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Laid Bare with Anonymous X

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Porn is a significant part of our culture today, influencing all aspects of young people's lives. Parents are largely unaware of how today's porn is vastly different from just one generation ago and the significant impact it is making in their children and teen's lives. The Laid Bare with Anonymous X podcast brings you the world's best experts on the topic of pornography, sexual health, and education as well as raw testimonies from young people about how porn has influenced their lives (anonymously of course). My goal is to combat the negative impact of “porn culture” on our emotional, physical and sexual health, especially that of young people and empower parents and teens with information to help them live their best lives.


United States


Porn is a significant part of our culture today, influencing all aspects of young people's lives. Parents are largely unaware of how today's porn is vastly different from just one generation ago and the significant impact it is making in their children and teen's lives. The Laid Bare with Anonymous X podcast brings you the world's best experts on the topic of pornography, sexual health, and education as well as raw testimonies from young people about how porn has influenced their lives (anonymously of course). My goal is to combat the negative impact of “porn culture” on our emotional, physical and sexual health, especially that of young people and empower parents and teens with information to help them live their best lives.



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29. The Underbelly Of Big Porn with Ex Porn Actress, Felicity Feline

Ex-porn actress discuss the ugly underbelly of 'Big Porn', lies, dehumanization, misogyny, and misconceptions. Is porn glamorous? Healthy? Can you make a lot of money? How are actors treated? Is there trafficking? Abuse? Is the sex great? What needs to change NOW? Does she regret her choice to go into porn?


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28. Healing The Root Of The Porn Problem

Sathiya Sam is the Founder of Deep Clean, a program for lasting recovery from porn. People of all walks of life and faiths struggle with porn. But there is a greater shame surrounding it in conservative circles. We need to break the sex/porn taboo, because shame and guilt create greater problems. How can we help our kids and those who struggle with porn habituation? Dig in with me and ex porn addict, Sathiya Sam.


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27. Porn, Sexual Assault, & Restorative Justice - Anonymous "Nick"

What happens when your behavior is modeled on what you see in porn? Dysfunctional intimacy is what has been normalized after years of viewing, but when our moral compass feels out of alignment how can we change it? Anonymous "Nick" and I talk about how he is trying to understand the nuances of intimacy and consent.


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26. "I Was Instantly Hooked By Porn" How One Addict Broke Free

Can you get addicted to porn straight away? Ex porn addict, Chris, says he did. We talk openly about an 11+ year addiction, escalation into porn that didn't reflect who he believed he was, what he felt would have given him pause to ever go back to porn after his first exposure and finally the steps he took to quit. This is a great and insightful interview for addicts, partners and care givers.


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25.Escaping The Porn Trap with Wendy Maltz

Wendy Maltz is an author, sex therapist and expert on porn addiction. Her influential book, The Porn Trap, is a must read for any person struggling with addiction or their loved ones. Today we dig deep into how to help young people addicted to porn. Quitting PMO is just the first step in healing.


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24. Porn Addiction: Destroys Relationships & How To Achieve Real Recovery

If you are or your teen is addicted to porn getting the right help first can make all the difference. Rose, ex-porn addict, talks about how she lost years of her life because she wasn't getting the right kind of help. How can you help your loved one achieve real healing early? A must listen for any struggling porn consumer or their loved ones.


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23. They Do WHAT In Porn??!!*?$!

Do you know what porn today depicts? If you say "porn has been around forever, it never harmed me", then you have no idea what young viewers see every time they land on a porn website. Have you heard of forced blowjobs? Facials? Gang bangs? Erotic asphyxiation? Then this is a podcast you must hear, frank exploration of porn genres, tropes, stereotypes and messages that accost the most innocent viewers.


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22. Delayed Ejaculation And Emotional Disconnection - Anonymous "Connor"

After just 3 years of watching porn, "Connor" says he had to quit. It changed: the way he thought, how he treated women, and his sexual performance. What does he wish he knew before he started watching porn? What tools does he now employ to keep him from going back to porn?


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21.The Truth about "Big Porn", Interview With Ex-Porn Actress CC

"BIG PORN" is big business. It is a ruthless and heartless as all the other BIGs. Go behind the camera as I sit down with ex-adult actress, CC, to hear about her experiences and how big porn victims are not just the young viewers but those in front of the camera as well.


