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Not Your Mama Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Welcome to the Not Your Mama podcast! I am Kelly Bryant, and I am THE prenatal & postnatal trainer who GUARANTEES results in less time per day than your partner spends on the toilet. I help new parents fix their abs, heal prolapse, stop peeing their pants, and get pain-free. Here on the Not Your Mama podcast, we are embracing the fact that your are so. much. more. than just a parent. We're here to reclaim your body AND your identity after having a kid — whether you're pregnant now or decades postpartum.


United States


Welcome to the Not Your Mama podcast! I am Kelly Bryant, and I am THE prenatal & postnatal trainer who GUARANTEES results in less time per day than your partner spends on the toilet. I help new parents fix their abs, heal prolapse, stop peeing their pants, and get pain-free. Here on the Not Your Mama podcast, we are embracing the fact that your are so. much. more. than just a parent. We're here to reclaim your body AND your identity after having a kid — whether you're pregnant now or decades postpartum.





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Ep. 79: Routines that run my world

Over the past several months, as I’ve been recovering from my broken elbow, one thing that has really helped me out of any funks or potential funks in my day-to-day has been the idea of routine. I have built certain parts of my day around non-negotiable routines that guarantee I get my day off on the right foot with: energy, hydration, exercise, nutrition, and more. So, I wanted to share these routines with you and why I developed them. Not so you can copy and paste them into your own lives, but so that you might take some inspiration on how to use the principles to make some of your goals non-negotiable. We also reference Ep. 70: My “Resolutions” for 2023 & How to Create Your Own, if you want more reference around my beginning of year goal setting philosophy. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 78: Why Am I Not Seeing Results?

One of the most common questions I get, especially early on with clients, is “why am I not seeing results?” and today we’re going to dive into a couple of reasons: We’re going to dive into these areas so you can determine if you are actually seeing results, or not and how. How to give yourself an appropriate timeframe, and how to make changes if what you’re doing truly isn’t working. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 77: The road to your goals is paved with mediocre workouts

I’ve got a quick hit episode for you today to talk about one of the most common pieces of advice I give my clients. We all have days where we just don’t feel like hitting the gym, or where we push a workout back because we think we can do better tomorrow. And while self-awareness and self-care are important parts of your fitness journey, so is putting in the work even when it isn’t your best work. That’s why I use the phrase “the road to your goals is paved with mediocre workouts.” In this episode we’ll dive into why giving the best you have to give that day is better than waiting for everything to line up perfectly and give the best you ever have. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 76: 5 Most Common Mistakes When Healing from Pelvic Organ Prolapse

This week we’re taking a break from FAQs and diving into a subject that can feel overwhelming and discouraging for many folks postpartum and well beyond. That’s pelvic organ prolapse. This is a condition that can be caused by a number of different organs and musculature of the pelvic floor. It’s also one where the severity diagnosis from a doctor doesn’t always match the patient’s symptoms, such as a doctor might call it severe and the patient has minimal pain, or a doctor says that it is mild and the patient is experience severe discomfort doing basic movement. So today we’re diving into: If you found this episode helpful, but you’re still struggling with exactly HOW to mitigate pelvic organ prolapse symptoms and get back to normal pelvic function, I encourage you to check out my free class Revitalize Your Core & Pelvic Floor: The Ultimate Guide to Breathing Techniques. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 75 How To Create A Calorie Deficit (If You’re Into That Sort of Thing)

We’re back with another FAQ from my clients. It’s pretty common in fitness for people looking for specific physique or weight changes to try and achieve a calorie deficit. So, this week, we’re diving into exactly what that means. We’re covering everything from: While I do recommend the self-tracking method I mentioned above, if you do feel the need to get a baseline number to start you on your journey, I highly recommend the Precision Nutrition Calculator. If you’re struggling with constant dieting, maybe too large of a deficit and yo-yoing back and forth between diets, I highly recommend my Ditch the Diet Drama program to learn how to eat sustainably, without restriction and with a feeling of satisfaction without overindulgence. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 74: How To Get Toned

While most of my clients are looking for a lot of functional improvements when they embark on a fitness journey - things like playing with kids more easily, being pain free, or just having more energy - a vast majority of the time they want some aesthetic changes too. The most common aesthetic changes I see amongst women is wanting to look longer, leaner and more toned. At the end of the day, you can’t actually change the length of your muscles, but how they appear is within your control, by focusing your exercise on building muscle and reducing body fat. In this episode I break down exactly what that all means and the various ways you can go about it. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 73: FAQ: "Do I Need to Do Cardio & How Much Cardio Do YOU Do?"

