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The Self Love Podcast by Love, Maaden

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Encouragement and daily practices in healing, hope and hospitality at the intersection of scripture and science. Learn, laugh, and lean in to self-love.


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Encouragement and daily practices in healing, hope and hospitality at the intersection of scripture and science. Learn, laugh, and lean in to self-love.





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Hello, May

April was tough. For me, it’s a month of joy and celebration that was also marked by significant loss this year. I am still feeling a bit disoriented as I navigate grief and overwhelm, while still finding gratitude in God’s blessings and in recognizing the miracle of each new day. I am learning to be more present, less perfect, and even more tethered to God in this season. And will continue to water the seeds He’s given me, in hopeful expectation of what’s to bloom. At the top of April, I started a series here on identity, but the final two posts in that series remain in my drafts. At the time I was set to publish them, they felt premature and undone. Like there was more that God was still working on in me before I could share. So, I chose not to release them, yet. This month, I plan to revisit those rough thoughts on personal growth and perception, and ask God how to prepare them for publication. I also intend to take better care of myself in May. I have spent the last several weeks, and will spend the next couple of weeks, caring for and serving others. And I realize how it’s already begun to deplete my own emotional and spiritual reserves. I share this because it might just be the reminder that you need to care for yourself first in this season. Will you join me in the pursuit of restoration and radical self-love this month? Let me know below. xo, m. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. — Psalm 34:18 During life's tougher chapters—those times when grief weighs heavy and anxiety clouds our vision of the future—it's critical that we remind ourselves of the promises nestled in the words of scripture. Psalm 34:18 offers such a promise: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." This verse is a tender assurance that in moments of sorrow or overwhelming change, we are not forgotten. It speaks directly to those of us navigating the rough terrain of loss or facing the daunting unknown of what’s next in our lives. The Lord’s closeness in these times isn't just a passive presence; it's an active engagement alongside us even in our deepest struggles. Embracing this promise means resting in the fact that our pain and our challenges are seen, and that help is at hand. It invites us to lean not on our own understanding but on the strength that comes from God’s divine companionship. In practical terms, this might look like giving ourselves permission to slow down, to mourn, to sit with our feelings without judgment, and to seek support when the burden feels too heavy to bear alone. Practicing self-care in these seasons is essential. It might be as simple as ensuring enough rest, nourishing our bodies with good food, or finding moments for activities that replenish our spirits. And as always, recognizing and documenting gratitude daily will transform our perspective—helping us to see beyond our immediate circumstances to the bigger picture of God’s ongoing work in, and through, our lives. So, if you find yourself feeling brokenhearted or crushed in spirit, recite this psalm. Let it remind you that you are not alone in your struggles. Allow it to inspire you to practice self-care and gratitude. In the midst of everything, remember that God is close, and His help is real. Let's hold onto that truth, together. I can’t stop eating fruit. All the good stuff is in season starting in May — blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, and mangoes. And all of it has gone from flavorless (bitter, even) to sweet, ripe, and juicy. And the best is yet to come because I know the berries are only getting better in the summer months, especially those raspberries, and then the peaches will be ready! I’m excited to hit up my local farmers market and get in on all the fresh and local goodness. Thank you, apples, pears, and oranges for your services, but berries are back! Friends, I pray that you find simple pleasures in your daily lives this week that you point you...


