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Moving On AGAIN Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Moving on Again is a conversational podcast where we discuss our lives in real time, the family of seven that we have been blending for six years, and the mistakes we make along the way. We want to be a rescue for others...a type of rescue WE needed ourselves all those years ago. We want to humbly offer our experiences as a road map on what to do, and what you REALLY ought not! Holy smokes! We also want those same stories to sit right next to you to show you that you are not alone, as our God comforts you with His grace and unconditional love. After forty-six episodes of the Moving On Podcast Jay and I came to an impass. Would that be a nice stopping point after five seasons? Or were we to continue? After a month of tough deliberation and confusing discussion, the kind where he uses one language and I use another entirely, we were at a loss. We defeatedly cancelled our website, podcast email, and online farm store. Cancelled the ten monthly subscriptions you need to hold to maintain a podcast. And IN came the calvary riding on lightning bolts....well maybe not lightning bolts, persay but their messages for us sure felt the same magnitude. After a quiet six months the messages started rolling in THAT week, "where ARE you guys??" and "WHEN are the new episodes coming out??". We felt thunder from Heaven saying, AGAIN. The moment our online store was cancelled we received well over thirty orders in three days. We felt the thunder from Heaven saying, AGAIN. A new friend of ours entered our lives that month with word to "go again". We felt the....well, you get it now! We knew to go AGAIN and that is where our new name derived, Moving On Again Podcast, where we talk about all of the same things we used to, except it is a different year, we are a different us, and, welp everything is different! Let's Go! "AGAIN" -Kurt Russell, Miracle (2004) "Keep doing exactly what you are doing, do not turn back, keep moving forward" -Jay Rush (2015)


United States


Moving on Again is a conversational podcast where we discuss our lives in real time, the family of seven that we have been blending for six years, and the mistakes we make along the way. We want to be a rescue for others...a type of rescue WE needed ourselves all those years ago. We want to humbly offer our experiences as a road map on what to do, and what you REALLY ought not! Holy smokes! We also want those same stories to sit right next to you to show you that you are not alone, as our God comforts you with His grace and unconditional love. After forty-six episodes of the Moving On Podcast Jay and I came to an impass. Would that be a nice stopping point after five seasons? Or were we to continue? After a month of tough deliberation and confusing discussion, the kind where he uses one language and I use another entirely, we were at a loss. We defeatedly cancelled our website, podcast email, and online farm store. Cancelled the ten monthly subscriptions you need to hold to maintain a podcast. And IN came the calvary riding on lightning bolts....well maybe not lightning bolts, persay but their messages for us sure felt the same magnitude. After a quiet six months the messages started rolling in THAT week, "where ARE you guys??" and "WHEN are the new episodes coming out??". We felt thunder from Heaven saying, AGAIN. The moment our online store was cancelled we received well over thirty orders in three days. We felt the thunder from Heaven saying, AGAIN. A new friend of ours entered our lives that month with word to "go again". We felt the....well, you get it now! We knew to go AGAIN and that is where our new name derived, Moving On Again Podcast, where we talk about all of the same things we used to, except it is a different year, we are a different us, and, welp everything is different! Let's Go! "AGAIN" -Kurt Russell, Miracle (2004) "Keep doing exactly what you are doing, do not turn back, keep moving forward" -Jay Rush (2015)





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Moving On Again Podcast - 56 - Kam Elliott Returns; Friendship to the Very End

As we have watched our two oldest children navigate new environments and brand new relationships it brought up the question of when and how we found our main connections, what is important to us about those connections, and how those friendships enrich our lives. At 34 and 39, Kam and I found each other after a simple DM on Instagram-seemingly the most unconventional of methods but it sure did the trick and here we are doing our whole lives together five years later! We hope you enjoy tonights laughs and conversation, we think of each of you often!


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Moving On Again - 55 - Jay and Jess Duke It Out in Real Time

As per uge, a dust-up tried to keep Jay and I from the mics on our first scheduled show back, but we decided to take our power back for today, and for any shows in the future that get scheduled in a storm. It's always been our desire to keep our show as real, relateable, authentic, and raw and what better way than to record when we are not yet to fond of one another! We pray this show blesses you and keeps you as it has us, you guys are important to us! You AND your families! Join us over at our facebook group, Moving On Again, there we can continue the discussion, connect on a deeper note, and hear all about you all as well! We'll see you over there!


