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More than Lucky Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

For women who know it takes more than luck. We're going to chat about creating change, reaching goals and the perspective that makes me feel so lucky. Instagram is @morethanlucky.podcast




For women who know it takes more than luck. We're going to chat about creating change, reaching goals and the perspective that makes me feel so lucky. Instagram is @morethanlucky.podcast





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Lucky Girl Syndrome

On this episode Stephanie talks about Gabby Bernstein's manifesting challenge and what was different about the experience this year. Stephanie also talks about Lucky Girl Syndrome (didn't even know it was a thing until now!) and how you can cultivate your own lucky girl mindset. Short and sweet episode. email me at DM me @morethanlucky.podcast Support the Show.


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It's a Super Attractor Year

In this week's episode Stephanie talks about signing up for Gabby Bernstein's manifesting challenge for the third year. After two years of manifesting unbelievable change, this year's challenge offers so much opportunity to grow this into a daily practice. Stephanie also starts to read Gabby's book Super Attractor. Hear this review of the intro to the book and join the journey by reading and or just listening along. Super Attractor comes at the right time (of course!) to teach how to strengthen your daily spiritual practice. In the second half of the episode Stephanie shares reflection on a life changing trip to Colombia, South America the summer she turned 16. A naive outlook and faith made it easy to go and Stephanie shares what she learned and carries with her today. SHARE YOUR STORY >>> Share travel stories that made a huge impact on your life and outlook. Email me at or DM at @morethanlucky.podcast Support the Show.


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It's true, I'm 40. Happy Birthday me!

Birthdays are a personal new year, a time to celebrate and a time to reflect on the year gone by. In this episode Stephanie talks about celebrating her milestone birthday and reflects on the past year. Using a list of questions for self reflection Stephanie shares her answers and chats about lessons learned and the opportunities for the year ahead. Don't wait for your birthday. Share this episode today with friends and discuss your answers to the questions! Find me on Instagram @MorethanLucky.Podcast or email me at Support the Show.


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Unexpected Lesson's from Gabby Bernstein's Manifesting Challenge

January was a wild wild month full of highs and lows. This year I took on Gabby Bernstein's 21 manifesting challenge for the second time. In this episode I share my 5 unexpected lessons from participating. I talk about how a spiritual practice needs to be learned and what I realized about sharing my experiences with others. I also share a story that revealed, and reminded me, the process really works when you invest in yourself. I finish off my list by sharing the biggest shift in my attitude and how I realized I was in the right zone the whole time. If you also participated in the challenge I would love to hear your unexpected lessons or simply what you are enjoying about the podcast. I want to share more insights and experiences that interest you the most. Follow and DM me on insta @morethanlucky.podcast Email me, I'd love to hear your thoughts about any of my episodes or chat about the manifesting challenge Support the Show.


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Part 2! The Universe Has Your Back Transforming Fear into Faith Book Review with Jeanne Castellanos

Welcome to 2022!! So many of us start the new year by setting intentions for the year ahead. This January I am setting intentions and doing a 21 day manifesting challenge. I am excited for what 2022 will bring me. A big part of my journey in 2021 was transforming my own fear into faith. My friend Jeanne introduced me to the book and now joins me for a book review and chat about The Universe Has Your Back Transforming Fear into Faith. If you didn't listen to part one it might be a good idea to start there but its not a must. Please share with me moments that connect with you so I can continue to create episodes that are helpful and meaningful. DM at @morethanlucky.podcast email me at CHANCE TO WIN! I am going to send one lucky listener a copy of the book. Please share the episode on your Instagram or leave a review on apple podcasts or spotify. At the end of January I will send one lucky listener a copy of the book. Enjoy! Support the Show.


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The Universe Has Your Back Transforming Fear into Faith Book Review with Jeanne Castellanos Pt. 1

My special guest this week, Jeanne Castellanos, joins me for a book review and chat about The Universe Has Your Back, Transforming Fear into Faith by Gabrielle Bernstein. Jeanne has mentioned Gabby to me and this book I think at the end of 2020. Not too long after that Gabby popped up on my Instagram (as it always does) and I decided to dive in with a 21 day manifesting challenge. Did it ever have an impact on me!! At the end of this episode I share a big moment I had after recorded with Jeanne. This fall I spent time reading Gabby's The Universe Has Your Back Transforming Fear into Faith and I've enjoyed it so much I can't shut up. Everyone in my circle has heard about it now and I want to share it with my listeners. Learn more about Gabby here This January I am taking on the manifestation challenge once again and I am looking forward to setting myself up for a fruitful 2022. I am also looking forward to reading more of Gabby's books. I would love to hear from you my listeners about what connected with you this year on the podcast. Share your insights, experiences, or what you'd like to learn more about. DM me at @morethanlucky.podcast Email me at Part two of my interview with Jeanne will be up shortly! Happy New Year! Support the Show.