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Hello, April

Spring has sprung. The rain showers are pouring, the cherry blossoms are blooming, our Savior has risen, and the season of birthday celebrations is rolling in at our house. It’s a beautiful time. Thank you—by the way—for the love on my birthday; it really filled me up. I woke up on my birthday amazed by the fact that I am an adult in her forties. It’s not like I didn’t see it coming, but it’s just wild how time flies. And it seems to move even faster with age. The months and milestones roll into decades before we know it. This year, I’ve been especially reflective on my identity. There’s a card I pulled from my Self Love Practice Deck that asks, “Who am I without my titles?” I love this question for how it pushes us to go deeper. Most often, when we're asked who we are or to introduce or describe ourselves, we start with our titles—who we are to others. “I am a mother.” “I am a business owner.” “I am Christian.” “I am a Black woman.” “I am a college graduate.” But these are titles, labels, that don’t even begin to describe our identity, who we truly are. In my quiet time on my 41st birthday, I struggled to answer this question. I sat with the question a bit longer, asking myself, “Who am I really?” I started considering traits that could only be uncovered with time or from the inside out—my passion, my potential, and my personality. This led me to our April series on identity. This month, I plan to share my thoughts on how we can explore our identity from the lens of identity & purpose, identity & personal growth, and identity & perception. Let’s start by asking ourselves this question, “Who was I created to be?” As always, thank you for being here, friend. I am looking forward to walking this path with you in the month ahead. xo, m. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. — Matthew 5:5 Meek is not a word that I would use to describe myself. In fact, if someone called me “meek,” I would probably feel a way. I came across this scripture in my Bible time this morning, and it jumped out at me for that very reason. I saw “meek” but it read “weak.” My first instinct was to look up the word "meek." It didn’t help. The definition used words like quiet, gentle, easily imposed upon, and submissive. Gentle, I can work with, but the rest, not so much. I kept going, y'all, trying to figure out how this scripture could speak to me. The promise that the meek “will inherit the earth” sounded worth it. I read different translations of the original text and found other definitions, words like humble, kind-hearted, sweet-spirited, and self-controlled. I thought, okay, we’re getting somewhere. I went back and read the chapter in its entirety, studying each of the beatitudes (nine blessings recounted by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount). I sat with each piece of encouragement, measuring my identity and experience against each one. I went further, looking for context by reading the previous chapters in the Gospel of Matthew. It was becoming more clear. As I began to understand it, meekness, in the Biblical context, is not about being weak or timid. It's about demonstrating strength under control, humility, and the consideration of others. It's the quality of being gentle, not in the absence of power, but in the choice not to misuse it. Jesus embodied meekness. He has the ultimate power, yet He chose to serve, to love, and to sacrifice for others according to God’s purpose for Him. Society often measures success by how much control we exert over our circumstances and over others. But adopting meekness as part of our identity means recognizing that true strength comes from God, and manifests in our lives as gentleness, patience, and self-control. It's about knowing when to speak and when to listen, when to stand firm and when to yield. This challenged my definitions of strength and success. The promise that the meek "will inherit the earth," while still appealing, hit differently when I went back to it. Yes, those who...


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Hello, March

I love the springtime. For most of my life, I’ve been excited about spring in anticipation of my birthday. I am big on my birthday. And while spring birthday season is still very much a thing for all the members of our household, it’s not the sole reason for my excitement. My excitement grows from a lot of the same feelings you are likely feeling — the anticipation of more sunshine, the lifting of the winter blues, and just this general sense of renewal. Renewal not just in the natural but also metaphorically in the areas of my spirit, my space, and myself. I am ready for something new on all fronts, and this month I intend to focus and meditate on renewal in the same way that I centered my thoughts around love last month. I’d love to know how you’re feeling this month. Are you anticipating refreshment and renewal, too? Is your spring cleaning underway? (Y'all know I am full steam ahead!) Maybe you’ve given something up for the Lenten season and find yourself going inward? Or maybe you're the opposite, and just ready to be outside? Let me know! I love hearing back from you. xo, m. The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come. — Solomon 2:11-12 (NIV) There’s something about shaking off the winter chill and welcoming even just a little more sunshine that helps lift our moods and renew our minds. This scripture from the book of Solomon evokes that feeling of beauty and hope that comes with the changing seasons. And just as nature has this rebirth each spring, we too can open ourselves up to renewal. For a lot of us, the season that we’re coming out feels a lot like winter — long, dark, isolating. A time when things didn’t appear to be growing. But like the winter, this season must make way for the next; the frost will melt away, and those things that looked not to be growing, maybe even appeared dead, will blossom and bloom. As we welcome spring, I am ready to let go of the past, to release the weight of burdens, and to embrace the possibilities of new beginnings. My word for the year is ‘lighter,’ and that’s how I am entering the coming season — cleaning and clearing, purging and purifying, organizing and in order. I’m taking inspiration from the flowers, the birds, and bees. Immersing myself in the beauty of nature, reconnecting with people I love, and pursuing the passions that bring me the most fulfillment. In a society that says we should decide who we are early on, brand ourselves as such, and then stick to it — I want to extend an invitation to evolve, just as nature does. To embrace growth, change, and something new. I invite you to join me as I welcome the month of March with an open heart and open mind, ready to embrace all the beauty and blessings it has to offer. Our season of singing has come. I am loving all things spring — the longer days, sunshine and rain, pastel prints, and floral facades. I can’t wait to see the Cherry Blossoms in peak bloom in the city I love later this month, just before the emergence of one of my favorite flowers, tulips at the Floral Library just near the National Mall. And, in the spirit of spring cleaning – which I have been doing feverishly all February long – I’m also loving the Brightroom storage collection at Target. It’s reasonably priced, modern, and has modular mix & match organization for every room in the house. I’ve used it to get all the little nooks and crannies of our home organized and in order. The Self Love Letter Love, Maaden is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Love & Motherhood

