No Regrets: by Rebecca Fuselier-logo

No Regrets: by Rebecca Fuselier

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Chat with 3x CrossFit Games athlete and Co-host Matt McCraney as they talk health, fitness, and other lifestyle things happening around being a professional athlete and small business owners.


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Chat with 3x CrossFit Games athlete and Co-host Matt McCraney as they talk health, fitness, and other lifestyle things happening around being a professional athlete and small business owners.



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No Regrets: Episode 35 (How to Avoid Burnout)

Ummmm... we didn't get to any of your questions on this episode because we talked about many subjects that are prominent in the CrossFit community at the moment. Semifinals, competitions, what CrossFit is doing right and wrong, and the BIG one, "why are athletes getting burnt out" and not wanting to compete in CrossFit anymore? ---- Sponsored by RESN Hydration: Discount Code "BIGBecca"


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No Regrets: Episode 34 (The Weather is Affecting Your Fitness!)

Are you a cold weather person or a warm weather person? NOW STOP THAT MADNESS AND GET TO TRAINING!!!! Also... should you make your bed in the morning? Questions We Answered: What is something and “intermediate” athlete should focus on to advance? Prenups yes or no Random hidden talent On an average day, how many pigeons do you think you could reasonably carry?


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No Regrets: Episode 30 (How to Approach The Open)

Time to kick off the 2024 season! We are ready! Chat with us about how the season rolls and how we feel about the first stage of competition, "The Open". Also, zepplins... Questions We Answered: Any coaching/advice for athletes competing in their first Open What is a favorite part of a workout routine? Most annoying thing you deal with as a coach What do you do with all your comp freebies? What athletic accomplishment are you most proud of? Every thought of doing stand up comedy in Becca style? What podcast would want to be on?


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No Regrets: Episode 29 (Freaky Thursday)

Uhhhhhh. Well this got awkward. Enjoy this Freaky Thursday with your two favorite hosts Becca and Matt??? ---- RESN Hydration: "Code "BIGBecca" ---- Questions we Answered: What is your height and weight? Why did you start working out? Respectfully why are your eyes like that (charming)? Is it an ethnicity thing? How does your significant other coach you? My wife hates when I try to coach/help her? What is your favorite lift? I love your armpit! It’s sexy What do you look like coaching 5am class? Do arm wrestling match? Best training tip for Obese people in CF For us new followers, whats with the whole mismatch shoe thing? How is the cold in Texas? Do you like peanut butter? A tip for someone who wanna be like you? Why Should I Start CF?


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No Regrets: Episode 28 (What Are They Smoking At BOLT?)

Ya, you read the title. What is going on at BOLT! While we figure out that, enjoy another episode of the No Regrets Podcast with Matt, Becca, and BLITZ! --- QUESTIONS WE ANSWERED: Tattoo Tour? How many Pairs of Socks does Matt Own? Do you and Matt plan to have kids in the future? How do you prep your mind for competitions? What is the most random fact you know?


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No Regrets: Episode 27 (2024 WZA Recap)

It's post WODAPALOOZA! We can't believe how close we are to entering the 2024 CrossFit season! Relive each event and memory from Wodapalooza with us on this episode!


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No Regrets: Episode 26 (What's Wrong with Becca?)

GUess you'll have to listen and find out!!


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No Regrets: Episode 25 (WODAPALOOZA 2023 Event by Event)

Lil different epsiode! As we approach 2024, one thing that we are getting real excited for is to step out on that competition floor again. WZA 2024 is our next stop for competition and we are celebarting by sharing all our comeptition memories from last year!


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No Regrets: Episode 24 (When to Ask Your Gym Crush on a Date?)

So when is the right time to ask your gym crush out? Don't worry... Matt and Becca have all the answers and tips for you. - Questions We Answered: What’s your motivation? How many times a week should a games athlete train? Can you please lower the shipping cost on your merch? Do I ask my CF crush on a date before or after I PR? Any advice for squatters to improve their pulling strength? You don’t get angry at Matt while he’s coaching you? What if I feel like I love CF and really really want to compete, but some days I feel like I suck at it Would you be open to do a collab video at wodapalooza? How much do you weigh? You lift so heavy, so proud of you What does a non CF day look like for you? Sense! The earth is the 3rd planet from the sun, does that make every country on it a 3rd world country Not question, but dude see if you can audition for the grinch as one of the whoville people Do you have a job besides CrossFit and posting on social media? What’s the worst present ever received? What song was your most repeated play this year?


