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Podcast by Mariah Freya



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Hooray Boobies! The Benefits of Falling in Love With Your Breasts

Links & shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/hooray-boobies-falling-in-love-with-breasts This podcast episode is dedicated to all my beautiful female listeners and to all open minded breast owners out there. Let me ask you a question: Do you hooray your boobs? Breasts are the manifestation of our heart; our nipples are the very first thing that enter a room. They radiate and absorb. They are an organ of pleasure. They feed babies and nourish souls. They come in all kinds of fun shapes, sizes...


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Shame – The Scary but Rewarding Journey of Working Through Your Shadows

Links & shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/shame-and-working-with-shadows/ Do you love uncomfortable moments so that you can work through your shit? Most people don't. By the way, shit stands there: emotional shadow, shame, fear, guilt, worries and other scary emotions. I know a few folks (but in my experience that's a rare species :-)) who love, seek or even put themselves voluntarily into uncomfortable situations so that they can work through their own stuff quicker. How do you love and...


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What a Sexual Shaman Can Teach Us About the Moment of Orgasm

Links & Shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/sexual-shaman I bow in awe to the world of Conscious Sexuality, because it’s a wonderful explorative space with amazing people in it. Every day I dig deeper and deeper, meeting new courageous souls. That’s how I met a true pioneer who has been on this path for decades. Namely Kenneth Ray Stubbs, Ph.D. His fascinating story starts in a semi-rural area of the American South; when he moved to San Fransisco after the days of the hippies Kenneth started...


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Orgasmic Birth - Why It Matters How We Are Born

Links & Show Notes: http://mariahfreya.com/orgasmic-birth Have you ever asked your mum how you were born? I mean, how exactly... "It matters how we are born," says my dear friend Nina Winner, "because", she elaborates, "birth is part of our sexuality". Nina, is a birth coach and mama mentor in Austria. She guides mums towards their strength - she calls it the lion mama strength. She believes that the time we spend within our mother's womb, right up to the moment of our birth and to the first...


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Love Yourself Before You Make Love to Others

Links & Shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/love-yourself-before-you-make-love-to-others All of us just want to be happy, right?! Unfortunately we tend to look for love and happiness on the outside. Hoping we’ll get it from others. Just as posting a selfie on Facebook can give us the confirmation that people like us, so can a Tinder date pump us full with love hormones for a night. But speaking frankly, is sex with our lover really going to make us happier, even if it’s good sex? Mostly we...


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How Fitness and Body Mechanics Empower You as a Lover

Links & Shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/how-fitness-and-body-mechanics-empower-you-as-a-lover Frankly, sex is not just about a penetrative rhythmical in out, in out movement and finishing off in the average time of 3-7 minutes. Sex is so much more than that… If we are physically fit though, and know how to move our bodies in certain ways, we can turn our intimacy into a full body (orgasmic) experience. This week’s podcast guest is the beautiful Alfred Kendrick, founder and creator of FIT...


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How to Be More Confident and Harness Your Superpowers

Links & Shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/how-to-be-more-confident-and-harness-your-superpowers “It’s not about doing, it’s about being.” That’s what Lisa Van Ahn, US National Kickboxer and powerhouse of a woman told me when I interviewed her about how we can find confidence within ourselves. All of us have a gift to share with the world, the question is are you confident enough to put yourself out there, no matter what others will say or think? Whether it’s that project you’re so passionate...


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How to Talk (Candidly) about Sex as a Shy Person

Are you a shy person when it comes to intimacy? Are you even shyer talking about it? Maybe something in you would like to scream your desires and fantasies out loud but you don't know exactly how? Maybe you want to talk to your lover so badly about all the things that challenge you, that disturb you, or that you would like to try out, or experience. But you just sit here in the hope that your lover is going to start the conversation first. Ever had the feeling that you will be waiting for a...


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How to Manifest a Relationship You Love

Links & Shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/ Every relationship has it's sparkly, romantic peaks, and, to be honest, it's inevitable downfalls. Sometimes couples find themselves chronically stuck, especially when the down valley ride seems neverending. Are you fighting a lot, do you feel hurt, or not understood? This podcast is for all of those folks who would like to unstuck their relationship and manifest a relationship you love! I have Andrea Cairella on board today. She is a...


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Conscious BDSM - Why Your Dark Fantasies are the Last Missing Piece of Sacred Sexuality

Links & Shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/conscious-bdsm Gosh, I've been dreaming about this one for a year now. Bringing this topic onto my show. Conscious BDSM, or in other words - conscious erotic practices or roleplaying involving bondage, dominance and submission, sadomasochism. So glad, now it's happening. I invited Seani Love, a sacred sexuality, kink and BDSM teacher. He was recognized as Sex Worker of the Year 2015 and helps many people to explore their wildest sexual fantasies....