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Moving On Again Podcast - 54 - Jay and Jess Discuss Human Existence and Falling in Love with the Ride

Jay has not yet tried to check out from his life, and Jess is constantly trying to find ways to plug back into hers. It makes for some pretty interesting shower conversations, so we thought we would bring one to y'all! The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.


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Moving On Again Podcast - 53 - Blended Not Stirred a Family Settling Like Sediment



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Moving On Again Podcast - 52 - Seeing the Grey and Standing In the Middle

Real quick, we live at Jess's IG and Tiktok lately, so it's the best place to find us and our activity of our lives and story after we felt the need to consolidate all of our platforms. Now back to this show! This one came on the heels of a mass shooting that occurred very near our home, while our children happened to be IN that very town without us at a trampoline park close by. As fear and worry has tried to drown all parts of us we desperately choose to seek gratitude, peace, and connection, instead. To the families that lost your loved ones, to the moms and dads that lost your little children-I wish this was a nightmare we could help shake you awake from. Our broken hearts sit right by yours, and will continue to do so for the rest of our lives.


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Moving On Again Podcast - 51 - Can Fighting In Your Marriage Be a Good Thing, and Jess Has Something Pretty Vulnerable to Share

Hi! It's me, Jess. I usually type these out in third person to sound, I don't know I guess a little more professional and savvy. This one, however is pretty important to me, and I'd like to take a moment to speak from the heart...well, because at this moment this heart is ready to "cut and run" as fear and shame bang at the door. You guys know that one of my hugest inspirations is Dax Sheperd and Armchair Expert, and this week he said, "I think we all have a fear in what being dead honest and dead vulnerable will result in, and generally we think it will result in embarrassment and shame but through practicing that for 15 years 100% of the time that I'm honest and own my fears what I see on other people is not like judgement or or or disapproval, it's recognition - always recognition." With Jay's help I have chosen to be "dead honest and dead vulnerable" and to go INSIDE the arena, no matter the cost. In this episode I share a secret with you all that I have held for a long time, and I pray our trust in this community continues to flourish as we Move On......Again. I love ya'll with everything I have. Jess - xoxo


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Moving On Again Podcast - 50 - Matt & Paige, Til' The Wheels Fall Off, Authenticity Wins

After falling in love at very first sight in 9th grade, Matt and Paige stop by the studio to graciously share the three seperate lives they have lived inside one full marriage. Using their trials and discomfort to propel them forward, tighter knit, and to the heart of God. Matt shares his incredible story of addiction, surrender, and recovery - refering to Paige as his all time lighthouse, before they both explain how God used these lower than low points in their marriage to show them that they can no longer do this life alone. You are going to be so blessed while listening, as these two have such whole hearts that see the world in such a beautiful and helpful way-passing along incredible nuggets of wisdom without even trying! You can find THEIR PODCAST here!! and their IG here!


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Moving On Again Podcast - 49 - The Word Again, a Styrofoam Cup, and Some PG-13 Laundry Talk

Jess and an under-the-weather farmer dig a little deeper into the meaning behind the rebrand, with an even lower Velvet Thunder register. There is a Q & A at the end, the first in its family, that will sure to have you laughing and blushing all at the same time! Our God is so so charming!


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Moving On Again Podcast - 48 - Camino Cowboys Pt II

Welcome to the second part of the Camino Cowboys with Jacob Gallardo, Shaun Hiller, Jess Norman, and Velvet Thunder. They crew picks right back up where they left off in part I, and you are sure to be blessed by the stories they share!


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Moving on Again Podcast - 47 - Shaun and Jacob, The Camino Cowboys Pt 1

Join Jay and Jess as they have a highly anticipated chat with their buddies, Shaun and Jacob! This is a really important show for the crew as they interview their inner circle on the 45-day spiritual journey they experienced in Spain. Enjoy hearing of their extreme strength as they pushed back against temptations to quit, relish in their sweet stories, and all of the emotion that comes with it when discussing humanity and spirituality across the world. Follow Shaun here!


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Moving On AGAIN Podcast - 46 - We Are Moving On Again

Oh man they're back, and have they missed you! Please enjoy as Jay and Jess return to the mics for this, the most anticipated season, Season 6 of the the new and improved Moving On Again Podcast!


