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Life Habits

Health & Wellness Podcasts

This is the series that helps you learn new habits to optimize your life and embrace an enlightened, healthy, and prosperous lifestyle.


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This is the series that helps you learn new habits to optimize your life and embrace an enlightened, healthy, and prosperous lifestyle.



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LH133 — Build Habits That Stick, One Stack at a Time

In this episode, Karel and Paige explore the concept of habit stacking, a method of building new habits by linking them to existing ones. They explain how this technique can make habit formation easier and more effective. Karel and Paige share practical examples and provide 10 actionable recommendations to help you successfully implement habit stacking in your daily routine. Their recommendations include identifying existing habits, choosing new habits, linking new habits to established routines, starting small, environmental design, accountability, positive reinforcement, visual cues, tracking progress, and reflection and mindfulness. 10 Recommendations for Habit Stacking: 1. Identify Existing Habits Make a list of habits you already do daily without fail. Example: Daily morning coffee. 2. Choose a New Habit Pick a new habit that is small and manageable. Consider keystone habits that positively impact other areas of your life. Example: Regular exercise can improve mood and energy levels. 3. Stack the Habit Link to an Existing Habit: Connect your new habit to one you already perform regularly. Time-Based Stacking: Perform your new habit at a specific time. Anchor Habits: Use consistent routines like morning or evening routines. Example: Practice deep breathing after lunch. 4. Start Small & with One New Habit at a Time Begin with a tiny version of your new habit. Focus on one habit at a time and gradually add more. Example: Start with just one page of reading after making coffee. 5. Environmental Design Prepare your environment to support your new habit. Remove obstacles to make the habit easier to perform. Example: Keep your journal and pen next to your bed or coffee maker. 6. Accountability Partner with a friend or family member (habit buddy) and consider public commitment. Example: Share your workout progress with a friend or on social media. 7. Use Positive Reinforcement Reward yourself after completing your new habit. Celebrate small wins to stay motivated. Example: Give yourself a few minutes of relaxation after completing a new habit. 8. Visual Cues & Reminders Use post-it notes and set reminders or alerts on your phone. Example: Place a sticky note on your bathroom mirror to remind you to do morning stretches. 9. Track Your Progress & Be Consistent Use a habit tracker or app to monitor progress and stay motivated. Perform the habit at the same time every day. Example: Use apps like Habitica or Streaks to track your new habit. 10. Mindfulness and Reflection Reflect on your progress regularly. Practice mindfulness to stay present and aware of your habits. Example: Reflect weekly on why certain habits were missed and adjust accordingly. Key Takeaways: Habit Stacking: Habit stacking makes building new habits easier by linking them to existing ones. Identify and Choose: Identify existing habits and choose small, manageable new habits to build. Link Habits: Link new habits to established routines using time-based or anchor-based methods. Start Small: Start small and avoid overloading yourself with too many new habits at once. Environmental Design: Use environmental design to prepare your surroundings and support your new habits. Reminders and Tracking: Incorporate reminders, visual cues, and habit tracking to stay on track. Accountability and Reinforcement: Accountability and positive reinforcement can significantly boost your habit-forming success. Reflection and Mindfulness: Reflect regularly and practice mindfulness to maintain consistency and recognize the benefits of new habits. Self-Compassion: Stay compassionate with yourself throughout the habit-building process. Tip Jar Support the Podcast Episode Resources Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor.


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LH132 — Unraveling the Mysteries of the Mind-Body Connection with Todd Nyholm Part 2

In this episode, Karel and Paige continue their conversation with Todd Nyholm, a somatic therapist and author of "What the Bleep Brain?". Expanding on Todd's personal journey and the development of the Natality Life Method, this episode dives deeper into its practical applications for managing physical ailments, chronic health issues, and overall wellness. Todd shares techniques for managing chronic pain, improving mental clarity, and enhancing overall health through a holistic mind-body approach. He emphasizes the importance of integrating these methods with traditional healthcare, pacing, and self-compassion in the healing journey. Gain actionable tips for implementing these methods into your daily life for better health and well-being. Key Takeaways: Holistic Health Approach: Address both physical and mental aspects for overall wellness with the integrated Natality Life Method. Mind-Body Connection: Techniques like breath exercises and mindfulness can help manage pain and improve mental clarity. Small Steps for Big Changes: Start with small, manageable exercises to achieve significant health improvements over time. Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion, listen to your body, and go at your own pace. Improving Mental Clarity: Focus on sleep, nutrition, and stress management to alleviate mind fog and enhance cognitive function. Customized Health Practices: Tailor health practices to individual needs, ensuring benefits even for those with severe limitations. Chronic Pain Management: Methods help manage chronic pain by relaxing the nervous system. Connective Tissue Disorders and Joint Instability: Techniques can alleviate symptoms and promote better body function and support. Practical Application: Slow down and address individual limitations, such as back issues, to benefit fully from the methods. Integration with Traditional Healthcare: Combining these methods with traditional healthcare and focusing on mental energy management is crucial for healing. Optimal Health for All: These methods benefit everyone and can improve physical and mental health for a more fulfilling life. Quotes: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein “Make sure your worst enemy doesn't live between your own two ears.” - Laird Hamilton Episode Resources Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor.