If you know about my journey to motherhood, how it was clouded by loss, seasoned with tears, and suffocated by moments of hopelessness, then you can only imagine the intensity of my joy when our daughter was born. That intensity often comes into play in my relationship with her now as she grows into a little person. Like so many mothers, I want to smother her with my love, to shield and protect her from this world, and to give her everything her heart desires because she is my heart’s desire. But her life doesn’t exist merely as a fulfillment of my hopes and dreams. Her life doesn’t exist merely as a fulfillment of my hopes and dreams. She is a person with her own purpose, developing thoughts, hopes, dreams, and validity— kid or not. I have to be careful that our relationship doesn’t become too me-centered. She should be just as much a part of our relationship as I am. She should be heard, seen, and guided, not smothered and spoiled. This week, as we close out the month of love, I am reflecting on what it means to show up with love as a mother. xo, m. The Self Love Letter Love, Maaden is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." — Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) Sarah Jakes Roberts described parenting in her first book, Lost & Found, as being a foster parent to this being who is, in actuality, God’s child. That’s so well stated. While our children are in our custody and care, they really do belong to God. It’s God’s purpose, protection, and plan that rules their lives, not ours. Still, we have a supremely important role in the lives of our children. While we can’t or shouldn’t live their lives for them, we do have a vital responsibility as their parents to “start children off on the way they should go”. Here are some ideas on how: Guide. On a trail, a guide is someone who has traveled the path before and can advise us on which way to go and the best route to take. Our role in "starting children off on the way they should go" requires us to be their guide. Proverbs 13:24 states, "The one who loves their children is careful to discipline them." It's our responsibility to teach right from wrong, provide structure and accountability, and correct them when they go off course. Support. Be your kids’ cheerleader. Just like in a marathon, the support you have on the sidelines can determine how far you go. Be careful that the energy you put into correcting and rebuking your child doesn’t overshadow the energy you expend to affirm, validate, and support them. Scream it at top of your lungs — value their ideas, show enthusiasm for their interests, and dedicate your time and attention to them. Model. Guiding them down this path means showing them the way. Be conscious not just of how you speak to and interact with your children, but also of how you speak about them, how you treat others, and how you talk about yourself. Demonstrate the respect that you expect, and the patience that you require. Be kind, be generous, be open to learn. They're always watching. I am grateful that God has chosen my husband and I to start our little one off on the way that she should go, and I trust that He will keep her the rest of the way! For the last nine months, I've been co-producing the Mamas In Waiting Retreat with my friend and founder, Erica Williams Simon, and it’s absolutely what I’m loving. This retreat was born from our shared experience of unexpectedly challenging journeys to motherhood, and we’ve designed it to offer what we wished we had during that time. And let me tell you, it's going to be amazing. I'm personally inviting you to attend if you're a mama-in-waiting, or to encourage someone you know to join us even if you're not. Being a mama-in-waiting isn't just about struggling to conceive; it includes so much more: * It's for the woman who has experienced...


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Love & Friendship

Our friendships are some of the most intimate and healing relationships we can have. Our friends love us, support us, understand us, and help heal us. In my seasons of loss and grief, it’s my friends who hugged me tight, forced me to laugh, and cracked open my heart with their own vulnerability. Still, and knowing all of this, the deeper we get into our careers, families, and daily lives, we find ourselves neglecting those very friendships, or at the very least taking them for granted. Toggling calendars to get a girls' night on the books, rescheduling a coffee date for the third time, and “meaning to call” a friend that’s been on our mind for weeks. It’s one of the struggles of being grown. The Self Love Letter Love, Maaden is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Our little one, by comparison, has flourishing “friendships” that sprout up almost weekly on the playground or in the classroom. But maintaining meaningful connections—or harder still forging new ones—as adults requires a different level of intentionality. One that doesn’t come so easily. They say that cultivating friendships is like tending to a garden, that it requires our attention and care in order to bloom. Lord knows from my trail of dried up and decrepit houseplants that this far from effortless for some, but it’s possible and more than worth it. Our adult friendships, whether they are with our “day ones” or with someone new, are a reminder that we're not alone in this journey. And the one thing we can’t afford to be as we grow older, is alone. We need the ones who cheer us on when we're winning and lift us up when we're down. The ones who know our quirks, our dreams, and our fears, and love us anyway. The comforters, the co-conspirators, and the crazies that we can't live without. Whether it's grabbing coffee, hopping on a call, or making time for a girlfriends' getaway, we have to do what we have to do to keep our friendships going. So here's to friendships as adults—to the commute chats, the late night and early morning texts, the weekend adventures, and the shared memories that make life a little easier and a little sweeter. Because in the end, it's the people we share it with that make the journey worthwhile. xo, m. A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. — Proverbs 17:17 (NIV) The proverb says that a true friend will love and support us whether we’re up or down. And even more so in times of adversity, elevating themselves from friend to brother (or, in my case, sister). I’ve heard many an elder say that tough times will show you who your true friends are. I used to interpret this as meaning that those who disappear during difficult times were never real friends to begin with. However, with maturity, I understand that not everyone can walk with us into every season, and I'm okay with that. What I now take away from their wisdom, and also see in this scripture is that my closest friends— those that don’t just show up but lean in when life gets messy, scary or dark— are my also my sisters. I am so grateful to have a sister who is also a friend, and friends who have become sisters. I love a theme, so in keeping with the theme of friendship, I want to highlight some gifts that I am loving in my shop, Love Goods Co., which were created to promote connection, friendship and sisterhood. * The Friendship Connection Box is perfect for a girls night-in with a 40 card deck of prompts and practices to cultivate connection, plus a refreshing citrus + sugar scented candle, delicious herbal tea and sweet treats to share. * The Bestie Box is limited edition gift box designed for Galentine’s Day but also just a sweet gift to remind your bestie that she’s loved. It comes with a hibsicus tea, jasmine shower steamer (that smells SO good), a pink champagne lip scrub + balm duo, and a light & feminine scented candle. * The Friendship Connection...