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No Regrets: Episode 23 (GIVEAWAY TIME!)

I got you a Christmas present... well, 3 of you! Listen to the episode to see how you can win a Polar Verity Sense and learn all the important things you need to know about fitness, Matt, Becca, and BLITZ! Questions we answered: Hey Matt, Becca & Blitz! Becca, how are you on a bulk and not losing your abs or any muscle definition? Isn’t that usually what happens when you eat all those carbs? Then go on a cut later? What do you plan doing when your career is over >35 YO Question for both of you. If a girl/hero was named after you, what would it be? How do you make your protein coffee? You’ve mentioned that Matt looks for the best deals in protein powder, so which is the best? Rank your top 3 Do you take pre-workout? What are you looking at in this picture? For Matt, Can I take you out on a date? You are incredibly beautiful Star Wars vs. Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings Which apps do you use to edit videos? Would you dare to do a triathlon? I don’t have a question… just hope you are doing well? Favorite Taco Spot Are you affiliated with any brands? If so can we know which ones? Would love to hear about your gymnastics background. Fave apparatus etc. Is there a chance you would come visit us in Italy? We have amazing beaches!! How long are you planning on competing? IF! Money doesn’t grow on tree, then why do banks have branches? Coach Jen’s Question of the Week: Is soup something you eat or drink? What is your favorite soup


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No Regrets: Episode 22 (Zone 2 Jelly Beans)

This episode is full of all of Becca’s Smarts 🤓! Hang with the crew as they talk travel training tips, nutrition, zone 2, Smurfs, and the weirdest activities you can do back to back! Hey, what kind of workouts do you think we can do to stay on track when always traveling and only have access to hotels’ gyms? As a fellow vertically challenged athlete, what do you feel are the most challenging movements due to your height? I'm 52 years old and you are an inspiration! First of all, I love you and so proud of you! I relate to you a lot because I’m a smaller athlete, 4’11 and about 112 lbs. I would love if you could go over diet and nutrition and how you built yourself to get stronger! Are there any protein powders or supplements you suggest as well? Thank you so much, looking forward to hearing your feedback. What do you guys do for your zone 2 training? I have a really hard time just being on a cardio machine for 30-40 minutes. Do you mix it up or add other movements in? Will we see you at the 2024 CF Games For someone 1-2 years into CF, looking to get into competing, any tips or recommendations For someone who is just starting to compete, what kind of diet do you recommend? I am 4 and a half months into CF If you choke a smurf what color does it change to? My lifting numbers are stuck… any suggestions In your opinion what are the best forms of cardio for fat loss and old ass people like me? What do you do on your rest days/ cheat days? Fave Rock Band? Favorite Movie Quote? What two normal activities would be really weird to do back to back?


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No Regrets: Episode 21 (I'm Frustrated with CrossFit)

What a goofy episode! Might be one of our faves! Matt and Becca briefly discuss the new announcements CrossFit has made in regards to the 2024 season. It's definitely tough juggling all the emotions that come with training to be one of the top athletes in the sport, but bottom line is, whether you are training to be a professional or just training to live the healthiest life you can live, there are a lot emotions that come with the process! Questions we answered: Do you lift heavy every day? Can I take a picture with you at WODAPALOOZA? I noticed you are getting thicker muscles. What’s your diet like? Would you be a hot dog or a hamburger? What is your favorite undomesticated animal? How do you approach life balance for you athletes? How do you balance life and pro fitness? How long have you been an athlete? What do you think about tracking daily progress with a watch? How’s the gym going so far? What is your favorite RESN endure flavor? Would we ever see Matt, You, or BOTH compete at the SPIsland Games? What swear word do you say the most? Banana? Other hobbies besides lifting and collecting workout clothes like the rest of us? How can I get a lifting program from you? How excited are you for the 2024 Open? How did you decide to be a CF athlete? How upset do you become if a competition result is not what you expected? Is it ever too late to pursue a goal?How did you get so proficient at teaching? Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? Do you ever come up with a name for your art. I did years ago called Schmidt House Art Why is broccoli so broccoli like? Can it be less broccoli like? If you had to eat a crayon what color would you eat? --- Shop RESN (Use Code "BIGBECCA" to save 10%)


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No Regrets: Episode 20 (Tackling New Skills)

We went down a lil different path this week and asked you guys what skills out there are giving you the most trouble. After talking through some of the most popular answers, Matt and Becca get to the hard truth of what it takes to get these difficult skills and to keep progressing in you training and fitness journey! We also made an exciting announcement on episode 20 of the podcast! Enjoy!


