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Joyfully Ever After with Heidi Esther

Health & Wellness Podcasts

You take care of the world. The kids. The fur babies. The house. The dinners. The dishes (always!) The schedule and friends yearn for More. More Joy. More Fulfillment. More Time. More Y.O.U. You're not alone + it's not selfish to want more of the good stuff. In fact, you were created for the dream in your heart and mission in your heart and soul. AKA The good stuff :) I've been there. Wondering "is this it?" Guess what? You have the answers. You need some different tools and a wise cheerleader ready with tacos, truth bombs, and a hug, to let you know you were meant for more Joy and Meaning. Join the community + get new tools, support, and love to get you on the path to your Joyfully Ever After, straight to your inbox once a month. Go to Https:// to join the neighborhood. So, who's this lady? If Mister Rogers and Captain Marvel had a baby, it would be Heidi Esther. She is an emotional intelligence powerhouse, storyteller, and Joy Coach. She walks alongside moms and selfless warriors dedicated to their families and communities, to unravel the blocks of the heart so they create the Joyful and Meaningful lives of their dreams. She is a heart and soul explorer, storyteller, poet, and spoiler of all dogs, especially her chestnut-eyed Olive. She is committed to walking with fellow humans on their journeys towards their Joyfully Ever After. Especially when the spaghetti sauce hits the ceiling. Again. She resides in Central Illinois with her prankster wife, two eye-rolling teenagers, and two spoiled dogs. When she doesn’t have her head in the clouds or a motivational book, she can be found trying to teach her kids the virtues of meditation, making sourdough pancakes, or growing parsley for caterpillars. FOR more about Heidi Esther, go to Https:// Or, you can email her your favorite cookie recipe at And if you’re into live videos with cute dogs, relatable stories, and tools to get you into more Joy, every day, go to


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You take care of the world. The kids. The fur babies. The house. The dinners. The dishes (always!) The schedule and friends yearn for More. More Joy. More Fulfillment. More Time. More Y.O.U. You're not alone + it's not selfish to want more of the good stuff. In fact, you were created for the dream in your heart and mission in your heart and soul. AKA The good stuff :) I've been there. Wondering "is this it?" Guess what? You have the answers. You need some different tools and a wise cheerleader ready with tacos, truth bombs, and a hug, to let you know you were meant for more Joy and Meaning. Join the community + get new tools, support, and love to get you on the path to your Joyfully Ever After, straight to your inbox once a month. Go to Https:// to join the neighborhood. So, who's this lady? If Mister Rogers and Captain Marvel had a baby, it would be Heidi Esther. She is an emotional intelligence powerhouse, storyteller, and Joy Coach. She walks alongside moms and selfless warriors dedicated to their families and communities, to unravel the blocks of the heart so they create the Joyful and Meaningful lives of their dreams. She is a heart and soul explorer, storyteller, poet, and spoiler of all dogs, especially her chestnut-eyed Olive. She is committed to walking with fellow humans on their journeys towards their Joyfully Ever After. Especially when the spaghetti sauce hits the ceiling. Again. She resides in Central Illinois with her prankster wife, two eye-rolling teenagers, and two spoiled dogs. When she doesn’t have her head in the clouds or a motivational book, she can be found trying to teach her kids the virtues of meditation, making sourdough pancakes, or growing parsley for caterpillars. FOR more about Heidi Esther, go to Https:// Or, you can email her your favorite cookie recipe at And if you’re into live videos with cute dogs, relatable stories, and tools to get you into more Joy, every day, go to





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E081. Joy Challenge! Engage the Baby

Ever wonder how people just don't seem phased about stuff happening. Like they adapt to it and keep going? HOW DO THEY DO THAT? The very first step that they do involves Engaging The Baby, to engage their inner worthiness. Listen to feel all the feels! Then post what you visualized in our facebook group at do people stay there are souls who are tapping into the five principles of Goldfish Self-Leadership! What is Goldfish Self-Leadership? It's a proven 5-part framework that will help you create a Joyful Life of your very own. Skills that help you "deal" with whatever life is serving you that day. Woke up with a headache? Yelled at the kids? Loved one in the hospital? Someone cut you off? Yes, I've been there and we have you covered. Where can you learn more? Which of the five principles do you need more of in your life? Go here to know what LIE you're currently believing that you need to banish to get to more Joyful Skies... Go here to book a Joy Discovery Chat to learn about how you can get more Joy in your life! Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E080. Through the Looking Glass with Heather Pierce

