Overcoming Child Sexual Abuse ~ With Kathy Andersen-logo

Overcoming Child Sexual Abuse ~ With Kathy Andersen

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Overcoming Child Sexual Abuse is a positive and uplifting series to help overcome the struggles that remain in our adult lives from experiences of child sexual abuse. Join Kathy Andersen, award-winning self-development author and survivor of childhood sexual abuse, as Kathy brings together inspiring guests and leading experts in areas including positive and clinical psychology, trauma recovery, and self-mastery and development to share practical approaches and new learnings to help adults break free from the ongoing trauma, triggers, and turmoil of childhood sexual abuse. It's never too late to overcome childhood trauma and create a life filled with authentic happiness that sets you free! Let's do this together!


United States


Overcoming Child Sexual Abuse is a positive and uplifting series to help overcome the struggles that remain in our adult lives from experiences of child sexual abuse. Join Kathy Andersen, award-winning self-development author and survivor of childhood sexual abuse, as Kathy brings together inspiring guests and leading experts in areas including positive and clinical psychology, trauma recovery, and self-mastery and development to share practical approaches and new learnings to help adults break free from the ongoing trauma, triggers, and turmoil of childhood sexual abuse. It's never too late to overcome childhood trauma and create a life filled with authentic happiness that sets you free! Let's do this together!



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Disentangling from Emotionally Immature People

Today, we’re joined once more by Dr. Lindsay Gibson, clinical psychologist and author of numerous books, who you’ll remember from Season Two when we spoke about overcoming the impacts of damaging parents – or as Lindsay names them, “Emotionally Immature Parents.” Since that last podcast, Lindsay has released another book just last year, to offer even more help with how to deal with Emotionally Immature People (EIPs) in general. I love the title of Lindsay’s new book, Disentangling from Emotionally Immature People: Avoid Emotional Traps, Stand Up for Your Self, and Transform Your Relationships as an Adult Child of Emotionally Immature Parents! The word disentangling, in particular, seems apt because I think we all often feel entangled, bound up and wound up as a result of relationships that have harmed us, and continue to harm us. If you grew up with an emotionally immature, unavailable, or selfish parent, your emotional needs as a child were likely not met or were dismissed—and you likely have lingering feelings of anger, loneliness, betrayal, and abandonment in adulthood. And now, in adulthood, we continue to be confronted by people with similar “emotionally immature” characteristics—and they can be damaging to us. They tend to be me-first people, with little regard for others. They may not respect you as an individual—which can be isolating, hurtful, and lonely. Emotionally Immature People are often unpredictable, volatile, and difficult to handle. As adult children of emotionally immature parents, we may be especially vulnerable to EIPs. But we are not powerless! Lindsay’s latest book helps us to avoid common traps, build confidence, and stand strong in our selves, without guilt, shame, or fear so we don’t become entangled with Emotionally Immature People in our adulthoods. In this podcast, we’re going to deep dive into disentangling from Emotionally Immature People so we can transform even our most challenging relationships into happy and healthy ones. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Where Tenderness Lives: Healing, Liberation, and Holding Space

Today, we’re joined by acclaimed author, facilitator and teacher, Heather Plett, who first joined us in Season Three when we spoke about Heather’s book, The Art of Holding Space. In this podcast, we talk about Heather’s recently released book, Where Tenderness Lives: On Healing, Liberation, and Holding Space for Oneself, which is described as “A journey of self-exploration, forgiveness, and individual and collective healing.” Where Tenderness Lives is an exploration of what it means to unravel what we’ve learned from our families, societies, religions, and cultures so we can heal and create purposeful and joyful lives. Heather reveals: · How trauma can shape our lives and our personalities; · How treating ourselves with tenderness can lead to our healing, and can invite others into healing; and · How learning to hold space for ourselves is one of the most important and valuable pursuits on our journeys beyond trauma. By reflecting on her own life with vulnerability and self-compassion, including moving through her experience of rape, the death of her son, and divorce, among other trauma and life challenges, Heather provides us with a path to self-exploration and individual and collective healing. Heather says, “This work has changed me – in hard and oh-so-beautiful ways. In learning to let go, I found freedom. In learning to hold space, I found connection. I will spend the rest of my life in this practice. I will continue to grow and deepen my understanding, and I will continue to share that learning…” I know this will be a revealing, personal, and profoundly powerful podcast episode and I’m so grateful to Heather for joining us. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Who Do You Think You Are?