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Hello, February

2023 got out of here like she stole something! Sheesh. I traveled down a rabbit hole of internet “research,” trying to understand why we all seem to feel like time is moving faster than ever before. Of course, everybody and their momma has a theory—from the end-of-the-days to collective post-pandemic PTSD. There are scientific studies that say it's linked to our diminishing ability to process visual information with age, conventional wisdom that says it’s because we have fewer "new" and novel experiences to take in, and then there’s this idea that our daily routines have us operating almost on “auto-pilot” in our day-to-day lives. Each theory lands on the idea that our lack of attention makes it feel like that days are slipping into years almost unnoticed. While I’m not sure if any of these theories are exactly it, I do agree that time tends to move faster when we don’t slow down. And I’m learning to take the feeling of time slipping by as a welcomed reminder to pause, pay attention, and be more present. One way I'm embracing this present mindset is through my reflective writing practice. The Be Still & Know 21-day challenge provided a good, grounding start to the new year. It allowed us to reflect on stillness, immerse ourselves in God’s Word, and also to connect with others in this community. The additional gift for me, though, was the opportunity to write consistently. I like it, and I want to do more of it. So, you can expect to receive more messages from me here and fewer on social. I’m also taking a break from podcasting for a season, so I plan to incorporate some of our podcast staples like “love it or leave it” and “a word with Maaden” into this format in the meantime. I shared at the top of the year that my word for 2024 is “lighter,” and that’s just how this feels—lighter. It also feels very much in line with the more/less list that I created for the year ahead. So here’s to more quiet time, creating, connecting, and reading + writing and less of the rest. "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." - 1 Peter 4:8 (NIV) I talk a lot about love here, so it’s no surprise that my reflection as we open up February—a month adorned with hearts, flowers, and sweet nothings—is on the power of love. Not love as this romanticized, fleeting emotion but love as, arguably, the most profound of all human experiences. The words in 1 Peter say that, "love covers over a multitude of sins." A reminder that true love has the power to heal through forgiveness. And not just forgiveness for one thing but that this type of authentic love, extends grace that covers the broad range of our faults and human imperfections. The word multitude—translated from the original Greek "πλῆθος" (plēthos)—emphasizes the comprehensive and forgiving nature of love in dealing with the plethora or abundance of flaws that we each have. The verse invites us to practice a love that forgives, recognizing the inherent humanity in ourselves and others. It calls us to extend compassion, understanding, and grace. Consider the various relationships in your life—first, your relationship with yourself but also the bonds with family, friends, and colleagues. How can you love better? How might love, as described in 1 Peter, show up in these relationships? Can you, even in relationships that are thick with tension or thin with distance, choose love as your guiding principle? Can you allow it to cover misgivings and open you up to connection? This month, let’s practice true love, not just the fluffy idea love, but the deep love that requires forgiveness, vulnerability, and grace. I bought my first home at age 25. It was a third-story condo with a loft, super high ceilings, and spacious bedrooms with walk-in closets. I was living, y'all! Sure, I had to climb up those hot steps every day to my front door (there was no elevator); and yes, I had a curmudgeon of an old man as a neighbor (God rest his soul) who complained to me...