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The Joys and Truths of Friendship with Laurie Midgely

This week's episode is extra special as I celebrate 25 years of friendship with one of my besties. Laurie Brooks Midgely joins me and we chat about first impressions, causing trouble in Washington and how we built a stronger friendship living and working together at sea. One of the unique storylines in life we share is our mutual unusually good luck in winning all sorts of things including theatre tickets, trips to vegas and t-shirts. It only gets better when we debate who is most lucky or what areas of life we're most lucky in (Laurie has bingo, hands down). Our chat concludes with a look back on a trip that could have been a disaster and very disappointing, we share the secret as to why it was a trip that we'll never forget after a quick pivot. I would love to hear from you what you have learned about building strong friendships. Send me an email and I'll share your story in a future episode. Email me at Follow me and share the podcast @morethanlucky.podcast Support the Show.


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The Bucket List Episode with Erica Lear

My sister Erica returns for a fun chat about all the things we're glad we did in 2021 and the items that are on our bucket list for 2022. The past couple of years have been tough and we've been without many of our regular activities and events. When we do go out, reservations are increasingly a must so planning in advance also becomes an important part of the process. What do you want to plan for 2022? Having plans to look forward to is also a key aspect in our marking of time passing and feeling like we're living with purpose. I think Erica takes home the gold for her accomplishments in 2021 which leaves some pretty big shoes for us both to fill with our bucket list items for 2022. At the end of this episode pause to take note of what made you proud or brought you j oy in 2021 and consider what you want to look forward to in 2022! Share your list with at Find me at @morethanlucky.podcast Support the Show.


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Feel the Fear and Do it Anyways

Right before I recorded this episode I was meditating and became aware of all the countless times I didn't know I was scared. Fear lurks in the shadows and can dominate the light in our life. Today's episode reflects on what I've learned abut fear. I talk about what fear might look like in your life how we can free ourselves from carrying it along. No matter if it is a fear of a relationship, instigating change in your life or generally seeking more peace, freeing ourselves of daily fear leads to more joy! Find my @morethanlucky.podcast Email me at Support the Show.


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What If You Said Yes?

Saying 'no' to people and opportunities can seem like a reflex. In this episode I explore opening yourself up to people and opportunities by saying 'yes'. We hear so much no from a young age it becomes a familiar and safe reply to most things. What would happen if you started saying YES? This theme has been on my mind since my early twenties. Perhaps it was my first clue that I had so much fear in my life despite my outward confidence at times. Learning to say yes doesn't have to be an over commitment but is a chance to overcome our fears. Saying yes can lead to stronger relationships in your personal or professional life. Saying yes can lead to discovering new joys. Saying yes feels great when it comes balanced with healthy nos. Only you know your boundaries which are as important to defend as they are to explore. I would love to hear from you and what you want to say YES to, email me at Insta @morethanlucky.podcast Support the Show.


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Taking Ownership with Accountability

Accountability comes with all sorts of negative connotations but it is about so much more than taking responsibility for things that go wrong. It refers to completely taking ownership of the circumstances of your life and understanding that you are responsible for your relationships, reactions, choices, actions, communication and attitude. In today's episode I talk about the different areas of our lives where this can be relevant and how we can take action to create accountability and improve our chances of achieving our goals and have peaceful relationships. Accountability requires confidence in yourself. Confidence is key. We not only need to be confident in ourselves but we need others to know we are confident in them to ensure they too can be equally accountable. Follow on Instagram @morethanlucky.podcast Drop me a note and let me know about your experiences or send questions to Support the Show.


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The Motivation to Start

Getting started is always the hardest part. When you can compartmentalize getting started and separate it from the on going experience it is easier to see how the pain and suffering is likely to be short term. I share a breaking moment in my life that gave me the push I need to get started with making a huge change in my life. When the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same, you're ready to get started. Follow on Instagram @morethanlucky.podcast Email me at Support the Show.


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Letting Go of Control & Feeling Free

Season 2 of the More than Lucky Podcast launches with a look back at the past nine months since I decided to work on letting go of controlling things in my life. I've let go, I've found peace and I feel more relaxed. I share my ideas about creating space and how we can help ourselves slow down. Follow on Instagram at @morethanlucky.podcast Email me comments and stories at Support the Show.