Today, we’re joined by Michelle Brock. Michelle is a master intuitive and spiritual development life coach whose latest book, Who Do You Think You Are?, provides a powerful guide to manifesting the happiness and satisfaction we desire. Michelle helps us to dive into our experiences from the past—and past lives—in order to better understand and experience our present—and especially understand pasts that may be rooted in childhood trauma and abuse. Michelle is also an intuitive counselor, a psychic medium, a master hypnotist, and has studied spirituality, shamanism, meditation, divination, astrology, and energy medicine techniques from many different world traditions. Throughout the book, Michelle guides and prompts the reader through an interactive journey with self-reflection, compassion, and enlightenment. As a result, we can cast aside limiting notions of what defines us, heal from the ordeals of previous lives, and embrace a joyful, emotionally fulfilling existence in the here and now. Michelle has helped thousands of people discover the stories of their previous lives—their traumas and triumphs, losses and loves—and help them step forward into their best lives. When we learn our stories from the past, we can reach unprecedented heights of self-awareness in the present. Michelle’s work has been featured on Comedy Central's hit TV show Inside Amy Schumer and her long list of influential clients includes celebrities, CEOs, writers, artists, and academics. A personal protégé of Dr Brian L. Weiss, author of the enduring classic and New York Times bestseller Many Lives, Many Masters, Michelle brings intelligence, humor, and rare insight to her spiritual guidance. Michelle’s new book, Who Do You Think You Are?, was launched just this April, and continues to be translated into languages around the world! For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey

Today, we're joined by the pioneering Dr. Peter A. Levine, Ph.D. Dr. Levine is the developer of Somatic Experiencing®, a naturalistic and neurobiological approach to healing trauma, which he has developed over the past 50 years. In his just-released book, An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey, Dr. Levine, who has changed the way psychologists, doctors, and healers around the world understand and treat the wounds of trauma and abuse—shares his own very personal journey to heal the severe trauma he experienced as a child. Dr. Levine offers profound insights into the evolution of his innovative healing method of Somatic Experiencing. By taking us through his own journey of healing and untangling traumatic wounds of violent abuse, he illuminates incredibly powerful learning and practices that can help each of us on our paths to healing, growing and thriving. Dr. Levine is the author of several best-selling books on trauma, including the groundbreaking, Waking the Tiger, Healing Trauma (published in over 29 languages); In An Unspoken Voice, How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness; and Trauma and Memory, Brain and Body in a Search for the Living Past: A Practical Guide for Understanding and Working with Traumatic Memory. Most recently, Dr. Levine was recognized with a very special lifetime achievement award from Psychotherapy Networker, one of several that Dr. Levine has been awarded for his pioneering and relentless work. Dr. Levine holds a doctorate in Biophysics from UC Berkeley and a doctorate in Psychology from International University. He is the Founder and President of the Ergos Institute for Somatic Education, dedicated to Community Outreach and Post-Advanced Somatic Experiencing® Training, and the Founder and Advisor for Somatic Experiencing International. He has taught at the University of California, Berkeley; Mills College; Antioch University; the California Institute of Integral Studies; and the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute. Dr. Levine leads trauma healing courses for the public worldwide and teaches specialized Master Class courses. His Somatic Experiencing trainings have been taught to over 30,000 therapists in more than 42 countries, spanning 6 continents—and continue to grow. Dr. Levine teaches us that anyone suffering from trauma has a valuable story to tell, and that by telling our stories, we can catalyze the return of hope, dignity, and wholeness. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Trauma Recovery: Mind & Body