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Behind The Sound: Meet Marcus

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit *Surprise!* It’s a bonus episode. We’ve promised long enough, and it’s finally time that we turn the spotlight on our friend and sound engineer, Marcus aka DJ SupaFlyTNT. He join us in front of the sound board this week and let’s us ask all the questions – including what he’s loving or leaving! LOL. Learn why he's continued to particpate as an integral p…


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Love, Laugh and Be Merry

NOTE: We lost audio this week and had to use a work around, so there’s an echo and the overall sound quality is diminished, but the content was too good not to share. We appreciate the grace, and hope that the episode still encourages and entertains you! Hey Yall Hey! We’re back for another heart-to-heart as we wrap up Season 7. And we’re dedicating our season finale episode to joy, laughter, and merriment. We opened our talk by shouting out one of our faves and her mobile massage business. Check her out at Wellness With Char. We both had holiday-themed “leave its” this week. Tennille’s had to do with e-commerce, and mine was food-related. Now, let's set the stage for this season finale. We wanted to focus on the joy of the season and focus on laughter and merriment this episode. Psalm 126:2 sets the tone: "Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy..." Get into for Season 7: Episode 10: Love, Laugh & Be Merry. In our deep-dive segment, "Digging In," we reflect on the journey of the past seven seasons – and how this show has been a source of joy in our lives, “winter break” plans and how we'll infuse merriment into this special time. From belly laughs to navigating mid-life with a sprinkle of merriment, we're leaning into more happiness. As always we wrap you in a comforting prayer to close out not just the episode but the season, seeking God’s guidance for embracing merriment and tapping into genuine joy. And because we always have your back, our weekly practice is all about healing through laughter. This week, dedicate a few minutes each day to a mindful laughter exercise. Start with a genuine laugh, and let it resonate. Even if it feels forced initially, it often turns into genuine laughter, boosting your mood. After all, laughter is the best medicine, right? Ya’ll, we’re so grateful for you and we're sending you all the love and gratitude. Until the next season, let's laugh, be merry, and soak in the joy of the season. Love, Maaden This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Let It Go

Hey girl, hey! Welcome back, y'all. We’re rounding out season 7 with some important topics to explore, especially during the holidays (namely, grace and forgiveness). But first, we have to talk to about how we’ve been and what we’re loving and/or leaving. In this week’s "Love It or Leave It" segment, I have a superior alternative to the uber-popular Stanley tumbler for all our girls who want to stay hydrated and save a little coin. And Tennille is looking for a change this season with a personal “leave it” this week. Any guesses? While the holiday season is filled with love and connection, it's also a time when unresolved feelings can surface. This week, we explore why grace and forgiveness are essential, how they bring healing in relationships, and ways to practice forgiveness –especially self-forgiveness. Welcome to Season 7: Episode 9 – "Let It Go." We set the table around a guiding passage from Ephesians 4:32 that says: “And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." From there we dig into conversation, discussing whether we find it easy to forgive, and unpacking just how we’ve forgiven ourselves and others. Ephesians 4:32 calls us to forgive as God in Christ forgave us. The last part was especially heavy for us to consider. We pull from the wisdom in Matthew 18:21-22 and discuss the challenge and importance of forgiveness without reconciliation. It's tough, but we've got strategies and mindset shifts that have helped us do this. Our closing prayer this week honors the grace and forgiveness God has extended to us all. We seek strength to embody kindness and forgiveness in our relationships, especially during times of more connection and gatherings with those we may have been estranged from. And we reflect on Ephesians 4:32, understanding that forgiveness is a powerful calling, even when it's not easy. We close, as always, with our weekly practice. This week, we commit to practicing 'Daily Forgiveness Moments.' Take a few minutes each day to engage in this practice and experience the healing power of forgiveness. Set a specific time, reflect on a siuation that requires your grace, visualize releasing bitterness, and offer up forgiveness. Try using gratitude reminders, breathing exercises, positive affirmations, and journaling to enhance your forgiveness moments. Again, thank you all for being on this journey with us. Your comments and feedback make this podcast so worthwhile, and we're grateful for you. As we navigate the transformative power of grace and forgiveness, may this episode bring healing and light to your life. Love, Maaden This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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'Tis The Season

Hey girl, hey! Welcome back to another heart-to-heart session with your favorite co-hosts. We've missed you, and we can't wait to share the good vibes of Season 7: Episode 8 – 'Tis The Season. As always, we open with come love it or leave it moments. I'm feeling these Jalapeno Ranch potato chips by Ruffles they have just a hint of spice, and are a nice little crunchy snack. And Tennille shared that she’s missing going to Wegman’s now that she lives further out, but she’s loving their fruit and custard tart. Clearly we were hungry last week (lol) From there we set the table. This episode's guiding passage is a powerful reminder from Ecclesiastes 3:1: "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." Life is full of changes, just like nature's seasons, so we spent the hour exploring the significance of trusting the timing of our lives. We answer questions like, “How do you think about the different seasons in your life?” and “Do you struggle with trusting the timing when things don't go as planned?” And we get real about embracing waiting seasons, maintaining faith through unexpected turns, and reflecting on our personal winning seasons. Our prayer today is a beautiful acknowledgment of God as the master of time and the orchestrator of our seasons. We seek His guidance, patience, and unwavering faith in His divine plan. The we close with our weekly practice by inviting you to join us in a 'Seasons Reflection' exercise. Take a moment this week to reflect on your current season. Breathe, contemplate, and pray for understanding. Reinforce your trust in God's divine timing with a serene breathing exercise. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. You are cherished, and your presence makes this podcast truly special. As we navigate the seasons of our lives together, may we find peace in knowing that God is with us every step of the way. Love, Maaden This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Take Off The Cape