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When You Need to Talk with Erica Lear

The past few months as I've talked to family and friends I've been noticing the various levels of comfort we all have when we have moments where we realize we need to talk. I made this episode for everyone who is thinking about talking to someone, including myself. My sister Erica joins me for a thoughtful conversation about seeking support for your mental health. Erica shares her experiences of trying to figure out what to talk about, finding someone helpful to talk to, and the different stages of the journey. We talk about how our changing identities can be a scary and confusing. How can we become more of ourselves if we have no idea who we are? Read my full article on this episode Support the Show.


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Do You Do Skincare?

At one point in my life I thought my skin was what it was and I couldn't necessarily change it but just make it not as bad. I had a very dry t zone, very flaky on my nose and brow. One day while walking through The Bay a lady at the Estee Lader counter stopped me for one of those mini make overs. She showed my some skin care and a basic look. I was super impressed with how much moisture she added to my skin and I was sold. That didn't solve my problem 100% but it was a huge improvement. I was hooked, this was the beginning of me taking my skin more seriously and I have learned so much since. In this short episode I share the skincare chores I think make an impact for me and what I choose to focus on because we can't do it all! Enjoy the episode, I have also posted details for everyone here! Support the Show.


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Let's Talk About Money

Today's episode is all about money. Have you ever considered what your relationship is with money? Is it stable? Are you confident in your choices? Or do you wing it and hope for the best? Each of us have our unique experiences and situations but there are common things we can do to ensure we aware and intentional in managing our money no matter your income. I share my own experience with money, debt, credit cards and saving money. While I haven't always gotten it 100% right I have used a personal budgeting system for years to ensure I am aware of my expenses and income. My super simple check in each time I get paid keeps my priorities straight and helps me be realistic with my expectations of myself. Credit cards aren't for everyone but if you can treat them right they will deliver great rewards. Credit cards can also lead to temptation and create significant and unmanageable debt which we talk about as well. No matter where you are in your financial journey, saving cash for rainy days or big purchases takes planning. If you're saving money for the first time start with a small goal. I also have one savings I never mentioned, the coin jar! I always raided my dad's growing up when you only needed a $1 or so for a snack at Pizza Pizza or McDonalds. Frankly these days with decreasing use of cash this might not work as well but there have been times where I've dumped out $60 or so. I share all this in hopes to encourage conversations about money and its ok to admit you have no idea what you're doing! Follow me on Instagram @morethanlucky.podcast or email me your money story at Brunch Club news coming soon! NEW! Find me at Support the Show.


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Big Changes, Small Steps, and Longer Runways with Rachel Despres

This week's episode features Rachel Despres, Career Coach for Rebels. Rachel and I talk about career lifestyle options, it doesn't have to be a 9-5 at your work-from-home-office. People around the nation are ready to ditch the dining table desk and take a leap of faith across the ocean of fear to try something new when things don't seem like they could get any worse. Part way through the episode we talk about how to explore the nagging callings in the back of your mind and who you should be talking to in your life when considering making a change. When making a big change it is also important to have fair expectations of yourself and realistic timelines which we also cover in our chat! The whole conversation goes in a direction I didn't expect so I know you will love this episode as much as I do. Find Rachel at RACHELDESPRES.COM @racheldespres Find me @MorethanLucky.Podcast Support the Show.


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Letting Your Soul Guide You with Cara Smith

Cara and I haven't seen each other in a while and dive right into the conversation about life in South Africa and why she choose to study music therapy at the University of Pretoria. Our chat about music therapy looks at how the practice is different in Africa vs the US or Canada and how cultural histories and experiences influence different uses of music. Find Cara on Instagram @heycarasmith @umoja_global @morethanlucky.podcast Send me email and comments Support the Show.


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Peace, Joy and Happiness with Kiran Singhachaudhuri

On this week's episode I am joined by Kiran Singhachaudhuri for a light hearted chat about how we are intentional about creating our own joy and what we're doing to relieve the pressure in our lives. We chat about how having fun has changed during the pandemic and the importance of supporting your local businesses. What are you doing to create your own fun? Kiran can be found on insta @currently_on_my_ @morethanlucky.podcast Email me at Support the Show.


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The Pink Bubble with Sonya Ho and Shirley Yung

One of the greatest choices of my life was to start a Mary Kay business. While I'm not a consultant any longer I am loyal to the skincare routine and the friends I made. This week Sonya Ho and Shirley Yung join me for a chat about our time as Mary Kay Consultants and what we learned about running our own business. We are talking about safety to fail, the Go Give Spirit, authentic leadership and the sisterhood. Shirley also shares her expertise in hosting shopping parties and the top three companies you need to discover now. She also shares her insider tips to maximize your hostess benefits! Search for Shirley Shares in facebook groups for her reviews. Find Sonya on Instagram @sonny_s_h Find Stephanie, the Luckiest Girl in the World on Instagram at @morethanlucky.podcast Email me at Support the Show.