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No Regrets: Episode 19 (Babies? and BIG Dreams)

We had a busy busy week! We love to be the busy bees that we are, but everyone needs that mental break to reset and recharge. This week on the podcast, I asked you guys to make me laugh with RIDICULOUS QUESTIONS ONLY!! We had a blast and this one was definitely a silly episode! Questions We Answered: Have you ever been too weak/tired to climb down the rope once at the top. How many chickens would it take to overtake/kill an elephant? How old are you? How much snatch could a Becca coach snatch if a Becca coach could coach snatch? Do you calculate protein/dollar value when buying food? Cause I do How many gummy bears can you stack on your chin? What's the biggest animal you could beat in hand to hand combat? How many marshmallows can you fit in your mouth? Have you tried to dance or sing in workout. Specifically with rowing, assault bikes and ski. Why do you need an appointment for a fortune teller? Ever peed your pants while lifting? In a Royal Rumble style free for all fight between all the elite CrossFit athletes who would win? Squatting and letting out loud farts? They use cucumbers for your eyes at a spa. What vegetables make the best toe spacers? What fictional character to you have beef with?


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No Regrets: Episode 18 (I Question Training the Majority of the Time)

If you’ve ever wonder to yourself if you got everything out of training or a specific workout, you are not alone. On this episode we dive into this week’s training and how we deal with riding the ups and downs of training. Also, got some big “wanting to become a coach talk” going! Listen to it all on this episode! Questions we answered How do you train before a competition (like the week before)? Tips for wanting to become a CrossFit coach? What does it require to become a full time coach? How do you balance coaching and training and not being burnt out? Got any tips for your first year at the games? I’m 14 and hoping to go this year? Would you rather never be able to eat your favorite food again, or have to follow every meal by eating a bite of your least favorite food?


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No Regrets Podcast: Episode 17 (Should We Take Rest Days?)

Another episode jam pack of fun and great training information from rest day to dealing with the intimidation factor of gyms. Coach Jen's gives us another fantastically weird questions and BLITZ still hates the Kazoos! Be a part of all of it on this Episode! Questions We Answered: Hey :) First, thanks for making this awesome podcast!! It’s no chill listening to it and I never thought I could enjoy a podcast this much (never really got over the first 5 minutes of others). It‘s a bit of a longer question because of context. So I‘ve been going to crossfit for about 4 months now and LOVE it!! I did lots of sports prior to this and also played Flag Football parallel to crossfit. I‘ve realized that I‘m definitely capable of keeping a good steady pace in Metcons but I got a question concerning upping of weights. Obviously as I just started, I went to an empty bar (35lbs in my gym, dunno if it‘s like this everywhere) most of the time. But lately I‘ve been realizing that I‘m more towards the top of the leaderboard but I‘m still DEAD after the WOD (like I‘m giving it my all kinda dead). Now I decided I‘m going to lift weights in the next Metcon with barbell movements. Do you think it‘s a good strategy I‘m going for here? So like choosing a weight to be more in the middle of the leaderboard until I climbed it and then rise it again? Or what should I look for when deciding to up the weight? I’m kind of new to CrossFit and have built a routine and been consistent for several months. I went to classes and trained hard from Monday to Friday last week. Then I was so sore everywhere on Saturday morning but still decided to go to the class since I like that WOD. However I was too tired to complete it and can only use light weight and more rest time. So I’m wondering should I still go to the class if I know I will be too tired to finish it strong? Or should I just rest and recover to save some energy for next week? Tips for balancing conditioning and building strength Will you get married? How do you navigate joining a gym that has a lot of very fit athletes as someone who needs to scale a lot? Are you coming to Rogue? Because it’s spooky season… if you were a ghost, who would you haunt, and how?


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No Regrets: Episode 16 (Who Complains the Most...)

