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Messages from the Medicine

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Messages from the Medicine is created by Axis Mundi and hosted by psychedelic therapist, Brooke Novick. Intentional work with psychedelics supports you in living as the fullest expression of who you are, and this podcast offers wisdom to support you on your path as you heal and grow. Episodes cover topics related to intentional work with psychedelics, healing, relationships, spirituality, and more.


United States


Messages from the Medicine is created by Axis Mundi and hosted by psychedelic therapist, Brooke Novick. Intentional work with psychedelics supports you in living as the fullest expression of who you are, and this podcast offers wisdom to support you on your path as you heal and grow. Episodes cover topics related to intentional work with psychedelics, healing, relationships, spirituality, and more.



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Family Constellation Therapy with Kat Daou

In this episode, Brooke speaks with Family Constellation Therapy Facilitator, Kat Daou. Brooke had a profound experience working with Kat and wanted to share her and her work with you all! Family Constellation Therapy (FCT) pairs beautifully with intentional medicine work and can be another divine tool on your path of healing and evolution. This episode touches on: Connect with Kat Website Instagram Book a Session Connect with Brooke & Axis Mundi Book a Session Website


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Microdosing While Pregnant and Breastfeeding with Michelle Dench

In this episode, intuitive astrologer Michelle Dench, shares sacred and beautiful wisdom surrounding intentional medicine work in relation to pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and being a mother. Michelle lives her life in deep alignment with spirit and moves through this world with integrity, truth, and love. This is an episode not to be missed! Connect with Michelle: Michelle's Website Michelle's Instagram Axis Mundi Resources: Private Sessions Microdose Course


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How to Not Fear Symptoms, Trust Your Body, and Live a Peaceful Life with Dr. Melissa Sell

In this episode, Dr. Melissa Sell shares all about Germanic Healing Knowledge, health, healing, why you do not have to fear symptoms, why you do not have to fear certain foods, and why you can wholly trust your infinitely intelligent body. Dr. Melissa also speaks to aspects of intentional work with psychedelics through the lens of GHK! This episode is packed full of wisdom for you. Connect with Dr. Melissa Sell: Dr. Melissa’s Instagram Dr. Melissa’s Website Dr. Melissa's YouTube Axis Mundi Resources: Axis Mundi Website


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Is a Challenging Journey Really Something to Hope to Avoid?

Brooke speaks about challenging medicine journeys and why we sometimes need them. She discusses how a challenging experience can provide great benefit when one is well-prepared, in a safe setting with trusted and experienced others, and the experience is integrated over time. Brooke offers concrete tools to use when moving through challenges in the medicine space, as well. Axis Mundi Website


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Postpartum Anxiety & Depression, Motherhood, and Intentional Work w/ Psychedelics with Darby Jackson

In this episode, healer Darby Jackson shares all about her experience with postpartum anxiety & depression, intentionally working with psychedelics to heal, sitting with Ayahuasca, microdosing psilocybin, breastfeeding, and more. Connect with Darby: Darby's Instagram Darby's Website Axis Mundi Resources Microdosing Course Axis Mundi's Website


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Feeling Ungrounded After Working with Psychedelics

Brooke discusses what feeling ungrounded after intentionally working with psychedelics can look like, what causes this feeling of being ungrounded, and specific ways to ground and care for yourself after intentional medicine work. Axis Mundi's Online Integration Course Axis Mundi Website


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Integrating Your Intentional Work with Psychedelics

Brooke discusses integration, what it is, what happens when you do not do it, and why integration is so essential when working intentionally with psychedelics. Brooke also offers concrete tips and tools to support the integration of both a full-dose journey and microdosing practice. Axis Mundi Website


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How to Approach Anxiety as a Guide to Your Deepest Truth

Brooke speaks all about anxiety and how it is a signal to life-force energy that is yearning to be acknowledged, felt, or expressed. She discusses thinking vs feeling, the importance of feeling, and how to approach anxiety as a sacred messenger to your deepest truth.


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The Soul Lesson of Learning How to Use Your Voice

Brooke discusses the soul lesson of learning how to use your voice. She speaks about relationship dynamics you attract into your life when this is one of your soul lessons, the purpose of triggers in connections with others, and simple, yet profound, ways to begin using your voice in daily life. Axis Mundi Website


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Feeling Fear Before Working with Psychedelics

In this episode, Brooke discusses the fear that can arise before beginning any intentional medicine work, whether microdosing or a full-dose journey. She speaks about where the fear comes from, why it's there, and how to manage it. Axis Mundi Website


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Intentional Work with Psychedelics

In this episode, Brooke discusses intentional work with psychedelics, what it is, what it includes, how it can support you, as well as many differences between recreational use and intentional work with psychedelics. She touches on what typically causes negative recreational experiences, how to know when it is time to begin working with the medicine, how often it is recommended to journey, and more. Axis Mundi Website


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How an Unsatisfying Sex Life Can Support the Evolution of Your Long-Term Relationship & Soul

Welcome to the first episode of Messages from the Medicine! Brooke has been feeling a strong pull to begin a podcast, and she is so excited to begin sharing with you in this new way. This first episode really wanted to be about sex in long-term relationships, and what an unsatisfying sex life is really an invitation to. Hint, hint: it's not leaving, like we are often led to believe. Axis Mundi Website