Today, Dr. Arielle Schwartz returns to join us—and we’re talking about her two most recent books that continue to help us overcome the impacts of childhood trauma in our adult lives. Dr. Schwartz is a renowned trauma expert, licensed psychologist, registered yoga teacher, and prolific author, and Dr. Schwartz joined us previously as a guest in season two. In Dr. Schwartz’s Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery Flip Chart, released in August of last year, we’re given an array of yoga, breathing, and meditative practices to balance, energize, and calm the body, especially to help overcome the impacts of trauma on our minds and bodies. In her just-released book, Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga: Therapeutic Practices for Emotional Health, Dr. Schwartz takes us into a deeper dive to understand the interrelationships between mind, emotions, physiology, and behavior, and introduces us to practices that aid in rewiring our nervous systems including vagal toning, conscious breathing, mindful movement, and meditation—all of which combine to cultivate a felt sense of ease and safety; enhance our capacity to handle challenges; and recover from stress and anxiety quickly and efficiently. When I learned of Dr. Schwartz’s new books, I couldn’t wait to work through them and to invite Dr. Schwartz to talk with us once more because I knew we would gain great new learning and new practices to help us on our continuing journeys. And so I’m so incredibly grateful that Dr. Schwartz has taken the time amidst her consuming schedule to join us today. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Your Mental Health: Mastering "Skills Over Pills."

Today, Dr. Meg Jay returns and we’re talking about her new book that has just been released, The Twentysomething Treatment. Dr. Jay’s new book focuses on essential skills that we need to handle uncertainties—around work, love, friendship, mental health, and more. While Dr. Jay’s book and specialization focus on the "Twentysomething" age group, we share how mastering these skills is so essential for all of us to handle uncertainties through and beyond the twenty-something decade. Throughout Dr. Jay’s book, she takes us through an array of “How To” ways to manage through uncertainties with specific skills, and advocates for “skills over pills” to deal with life’s struggles. Meg puts forward that medication is sometimes, but not always, the best medicine, and argues that most 20 somethings don’t have disorders that must be treated: they have problems that can be solved… and reading Meg’s work, you can’t help but feel that might be said for many of us across our decades. The one big thing that struck me as I was reading Dr. Jay’s book was whether childhood trauma "blocks" some of the skill development that can and should take place during our twenty-something years. I reflected that it took me well beyond my twenty-something years to move through the "How to” skills that Dr. Jay provides. And I wonder whether many of you listening might feel the same way—finding yourself still moving through and trying to master the "how to" skills that we may have missed because we were so immersed in survival mode—and that now, we’re still catching up, if you like, on "lost years." And so in this podcast, we’ll talk about all of this and deep dive into Dr. Jay’s “how to” ways to move through life’s struggles and uncertainties. Dr. Meg Jay is a clinical psychologist and an associate professor of education at the University of Virginia. She earned a doctorate in clinical psychology, and in gender studies, from University of California, Berkeley. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Psychology Today, and on NPR, the BBC and TED. Her books have been translated into more than a dozen languages; and her new book, The Twentysomething Treatment, is available now online and in book stores. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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What Happened to You?