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LH131 — Unraveling the Mysteries of the Mind-Body Connection with Todd Nyholm Part 1

In this episode, Karel and Paige sit down with Todd Nyholm, a somatic therapist and the author of “What The Bleep Brain?”. Todd discusses somatic therapy, emphasizing the mind-body connection and guides listeners through a calming breathing exercise. He outlines his book's systematic approach to brain healing, stresses the importance of conscious attention, and addresses the concept of locus of control. Todd also highlights the role of experiential learning and visualization in his methods, emphasizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and emotions in healing trauma and overall well-being. Quotes from this episode: “Fame or self: which matters more? Self or wealth: which is more? Precious gain or loss: which causes more pain? Those who are attached to things will suffer greatly.” - Lao Tzu “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” - Krishnamurti Key Takeaways: Somatic Therapy: Somatic therapy focuses on the mind-body connection, using the body to influence the mind, emotions, and physical issues. Breathing Exercises: Breathing exercises are powerful tools for reducing stress and tension, illustrating the interaction between mind and body. “What The Bleep Brain?”: Todd Nyholm's book offers a structured approach to brain healing, including techniques to alter brain waves and activate different brain regions. Conscious Attention: Directing attention consciously is crucial for gaining control over the brain and fostering positive mental and emotional well-being. Locus of Control: Despite misconceptions, individuals have more control over their brains than commonly believed. Experiential Learning: The Nytality Method incorporates experiential learning and visualization, essential components for effective healing. Trauma Healing: Healing trauma involves addressing the mind, body, and emotions. Integrating somatic therapy with traditional talk therapy can be highly effective. Accessibility: Todd's methods are accessible and beneficial for individuals with physical limitations, allowing for practice even in bed or with limited mobility. Episode Resources Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor.


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LH130 — Harnessing the Power of AI

Explore the transformative potential of AI with Karel and Paige as they delve into generative AI using ChatGPT as a prime example. This episode examines AI's revolutionary impact on industries and emphasizes the importance of integrating human skills with AI capabilities. Karel and Paige demystify AI concepts, explaining how generative AI functions through large language models to generate statistically probable outputs. Discover actionable advice for effectively leveraging generative AI, whether you're new to AI or already experienced. From accessing and understanding AI tools to using them for tasks like analysis, summarization, and content creation, uncover essential strategies. Karel and Paige also highlight responsible AI usage, emphasizing the importance of fact-checking and awareness of potential inaccuracies. Learn how AI, often compared to the new electricity, can optimize various aspects of life while fostering creativity and productivity in this enlightening episode. Quotes from this episode: "AI is the new electricity." - Andrew Ng (Eng) "AI is not a silver bullet. It’s a tool that can help people to amplify their skills and creativity. The real power comes from combining the strengths of humans and AI." - Fei-Fei Li "AI won’t replace managers, but managers who use AI will replace those who don’t." - Kai-Fu Lee “Artificial intelligence holds immense promise for tackling some of society's most pressing challenges, from climate change to healthcare disparities. Let's leverage AI responsibly to create a more equitable world.” - Katherine Gorman Key Takeaways: AI is as revolutionary as electricity, the telephone, and the internet, transforming industries and daily life. Generative AI, like ChatGPT, uses large language models for tasks such as analysis, summarization, and project completion. Combining human skills with AI is crucial for maximizing productivity and creativity. Responsible use of AI involves thorough fact-checking to ensure accuracy and combat misinformation. AI tools such as ChatGPT streamline workflows by facilitating idea generation, drafting content, and simplifying tasks. Rapid advancements in AI promise to address societal challenges and promote equity. Generative AI has diverse applications, from answering questions to creating content and improving accessibility. Keeping updated on AI capabilities is key to exploring its endless potential for innovation. Future-proofing job roles in the AI era means leveraging AI to enhance skills and provide value beyond technology's capabilities. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 03:03 What is AI and Generative AI? 05:55 Practical Guidance for Using AI 06:54 Starting with AI: Asking Questions and Generating Ideas 17:08 Analyzing and Summarizing with AI 27:23 Finishing Up Tasks with Generative AI 29:29 Fact-Checking and Caution with Generative AI 36:24 Endless Possibilities with Generative AI 42:15 Future-Proofing Your Job in the Age of AI 43:49 Conclusion Episode Resources


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LH129 — Evaluating Risk: Can you Plan for Everything?

In this episode, Karel and Paige explore the question posed by a listener: 'When it comes to evaluating risk, can you plan for everything?' They delve into the art of evaluating risk in both personal and professional life, providing practical recommendations and strategies for identifying, tracking, and prioritizing risks to make informed decisions and adapt to changing circumstances. Discover the importance of understanding your comfort zone, planning proactive risk management strategies, and embracing continuous learning and adaptability to enhance decision-making and foster effective risk management. Recommendations: Identify Risks: Consider potential challenges that could arise in your life or job, such as poor decisions or natural disasters. Keep Track: Utilize tools like spreadsheets, lists, or apps to monitor and manage identified risks effectively. Sort and Prioritize: Group risks by type (e.g., personal health, financial) and prioritize based on urgency and impact. Understand Your Comfort Zone: Reflect on your risk tolerance based on personal goals and past experiences. Assess the Risks: Use tools like SWOT analysis or financial planning software for a comprehensive risk assessment. Plan to Handle Risks: Develop strategies like insurance or emergency funds to mitigate identified risks. Keep Learning and Adapting: Continuously acquire knowledge and skills to stay ahead of evolving challenges in life and work. Deal with Uncertainty: Practice managing stress and unpredictability by staying calm and flexible. Stay Risk Aware: Always consider risks before decisions and keep learning about potential challenges you might face. Quotes from this episode: “Just taking risks for risk's sake, that doesn't do it for me. I'm willing to take risks that I think are worth it, and I've worked so hard to make sure that I survive.” — Chris Hadfield “Believing in yourself and what you do is so important. It took me a long time to find that confidence. If you're an artist and you're taking risks, then you're doing something right if some people don't get it.” — Kate Voegele “The thing about taking risks is, if it's really a risk, you really can fail. It's only a pretend risk if you really can't fail.” — Connie Britton Episode Resources Key Takeaways: Evaluate Risks Holistically: Learn to evaluate risks in both personal and professional life to make informed decisions. Identify, Track, and Prioritize: Use tools to identify, track, and prioritize risks based on urgency and impact. Understand Your Comfort Zone: Reflect on your risk tolerance and develop proactive risk management strategies. Continuously Learn and Adapt: Stay ahead of challenges by continuously acquiring new skills and knowledge. Deal with Uncertainty: Develop strategies to manage stress and uncertainty, maintaining a calm and flexible mindset. Stay Risk-Aware: Keep yourself informed about potential risks to make better decisions and take proactive measures. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:26 Can You Plan for Everything? 03:40 Identify Risks 04:23 Keeping Track of Risks 05:32 Sorting and Prioritizing Risks 06:45 Understanding Your Comfort Zone 08:30 Assessing the Risks 10:40 Planning to Handle Risks 14:33 Continuously Learn and Adapt 16:12 Dealing with Uncertainty 19:23 Staying Risk Aware 20:15 Final Thoughts 20:58 Conclusion Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor.