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Moving On Podcast - 45 - Missing a Flight and Finding a Counselor



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Moving On Podcast - 44 - Our Not-So-Traditional Family

The show notes get thrown out this week as Jay and Jess get to excited discussing the big move at Dust's house this week to stick with the original show plan. Listen in as they try to swerve the train back onto the tracks to only realize they aren't the ones driving. God is so good, and you all mean the world to them. Without you they don't have a show!


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Moving On Podcast - 43 - New Adventures of Jay and Jess

In this episode Jay and Jess discuss all the things that they've been up to this past few months, the things the Lord has revealed to them, and the changes they would like to make as they proceed down a brand-new path! And then God said, See I am doing a new thing!


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Moving On Podcast - 42 - Pain and Butterfly Wings, a Story of Infant Loss with Luke Cowen

Jay and Jess welcome a very special guest this week, their dear friend, Luke Cowen out of Roundrock, Tx. Luke shares his story of growing up in a blended family to walking through a divorce himself, and how all of that shaped him to the man that had to walk through the loss of his daughter and then father. His extremely beautiful story of loss, grief, love, and healing will change you from the inside out. The Normans thank you listening in on this very special show.


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Moving On Podcast - 41 - A True Farmerdoll in Kam Elliott

The Moving On Podcast returns with an in-depth conversation with the infamous tractor-karaoke-singing, farming sensation out of Durango, Co; the one and only Kam Elliott. Kam vulnerably shares her experiences from her childhood and young adulthood that formed her into the individual that she encompasses today, a loving farmer that lives a lot of her life in part for those in need of a strong hand. God's refined her ready to dole out a tough kick in the pants to any He sets on her path, and its a role she's come to take quite pride in. As sitting resident best friend to each of the hosts, the crew wades through there talk with alot of laughter and a few tears. To know her deeper is to love her further. Make sure to add her as your new friend on all social platforms!


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Moving On Podcast - 40 - Jay Norman, American Farmer on Agriculture, Family, and Marriage

Jess switches spots with the host for an episode you are going to really love! Get to know the man-of-few-words behind the mic each episode in this in depth interview of Jay's growing up, first marriage, and now blending a family with Jess. This will be a great one to send to your guys! Enjoy!


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Moving On Podcast - 39 - Team Landers Through the Good, Bad, and Now Beautiful

For what feels like the most important episode yet, Jess and Jay sit down with Jess's college basketball coach and his lovely wife, the Landers for an incredible conversation about love, loss, and revival of a marriage inside a storm! This one will change the way you think about several things, as Kenya and Michael bravely, and vulnerably pull back the curtain on a marriage under fire, and explain the heavy importance of communication and honesty within an intimate relationship. This one was quite important for Jess, as she dealt with one of her larger demons at the end of the show RIGHT before Jay attempts to get divorced from her! ;)


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Moving On Podcast - 38 - Sharks Don't Swim Backwards, with Rob and Emily Sharkey

These beautiful folks, Rob and Emily Sharkey are on our brand-spankin’-new and ON TIME🤣 episode of the Moving on Podcast out now! I have to admit, when the Lord placed them on my heart a few months ago to invite on the show I was apprehensive. I was fearful for us to interview RIGHT in front of seasoned interviewers that host shows DAILY, and on television to boot! No thank you, God, but I appreciate your prompting so much🙈 Thank goodness we asked, and even more thankful they said yes! This power couple is out to change the world of agriculture by promoting it, educating the public, and giving us all a bigger voice! They are life-savers and game-changers in our community....folks I want my children to know and be around. Right before pressing record we watch Em reach over and sweetly grab Rob’s beard with a “Robbieee”. We sure love these friends of ours, and have a huge respect for the sacrifices and hard work they’ve done together....for others! What a story! We can’t wait for you to hear!


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Moving On Podcast - 37 - Let It Start With Me

Jay and Jess are back for season three. Hallelujah! Please don't let their absence reflect their love for everyone here. To them, the release of this first episode of their third season is just about as exciting as they can find. They want to thank you all for sticking around, and pray that any or all of their words can add to your life in such a way that you may be blessed beyond measure! Here's to 2021 and the amazing things we all can accomplish together in Christ's name!