Get the pen and paper ready! Trauma therapist, Heather Pierce, MSEd, LCPC, and I are sharing about the oft-begroaned healing tool of WRITING today! Not about grammar, or outlines, but about how WRITING can help you better understand your inner and outer landscapes. Heidi shares her story about Cars and Bad Poetry, and Heather shares her, stories, wisdom, and gifts from years using and teaching this powerful Healing Tool! HELPFUL TIPS + GROUPS for anyone who wants to start a writing practice, from Heather! The Artist's Way by Julia CameronWriting Down the Bones by Natalie GoldbergWriting Ourselves Whole by Jen Cross Steadfast Center is offering a writing group based on Jen's book AND, here are the top books I use(d) to overcome writer's resistance 1) Jeff Goins, You are a Writer 2) Steven Pressfield's The War of Art Who is Heather? Read more about this wise and divine human here! And connect with her Here: What are Through The Looking Glass Conversations? Convos with different teachers who have new tools for us to know and heal and understand ourselves better. That tool could be yoga or astrology or the enneagram. Just like you grew up and figured out how you thrived and learned - whether that be in a classroom environment, scraping your knees climbing trees in the woods, or belting out cheers on the cheerleading squad, I bring you different tools, mirrors to see yourself, so you can find ways to best learn and see your power and beauty and joy. If you are ready to be a part of Heidi's Joyfully Ever After Community, sign up here to get her monthly newsletter on Cultivating Joy! Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E079. The 5 Keys of Self-Leadership

What's really going on with this podcast? I'll tell you what! Self-Leadership! You know that feeling, when someone asks you "what's that book or movie about, again?" and you're able to look at it from 10,000 feet and Just. Nail. It? That Elaine-happy-dance-don't-leave-me-hangin-Spidey-tingle feeling? I am proud to introduce you to the Visionary Leader of the Joyfully Ever After family! The word behind my Playshops. Stories. Through The Looking Glass and Joyfully Ever After convos. Even my truckload of Freebies. ANNOUNCING (dat-da-da-Daaa!) 📣 Self-Leadership 🎉 💃 🎉 That's what I'm jazzed and honored and gifted to share with you. Tools to get yourself outta mind and heart traffic jams and the Keys to Save your Day 🦸‍♀️ and Create your Joy, ☀️ Every day. Because I got the tools, and you, my beautiful friend, have all the answers inside. Listen in today to hear all about a STORY and SELF-LEADERSHIP. Or read more about it on my website! Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E078. Joyfully Ever After with Shandra Summerville

What do salt, pepper, sugar, and spice have to do with Joyfully Ever After? Everything! Watch as you hear the continuation of the story of dark and light, with fellow That's What She Said Sister and Community Healer, Shandra Summerville. We shared about her Rotarian journey, the words Healer, Advocate, and Ally, the impact of the strong sisterhood she nurtured in college, and lemons she made into lemonade to find joy in her life after a devastating loss. And finally, YASSSSS, we talked ALL ABOUT salt, pepper, sugar, and spice! Watch Shandra's That's What She Said Story here See what Shandra's up to here. Connect with her at Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E077. Mindfulness with Jennifer Erwin

I am back (third time's a charm!) with the brilliant, wise, and compassionate life coach, Jennifer Erwin, to have an honest conversation about Mindfulness. I know, she's getting close to being a co-host now. So, she's an Enneagram 4 (and that's my growth path, as an Enneagram 2...) Oh, sorry. Nerded out there. Back to mindfulness... Shall we say Mindfulness is the soil from which all other Joy and Goodness in life will sprout? We shall. Join us to see how YOU can nurture the rich soil of Mindfulness in your life. Check out more goodness from Jennifer Erwin at! WHAT ARE Grow your Joyful Life Foundational Playshops? Tips and stories that help you recognize when you are in the circling-fishbowl of negative patterns that keep you from swimming in the free ocean of your Joyful Life! Patterns like Burnout, Perfectionism, Guilt, and Regret. These patterns keep us stuck, swimming round-and-round in a fishbowl not of our own making. Each workshop has a true story from me and a strategy that works. No fluff, my friend. Ready to breath the free ocean? GREAT! 🐟 Want a monthly hug and laugh on your way to a more Joyful Life? Sign up for my monthly Cultivating Newsletter at and receive a free Joy Guide! Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E076. Joyfully Ever After Playshop: Is Codependency Contagious?