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LH128 — Cracking the Cortisol Code: From Stress Response to Stress Relief with Dr. Greg Hammer

In this episode, Karel and Paige chat with Dr. Greg Hammer as he delves into the intricate relationship between cortisol levels and stress management. Highlighting cortisol's role as a hormone produced in response to stress by the adrenal glands. Dr. Hammer emphasizes the distinction between acute stress versus chronic stress. Acute stress can prompt a temporary rise in cortisol and be adaptive whereas chronic stress can lead to sustained elevated cortisol levels and have detrimental health effects. Dr. Hammer introduces the GAIN practice (gratitude, acceptance, intention, and non-judgment) as a multifaceted approach to mitigate stress and regulate cortisol levels. He underscores the importance of incorporating deep breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques to counteract the acute stress response and promote overall well-being. Dr. Hammer also explains how the GAIN practice can be applied in healthcare settings, and how healthcare professionals can integrate these principles into their work routines. He sheds light on how cultivating gratitude, acceptance, intention, and non-judgment can enhance resilience and foster compassionate care to patients amidst the demands of their profession. This episode provides crucial insights into understanding cortisol's impact on stress and health, offering actionable strategies for individuals and healthcare professionals alike to effectively manage stress and optimize well-being. Quote from this episode: “Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own” - Bruce Lee Episode Resources Key Takeaways: Cortisol's Role in Stress Response: Cortisol, produced by the adrenal glands, reacts to stress. While acute stress can temporarily increase cortisol levels, chronic stress can have negative health implications. The GAIN Practice for Stress Management: The GAIN practice—gratitude, acceptance, intention, and non-judgment—offers a comprehensive approach to managing stress. By integrating deep breathing and mindfulness techniques, individuals can reduce stress and regulate cortisol production. Incorporating GAIN into Daily Routine: Consistent practice of the GAIN method, particularly in the morning or before bed, can establish it as a habit. This regular integration fosters a positive mindset and reduces stress throughout the day. GAIN's Application in Healthcare: Healthcare professionals can leverage the GAIN practice to navigate their demanding roles. By cultivating gratitude, acceptance, intention, and non-judgment, they can sustain resilience and deliver compassionate care to patients and families. Understanding Cortisol Regulation: Dr. Hammer elucidates the intricate regulatory system governing cortisol. Similar to other hormones, cortisol undergoes processes of stimulation, production, secretion, and suppression under normal circumstances. Effective Stress Neutralization: Dr. Hammer highlights the efficacy of slow, deliberate breathing in neutralizing the stress response. This straightforward practice can effectively manage stress and induce relaxation. Implementing the GAIN Practice: Dr. Hammer introduces the GAIN practice as a brief morning routine, emphasizing steps such as opening blinds, finding comfort, closing eyes, and focusing on breath. This practice promotes gratitude, acceptance, intention, and non-judgment as pillars for stress reduction and cortisol management. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:22 Dr. Greg Hammer’s Background 06:16 Understanding Cortisol Levels and the Acute Stress Response 09:47 The Effects of Chronic Elevated Cortisol Levels 14:57 Reducing Stress and Lowering Cortisol Levels with the GAIN Practice 32:12 Building the GAIN Practice into Daily Habits 27:08 When to Get Professional Help For Mental Health 40:12 The GAIN Practice and its Relevance to Healthcare Professionals 42:28 Using the GAIN Practice to Manage Stress in Challenging Situations 46:26 Conclusion


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LH127 — Disconnect to Reconnect: A Guide to Digital Detox

In this illuminating episode, Karel and Paige delve into the transformative practice of digital detoxing. Together, they explore the concept and offer practical recommendations for integrating it into daily and weekly routines. Through insightful quotes and eye-opening statistics on smartphone and social media usage, Karel and Paige share anecdotes about their own detox experiences. They define what a digital detox truly entails and emphasize its profound benefits for mental well-being, social connection, and overall life satisfaction. Drawing from their own experiences and research, Karel and Paige provide eight actionable recommendations for implementing a successful digital detox. From setting clear goals and starting small to creating designated tech-free zones and exploring analog alternatives, they offer a comprehensive guide for reclaiming control over digital habits. Throughout the episode, Karel and Paige highlight the importance of intentional choices and prioritizing changes that enhance well-being in today's increasingly digital age. Recommendations for Implementing a Digital Detox: Determine Your Goals: Clarify what you aim to achieve with your digital detox, whether it's reducing screen time, improving sleep quality, or enhancing face-to-face interactions. Start Small: Begin with manageable steps, gradually increasing tech-free periods over time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Inform Others: Communicate your detox plans to friends, family, and colleagues to manage expectations and reduce anxiety about being unreachable. Plan Non-Digital Activities: Identify fulfilling offline pursuits to occupy your time and distract from digital temptations, such as reading, exercising, or exploring nature. Designate Digital-Free Zones: Establish specific areas in your home and social settings where electronic devices are prohibited, fostering more meaningful interactions and minimizing distractions. Schedule Detox Times: Allocate designated periods for digital engagement, utilizing smartphone features like focus modes or do not disturb settings to manage connectivity effectively. Use Analog Alternatives: Embrace traditional methods for tasks during detox periods, opting for physical books over e-books and handwritten notes over digital reminders. Reflect and Adjust: Continuously assess the impact of your digital detox on mood, productivity, and overall well-being, adjusting your approach as needed to cultivate a healthier relationship with technology. Quotes from this episode: "Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master." – Christian Lous Lange. "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you." – Anne Lamott. "Spend a day without your phone, and you will know what you have been missing." – Unknown. Episode Resources Key Takeaways: Definition of Digital Detox: Digital detox means reducing electronic device usage or limiting activities like email and social media. Benefits of Digital Detox: Digital detox improves mental health, productivity, sleep, relationships, creativity, and overall well-being. Recommendations for Implementation: Implementing digital detox may involve setting clear goals, starting small, informing others, planning non-digital activities, creating tech-free zones, scheduling detox times, using analog alternatives, and reflecting and adjusting. Reflect and Adjust: Changing habits takes time; reflect on your detox experience and adjust as needed for a healthier tech-life balance. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:33 Quotes about Technology 01:18 Statistics on Smartphone and Social Media Use 02:22 Example of a Social Media Detox 04:18 Definition of a Digital Detox 04:42 Benefits of a Digital Detox 05:25 Recommendation 1: Determine Your Goals 06:51 Recommendation 2: Start Small 07:43 Recommendation 3: Inform Others 08:38 Recommendation 4: Plan Non-Digital Activities 12:54 Recommendation 5: Designate Digital-Free Zones 14:20...