On this episode we chat about Fitness, Complaining, and Scorpions… you read that right. We’re always doing a lot of fitness, learn the rules of complaining, and, meet our good scorpion friend “Squishy” all on Questions we answered: Do you have any advice for people who don’t like meal tracking? Does your menstrual cycle affect your training and how do you deal with that if so? (Have been dealing with it and it's so frustrating to take spontaneous rest days) How can I buy an F-35! How do you feel about the games coming to Texas? Does it make you want to go more? New Coach and I’m an introvert realizing this might not be for me. Any tips? I’m trying my best Why did you start CrossFit If you had to make a house out of food, what kind of food would it be?


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No Regrets: Episode 15 (The Games are Coming to Texas!)

We are back from our adventure in South Padre! We had a blast hanging out with so many great members of the CrossFit community, shot some funny content, and even wrapped up our WODAPALOOZA Qualifier workouts while we were there. But, the big topic of discission is the announcement of the CrossFit Games making it's way to Dallas (our backyard). We also hit a pretty big discussion about Texas and the LGBTQIA+ community. And as always... we answered your questions: Hey Becca, I've recently found your podcasts and am on a binge - I don't know what i will do when i have to start waiting for new ones each week! I know that there has been a lot of talk about Texas being selected as the next location and concerns expressed about the heat. I however have an additional concern about the location being chosen due to the anti-LGBTQIA+ and anti-choice problems in the State. I am proud to be a part of the crossfit community and find it to be an overall very inclusive, however Crossfit HQ's decision to base it's biggest event in a State which is so unaccepting to such a large proportion of it's members (the LQBTQIA+ community and women!) is worrying. I know that this Texas is home to you, and so i'd be very interested in your thoughts on this. Big love from Thailand! Goals for Next Season? What is your advice to a rookie? The thing you’d love to hear Are your joints in a lot of pain while training or have you workout a good recovery routine? What do you eat before a competition?If you weren’t doing CrossFit what would you be doing? How many Chickens do you think it would take for them to take down a donkey? What is something that changed your perspective big time for the better? If you came with a disclaimer - what would it say?


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No Regrets: Episode 14 (Smart Athletes, Smart Coaching, and Smart Sneezing?)

It's all a journey! We'll always be facing new obstacle, approaching new situations, and trying to figure out the best way to navigate through them. That's life. The best part about it is, the more we adventure and experience, the more we learn... and the more fun we will have. Join the crew this week for some fun convos and some series convos when it comes to training, coaching, injuries, and goal setting! Questions we Answered: do you track macros/ calories? if so what are your numbers? I'm going to be 50 in 5 months am I too old to do CrossFit? If you could only take one supplement what would it be and why Will we see u in any upcoming comps, like Rogue or wodapooza? Realistic fitness goals for people in their 40s and 50s. Vacaciones en Mexico? I•I saludos What is your best not crossfit related memory from the last few years? An interesting would you rather question for you guys on the pod... Would you rather change genders every time you sneeze or not be able to tell the difference between a muffin and a baby? I had a neck injury (no one knows why I'm alive) at Crossfit 3 weeks ago, and it's very hard to see all the progress fly away.. do you have advice to keep up in harder moments. ​​ When did you start working out Do you put ketchup on your eggs (a common thing up north).


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No regrets: Episode 13 (Never Celebrate Too Soon!)

Post Colorado Trip, we are here to talk about our time in the mountains, the importance of not celebrating too soon, underwear, and looking past the comparison game. Questions we answered: I can only make it to the last class of my crossfit gym (6pm) but I would love to do more WODs or auxiliary work. I do have access to a regular gym at work and I was thinking about doing conventional weight machines / powerlifting in the morning. Is it a good idea to mix “powelifting” and “crossfit”? have you considered maybe in the future having a family? What do you recommend for soon to be moms that do not want to give up crossfit while pregnant? Im hesitant myself, because I’ve came a long way and I’m afraid to lose the momentum!! silly question in the underwear department…what do you wear so that your underwear doesn’t show while working out? Im very picky and hate when my underwear shows and I cannot go without What's your goal??? What is you’re job? You are always happy and positive Where do u get your goofiness from? What do you think about Australians? Do yall do coaching seminars for first time coaches? If you had to eat one ice cream flavor for the rest of your life what would it be? Is cereal soup? It ok to wear socks to bed? How BIG do you feel you need to get to reach your ultimate goals in CrossFit #BIGBecca What does No Regrets Means to you?