Hey friend, hey! Welcome to Episode 7 of Season 7 of The Self Love Podcast by Love, Maaden, "Take Off The Cape." We're setting the table around the scriptural truth in Psalm 4:8, declaring God as our peaceful sanctuary and the source of rest, especially when societal pressures move us to don the invisible cape of "superwomen." The weight of being everything to everyone is a burden generations of women have shouldered. In this episode, we dissect the challenges tied to this expectation, exploring strategies through scripture, science, and self-care to reshape what it means to show up for ourselves and those around us. We reflect on the roles and demands placed on women and the emotional and sometimes physical impact of the expectations. We also share our personal self-care practices and experiences where turning to God really has provided relief from the burden, allowing us to hang up the cape. Our practice is to commit to a nightly assessment this week. It’s quick and doable. Here’s how: * Reflect on how you showed up each day with grace. * Release any unrealistic expectations from yourself or others. * Set boundaries around what you will and won’t carry into the next day. * Relinquish the rest, finding solace in God's peace. We also both opened the episode with a “leav it” this week. Mine was a beauty product that you can skip, and Tennille’s is hilarious. Tune in to find out! Thank you for joining us for another week. We are grateful for you, and you are so loved. Love, Maaden This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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In My Feelings

Hey friend heyyy, Welcome to episode 6, "In My Feelings," where we’re exploring the complexity and humanity of our emotions. Our guiding passage on which we “Set The Table” came from Proverbs 3:5-6, which says: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." Digging into our conversation, we discuss the six mostly widelt accepted emotions with an emphasis on four – sadness, happiness, fear and anger. We reflect on embracing and accepting our own emotions, drawing inspiration from Jesus' example. We read that Jesus, in His humanity, displayed a full range of emotions, from compassion (Matthew 9:36) and anger (John 2:15) to overwhelm and anxiety (Matthew 26:38-39) and grief and sorrow (John 11:35). We also unpack how Proverbs 3 prompts us to seek God's wisdom over just our emotions, emphasizing the need for a balance between acknowledging our feelings and submitting to God. Our weekly practice encourages us to embark on a daily emotional check-in. Take a few moments to reflect, identify your feelings, and seek guidance through prayer, anchoring yourself in God's wisdom for a healthy and faith-centered response to your emotions. Also, if you wanted to check out my “love it” for the week, here’s the link to Daring. My recommendation was the “Breaded Plant Chicken Wings” but let me know if you try any others! Last think, the councilman that I was talking about (Eric Mays) is from Flint, Michigan not RI. Yall knew who I was talking about! As always, thanks for listening! You are so loved. Love, Maaden This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Solitude, Not Isolation

Hey friend, hey! Welcome to a new week. This week’s episode, "Solitude, Not Isolation," is an extension of the subscriber-only essay I posted on, titled The Magic of Me Time. The essay delves into the transformative power of solitude, the practice of intentional quiet time, how creative pursuits can enhance our "me time," and the red flags to watch out for as we navigate the perils of loneliness and isolation. I shared a snippet from the essay to set the stage for our conversation: “For as long as I can remember, I’ve been the type of person who is energized by connection with those around me. Not just that, being around other people gives me a sense of security. If I’m honest, I haven’t always felt as comfortable with being alone. And because of this, for a long time, I’ve centered my identity around busyness, projects, and activity. In part, because those things fuel me but also because they'd make me feel less alone. The last few years have turned this totally upside down. A year after giving birth to our miracle baby – an effort I had obsessed over for the five years leading up to her arrival – I went directly from a season of post-partum seclusion into a season of pandemic isolation. I was quite literally forced into stillness and solitude. A place that was especially uncomfortable for me, on top of the looming anxiety and shared trauma that we are all navigating. Yet in doing this, over time, I discovered that there is a “magic” in “me time” that I had not fully experienced until then…” In my conversation with Tennille, we discuss the practice of inviting God into our alone time and share tips for establishing a quiet time routine as a peaceful sanctuary. We also explore the idea that without intention, solitude can sour into loneliness and discuss its impact on our mental and emotional well-being, especially when loneliness infiltrates our relationships. We offer guidance on how to combat this while still preserving the practice of solitude. Our prayer for the week is as follows: "God, thank you for showing us what solitude looks like and reminding us to unplug from the busyness of life to seek stillness and seek You. Thank you, Lord, for your word, which instructs us to 'Be still and know that You are God.' We don't need to wear busyness as a badge; instead, we can release our burdens and turn inward and upward. Help us recognize that there is healing in both our alone time and in time spent with others, as long as we approach them with intentionality. In Jesus’ name. Amen." Our practice for the week is as follows: "I commit to giving my 'me time' more attention and intention. I will remain mindful and vigilant against loneliness by keeping pathways open to stay connected with God and loved ones during this time." We invite you to tune in, join the conversation, share your thoughts in the comments below, and embark on the journey of practicing solitude with intention in your own life! Also, here are the links to our “love its” for the week: * Maaden - Cora Feminine Care * Tennille - Morgan Harper Nichols *Disclaimer: I am much better now – thanks to Jesus, steroids & antibiotics – but I do a lot of coughing in this episode. Appreciate the grace from our listeners. Also, thanks Tennille for doing extra reading for me again this episode!* Love, Maaden This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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The Relationship Episode