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LH126 — Unlocking the Power of Emotional Intelligence with Dr. Robin Hills Part 2

In this engaging episode, Karel and Paige continue their discussion with Dr. Robin Hills, focusing on the application of emotional intelligence in personal contexts. Dr. Hills emphasizes the importance of empathy, active listening, and perspective-taking in fostering meaningful connections. Providing practical insights, he offers guidance on integrating emotional intelligence into daily life, advocating for mindfulness as a cornerstone practice. Dr. Hills also advocates for prioritizing work-life integration over balance, highlighting its positive impact on overall well-being. Through insightful discussions, this episode showcases how enhancing emotional intelligence can enhance relationships, communication, and overall wellness. Quotes from this episode: “There is intelligence in emotions, and intelligence can be brought to emotion.” - Daniel Goldman “Anybody can become angry-that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way-that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” - Aristotle “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” - Stephen Covey Episode Resources Key Takeaways: Emotional intelligence is the ability to make wise decisions and forge meaningful relationships through understanding and managing emotions effectively. Unlike IQ, emotional intelligence can be cultivated and developed throughout life, offering continual opportunities for growth. Empathy and active listening are essential components of emotional intelligence, fostering deeper connections and understanding with others. Mindfulness practices enhance emotional intelligence by promoting self-awareness and effective emotional regulation in daily life. Strong personal relationships are nurtured through emotional intelligence, leading to greater empathy, communication, and connection. Emotional intelligence extends beyond personal relationships to build stronger communities and foster understanding among individuals through empathy and mindfulness practices. Work-life integration, rather than balance, contributes to overall well-being and emotional intelligence by recognizing the interconnectedness of professional and personal spheres. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:00 Part 1 Recap 03:15 Key Quotes and Definitions 05:46 Applying Emotional Intelligence in Personal Life 10:01 Being Present: The Power of Mindfulness 12:25 Building Stronger Communities through Emotional Intelligence 15:24 Practicing Empathy and Mindfulness 19:56 The Art of Authentic Listening 24:52 Integrating Emotional Intelligence into Daily Habits 27:25 Work-Life Integration for Well-being 29:20 Final Thoughts and Resources Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor.


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LH125 — Unlocking the Power of Emotional Intelligence with Dr. Robin Hills Part 1

In this episode, Karel and Paige delve into the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace with psychologist Dr. Robin Hills. He defines emotional intelligence as the ability to effectively manage emotions to make informed decisions and cultivate meaningful relationships. Dr. Hills highlights the distinction between IQ and EQ, emphasizing that emotional intelligence is a skill that can be honed over time. Additionally, he underscores the critical role emotional intelligence plays in shaping workplace culture, boosting productivity, and fostering positive relationships among colleagues. Dr. Hills shares practical tips for applying emotional intelligence in challenging situations and discusses its future relevance in the era of artificial intelligence. Quotes from this episode: “There is intelligence in emotions, and intelligence can be brought to emotion.” - Daniel Goldman “Anybody can become angry-that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way-that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” - Aristotle “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” - Stephen Covey Episode Resources Key Takeaways: Emotional intelligence involves being smart with your feelings to make sound decisions and foster meaningful relationships. IQ and EQ are separate and distinct, with emotional intelligence being a skill that can be honed over time. Developing emotional intelligence in the workplace contributes to happier environments, increased productivity, and improved relationships among colleagues. Practical strategies for enhancing emotional intelligence include practicing self-awareness, mindfulness, and choosing constructive emotional responses. Human emotional intelligence possesses unique qualities that differentiate it from artificial intelligence, highlighting the importance of its cultivation in various aspects of life, including the workplace. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction and Background 02:26 Quotes About Emotional Intelligence 04:16 Defining Emotional Intelligence 06:32 Understanding IQ versus EQ 10:38 Emotional Intelligence in Workplace Dynamics 14:05 Emotional Intelligence and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 16:28 Self-Awareness and Mindfulness in Developing Emotional Intelligence 17:03 Choice Between Stimulus and Reaction 21:48 The Value of Mindfulness in Emotional Intelligence 30:15 Using Pleasant and Unpleasant Emotions Constructively 32:38 Navigating Workplace Stressors 40:14 Express Disappointment Rather Than Anger 42:15 The Future of Emotional Intelligence Amidst Artificial Intelligence 46:28 Conclusion and Contact Information Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor.