LINKS REFERERNCED CoDA 12-Step program: Patterns and Characteristics of Codependency: Chat with me to see if Codependency is a self-defeating pattern that's blocking your way to joy: When my kids were little, I can remember two things. First, calling myself a Mommy Doormat. Second, waking up every day asking myself "I wonder who my pound of flesh is going to feed today?" I know, gross, right? However, part of me needed that. Because I didn't know who I was if I wasn't sacrificing myself to be, in turn, needed by other people. I didn't think a lot about love back then. My unconscious was programmed for need. Need felt more permanent, reliable, and something I could control. (HINT: important word!) I even slept next to a drawer full of thank you notes to remind myself of what others thought of me. So, codependency. I was a classic case. It's been a dozen years from then, and ten of those were in recovery. Beautiful, sane, tearful, joyful, recovery. What is codependency, and how do you get it? And, when you have it, what can you do about it? And how is it different from other kinds of dependency? If you resonate (even reluctantly) with any of the following words to describe you... People Pleaser, Doormat, Accomodating, Compliant, Self-Sacrificing, someone who Loves Too Much, The Rescuer, then you don't want to miss this playshop! Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E075. Grow Your Joyful Life Playshop: The Drama Triangle

Does Drama follow you around and you can't seem to shake it? Do you ever get in conversations and situations you can't win? Do you worry a lot about what you said because of what other people will say behind your back? PRE WORK! If you want out, you're gonna have to practice Letting Go of what other people think and feel about you. I know, you have to be willing to be seen as "the bad guy." But in the end, you will NOT have other people controlling you. Sound liberating? Yes, yes it is. Here's the A.C.E. Method I talk about in the show! A - Awareness + Assertiveness. Become aware you're in it and cultivate Assertiveness C - Cultivate compassion for their side of the story AND your Sanity and listen to and honor what YOU want, first. Let go of how other people think and feel about you. E - Remember that we are all Equal and we are all trying our best. AND that gives NOONE else the right to control you. Life is calmer and happier outside of the triangle. Link to the Drama Triangle Graphic And here's the link to my White Rose Tea! AND...welcome to a Grow your Joyful Life Foundational Playshop! What are they? Playshops that help you recognize when you are in the circling-fishbowl of negative patterns that keep you from swimming in the free ocean of your Joyful Life! Patterns like Burnout, Perfectionism, Guilt, and Regret. These patterns keep us stuck, swimming round-and-round in a fishbowl not of our own making. Each workshop has a true story from me and a strategy that works. No fluff, my friend. Ready to breath the free ocean? GREAT! 🐟 Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E075. Grow Your Joyful Life Playshop: The Drama Triangle

Does Drama follow you around and you can't seem to shake it? Do you ever get in conversations and situations you can't win? Do you worry a lot about what you said because of what other people will say behind your back? PRE WORK! If you want out, you're gonna have to practice Letting Go of what other people think and feel about you. I know, you have to be willing to be seen as "the bad guy." But in the end, you will NOT have other people controlling you. Sound liberating? Yes, yes it...


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E074. Impostor Syndrome: A Joyfully Ever After Playshop with Jennifer Erwin

Join me as Professional Life Coach + Self-Compassion Expert, Jennifer Erwin, and I break down our journeys and struggles and tools we've used to combat the formidable foe of Impostor Syndrome. We talked about using our Lego sets differently, how we hide, three powerful steps we can use to work with it, and what happened when Heidi had an emotional yard sale (brought on by, you guessed it, her Impostor Syndrome). We also looked at Impostor Syndrome through THREE lenses: 1) The Sneaky pre-awareness Impostor Syndrome 2) The sometimes more-painful Impostor Syndrome we start to notice when we name it but can't deal, and 3) What Impostor Syndrome looks like even when we have mature tools to work with it. AND...welcome to a Grow your Joyful Life Foundational Playshop! What are they? Playshops that help you recognize when you are in the circling-fishbowl of negative patterns that keep you from swimming in the free ocean of your Joyful Life! Patterns like Burnout, Perfectionism, Guilt, and Regret. These patterns keep us stuck, swimming round-and-round in a fishbowl not of our own making. Each workshop has a true story from me and a strategy that works. No fluff, my friend. Ready to breath the free ocean? GREAT! 🐟 Today's playshop is a twist because it's also a Joyfully Ever After conversation! Jennifer Erwin is a professional life coach with expertise in serving physicians and others in caregiving positions. She supports women in decreasing burnout and increasing well-being through an evidence based coaching model as well as through her online self-compassion programs. She has a degree in psychology and masters in education as well as advanced training in NVC (non-violent communication), positive psychology, mindfulness and self-compassion. She is passionate about helping women grow their confidence and life satisfaction through taming the inner critic and developing an unshakeable sense of trust themselves. If you want to follow up with Jennifer (and who wouldn't???!?) She can be found at Would YOU like a free ebook "The Perfectionist Guide to Turning Self-Care into Radical Self-Love"? Then go to and scroll to the bottom of the page to get it! Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E073. Through The Looking Glass: Acupuncture with James Lorr