Today we’re joined by Dr. Bruce D. Perry, M.D.,Ph.D. ​Dr. Perry's book, co-authored with Oprah Winfrey, What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing, has been translated into 26 languages and has been on the New York Times Bestseller list for over 100 weeks after becoming #1 on the list in April of 2021, and has sold over one million copies. In bold on Amazon is the statement, “This book is going to change the way you see your life.” And for all of us who have read the book, I think we would all agree. In What Happened To You?, Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Perry provide a groundbreaking and profoundly powerful shift from asking “What’s wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?” In the opening of the book, Oprah shares, “Through my work with Dr. Perry, my eyes have been opened to the fact that although I experienced abuse and trauma as a child, my brain found ways to adapt. This is where hope lives for all of us—in the unique adaptability of our miraculous brains.” …Oprah continues, “As Dr. Perry explains in this book, understanding how the brain reacts to stress or early trauma helps clarify how what has happened to us in the past shapes who we are, how we behave, and why we do the things we do. Through this lens we can build a renewed sense of personal self-worth and ultimately recalibrate our responses to circumstances, situations, and relationships. It is, in other words, the key to reshaping our very lives. Dr. Perry is the Principal of the Neurosequential Network, and serves on the Board of Directors of multiple organizations including Prevent Child Abuse America. Dr. Perry has been extensively featured across major media outlets including 60 Minutes, National Public Radio, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Nightline, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS News, the Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah's Super Soul. AND his work has been featured in documentaries produced by Dateline NBC, 20/20, the BBC, Nightline, CBC, PBS, as well as dozen international documentaries. Many print media have highlighted the clinical and research activities of Dr. Perry including a Pulitzer-prize winning series in the Chicago Tribune, The Sun Magazine, US News and World Report, Time, Newsweek, Forbes ASAP, Washington Post, the New York Times and Rolling Stone. I’m so thrilled and grateful that Dr. Perry is joining us today to talk about “What Happened to You?” and all of his profoundly powerful work to help us all on our journeys to understand and overcome our childhood trauma. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Top 10 Series: #1 101 Ways To Heal—Practices To Heal Trauma & Thrive

Today, we’ve reached our #1 most popular episode, 101 WAYS TO HEAL—PRACTICES TO HEAL TRAUMA & THRIVE, with special guest Linda Curran. Linda is a trauma specialist, clinician, best-selling author, film producer, and a sought after national trainer on trauma. When I read Linda’s book,101 Trauma-Informed Interventions, I knew I needed to introduce Linda to you all because she brings together so many different tools for healing and trauma recovery that we can learn about and try out—in our time and our own space, and see which ones fit and which might be for another time. Now, 101 interventions might sound over-whelming, but it’s actually a world of possibilities for us – and this is what this podcast is all about – enabling each of us to find new ways to overcome the impact of child sexual abuse in our daily adult lives, step by step, day by day. ​ Linda is an international speaker on the treatment of trauma, and has developed, produced, and presents multi-media workshops for clinicians and clients. Linda’s multi-media projects include a four-part video program as part of The Master Clinician Series, including Trauma Treatment: Psychotherapy for the 21st Century, Power Therapies: EMDR and Beyond, EMDR: Step by Step, Treating Complex Trauma: Beyond Competency, and Addiction, Trauma, & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Linda constantly advocates for accessible and integrative trauma treatment for all of those affected by trauma. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Top 10 Series: #2 Triggered To Heal—Experiencing Release, Peace & Growth.

Welcome to the Top 10 Series. Today, we’re at our #2 most popular episode, Triggered To Heal—Experiencing Release, Peace & Growth, with Dr. Karen Baikie, PhD. I started this podcast series in search of knowledge and experiences that can shift us beyond our abuse and trauma, because, as Maya Angelou encouraged us, “When we know better, we do better." But, turning knowing into doing requires us to experience shifts that are deep and powerful enough to stop our habitual responses that hinder us rather than help us, and that happen faster than the speed of light when we are triggered in every day moments. That’s frustrating and it’s incredibly tiring for us all. In this podcast, I’m handing over the reigns to Karen to take me, and you, through three Hakomi experiences to tap into our places of safety, meet a part of ourselves that holds unresolved trauma, and gently and safety release some of the “stuckness” of that trauma that keeps us responding in old and harmful ways. It’s a journey—and I hope you experience some potentially life-shifting moments in this slightly longer podcast. By the end, I think you’ll be glad you hung in there! I was! For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Top 10 Series: #3 Breaking Myths & Revealing Paths to Happiness (Part 1).