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LH124 — Morning Routines to Power Your Day

In this episode, Karel and Paige delve into the vital role morning routines play in shaping our days and overall success. They highlight the importance of taking control of your mornings and share practical recommendations for crafting an effective routine. Additionally, they explore the significance of circadian rhythms in maintaining a consistent wake-up time. Recommendations for Effective and Productive Mornings: Get Enough Sleep and Wake Up Early: Understanding the role of circadian rhythms as your body's natural alarm clock is crucial. Waking up early allows time for personal rituals and sets a positive tone for the day. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: Starting the day with mindfulness or meditation promotes mental clarity, reduces stress, and cultivates gratitude. Incorporate Physical Activity: Engaging in exercise boosts energy levels and mood. Whether it's a full workout or a brisk walk, physical activity sets a positive tone for the day. Prioritize Healthy Nutrition: Begin your day with a nutritious breakfast to fuel your body with essential nutrients and sustain energy levels. Set Goals and Plan Ahead: Setting intentions and prioritizing tasks for the day enhances focus and productivity. Planning ahead reduces decision fatigue and ensures you tackle the most demanding tasks early on. Stay Hydrated: Drinking water upon waking hydrates the body, jump-starts metabolism, and supports cognitive function. Manage Technology Use: Setting boundaries with technology usage preserves mental focus and reduces distractions. Limiting screen time promotes mindfulness and enhances productivity. Embrace Consistency and Discipline: Following a consistent morning routine builds discipline and self-control, essential for achieving long-term goals. Experiment and Adapt: Treat your morning routine as an ongoing experiment. Pay attention to how different activities impact your energy levels, mood, and productivity, and be open to making adjustments. Listener Examples: Ari: 6:00 AM: Wake up and have coffee. 6:00 - 7:30 AM: Prepare 3 kids for school. 7:30 - 8:30 AM: School drop-off. 8:30 - 10:30 AM: Gym, sauna, ice bath, work. Tinkle: Prefers at least 2 hours in the morning before starting work. Enjoys activities like tending to plants, making breakfast, and meditation with Indian classical music in the background. Chris: 5:00 AM: Stumble out of bed. 5:15 AM: Read a growth or social theory book. 6:00 AM: Workout with spouse. 7:00 AM: Have a healthy breakfast and cortado. 7:45 AM: Catch the train, listen to a podcast/book or connect with the team. 8:30 AM: Review emails, calendar, set 1 goal. 9:00 AM: Connect with the team and get aligned. Elle: 6:15 AM: Wake up, have light breakfast and espresso. 6:45 AM: Gym time (good social interaction). 7:15 - 8:15 AM: Workout, drive home, run errands. 8:45 - 10:00 AM: Write/journal, life admin, enjoy quiet time. 10:00 AM: Make breakfast and coffee. 10:15 AM: Begin work. Reflections on Common Themes: These examples highlight early rising, self-care, and organization. Creating a morning routine tailored to individual needs and schedules is key for setting a positive tone for the day. Read Full Show Notes Here Episode Resources Quotes from this episode: “Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.” — Lemony Snicket “Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” — Wayne Huizenga “In the morning a man walks with his whole body; in the evening, only with his legs.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson “The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day.” – Henry Ward Beecher Key Takeaways: Morning Control for Success: Taking charge of your mornings can have a profound impact on your overall success and well-being. Nine Recommendations for an Effective Morning Routine: Explore practical strategies such as getting enough sleep, practicing...


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LH123 — Personal Freedom with Dr. Dravon James

In this enlightening episode, Karel and Paige chat with Dr. Dravon James, author of 'Freedom Is Your Birthright'. Dr. Dravon delves into the transformative power of freedom, gratitude, and introspection. Drawing from her book and personal experiences, she shares invaluable insights on navigating challenges and embracing opportunities for growth. With a focus on self-love and personal responsibility, Dr. Dravon emphasizes the importance of cultivating a mindset of abundance and harnessing the power of positive self-talk through practical advice and heartfelt anecdotes. Dr. Dravon also discusses topics such as dealing with conflict and turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones. She encourages us to recognize our own worthiness and embrace challenges as opportunities for personal development. Dr. Dravon provides actionable tips for practicing gratitude and unlocking our true potential. Quotes from this episode: “Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better”. — Albert Camus “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, be he who conquers that fear.” — Nelson Mandela Key Takeaways: Freedom is a choice and comes with responsibility. Practice gratitude and develop a mindset of abundance. Gratitude is a powerful tool that attracts positive energy and opportunities. Internal freedom is essential for navigating the external world. Introspection and open communication are key to healthy relationships. Lean into conflict and approach it with love and respect. Blame and victimhood hinder personal growth and change. Turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones by keeping your eye on the prize and developing empowering habits. Challenges can be transformed into stepping stones for personal development. You are enough and have the power to create positive change in your life. Recognize your own worthiness and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Episode Resources Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 01:10 Quotes about Freedom 06:07 Central Thesis of the Book 09:50 External and Internal Freedom 14:06 The Power of Gratitude 18:22 Gratitude Practice 22:12 Introspection and Relationships 14:06 Blame and the Cost of Doing Nothing 25:06 Leaning into Conflict 27:59 Blame and the Cost of Doing Nothing 30:50 Turning Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones 36:18 You Are Enough 38:42 Conclusion


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LH122 — Hybrid Work: Doing it Right