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How to become a sensually awakened woman and overflow with energy every single day

Links & Shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/sensually-awakened-woman Do you feel sensual? Do you have an appetite for life? Life doesn't always have to be about struggle and chronic drought. Life can be full of juicy pleasures. In all your senses. From outside in. From inside out. Through and through, on a cellular level. Sensuality is not just the "S" in sex, it's the celebration of life in all it's facets. It's all available to you if you open up to the idea that: You are a sensual being....


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Manifest Abundance- Get Anything in Your Life Through Sexual Healing

Links & Shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/manifest-abundance-through-sexual-healing As a creative entrepreneur you always need energy to create things. And as we know the creative force rests all the way down below the belly button. The womb energy, feminine energy, sexual energy. It’s where our creator sits. I invited Mitchell Dick and Jade Rose from Rose into Wellness onto my podcast. They help conscious entrepreneurs to step into their full power to live their life purpose by clearing...


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Ayahuasca – Breaking Through Sexual Blockages With Shamanic Journeys

♥ Links & Shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/ayahuasca-breaking-through-sexual-blockages You’ve probably heard about Ayahuasca in the media or even through stories of friends who’ve done a shamanic journey in Peru. Or you may have experienced a journey yourself. Ayahuasca isn’t a drug that’s spreading from the Amazon into the western esoteric community just for fun. It’s a medicine; it can heal us physically, emotionally and spiritually; it can connect us with our higher consciousness or it...


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“JoyGasm” – Tapping into the World of Energetic Bliss

Links & show notes: http://mariahfreya.com/joygasm Joy, joy, joy, so much joy! When we tap into joy because somebody just made us laugh so hard that our tummy hurts, we feel whole and especially loved. Elena Harder is an expert in JoyGasms; her mission is to bring more joy and pleasure to the world. After years of suffering through postpartum depression and a nasty relationship, Elena created the JoyGasm Core Practice to heal her heart, soul and brain from the experience. Since then she’s...


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How to Silence Left-Brain Chatter and Switch to Right Brain Sex

Links & Shownotes: http://mariahfreya.com/switch-to-right-brain-sex It’s no secret that we use our brain to only a fragment of its full potential. The left-brain hemisphere particularly dominates our day-to-day life. Even during sex we don’t get a break from it. Many of you probably know the feeling: You are turned on, ready to have the most passionate sex with your lover ever, then suddenly, your bla-bla monkey voice comes in. Not subtly, but at quite a high volume, telling you what you...


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Accessing Divine Love at Every Moment of the Day - A How-To Guide

Shownotes & links: http://mariahfreya.com/accessing-divine-love Too cheesy? I don’t think so. Divine Love can be overwhelming, yes. You might think: Who am I to deserve and receive Love? So instead you give and give and give until you are empty and drained, wondering where all that energy went. Then maybe you stop believing in it all together, as the world seems like a pretty dark place, anyways. This podcast is dedicated to helping you receive love at every moment of the day. To filling up...


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Learning About the Most Powerful Practice in Tantra: Transfiguration

Links & shownotes: http://bit.ly/1Qpuowq As you might have already realized, Tantra has many transformative gems. Among those many, one is really special. I believe there is one powerful practice that completely blew my mind, heart and soul. It changed how I look at myself, my lover, or any person that surrounds me. Listen to me and my wonderful friend Abby Blythe from Hatch Light Yoga Studio and learn about the most powerful practice in Tantra: Transfiguration. In this episode, we go into...


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How to Keep the Fun and Growth in a Committed Relationship

Links & shownotes: http://orgasmicdiscourses.com/fun-growth-committed-relationship A relationship can be a mind-blowing adventure, then heart-breaking, and then again the most amazing thing that has ever happened to you. What I’ve seen over the years has shown me that it’s all about believing in those superpowers that two people have when they combine their love, gifts and ideas. This makes a relationship a fun and growing journey. For today’s podcast I have invited two amazing people, Drs....


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Mother & Lover – Why Motherhood Is the Hottest Thing on Earth

Links & Shownotes: http://orgasmicdiscourses.com/mother-and-lover I imagine being a mother feels so powerful, so creative, so magical (I haven’t given birth yet, so I can only imagine it in my wildest dreams). But the fact is, every mother on this earth builds a beautiful human life inside her womb! Wow, so how hot is that? Still, many women project a certain lack of sexiness onto themselves after childbirth. As a mother you give so much that you unlearn how to receive, to the point that you...


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Painful Sex: 6 Simple Tips That'll Turn Your Pain Into Pleasure

Links, shownotes and transcript: http://orgasmicdiscourses.com/painful-sex-turn-pain-into-pleasure You or your lover experiencing painful sex? The oooh, oooh—ouch! is familiar when it comes to the intimate parts in your life? First of all: Don’t worry, you are not abnormal: According to the 2009 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, 30% of women reported pain during their last sexual encounter. Having experienced pain during sex myself, I did my own research behind the curtain of...
