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Hybrid Fitness Podcast Bitesize

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Health and Fitness Podcast in Smaller Easier Digested Chunks


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Health and Fitness Podcast in Smaller Easier Digested Chunks



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Episode 21 Movement Is Medicine

Ever suffered from aches and pains that have stopped you from training, its hard when you are in pain to want to move but there are a few things that need to happen in order for you to get back to full fitness.


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Episode 20 Progress, What Does It Look Like?

Progress is all we are striving for but what makes for good progress? I feel people really do not understand that progress is not always someone losing 10lbs In a week. There is much more to it...


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Episode 19 Weekend Take Aways & Losing Weight

Have you ever seen those people who eat take aways or junk food every weekend and turn up at the gym and lose weight, where you just look at a Chinese and you put on weight? Listen to how you can have the diet you want with takeaways and still lose weight


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Episode 18 Weight Loss Forever

Want to experience weight loss and actually keep it off for good? Thats exactly what im going to cover and the 3 phases you need to go through to get there.


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Episode 17 Nutrition Trumps Exercise

Ever wonder when people discuss whats more important, Exercise or Nutrition? You always hear things like its 80/20 to nutrition, let me take you through why Nutrition beats exercise


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Episode 16 How To Lose Your First 7lbs

The first 7lbs is some of the easiest weight you will ever loose. You do not need to do any crazy tactics or manipulations just the basics. Find out the four cornerstones we use to help people lose their first 7lb


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Episode 15 Eating 1200 Calories & Still Not Seeing Results

If you struggle to lose weight, maybe you have tried low cal diets or other fad methods to try an lose weight. Maybe nothing has actually worked for you at all. Then listen up...


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Episode 14 Crash Dieting Vs Sustainability

Why do people crash diet? Why does it go wrong for most people? Is it a good option for weightloss?


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Episode 13 Health or Body Composition

What is your focus? if you have a singular focus like body composition, you might just notice your health takes a hit. A lot of people focus too much on one thing then the others suffer. There is a way to do things and what I talk about is getting in shape or performing to a high level is a hell of a lot easier when you are healthy.


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Episode 12 Self Sabotage

There is a tonne of people who self sabotage, whether its in the gym, in the kitchen, at work or in their personal relationships. Yes there is a probably a deeply rooted reason why maybe stemming from childhood or family issues. I am not here to be a guru or councillor and make you relive old shit… Just to be able hopefully to recognise the behaviour and show you that you can do it without sabotaging yourself


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Episode 11 I Am Just A Coach

Being a coach is a hugely under-valued job, from dealing with clients emotions, expectations and guiding them to getting results all in the best most seamless way, goes unrecognised far too much. Now the hero is never the coach but the value they provide should be an integral part of the clients journey.


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Episode 10 How Sleep Is Affecting Your Weight

how your poor sleep habits are affecting your weight, It can cause tiredness, fatigue, binge eating and disordered processes in the digestive system.


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Episode 9 Have You A Bad Relationship With Food

How is your relationship with food? are you a clean eater? maybe you are all in with your food and binging occasionally on the side. Check out this podcast


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Episode 8 How To Lose 7lbs

Want to get results quick but without using fads or gimmicks. Real honest advice to get your fat loss journey rolling


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Episode 7 How To Gain Better Habits

Ever wondered how to improve and create better healthier habits? Understand how habits work and make them work for you!


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Episode 6 The Dark Side Of Motivation

What is motivation, why are so many people looking it & is it even that good


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Episode 5 The Most Googled Fitness Questions Of 2020- Answered

Listen to us answer the Most Googled Fitness Questions Of 2020- How to lose weight fast, the best way to lose weight and many more


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Episode 4 Nutrition

Lets talk Nutrition, what is good nutrition, why ever diet follows the same core values. Why we have more information available to us now than ever about getting results and we are still failing.


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Episode 3 Training

Training? Exercising? Why its important and not just for weight loss.


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Episode 2 Motivation

Are some people more motivated than others? Is there a way to get motivated? Is it the caveat that everyone thinks it is.