Yepper, I went under the "pin" and was relaxed and ready to talk with the soft-spoken beautiful soul who is James Lorr, local acupunk. I am delighted to share James' Journey to Joy through the healing tool of Acupuncture. No pins required, you don't wanna miss :) James trained in New York City and Shanghai and has been practicing acupuncture for over 23 years. After securing his degree in Chemical Engineering from the UofI, he drifted into the restaurant world of serving, management, and ownership to find more fulfillment. However, the long stressful hours took their toll. James found himself drained and trying new things, including acupuncture. His energy and outlook changed radically! His body and mind were healed. He took a course in acupressure, went to school, then started practicing. He found a wider calling for management, ownership, and service through acupuncture. James is now on a mission to help us weary humans rest and recover our health, beginning with his community of CU. Check out his sliding scale of services at What are Through The Looking Glass Conversations? Convos with different teachers who have new tools for us to know and heal and understand ourselves better. That tool could be yoga or astrology or the enneagram. Just like you grew up and figured out how you thrived and learned - whether that be in a classroom environment, scraping your knees climbing trees in the woods, or belting out cheers on the cheerleading squad, I bring you different tools, mirrors to see yourself, so you can find ways to best learn and see your power and beauty and joy. Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E072. Grow your Joyful Life Foundational Playshop: For Women Do it All.

Are you a woman who tries to do it all? Manage the house and the kids and the cooking and the job and the volunteering and finances? Do you ever wonder why your friends and family come to you, all the time? Do you ever wonder when you're gonna get just a *wee* bit of a break, to do stuff that you want to do? You're reliable. Independent. Loyal. Helpful. A World-Changer. A shoulder to cry on. The Rock. You're proud of who you are and all you do. But sometimes, you're exhausted too. And sometimes, you don't want to make dinner, and not just on your Birthday or Mother's Day! Girlfriend, I got you. In this Playshop, I share two eye-opening findings from 100 coffee dates from amazing souls and helpers, just like you. I'll share two powerful shifts - Releasing and Receiving - that will get you to back into the flow of life and ending the cycle of give-give-give-Done. Join me! )) Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E071. A Joyfully Ever After Conversation with Holly Melby

Join me as I connect with fellow author, speaker, and powerful woman on a mission, Holly Melby! We get real and connect over Impostor Syndrome, Mom-Guilt, Motherhood, and all the lessons she learned. Our conversation flows like we've been friends for years (we only recently met!) yet it goes deep and explores what life is really like in the trenches, with all the learning and lighthearted moments. Holly Melby is Author, blogger, mama, wife, and content creator crafting sentences with the intention of empowering women. 👊 Please check out her awesomeness at : http://hollymelby.comWatch her story on the That's What She Said stageCheck out her backstory on the NPR podcast Purchase her book here on Amazon!Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E070. Through The Looking Glass: Yoga with Rachel Bass-Guennewig

Join me with Love and Light Warrior, Founder of and insightful, relatable, heart-centered and hilarious human, Rachel Bass-Guennewig. In this episode, Rachel shares a little of her story to and yoga, how yoga helped heal her, and how she has intentionally cultivated the Daily Bread Yoga community. Though we didn't know it, we circled around to the ideas of Expectations and Permission. How we go through life with unconscious expectations (hello disappointment!) and giving our power, or Permission away. We talk about those moments we gave ourselves Permission back and let go of the Expectations that were no longer serving us. Rachel candidly shares her truth as well as deals out her newly-published pursuit - the Daily Deck of Curiosity and Wonder. An introspective deck that will surprise, empower, and delight everyone! Purchase one today at Join Rachel for a real and inclusive yoga classes - via Zoom, for all levels - no registration required! First CLASS FREE! What are Through The Looking Glass Conversations? Convos with different teachers who have new tools for us to know grow ourselves just a *little* more badass. That tool could be yoga or astrology or the enneagram. Just like you grew up and figured out how you thrived and learned - whether that be in a classroom, behind a book, or scraping your knees climbing trees, I bring you different tools, i.e. loving mirrors to heal and see yourself, so you can find the best ways to see your power, beauty, and joy. Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E069. Burnout: Grow your Joyful Life Foundational Playshop