One of the most common questions I get from clients and followers is always about how much cardio people should do. This episode is about dispelling a few myths and exploring all the great benefits that cardio has. Then we also discuss how cardio actually fits into your goals, and what other exercise modalities we can incorporate to achieve fitness goals like looking lean and getting toned. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 72: What Workouts Are Most Effective?

Especially with my postpartum clients, I get asked this question all the time. As a new parent, we have limited time, limited energy, but we don't want to give up on our health, fitness and physique goals. So, we need the most bang for our buck. In this episode, I dive into what workouts are going to be most effective for each person. To get more information on my Strong As A Mother:Live Program, you can find that at If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 71: How to Build Your Own Workouts

I love building functional fitness and strength training plans. It’s the bread and butter of what I do at Kelly Bryant Wellness. There’s a lot that goes into my programs, and a lot of things I consider. However, having someone else craft your workouts isn’t for everyone. Sometimes you want to do it yourself, and so today I thought I’d give you a peek behind the curtain at what you should consider when building your own strength training programs, including: I reference Episode 32: Progress Your Progressive Overload Workouts If you’re interested in my Strong As A Mother: Live Program, you can find it here: If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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My “Resolutions” for 2023 & How to Create Your Own

I used to think resolutions were absolutely useless. If you want to start a habit, start today, don’t wait for the calendar to change. Now, I’ve softened that stance because I’ve realized a few things about New Year’s Resolutions, including what makes this one of a handful of good timesto establish new habits. In this episode, we’ll discuss why and how to establish some resolutions that you can actually stick to (if you even want to at all!). Ones that don’t involve trying to become a whole new person in 3 weeks and then crashing. In this episode, I mention my Strong As A Mother: Live program, which is starting a new phase this week, making it a great time to apply for the program. Head to to learn more! If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 69: What to do when the ish hits the fan

The holiday season, for many of us is one of the busiest times of the year. Sometimes it’s travel, or events, or just a scattered and chaotic work and possibly child care situation. It is really easy to let your movement practice go off the rails and take longer than we would really like to get back on track. In this episode, I’m going to talk about a few ways that we can shift our mindset, expectations and short term goals to deal with this. Instead of trying to fight the chaos, let’s explore how we can lean into it, give ourselves grace and come out of the other side of the holiday season refreshed, patting ourselves on the back and ready to keep the train moving down the tracks. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 68 What to Eat This Holiday Season

It's officially the holiday season! And while that means, hopefully, lots of joy, cheer and spending time with friends and family, it also can mean worry, stress and battles with food. This year, I wanted to give you some tips to navigate this time of year if you struggle with food this time of year. Whether that's restriction, decision making, or over-indulgence, I got you. In this episode, I'll discuss: If the types of struggles I mention in this episode are really speaking to you, I invite you to check out my Ditch The Diet Drama course, that starting on Wednesday Nov. 23rd is being offered for $40 off as a Black Friday special. To get all the details, FAQs and to sign up, head over to If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Words of Wisdom for SI Joint Woes

The Sacroiliac Joint is one of the areas of the body that you may never have heard of, but if you have, it's probably because it's caused you a lot of problems. This can be a real troublesome area, especially during, or after a pregnancy, so let's dive into a little bit about what's happening in this joint, why it can bother you so much, and some ways to manage or alleviate your discomfort and dysfunction. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 66: Hack your brain to improve your wellness practice: past vs. future oriented

At first, the idea of past vs. future oriented may sound like one of those personality tests you might be given during a productivity seminar to find your “type”, but I promise today’s episode can help you understand a little bit about how your brain works and how that affects your movement and wellness practices. In this episode, I talk about: If you thought this was interesting, I’d love to hear about how this impacts you and some tricks you use in your life. DM me or tag me @kellybryantwellness on Instagram! If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 65: How Long Will It Take?