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit Hey friend, hey! Welcome to Season 7, Episode 4 of The Self Love Podcast by Love, Maaden – "The Relationships Episode." This episode is exclusively for our paid subscribers. (Yes, you!) If you want to catch the full scoop, you can become a paid subscriber for just $5 a month over at to get this, and more perks! If you're not ready…


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The ABCs of Peace

Hey friend, hey! Hope you’re feeling warm and cozy as we get ready to welcome Novmber and the holiday season. This week, we're diving into something we all need more of right now – peace. Welcome to Season 7, Episode 3 of The Self Love Podcast by Love, Maaden – The ABCs of Peace. If you've read my essay, "Peace Is The Real Flex," in my newsletter, The Self Love Letter (you can sign up on Substack or at, you might remember the ABCs of maintaining our inner peace. Today, we're delving deeper as we unpack each strategy. The guiding scripture for the week is from John 16:33 and says, "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." – John 16:33 Our three strategies, The ABCs of Peace, examine each part of the scripture in-depth. A is for Acceptance. The scripture states, "In the world, you will have tribulation…" Some versions say "suffering" or "distress" instead of tribulation. We discuss how we practice acceptance as a means to establish peace, how that process feels, and how it's progressing. B is for Boundary. The scripture also says, "...take heart…" Other versions say "be encouraged," "be of good cheer," or "be comforted." We discuss the boundaries we put in place to protect our peace, not only from others but from our own conflicting thoughts. C is for Contentment. Finally, the scripture says, "…in me you have peace [or shalom]." Shalom is a Hebrew word meaning peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, and tranquility. We delve into how we are cultivating contentment in our day-to-day lives and how gratitude has transformed our minds in the current season. We conclude the episode with this prayer, thanking God for the gift of Shalom, and committing to our shared weekly practice: "I commit to shifting my focus from combating my issues to accepting where I am as a first step toward inner peace. I will shed the false narrative of perfectionism for the flawed facade of reality. Once established, I will protect that peace with healthy boundaries and genuine gratitude in my daily life." Have a great week, friends! Also, a heads up that next week's episode is a special 90-minute paid-subscriber-only episode delving deep into relationships. If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe or upgrade your subscription below! Love, Maaden This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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How To Hope

Hey Y'all, Hey! Welcome to Season 7, Episode 2 of The Self Love Podcast by Love, Maaden – How To Hope. This week gets deep, so you might want to keep some tissues handy. We're diving into the topic of hope, a subject I've explored many times before, and this time, we're bringing you some practical agreements to share within our community. Naturally, we kick things off by catching up and sharing what were loving and what we're ready to leave behind. Both of our picks revolve around popular fall favorites – think pumpkins and apples. Tennille is not sure if she's loving or leaving hers behind, so we jokingly decided to "leove" it (lol). I'll also be sharing a story about an awkward interaction with a follower that made me rethink how we're truly measured by our social media in real life. Our guiding passage this week is from Jeremiah 29:11. I'll open up about my emotional journey through recurrent pregnancy loss, the immense challenges I faced, and how hope continues to play a transformative role in my life. We'll explore the symbolism of hope being like a rainbow after a storm, representing the beauty that emerges from our storms and suffering. Then we'll discuss the three key agreements, or strategies, that can help us find hope even in the most challenging of times. Agreement #1 looks at the power of our thoughts, guided by the verse from Colossians 3:2: "Set your minds on things that are above." We'll talk about the importance of aligning our thoughts with hope and viewing things from God's vantage point. Agreement #2 emphasizes the role our words play in fostering hope, drawing inspiration from the verse in Proverbs 18:21: "The tongue has the power of life and death." You'll hear an excerpt from the essay and how I've shifted my language to reflect hope and God's will. Agreement #3 underscores the significance of taking actions to turn our hopes into reality, with guidance from James 2:17: "Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." We'll share some practical actions that align with our hopes. We'll conclude the episode with gratitude, a heartfelt prayer, and a request for God's divine guidance as we continue our journey towards hopefulness. And, as always, we'll leave you with a weekly practice that encourages us to align our thoughts with our hopes and take actions toward our desires. Thanks for tuning in. I’m really grateful to have you here. Love, Maaden This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Habitual Healer

