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I Am Perfect! Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Unleash Your Power By Claiming Your Perfect(ion)! The I Am Perfect! Podcast is the show where you’ll go on playful adventures that flip the switch on what you’ve been told about being Perfect. In realizing you’re whole and complete, you’ll shift your focus from what’s “wrong” or what needs to be “fixed” to becoming aware and leveraging what’s already there WITHIN you. This is Holistic Health and Authentic Leadership in the works! Dancing at the intersection of Holistic Health/Well-Being and Leadership, you realize your Holistic Health impacts the way you Lead, and the way you Lead impacts your Holistic Health. So get on board where you explore what plays a role so you can intentionally design your Environment that makes way for your Perfect Authentic Self to shine! Join De’Nicea Hilton Harper - Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Holistic Well-Being Consultant, Workshop Facilitator and Speaker - on multi-dimensional rides where you begin to see your life experiences differently…where you open yourself up to insight and guidance that’s being offered by symptoms and conditions of the Whole Body Self to support you in your Holistic Health, Well-Being and Leadership Journey. Shift your Perspective and Perception about your life so that you may experience the Possibilities. De’Nicea shows you that what may appear to be disconnected in Spirit, Emotion, Mind, Body and Environment are actually all connected, one in the same - for you are Whole and Complete. Through this process, you’ll become more clear about who you are authentically, and discover ways to confidently Be in your purpose. Proudly stand and declare: I am Whole. I am Complete. I am Perfect!


United States


Unleash Your Power By Claiming Your Perfect(ion)! The I Am Perfect! Podcast is the show where you’ll go on playful adventures that flip the switch on what you’ve been told about being Perfect. In realizing you’re whole and complete, you’ll shift your focus from what’s “wrong” or what needs to be “fixed” to becoming aware and leveraging what’s already there WITHIN you. This is Holistic Health and Authentic Leadership in the works! Dancing at the intersection of Holistic Health/Well-Being and Leadership, you realize your Holistic Health impacts the way you Lead, and the way you Lead impacts your Holistic Health. So get on board where you explore what plays a role so you can intentionally design your Environment that makes way for your Perfect Authentic Self to shine! Join De’Nicea Hilton Harper - Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Holistic Well-Being Consultant, Workshop Facilitator and Speaker - on multi-dimensional rides where you begin to see your life experiences differently…where you open yourself up to insight and guidance that’s being offered by symptoms and conditions of the Whole Body Self to support you in your Holistic Health, Well-Being and Leadership Journey. Shift your Perspective and Perception about your life so that you may experience the Possibilities. De’Nicea shows you that what may appear to be disconnected in Spirit, Emotion, Mind, Body and Environment are actually all connected, one in the same - for you are Whole and Complete. Through this process, you’ll become more clear about who you are authentically, and discover ways to confidently Be in your purpose. Proudly stand and declare: I am Whole. I am Complete. I am Perfect!



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3’s a Party! (Not a Crowd) - Review of the Three Players in Healing So It’s a Win-Win-Win

Did you know there are three key players offering guidance and support in your Self Healing Journey? Yes, THREE! So you see, you’re not alone, my dear. In this episode, you’ll learn who those players are and the role each of them plays in your Self Healing Journey to Embracing, Embodying and Expressing Your Perfect Authentic Self. De’Nicea Hilton Harper shares with you some Re-Sources while you’re at the Perfect PlayGround and beyond (pssst...one is already in front of you.) And when it comes to Re-Sources, she gives you some insight to consider when inviting tools, people and support to join you on your Self Healing Journey -- Your ‘Time In’ Journal is available to download at www.IAmPerfectPodcast.com Perfect tool to use to facilitate integrating what you’re experiencing and learning from listening to the podcast into your Self-Healing Journey. Surprise: There’s enough space for three (3) seasons!


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Healing is a Journey...Not a Destination! Exploring the Spaces Where This Healing is Happening

Have you built a trap for yourself by setting health goals that have this end date to them? Or even what that’s supposed to look like? De’Nicea Hilton Harper puts your Spirit, Heart and Mind at ease by sharing what it really means to be in this Healing Journey. Offer yourself grace as you come to see that Healing is a Journey...NOT a destination. You’ll learn what happens when you make this subtle shift in belief as it makes it easier as you’re in your Self Healing Journey. Also, De’Nicea shows you WHERE this Healing is occurring - you’d be surprised that it’s all around you, my dear! So the more aware you are about these Healing Spaces, the more mindful you can be about it and make more conscious decisions as to where you choose to exchange energy. -- Your ‘Time In’ Journal is available to download at www.IAmPerfectPodcast.com Perfect tool to use to facilitate integrating what you’re experiencing and learning from listening to the podcast into your Self-Healing Journey. Surprise: There’s enough space for three (3) seasons!


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Love You to Pieces!...And to Wholeness! Intro to Perfect, Part 2

It’s Part 2 of exploring just what it means to being Holistic and the relation to Being Perfect! De’Nicea Hilton Harper introduces you to the four primary pieces that make up the individual Whole. These four players are always running and speakin’ with each other (and you!), so imagine what you could learn when you pay attention to their messages as they offer direction to Being Your Perfect Authentic Self! -- Your ‘Time In’ Journal is available to download at www.IAmPerfectPodcast.com Perfect tool to use to facilitate integrating what you’re experiencing and learning from listening to the podcast into your Self-Healing Journey. Surprise: There’s enough space for three (3) seasons!