Karel and Paige delve into the intricacies of hybrid work, sharing insights and best practices to set you up for success in this evolving work landscape. They explore the transition from mandated remote work during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to the current embrace of hybrid work schedules by many companies. Drawing from their personal experiences and inspirational quotes, they emphasize the importance of intentionality and flexibility in navigating hybrid work successfully. Karel and Paige discuss optimizing the work-from-home experience, maintaining work-life balance, and enhancing video conferencing practices. They stress the significance of being intentional when designing hybrid work schedules, encourage setting boundaries, creating ergonomic workspaces, and prioritize self-care. Additionally, they underscore the role of managers in supporting their teams and fostering a healthy work environment. Karel and Paige reinforce a recognition of the ongoing experimentation and learning required to adapt to the new normal of hybrid work and doing it right. Recommendations: Maintain a consistent appearance both in the office and at home to convey professionalism and consistency to your colleagues. When setting up your home workspace, ensure that you have a neutral background, such as a wall, to minimize distractions. Avoid backgrounds with moving objects or people, which can detract from your presence during virtual meetings. Invest in quality camera and microphone equipment to enhance your video conferencing experience. Position yourself in the camera frame with your head towards the top, aligning the window displaying other participants' videos just below your camera. This arrangement facilitates natural eye contact and simulates an in-person interaction. Pay attention to lighting to ensure your face is well-illuminated without sitting directly in front of a window, which can create glare and shadows. Proper lighting enhances visibility and promotes clearer communication. Avoid relying on virtual backgrounds, as they can be distracting and may strain system resources. Opt for a natural background or use a physical green screen for more seamless integration if necessary. Prioritize a stable internet connection and adequate bandwidth to prevent disruptions during online meetings. A reliable connection is essential for maintaining clear audio and video quality, fostering productive communication. Quotes from this episode: “Hybrid work doesn’t happen by chance, and you need to be intentional, proactive, and thoughtful to make it work properly. It’s not easy but is doable and the outcomes can be massive!” — Miroslav Miroslavov “First and foremost, I believe in flexible working. It is important that employers appreciate their employees’ work-life balance and give them the flexibility to work around their personal lives.” — Sir Richard Branson “Hybrid work will allow us to achieve the best of both worlds, the focus and collaboration of the office, and the flexibility and autonomy of remote work.” — Tim Cook Episode Resources Key Takeaways: Hybrid work demands intentionality, proactivity, and thoughtfulness for success. Optimizing this experience entails creating an ergonomic workspace, setting clear boundaries, and enhancing video conferencing practices. It’s essential for individuals to prioritize work-life balance by scheduling breaks and establishing boundaries to prevent overworking. Managers are pivotal in fostering a supportive environment and modeling healthy work practices. When it comes to video conferencing, investing in high-quality microphone and camera equipment, ensuring a strong internet connection, and positioning oneself appropriately in the frame with a professional background are crucial for effective communication. Embracing hybrid work as a new normal necessitates a mindset of continuous learning, experimentation, and adaptation to navigate its evolving landscape...


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LH121 — Be Kind, Age Well Part 2

Karel and Paige welcome back MJ Shaar for the second half of our conversation about aging well. We conclude this two part episode with MJ Shaar discussing the key role that kindness plays in helping us age well. She explains how simple acts of kindness can boost mood, improve relationships, and contribute to overall health and well-being. MJ provides practical ways to incorporate kindness into daily life and emphasizes the importance of making kindness a choice rather than a goal. She also highlights the impact kindness has on self-perception and the development of better habits. MJ encourages us all to choose a purposeful retirement that includes being kind to maintain a sense of purpose and meaning in life. From elevating mood to nurturing relationships, kindness emerges as a cornerstone for fostering a vibrant and fulfilling life in later years and the key component for aging well. Quotes from this episode: “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” — C.S. Lewis “First, we make our choices. Then, our choices make us.” — Anne Frank Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:08 Insightful and Inspirational Quotes 02:43 Recap of Be Kind, Age Well Part 1 04:38 The Importance of Kindness in Aging Well 05:13 The Role of Dopamine in Aging Well 06:15 Kindness as a Counterbalance to Aging 08:33 Kindness and the Development of Better Habits 11:20 Kindness as a Self-Reinforcing Behavior 12:46 Kindness and Improved Relationships 13:30 The Impact of Kindness on Aging Well 15:15 WEAR: Wisdom, Encouragement, Attention, Resources 24:28 The Impact of Kindness on Self-Perception and Gut-Brain Relationship 27:58 Practical Ways to Inject Kindness into Daily Life 39:13 The Importance of Choosing a Purposeful Retirement 42:38 Conclusion Episode Resources Key Takeaways: Acts of kindness are crucial for aging well, improving mood, relationships, and overall health. Kindness should be a daily choice, integrated into routine actions for meaningful impact. Embracing kindness positively affects self-perception and promotes healthier habits as we age. Purposeful retirement, with kindness at its core, sustains meaning and fulfillment in life. Kindness is fundamental to aging well, benefiting not only individual well-being but also broader aspects of health and happiness. Practicing kindness fosters better habits and enriches life, emphasizing its transformative power in daily interactions. Simple acts of compassion, attention, and encouragement demonstrate the accessibility and importance of kindness in our lives. Choosing kindness enhances self-perception and promotes a healthier gut-brain relationship, leading to a more balanced state of being. Prioritizing kindness and purpose in retirement significantly contributes to overall well-being and happiness, underscoring its importance across all stages of life.


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LH120 — Be Kind, Age Well Part 1

Karel and Paige welcome back the esteemed MJ Shaar, a returning guest, to delve into the fascinating realm of healthy aging. With extensive research under her belt, MJ unveils the intricate web of factors contributing to this concept. From genetics to lifestyle choices, she navigates through the realms of nutrition, exercise, sleep, love, relationships, self-perception, and finding purpose in life. While the World Health Organization defines healthy aging in terms of functional ability and well-being in older age, MJ posits that it transcends mere absence of disease, encompassing physical, mental, and social well-being. She underscores the pivotal role of lifestyle choices in fostering longevity, resilience, and overall health. Crucial elements for aging gracefully include maintaining proper nutrition, engaging in regular exercise to build muscle, ensuring adequate sleep, and nurturing strong relationships and social connections. MJ delves into the profound link between thoughts and biology, highlighting how kindness can elevate mood and give life a sense of purpose. Throughout the discussion, MJ champions the significance of human connection, emphasizing the power of micro connections in fostering kindness. She explains the health benefits of these micro connections and advocates for embracing random acts of kindness. Furthermore, MJ underscores the importance of eye-to-eye contact in fostering genuine connection. The episode concludes with a poignant reflection on how kindness serves as a cornerstone for aging well. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this enlightening discussion on Wednesday, March 13th, as Karel, Paige, and MJ delve deeper into the theme of "Be Kind, Age Well" Quotes from this episode: “No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance. The first rule is to stop interfering with nature.” — Deepak Chopra “Our thoughts are transferred into our biology, which means generosity, service, and altruism make us healthier from the inside out, all the while giving us more joy in life.” — Dr. Mark Hyman Key Takeaways: The Blue Zones study provides insight into the lifestyle factors that contribute to healthy aging, emphasizing the significance of diet, physical activity, social engagement, and a sense of purpose in promoting longevity and well-being. Harvard's Grant Study on healthy aging underscores the pivotal role of maintaining strong and fulfilling relationships throughout life, highlighting that individuals with close social connections tend to lead happier, healthier, and longer lives. Nourishing social connections and positive relationships are crucial for aging well, as they contribute to overall happiness and well-being. Finding meaning and purpose in life is essential for aging well, as it provides a sense of fulfillment and direction. Self-perception plays a significant role in how well we age, indicating that maintaining a positive outlook and mindset can have profound effects on our overall health and longevity. Kindness is a powerful tool to boost mood, enhance meaning, and improve overall well-being, highlighting the importance of practicing kindness towards oneself and others. Positive emotions and a sense of meaning are interconnected, suggesting that cultivating positivity and purpose in life can lead to improved health outcomes as we age. Micro connections can have significant health benefits, emphasizing the importance of small, meaningful interactions in fostering well-being and social support. Random acts of kindness can make a positive impact on others' lives as well as your own, demonstrating the ripple effect of kindness on overall happiness and community well-being. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 03:57 Defining Healthy Aging 08:22 The Importance of Lifestyle 12:10 Introduction to the Research of Healthy Aging 14:08 Factors for Aging Well: Food and Exercise 20:45 Factors for Aging Well: Sleep 27:00 Factors for Aging Well: Love and Relationships 30:04 The Impact of...