Season 7: Episode 1 - "Habitual Healer" Intro Segment: Hey Girl Hey * The hosts warmly greet each other and their listeners. * They briefly catch up on current events and set the stage for the episode. Segment 1: Love It or Leave It * Both hosts share what they're currently loving or ready to leave behind this week, providing personal insights into their lives. Segment 2: Setting The Table - Maaden * Maaden presents today's passage from Proverbs 25:28, emphasizing the importance of self-control. This scripture serves as the foundation for the episode's theme. * Maaden shares a personal story about a trip to the emergency room that prompted her to redefine herself as a "habitual healer" — emphasizing the healing, growth, and purpose in her journey. Segment 4: Digging In - The Seven Habits of Healing * Habit #1: Honesty - The hosts discuss the importance of self-honesty and accepting one's true self, free from attachments to past versions. * Question #1: How do you practice honesty with yourself? * Habit #2: Rest - The conversation shifts to the concept of rest, not only physical but emotional rest, and its role in self-care. * Question #2: How do you practice intentional rest? * Habit #3: Solitude - The hosts explore the significance of solitude in reducing distractions and connecting with oneself. * Question #3: How have you made time for solitude in this season? * Habit #4: Nourishment - Proper nourishment is discussed, encompassing physical well-being, media choices, and healthy environments. * Question #4: How have you made time for solitude in this season? * Habit #5: Prayer - The hosts delve into prayer as a practice of gratitude, self-acceptance, and honoring a higher power. * Question #5: How do you make meaningful prayer a daily habit? * Habit #6: Self Work - The conversation shifts to the effort required to untangle unhelpful thought and behavior patterns. * Question #6: What does self-work look like for you in the season? * Habit #7: Grace - The hosts discuss the importance of self-forgiveness, letting go of shame and guilt, and extending compassion to oneself. * Question #7: What does self-work look like for you in the season? Closing Segment: Prayer and Practice * Closing Prayer – God thank you for your many lessons in self love. Thank you for modeling gratitude and grace. Thank you for the opportunity to heal and grow through our life experiences. Thank you for establishing new habits, and for help breaking those that arent of service. Help us to be reflective and mindful, and to exercise the self control and discipline required to become habitual healers. In Jesus’ name. Amen. * Weekly Practice – I commit to adopting one new healing habit this week, and to breaking a habit that is no longer of service. Join the journey of self-discovery and healing with Season 7, Episode 1 - "Habitual Healer." Embrace the power of self-love and transformation. Love, Maaden This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Summer, Steps + Season Intro

Intro Segment: Hey Girl Hey * Maaden + Tennille greet each other and their listeners and catch up on current events and life updates from the summer. Segment 1: Love It or Leave It * The hosts share what they're currently loving or feeling ready to leave behind from their recent experiences. Segment 2: Setting The Table - Maaden * Maaden introduces the guiding scripture for today's episode: Proverbs 16:9. This scripture sets the stage for the episode's theme of embracing the journey and being open to change. * Maaden reflects on her "summer of steps" in 2023, where she committed to regular outdoor walks. She emphasizes the benefits of these walks beyond physical exercise, including mental clarity and spiritual connection. * The Proverbs 16:9 scripture reminds her of the importance of being open and flexible while working towards a goal. Maaden explains her decision to apply this approach to Season 7 of the podcast, showing up and remaining open to the flow of the journey. Segment 4: Digging In - Summer, Steps + Showing Up * Both hosts dive into the core discussion of the episode, exploring various aspects of their journey and the podcast's direction for Season 7. * They share summer highlights, self-love practices, lessons learned, personal growth, the new theme for the season, and expectations for the episodes ahead. Closing Segment: Prayer and Practice * Closing Prayer – God thank you for this present moment. Thank you for sustaining this show for seven seasons. Thank you for every listener – old and new. Thank you especially today for fresh starts and new beginnings. Thank you for ordering our steps. Help us to have vision, and work towards progress, but to also be mindful to submit those plans to you so that you would order our steps. In Jesus’ name. Amen. * Weekly Practice – I commit to beginning, restarting or deepening my practice of submitting every plan to God. Join the hosts in embarking on Season 7 with an open heart and a commitment to show up and embrace the journey. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Bonus Episode: Season Six Wrap Up

Tune in to our Season 6 bonus episode. Join us as we share our Weekly Word recap, 2023 summer plans, and what's next for the podcast and for each of us! Get full access to The Self Love Letter | Love, Maaden at


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Zeal: A Weekly Word

Support the show This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
