podcast that may improve your life or even the way you view it. Once again this podcast is original so no time constraints, i wanted this to be pure and we just simply dived into all elements. I will be however...


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The English Dream - Elias Siligato Episode #1

Listen to my newest episode and discover more fascinating content as the podcast realm begins. Thank you for subscribing.