"How long will it take?" is one of the most common questions I get from clients, and it's a very normal reaction whenever you're trying to make a change. We all have that end goal in sight, and we all want to see progress on the way. Well, the answer is never one set amount of time, and it's different for every person. I could give you a timeline, but it may be longer than you like. You can do "more" (as in harder workouts, stricter nutrition), but are you willing to do that forever? This episode is a little bit about mindset shifts, and a little bit about how everyone is different. I discuss: If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 64 Surfing Hunger Embodiment Practice

We're doing something a little different this episode and actually doing an embodiment practice together in the episode. Often when I coach people through Moderation365, which is the nutrition perspective I work from, they're very wary of hunger. After years of dieting, being hungry can be positively panic-inducing, and when we're learning satisfaction, it's easy to assume that we should just never feel hungry. But that's not true. We need time to make a decision about what to eat next, and we won't always have satisfying, nourishing food on hand immediately. Hence, this practice. Today I'll guide you through how to feel hungry and how to make a mindful choice about what to eat next. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 63: Stop making nursing a pain in the neck

Tight shoulders, neck, and upper back...every nursing parent's got 'em! This week on the podcast we're diving deep on this type of tension to understand: Be sure to also check out Ep. 60: Being kind to yourself and your movement practice with Erica Webb, whose perspective on muscle tension I referenced here, as well as Ep 62: Reframing Tight Hip Flexors where we discuss some of these same concepts in relation to the hip flexors. If you're interested in more tools for getting out of pain with a new baby, be sure to apply for the next cohort of Strong As A Mother: Postpartum. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep 62: Reframing Tight Hip Flexors

Tight hip flexors are easily one of the most common complaints I hear from my clients. You may feel like your hip flexors are tight when you work on movements like lunges or sitting criss-cross on the floor, or perhaps you've been told by a chiropractor, PT, or other movement pro that you have tight (or weak) psoas muscles or anterior pelvic tilt. Overwhelmingly, though, the movements people do for tight hip flexors don't help. While they may feel better in the moment, there's no long-term improvement, or they may even feel worse afterward. Today, we're going to reframe tight hip flexors to help you understand: If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 61: Stop diagnosing a DR during Pregnancy

Honestly, this episode could be titled something like “Do as I say, not as I do”, because I absolutely tried to assess a diastisis recti, or DR, during my second pregnancy. Just as I knew before my pregnancy, there are a couple of major reasons you don’t want to assess a DR during, or even shortly after a pregnancy. One, it’s really hard to do because every person's body is different and recovers in a different way. Two, you can’t do anything about it except add more stress. I discuss this, and the right time and way to assess a DR in this quick hit episode, so let’s get to it. If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness


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Ep. 60: Being kind to yourself and your movement practice with Erica Webb

This week on the podcast, I’m so excited to delve into self-kindness and movement with my guest, Erica Webb. Erica is a yoga teacher and pilates instructor whose focus is on looking at movement through the lens of self-kindness. In a world where it feels like so much of our movement practices revolve around punishing ourselves - either for that big meal, or for gaining some wait - approaching from a place of love and kindness can work wonders. Erica and I discuss: If you want to connect with Erica, she’s on Instagram @ericawebb_selfkind You can also check out her podcast: Self Kind with Erica Webb And you can learn more about her Self Kind Hub at If you're loving my podcast content, but are looking for something more to support your wellness journey, here are my programs currently available: Strong As A Mother: Postpartum ( Strong As A Mother: Live ( Strong As A Mother: Prenatal ( As always, you can find me on Instagram @kellybryantwellness