Today, we’re jumping into our #3 most popular episode, Breaking Myths and Revealing Paths to Happiness, Part 1, with Dr. Meg Jay. Join me with the extraordinary Dr. Meg Jay PhD (Dr. Jay’s TED Talk is one of the most viewed TED Talks with almost 12 million views—that’s because she is truly an inspiration and a voice of wisdom and knowledge!). In Part 1 of this podcast episode, we’ll break myths and leap into discovery and tools to help overcome child sexual abuse: New insights that help us to understand how childhood trauma affects adults; the notion of “normal” and how that helps or harms us; and how our adult choices, not our childhood abuse, can lead to living a life that is happy and fulfilled. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Top 10 Series: #4 Trauma, Betrayal & Courage—Moving from Silence to Strength.

Today, we’re leaping into our #4 most popular episode, Trauma, Betrayal & Courage—Moving from Silence to Strength, with Dr. Jennifer Freyd. Join me as I talk with Dr. Jennifer Freyd PhD, to understand how betrayal from childhood trauma “show ups” in our adulthood, and ways we can overcome those effects. Dr. Freyd is the founder of The Center for Institutional Courage and Affiliated Faculty at the Women's Leadership Lab at Stanford University. Dr. Freyd is world-renowned for her work on Betrayal trauma, Institutional Betrayal and Courage, and for her framework (DARVO) that identifies strategies used by abusers to manipulate their victims. This framework is so widely-known that actress, political activist, and sexual assault survivor, Ashley Judd, referenced it when discussing the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations in an interview with Diane Sawyer in 2017. Dr. Freyd has also been interviewed extensively by media in relation to the Harvey Weinstein case, and is sought internationally to talk about ways individuals can overcome childhood trauma, and how institutions play a role through betrayal and courage. Dr. Freyd’s books and speaking appearances have reached millions of people around the world. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Top 10 Series: #5 Healing Sex—Beyond Sexual Trauma

Today, we’re at the #5 most popular episode, Healing Sex—Beyond Sexual Trauma, with special guest, Staci Haines. Staci is a national leader in Somatics, the field of connecting mind, body, brain, and behavior to allow us to release deep patterns of stress, anxiety and trauma that are stuck in our bodies. Staci has been in the field of somatics and engaged in social change work for almost 30 years. Staci is the author of The Politics of Trauma: Somatics, Healing and Social Justice which is based on her work to transform the impact of individual and social trauma, and strengthen the interdependence of personal and social change. Staci is also the author of Healing Sex: A Mind Body Approach to Healing Sexual Trauma – which is what we’ll be diving into in this podcast. There’s so much in this book and as Staci writes, “Many survivors have a difficult relationship with their bodies. You may struggle with body hate, feeling that your body has betrayed you or that your body is an unsafe place to live. Having a body at all may be a problem for you.” So today, we’re going to learn a lot and experience some powerful practices to shift our bodies into healing – to heal our sexual trauma from the past and to experience sexual healing in our lives today. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Top 10 Series: #6 Breaking Myths & Revealing Paths To Happiness (Part Two)

Today, we’re at the #6 most popular episode, Breaking Myths & Revealing Paths to Happiness – Part Two, with Dr. Meg Jay (and just as a little spoiler, Part One is also coming up as we get closer to #1). Dr. Jay’s TED Talk is one of the most viewed TED Talks with almost 12 million views—that’s because she is truly an inspiration and a voice of wisdom and knowledge! In Part 2 of this podcast with Dr. Meg Jay PhD, we'll break more myths, and dig deeper into insights and tools to help overcome child sexual abuse: we'll start by talking about "Naming It To Tame It” - the negative impact of keeping secrets and the freedom in sharing; then, we'll talk about depression– acknowledging it, tending to it, and overcoming it; and finally, we'll talk about the “thing” that makes your life yours – deciding what you want and fully living it! For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Top 10 Series: #7 Beyond Damaging Parents—Living Happily Ever After