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Love You to Pieces!...And to Wholeness! Intro to Perfect, Part 1

The word “Holistic” gets thrown around a lot and there are many meanings to it. In this episode, De’Nicea Hilton Harper takes you on a journey of what “Holistic” means here on the Perfect PlayGround. Let me tell ya, just understanding and embracing this one concept will carry you millions of zillions of miles in your Self Healing Journey. This is a key step to Claiming Your Perfection. Once taking this step, you’ll see that many doors and windows open up just showing you the Possibilities and Potential for coming to Being in your Authentic Self. This is a two-parter, so be sure to listen to Part 2 to really round out this concept. -- Your ‘Time In’ Journal is available to download at www.IAmPerfectPodcast.com Perfect tool to use to facilitate integrating what you’re experiencing and learning from listening to the podcast into your Self-Healing Journey. Surprise: There’s enough space for three (3) seasons!


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Serious Healing Doesn’t Have to Be So Serious

Many think about Play only pertaining to the kiddos. Pfftttt! Allow De’Nicea Hilton Harper to show you two things: You’re a kid yourself! That inner child is just screamin’ to come out, so allow her! She just wants to play. You’ve got such a beautiful opportunity to take your Play to whole other level - more meaning and purpose in your Self Healing Journey. In this episode, you’ll learn the play-tastic benefits of Playing in your life (and how it can happen every day) and how you’ll use Play here on the Perfect PlayGround. Reference from this episode: Grounding Journey Show with Cris Greer: https://youtu.be/S9WhjUS4Ias -- Your ‘Time In’ Journal is available to download at www.IAmPerfectPodcast.com Perfect tool to use to facilitate integrating what you’re experiencing and learning from listening to the podcast into your Self-Healing Journey. Surprise: There’s enough space for three (3) seasons!


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Perfect You, Activate! Vision and Transformation at the Perfect PlayGround

You’ve been kickin’ it on the Perfect PlayGround - and thank you for being here! Listen in as De’Nicea Hilton Harper shares the vision and transformations intended for you as she guides you along in your Self Healing Journey to Embracing, Embodying and Expressing Your Perfect Authentic Self. I mean, it’s kinda cool to jive with where someone’s guiding you. And, at the same time, welcome the unknown...that’s where the Perfect Magic happens! -- Your ‘Time In’ Journal is available to download at www.IAmPerfectPodcast.com Perfect tool to use to facilitate integrating what you’re experiencing and learning from listening to the podcast into your Self-Healing Journey. Surprise: There’s enough space for three (3) seasons!


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Yes, You Are Perfect! An Exploration Into Being Perfect

“Nobody’s Perfect!” “There’s no such thing as Perfect.” These are statements that many have said and very much so believe in, yet it limits you in what you’re capable of. As we continue along in the podcast premiere of “I Am Perfect! Podcast,” De’Nicea Hilton Harper shares what Perfect really means for you...and it’s a meaning that liberates you from yourself and others so your Perfect Authentic Self shines! And, let’s just say you can stop searching for it on the outside of you… --- Your ‘Time In’ Journal is available to download at www.IAmPerfectPodcast.com Perfect tool to use to facilitate integrating what you’re experiencing and learning from listening to the podcast into your Self-Healing Journey. Surprise: There’s enough space for three (3) seasons!


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Perfect PlayGround Breakdown

Kickin’ off this season of the I Am Perfect! Podcast by breaking down what the Perfect PlayGround is. De’Nicea introduces you to the concept where it applies while listening to the podcast and simultaneously see it being carried out in your life. Understand the space you’re in and the feeling what it has to offer in your Self-Healing Journey. Be open to see that there are multiple perspectives on this alone and key in setting the tone as you come to Embrace, Embody and Express Your Perfect Authentic Self! Resources mentioned: Your ‘Time In’ Journal is available to download at www.IAmPerfectPodcast.com Perfect tool to use to facilitate integrating what you’re experiencing and learning from listening to the podcast into your Self-Healing Journey. Surprise: There’s enough space for three (3) seasons!


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Ep101: Overview and Prep for Playful Healing Journeys Season One

What’s Happening on this Episode’s Adventure? Starting this season off with a bang! Get the low-down on what this season is about, who this show is for and learn a bit about your host and how the Integrated Healing Playground came about. Also, you’ll become familiar with some of the terms used in Playful Healing Journeys. No matter where you are in your Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical healing, there’s something for you here to reframe your relationship with your Self and begin...


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Intro to Period Bypassing(TM) - Goals and Intentions for Season 1

It’s the first episode of the first season of the Period Bypassing™ Podcast! That’s cause for celebration! Be prepared to go on a journey exploring Period Bypassing™ this season. To begin, De’Nicea’s setting the foundation by reviewing goals and intentions. This episode’s #PeriodBypassAlert is a good one! Callin’ BS on this whole notion that you don’t “need” to have a period (and using hormonal birth control to do it!) There are other issues they’re not disclosing to women when they present...
