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My Gastric Sleeve Experience

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Having been on one diet or another for the past 30 years, I finally made the decision to get gastric sleeve surgery. As part of my preparation, I joined Facebook groups and listened to podcasts. This is my way of giving back.


United States


Having been on one diet or another for the past 30 years, I finally made the decision to get gastric sleeve surgery. As part of my preparation, I joined Facebook groups and listened to podcasts. This is my way of giving back.



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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - 365 days later

In this episode, I celebrate my one year anniversary of being sleeved.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - Getting Back on the Wagon

In this episode, I talk about how identifying the tendency to go back to bad habits is part of the solution to staying on track.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - 8 months out and I am struggling

In this episode, I talk about the scary, bad behaviors that are creeping up in my life again. The surgery is a tool, I have to remember that. It is not an end all fix. It's time to get back on track.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - Let's Talk About Sex...and...what I am giving up.

In this episode, I describe what it's like to go back to normal life. A life that does not involve all the metrics from when surgery first happened. A life that looks new and exciting and brings about a better version of what I thought had peaked.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - I Ran...What? Huh? Yes, I Ran

In this episode, I talk about how I am trying to just live a normal life. Oh yeah, and I started running, too.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - I Went on Vacation and Gained Weight, but I Had a Plan

In this episode, I talk about how I handled going on a 7-day cruise with my family. You don't have to give up everything, BUT, don't go back to old ways. There is a balance and I tried to find it with all the temptations that came my way.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - 4 Months Post Op - What to Wear

In this episode, I talk about the frustrations of the never ending stall and overcoming the challenges of not having clothes that fit to go on vacation.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - How I am handling 90 days post op and a 3-week Stall

In this episode, I explain what life looks like after 90 days since surgery and how I am keeping a level head with a 3-week stall.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - What I am eating 3 Months Post-Op

In this episode, I talk about what I eat for all three meals, plus snacks, and what I drink. I go into the products I use and some helpful tips on how I stay in the game.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - The Do's and Don'ts I Live By

In this episode, I go through many of the Do's and Don't I use to get through each day and have success with this process.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - How to Not Eat Everything When on Vacation

In this episode, I talk about how planning ahead prevents bad decisions when eating on vacation.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - Celebrating Non-Scale Victories

In this episode I talk about the vitamins and supplements I take in hopes my hair doesn't fall out and I share with you the non-scale victories I have been experiencing.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - Hitting a Setback 8 Weeks Post-Op

I knew it was too good to be true. In this episode, I talk about the brick wall I hit around my 2 month mark. It's not a stall...I wouldn't have guessed this could even happen.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - Looking Back so I can Move Forward

In this episode, I talk about how and why I got to be overweight and how understanding my past will help me succeed in my future.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - Working Out to Combat Bad Eating

In this episode, I talk about what I did over the Christmas weekend to compensate for a less than perfect diet.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - What I am Eating 5 Weeks Post-Op

In this episode I explain how I am handling the transition from puree to soft foods to solid foods.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - How Setting the Wrong Goals Could be a Disaster

In this episode, I talk about the issues I face setting the wrong goals and how a reset on my thinking has helped my success.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - The Importance of Support

I can't imagine going through this experience without the support I currently have. In this episode, I talk about what to do if the people who you are closest with are not on board with the new you.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving or any holiday doesn't have to be horrendous. In this episode, I explain how I made it through the day.


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My Gastric Sleeve Experience - 1 Week After Surgery

What a difference a week is. In this episode, I explain how my week after surgery has progressed.