Do you wake up every day with a fire in your belly but less and less energy to answer its call? Do you feel like butter scraped over too much bread? Do you feel like quitting everything because it's all too much to handle, when there was a time that it filled you up? You, my dear, might be experiencing burnout. Join me as I share some Burnout Balm. I talk about what you can do now, and how you can safeguard yourself in the future! Want the QUICK answer? Go to and claim your downloadable workbook today! TIMELINE: 00:00 Intro 03:20 Peppermint Tea 05:41 Story - Loving Mirror Walk 10:34 What IS Burnout, exactly? 14:44 Burnout Balm Part 1 - Loving You 28:37 Burnout Balm Part 2 - Quitting Forward 37:53 Peeling Your Onion? Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E068. Grow your Joyful Life Foundational Playshop: Painless Mistakes!

A new friend recently said she learned that it's nearly impossible to learn from your mistakes and we can only learn from everyone else's. But, is it? Would we be wired to evolve without any input from the life we are living? I thought about it. I am here to say IT IS not only POSSIBLE, but easy to learn from one's mistakes, once you have a shift in mindset. This critical shift in mindset will give you the gift of you learning more about yourself AND ENJOYING MORE OF YOUR LIFE, mistakes and all. You can learn from their mistakes and yours, too! TIMELINE 00:00 How are you taking care of yourself? 06:02 Story, The Missing Keys 12:53 The Dark Side of Mistakes 16:04 Step 1, REFRAME 17:29 Step 2, Adulting 19:13 Step 3, Be like Don Miguel 22:40 Step 4, Engage the Baby 25:45 Step 5, The Coin Flip 30:28 The Snowman of Affirmation has Spoken! Want a cheat sheet on the steps? Here you go, beautiful! 1) REFRAME: Insteaad of using the word mistake, reframe it differently. Like a lesson. YES! Everything on your path is part of a lesson you need to learn to grow more badass. View everything as a new lesson instead of a potential mistake. 2) ADULTING: Disembark the Blame and Shame train. First, take RESPONSIBILITY for your actions and take the focus off of others. Second, PRACTICE RADICAL ACCEPTANCE for what you did. Say "okay, this is what happened" or "Okay, this is what I said" instead of turning on your inner critic. 3) BE LIKE DON MIGUEL RUIZ: Adopt two of his four agreements to implement step 2. First, be IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD: Make a vow to not talk shit about yourself OR others. Second, ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST: We wake up different people every day. You will be sick some days. You will have anxiety other days. Breathe compassion into your inner critic. Forgive yourself. You KNOW you are trying your best. 4) ENGAGE THE BABY: You are too worthy, too precious to beat yourself up. You are worthy of feeling good all the time. Envision a young, precious version of yourself to remind yourself EVERY TIME you are negative, that precious life gets the beat down, too. For more on Engaging the Baby, see my playshop on Guilt at 5) THE FLIP SIDE COIN EXERCISE, Find a coin! Side 1: So, this happened... Side 2: Spot the lesson! What welds the sides together? Gratitude! Practice gratitude for the lesson. What makes my coin shiny? (Practice being proud of how you showed up in that instance. AFFIRMATION TIME : Practice saying empowering affirmations to yourself daily so that, when the spaghetti hits the fan, you can lean on them instead of engaging your negative self-talk and blame. Discover more Playshops to Liberate your Heart and Soul from Self-Defeating Patterns like Guilt and Regret. Sign up for encouraging, heartwarming inspiring messages from Heidi Esther and get a free Jumpstart to Joy Guide, with playful exercises to get you to joy - no matter what kinda time you have - at Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E067. Through The Looking Glass: Self-Compassion with Jennifer Erwin