Welcome to The Top 10 Series! Today, we’re leaping into our #7 most popular episode, Beyond Damaging Parents—Living Happily Ever After, with special guest, the wonderful Dr. Lindsay Gibson. Dr. Gibson dramatically and importantly spotlights how the “emotional immaturity” of parents can hinder and hold us back in our adulthood, and how we can regain trust in ourselves and break free from the destructive and confusing effects of negative “programming” from childhood. In her book, Who You Were Meant To Be, Dr. Gibson focuses on how people can reconnect with their true self and sense of purpose, especially after experiencing negative parental impacts in childhood. In her subsequent books, Dr. Gibson introduces “Emotionally Immature Parents” and provides learning and tools to overcome the impacts of these parents, and how to rely on our own emotional guidance, strengthen our self-awareness, and increase our energy to live a full, happy, and purposeful life in adulthood. Dr. Gibson holds a Master’s degree and a Doctorate of Psychology in Clinical Psychology, and has also taught doctoral students in Clinical Psychology. She specializes in adult psychotherapy and personal growth counseling. As Dr. Gibson highlights, “Your true self is so much more than your family role. Your past identity may have been formed in your relationship with your parents, but who you will become derives from your relationship to yourself.” We went a bit longer on this podcast because you can imagine there was a quite a lot to talk about – so if you need to break up your listening, please do – because there’s great insights through until the very end! For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Top 10 Series: #8 The Body Holds The Keys

Welcome to The Top 10 Series! We’re taking time to step back and listen to the top ten episodes from the last three seasons before we launch into our upcoming season five. I think the value of The Top 10 is in reinforcing that trauma shows up in many different ways in our daily lives, but also in many ways that are similar. We share a lot of the same triggers, feelings of betrayal, inadequacies, relationship challenges, anxieties, and more—even if we’re functioning incredibly well in everyday life. Or, even when we put out that we’re “just fine” when we really do need a little extra help. I hope this Top Ten Series gives you that “little extra help” so that you can keep stepping beyond the trauma you experienced as a child, and tap into the power you have to thrive in all that is ahead. Today, we’re leaping into our #8 most popular episode, The Body Holds The Keys, with special guest, Dr. Pat Ogden, PhD. Dr. Ogden is a pioneer in somatic psychology, and the creator of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy method. Dr. Ogden is founder of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute and co-founder of the Hakomi Institute; she is trained in a huge range of somatic and psychotherapeutic approaches to healing and wellness, and has over 45 years of experience working with individuals and groups. The body holds our trauma, but it also holds the keys to our healing. In this podcast, Dr. Ogden shares with us how the body has the innate intelligence and wisdom to reveal where and how we need to heal trauma that is still showing up in our adult lives—and that sometimes we’re not even aware of that trauma until it’s triggered in every day, present moments. In these moments, we have the choice to listen to the signals, sensations, and suggestions from our bodies to guide our next steps and respond differently to move forward into wellness and happiness. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Top 10 Series: #9 Beyond Trauma & Loss—Breaking the Silence Cycle

Welcome to The Top 10 Series! We’re taking time to step back and listen to the top ten episodes from the last three seasons before we launch into our upcoming season five. I think the value of The Top 10 is in reinforcing that trauma shows up in many different ways in our daily lives, but also in many ways that are similar. We share a lot of the same triggers, feelings of betrayal, inadequacies, relationship challenges, anxieties, and more—even if we’re functioning incredibly well in everyday life. Or, even when we put out that we’re “just fine” when we really do need a little extra help. I hope this Top Ten Series gives you that “little extra help” so that you can keep stepping beyond the trauma you experienced as a child, and tap into the power you have to thrive in all that is ahead. Today, we’re leaping into our #9 most popular episode, Beyond Trauma & Loss, Breaking the Silence Cycle, with special guest, Katherine Barner. Katherine is a counsellor, coach, grief & trauma expert, author, speaker, and advocate against child sexual abuse. Katherine experienced child sexual abuse when she was fourteen, and her journey through abuse and other life trauma have fueled her journey to help others in the work to which she dedicates herself. In this podcast, we’re going to talk about Beyond Trauma and Loss – Breaking The Silence Cycle. Katherine encourages people, “The truth is, life is tough and sometimes really bad things happen. I know because I've had my share—from abuse to divorce, to financial hardship, and loss. But one of the things you’ll hear me say frequently is, “life happens to all of us, but the true story is told in how we respond to what has happened.”” Katherine earned her BA in Psychology from Spelman College, and a Masters in Education in Counseling from the University of North Texas. She is a certified crisis responder, Clinical Trauma Specialist, and trained EMDR practitioner. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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Top 10 Series: #10 Unblocking Trauma—Releasing Stuck Pain & Coming Alive.