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LH119 — Lifelong Learning

Karel and Paige devote this episode to discussing the importance of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning is defined as on-going, voluntary, self-motivated learning in the pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. In last week’s episode LH118 — Landing the Job, one of the recommendations was to further improve your skills. This episode expands on that recommendation and explores lifelong learning that is outside of career advancement and opportunities. Karel and Paige provide 11 recommendations for pursuing lifelong learning and highlight its benefits such as personal growth, staying relevant in a changing world, and making a positive impact. Recommendations: Identify Your Learning Style and How You Learn Best Take Stock of Your Knowledge Determine Where to Gain Knowledge Use Google Search, YouTube, Reddit, TikTok, and ChatGPT Utilize Local Libraries and Librarians Read Books and Listen to Audiobooks Watch Documentaries Explore Educational Platforms Consider Bootcamps Pursue Formal Education and Continuing Education Non-Obvious Ways of Learning Quotes from the episode: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." — Albert Einstein “My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn’t prevent you doing well, and don’t regret the things it interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit as well as physically.” — Stephen Hawking “You can’t let your failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you.” — Barack Obama Key Takeaways: Lifelong learning is essential for personal and professional growth, staying relevant in a changing world, and making a positive impact. Identify your learning style and how you learn best to guide your learning journey. Take stock of your knowledge and determine what you want or need to learn. Explore various sources of knowledge, including libraries, books, documentaries, educational platforms, bootcamps, and formal education. Apply and practice what you learn to deepen your understanding and make a positive impact. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 01:01 Quotes on Lifelong Learning 02:40 Defining Lifelong Learning 03:46 Recommendation 1: Identify How You Learn Best 05:22 Recommendation 2: Take Stock of Your Knowledge 06:26 Recommendation 3: Determine Where to Gain Knowledge 06:57 Recommendation 4: Use Google Search and YouTube 10:40 Recommendation 5: Utilize Local Libraries 12:17 Recommendation 6: Read Books and Listen to Audiobooks 15:10 Recommendation 7: Watch Documentaries 16:29 Recommendation 8: Explore Educational Platforms 18:31 Recommendation 9: Consider Boot Camps 21:27 Recommendation 10: Pursue Formal Education 23:33 Recommendation 11: Non-Obvious Ways of Learning 31:00 Benefits of Lifelong Learning 34:54 Conclusion Episode Resources


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LH118 — Landing the Job

Many people are out of work right now, especially in the tech sector. Paige and Karel devote this episode to providing strategies on the entire journey of finding and then Landing the Job. This episode is an expansion of LH55 — Getting the Job where Karel mostly talked about the job interview. You can listen to that episode here. Recommendations: 1. Read the job post and job requirements carefully. 2. Make sure you satisfy the basic requirements of the job. 3. Make sure your application clearly demonstrates your suitability. 4. Create multiple resumes, each for a particular job you’re applying for. 5. Ask a friend of ChatGPT to review your resume and ways to improve it. 6. Take the perspective of the hiring manager and organization executive. 7. Don’t unquestioningly follow advice being given (including this advice). 8. Continue to improve your skills and experience. 9. Consider creating your own job. Quotes from the episode: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." — Albert Einstein “My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn’t prevent you doing well, and don’t regret the things it interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit as well as physically.” — Stephen Hawking “You can’t let your failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you.” — Barack Obama Key Takeaways: Read and understand job postings to ensure you meet the requirements. Tailor your resume to highlight relevant skills and experience. Use generative AI to improve your resume and make it more compelling. Take the perspective of the hiring manager, be respectful of their time by making your communications succinct. Prepare for video interviews and show up well on camera. Continuously improve your skills and experience to increase your chances of landing a job. Consider creating your own job or exploring alternative work options. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:43 Insightful Quotes 02:00 Learning from Failures 03:46 Taking a Different Perspective 05:48 Recommendation 1: Read the Job Posting and Requirements 08:40 Recommendation 2: Satisfy the Job Requirements 10:08 Recommendation 3: Clearly Demonstrate Suitability 10:50 Recommendation 4: Tailor Your Resume 12:49 Recommendation 5: Use Generative AI or Ask a Friend 15:12 Recommendation 6: Take the Perspective of the Hiring Manager 23:50 Recommendation 7: Don’t Unquestioningly Follow Advice 27:04 Recommendation 8: Improve Your Skills and Experience 30:12 Recommendation 9: Create Your Own Job 36:26 Conclusion Episode Resources


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LH117 — Passion Struck: John R. Miles