Join Heidi Esther as we have a heart to heart conversation about the tool of self-compassion with professional life coach, Jennifer Erwin. YES! Self-compassion is a powerful tool, once you see the miracles it can perform in every day lives. Jennifer Erwin is a professional life coach with expertise in serving physicians and others in caregiving positions. She supports women in decreasing burnout and increasing well-being through an evidence based coaching model as well as through her online self-compassion programs. She has a degree in psychology and masters in education as well as advanced training in NVC (non-violent communication), positive psychology, mindfulness and self-compassion. She is passionate about helping women grow their confidence and life satisfaction through taming the inner critic and developing an unshakeable sense of trust themselves. If you want to follow up with Jennifer (and who wouldn't???!?) She can be found at Would YOU like a free ebook "The Perfectionist Guide to Turning Self-Care into Radical Self-Love"? Then go to and scroll to the bottom of the page to get it! Subscribe to Heidi Esther's Cultivating Joy monthly newsletter to stay up on how you can recognize the internal blocks of the heart that are keeping you from living the happiest and most fulfilling life. BONUS! comes with her free guide to joy at Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E066. Do you have a hard time receiving gifts?

Truth: I used to be such a better giver than a receiver. I love planning and baking and sharing my love with others. But it was SOOO HARD not to feel bad when the tables were turned. This spring, instead of celebrating my book launch, I was filled with something other than happiness. It was an old feeling, too. Dread. I viewed each reason for celebration as one check box from an endless to do list. Listen to one simple practice that I do to enjoy receiving gifts, compliments, AND celebrate all of life's little and big milestones! If you liked this, subscribe to me on Youtube at and sign up for my monthly Cultivating Joy newsletter and get a Free Joy Guide at OR Click here to read the transcript! Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E065 Through the Looking Glass: Energy Healing with Heather Kokx and Julia Buck Barton

Join Heidi Esther in a Through the Looking Glass Conversation. What is that? A conversation that will give you a new tool to help you uncover more of your inner badass! Today, Heidi Esther chats with Authors and Energy Healers, Julia Buck Barton and Heather Kokx about, you guessed it, Energy Healing. We will do a deep dive into what energy healing is, how it can help you, and our experiences with it. Come with your questions, leave with an affirmation from the Snowman of Affirmation! #SnowmanofAffirmation sneak peek: YOU are a channel for..... LINKS REFERENCED Connect with Heather Kokx at Heather's book, Gateway to Healing at Connect with Julia Barton at Julia's first book Julia's second book Link...coming soon! Discover more Tools to heal and grow your inner Badass ACTION STEP! Sign up for encouraging, heartwarming inspiring messages from Heidi Esther and get a free Jumpstart to Joy Guide, with playful exercises to get taking steps to Your #JoyfullyEverAfter - Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E064. Grow your Joyful Life PlayShop: What's so bad about not needing help?

"I got this." "I can figure it out myself, no problem." "I'm gonna Hulk through this and get it done." "They are so lucky I'm here to help." "I'm totally the rock of our (workplace/family/friend group/church)." "I would 100% rather GIVE help than RECEIVE it. And HEAVEN FORBID I should have to ASK for any. " I've LIVED ALL of the above, how about you? Because, why not? Self-Reliance. Independence. Contributing Citizens It's what every parent dreams they instill in their kids. So we can be productive, helpful members of society with full medical benefits. Because, so we're taught, noone wants to be living at home when they could be living by themselves. Or do we? What are the downfalls of this "I don't want or need help" mindset? What are we missing by adopting this way of thinking? What harm are we causing ourselves and our children? Join me and listen how to unburden yourself from the Helper-and-never-Helped mantle TO unlock your Genius and Joy! How can we let down the mantle and let in support? 1) Practice Shoes: mindset that everything is practice; no black/white right/wrong thinking. 2) Let the crutch go: letting go of what others think; building up from within 3) Take baby steps: practice gratefully receiving 4) Power Voice: asking for help 5) Power Pants: positive reframe on asking for help Discover more Playshops to Liberate your Heart and Soul from Self-Defeating Patterns like Guilt and Regret Sign up for encouraging, heartwarming inspiring messages from Heidi Esther and get a free Jumpstart to Joy Guide, with playful exercises to get you to joy - no matter what kinda time you have - at Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at


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E063. Gratitude is like an avocado

Howdy! This month we are doing a 30-day gratitude challenge at Ever After The FREE Prompts can be found at Whether or not it's NOVEMBER when you listen to it, grab the prompts, do a few before bed (MIX IN THE WHY you are grateful) and your heart will thank you for it! You can even do some around the dinner table. Why Gratitude? I share about how Gratitude develops Awareness, Acceptance, Positive Mindset, Patience, Curiosity, Compassion and helps chisel away at the crappy-colored glasses you might have been wearing. YASSS! It's totally like a superfood for your heart! Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today! You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther or Join my neighborhood online at