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20. "Sex Ed-volution" - From Medically Inaccurate To Pleasure Based

An illuminating conversation with Justine Ang Fonte, a Sexuality Educator based in New York City. She shares with me her approach to teaching K-12 kids and why sex education thru a social justice lens with a pleasure filter has the power to transform the way teens understand themselves and approach intimacy and how it helps to reduce sexual assault.


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19. Female Pleasure, A Conversation We Need Now!

Liz Mallers is a sexologist. We talk about female pleasure and why it is so important for healthy intimacy and satisfying relationships. We also talk about how the lack of this conversation contributes to everything from sexual assault and sexual disfunction to unsafe sex.


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18. How To Get Teens Talking...Believe It Or Not, Sex & Ethics!

Teens love to hash out their thoughts and what they value. They relish hearing from their peers and trusted adults and formulating their unique opinions on any number topics. Natasha Singh uses exactly this method to engage students in her sexuality education and healthy relationship workshops. Her powerful programs have spilled over into teaching parents how to do the same. If you want to be a teen whisperer, dive in with Natasha.


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17. Gay Porn, Arousing or Abusive? What You Need To Know

What do you do if you are questioning your sexuality? Where do you go to "find out" if you are gay or bisexual? But who is making gay porn? Straight cis men, and the messages are often more harmful than they are helpful. Maddie is trans but her story is all too common for all sexualities. How can we make it safer and healthier for all sexually active persons?


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16. Sex Work, Porn Literacy and Sexual Violence , Anonymous Morgan

"Morgan" is articulate and bright. Now in her 20's she reflects back on her early sexual experiences and how pornography shaped her opinion of herself and her earliest sexual encounters. Additionally, she talks about how sex work is becoming more and more common. Does she think pornography is healthy?


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15. Porn, Is It More Violent And Deviant Today?

Essential information to understand how porn impacts viewers. Sixty percent of porn users report escalating porn tastes into genres that are extreme or deviant. Why do experts say this isn't happening? Five perspectives on how porn changes your sexual tastes. You decide!


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14. Family Dynamics: Deal With Your Crap, So Your Kids Don't Have To

Tom Gagliano is a respected expert and best selling author on Family Dynamics. He has appeared on The Jenny McCarthy and Dr. Oz Shows. Tom talks with me about how our earliest childhood relationships impact how much we like ourselves and how we parents, need to wake up! Your kid is watching and learning. Tom explains how he engages easily with teens and adults around the most difficult topics to bring healing.


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13. HELP! Porn FU*KD Up My Brain!

When you see porn especially from a young age it can really FU*K up your brain and relationships. It feeds you lies that causes many to spiral into despair and self hatred. Porn lies can only destroy you when they stay in the dark...Here is light and truth about the lies porn tells you. Don't fall in the porn lie trap! XX


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12. Brave Parents Dig In Deep to How The Porn Industry Harms Our Kids

It takes a village to raise healthy kids. Zareen and Rob Cope from New Zealand spent a year plus investigating how to keep their kids safe on line, and are sharing it with the larger "village". From filters to experts and suggestions on how to approach conversations with your teens….this is an eye opening conversation.


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11. What Is It Like To Be A Girl Addicted To Porn? Rose's Story

An unflinching conversation about a young one girl’s porn use. Rose says she had a trifecta of circumstances that led to her compulsive porn usage: very religious household, home schooling and all girl family where where porn was believed to be a "boy" problem. She has done an immense amount of personal work to deal with her porn “addiction”. Compulsively watching from age 11 to 18, and clean for 2 years. Her insight and understanding of how completely and profoundly porn takes over your life is honest and dismaying. But her hard work in therapy has turned her life around. Rose brings great wisdom, perception and thankfully, advice.


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10. How Drastically Today’s Porn Impacts Viewers VS Pre Pornhub - Anonymous “Ryan”

Ryan, 32 yrs, got on line porn in college, high school was Playboy magazines and videos. On-line porn devastated his sexual function and overall relationship happiness, a concerning difference from Playboy Magazine days. Recovery has taught him about true pleasure and really helpful tools he employs to make his recovery stick.