In this episode Karel and Paige chat with John R. Miles about his brand new book ‘Passion Struck’. The book outlines his 12 step framework to live a life that truly matters in three sections: Mindset Shifts, Behavior Shifts, and The Psychology of Progress. The steps involved in Mindset Shifts are summarized with some of these wonderfully memorable names: the Mission Angler, Mosquito Auditor, Fear Confronter, and Action Creator. The second section of the book goes through Behavior Shifts including: the Anxiety Optimizer, Originality Embracer, Boundary Magnifier, and Conscious Engager. The third and final section of the book details The Psychology of Progress also known as taking action. In this final section John focuses on taking action, not only talking the talk but also walking the walk and leading with intentional actions to make progress towards becoming ‘Passion Struck’. John R. Miles is a leading authority on intentional behavior change, personal growth, and mattering. He’s a celebrated leader, keynote speaker, and the host of the award-winning podcast “Passion Struck with John R. Miles”. With over two decades of corporate and military leadership experience, he’s the trusted advisor who is sought after by some of the world’s most prominent companies and visionary entrepreneurs. He has been instrumental in generating billions in sales and advising multiple unicorn startups. John’s true passion lies in guiding individuals to live a passion-struck life in every facet. He developed ‘Passion Struck’ out of the desire to create an impact by educating people on how to live a life that truly matters. One where they live better, be better, and positively impact the world. Quotes from this episode: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” — Henry David Thoreau "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." — Oprah Winfrey "What is defeat in life? It is not merely making a mistake; defeat means giving up on yourself in the midst of difficulty. What is true success in life? True success means winning in your battle with yourself. Those who persist in the pursuit of their dreams, no matter what the hurdles, are winners in life, for they have won over their weaknesses." — Buddhist Philosopher Daisaku Ikeda Key Takeaways: Living a life of quiet desperation is a common experience for many people, but it is possible to break free from this and live a passion struck life. Passion Struck is a state of existence where your actions, intentions, and aspirations are deeply infused with an unwavering dedication to personal excellence and self-actualization. The Passion Struck framework consists of 12 steps that guide individuals in becoming passion struck, including mindset shifts, behavior shifts, and deliberate action. Identifying and dealing with human mosquitoes, negative influences in your life, is crucial for personal growth and success. Core values play a significant role in living a passion struck life and making a positive impact on the world. The Passion Struck framework is applicable to anyone, regardless of gender or race, who wants to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:01 Favorite Quotes 03:00 Living Lives of Quiet Desperation 05:54 What is Passion Struck? 07:53 John R. Miles' Career Journey 09:52 The 12 Steps of the Passion Struck Framework 17:37 Human Mosquitoes 21:58 Core Values 26:18 Gender Differences and Risk-Taking 29:43 Startups and Taking Action 36:58 Why Adopt the Passion Struck Framework? 40:53 Conclusion Episode Resources


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LH116 — Resilience with Mandy Kloppers

In this episode Karel and Paige welcome back, by popular demand, Mandy Kloppers. Mandy has been on the podcast 7 times sharing her insight as a psychologist and cognitive behavioral therapist. In previous episodes Mandy talked with Karel about self-confidence, relationships and mindfulness to name a few of the topics (Please see the bottom of the show notes to listen to past episodes with Mandy). In those episodes Mandy spoke with Karel through the lens of a psychologist and therapist. But in this week's episode Mandy shares with us how she applies the same techniques she teaches her clients in her own life. What you may not know about Mandy is that she has, and continues to live with chronic illnesses in addition to facing many serious health challenges all throughout her life. Mandy talks to us about how she is able to live a fulfilling life and maintain a positive attitude despite her significant health challenges. We often hear from psychologists and therapists discussing these techniques, however, the impact of hearing how Mandy implements these techniques in her own life with great success in addition to her experience as a psychologist and cognitive behavioral therapist is second to none. This is an inspiring episode with amazing insight on how to harness the power of your mindset in order to stay positive and hopeful in the face of life's many adversities. Quotes from this episode: “You either get bitter or you get better. It’s that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you.” — Josh Shipp “The truth is we’re all a little bit broken. We must learn to love the broken pieces of ourselves—be gentle and empathetic with ourselves and others.” — Karen Salmansohn “If opening your eyes, or getting out of bed, or holding a spoon, or combing your hair is the daunting Mount Everest you climb today, that is okay.” — Carmen Ambrosio Please note: This podcast does not provide medical advice, only personal experiences, so please consult your doctor. Episode Resources


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LH115 — Life Habits 2.0

Karel is thrilled to welcome Paige Heron to the Life Habits podcast as the executive producer and co-host. We discuss the need for the change, how the idea for Version 2.0 came about, and the rationale for the changes we’re making. We also detail what those changes are. Changes include our brand new website where you can find all of the Life Habits Podcast episodes and show notes, our updated purpose and tagline, a place to sign up for our newsletter, a brief introduction to the two of us, how to get in touch with us, and everything else you need to know about the podcast. We hope that you’re as excited as we are for the new and improved Version 2.0 of the Life Habits podcast.


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LH114 — Coping with Adversity

My guest for this episode is Paige Heron. I’ve tried to get her on this podcast for a long time to discuss a number of different topics but we landed on a topic that has been and continues to be central to her life, chronic illness, and it’s something that many people don’t understand, especially what is essentially an invisible illness. I too knew very little about the experience of dealing with a chronic illness initially but accompanying Paige to various medical appointments, reading about her conditions, and most importantly listening to her provided me a deeper insight into her experiences and how best to support her. That’s what we discussed during this episode. We delve into Paige’s early life, the physical changes she experienced, her experiences with the medical profession, and we discuss what to do if you have similar experiences or if someone you love does, making sure to seek out appropriate medical expertise and guidance. Quotes from this episode: “No other disease in the history of modern medicine, has been neglected in such a was as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome” — Professor Rodney Grahame “Every EDS patient knows that one of the hardest parts of our day is the moment we open our eyes and waken into the reality of our bodies, stirred from dreams of ourselves as we used to be, and the futures we imagined we’d have.” ― Michael Bihovsky “When you are frustrated with me because of the things I can not do… …Just imagine how frustrated I must be because I’m not able.” — Count My Spoons Links from this episode: Ehlers-Danlos Society Ehlers-Danlos Support UK