Welcome to The Top 10 Series! We’re taking time to step back and listen to the top ten episodes from the last three seasons before we launch into our upcoming season five. I think the value of The Top 10 is in reinforcing that trauma shows up in many different ways in our daily lives, but also in many ways that are similar. We share a lot of the same triggers, feelings of betrayal, inadequacies, relationship challenges, anxieties, and more—even if we’re functioning incredibly well in everyday life. Or, even when we put out that we’re “just fine” when we really do need a little extra help. I hope this Top Ten Series gives you that “little extra help” so that you can keep stepping beyond the trauma you experienced as a child, and tap into the power you have to thrive in all that is ahead. Today, we’re starting with our #10 most popular episode, Unblocking Trauma: Releasing Stuck Pain & Coming Alive, with special guest Deanna Hansen. Deanna is the founder of Block Therapy and Fluid Isometrics and is also a certified athletic therapist. For over 20 years, Deanna has helped thousands of people around the world heal from physical and emotional trauma through her programs, including her new 90-Day Trauma Relief program. I only found out about this recently, I tried it, and it’s been mind-blowing for me – so I had to share it with you. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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101 WAYS TO HEAL: Practices to Heal Trauma & Thrive

Today, for the Season Finale for Season Three, we’re joined by Linda Curran. Linda is a trauma specialist, clinician, best-selling author, film producer, and a sought after national trainer on trauma. When I read Linda’s book, 101 Trauma-Informed Interventions, I knew I needed to introduce Linda to you all because she brings together so many different tools for healing and trauma recovery that we can learn about and try out—in our time and our own space, and see which ones fit and which might be for another time. Now, 101 interventions might sound over-whelming, but it’s actually a world of possibilities for us – and this is what this podcast is all about – enabling each of us to find new ways to overcome the impact of child sexual abuse in our daily adult lives, step by step, day by day. Linda is an international speaker on the treatment of trauma, and has developed, produced, and presents multi-media workshops for clinicians and clients. Linda’s multi-media projects include a four-part video program as part of The Master Clinician Series, including Trauma Treatment: Psychotherapy for the 21st Century, Power Therapies: EMDR and Beyond, EMDR: Step by Step, Treating Complex Trauma: Beyond Competency, & Addiction, Trauma, & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) . Linda constantly advocates for accessible and integrative trauma treatment for all of those affected by trauma. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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THE ELENA MORGAN STORY - A Must-Hear Story of Overcoming

Today, I’m so grateful to be joined by Elena Morgan, formerly known as Ellen Morgan and prior to Ellen, known as Hilary Foretich. Elena’s mother, Elizabeth Morgan, was jailed for over 2 years in 1987 for protecting Elena from her sexually abusive father. Why was she jailed? Because after Elena revealed that she was being sexually abused by her father, and her mother sought custody through the courts, the judge ordered Elena’s mother to allow her abusive father to have unsupervised visits of Elena at her father’s house. Knowing Elena would suffer continued abuse, Elena’s maternal grandparents took Elena to New Zealand, defying the court order. When Elena’s mother would not reveal Elena’s whereabouts, the judge sent her to jail. Her abusive father remained free. In 1989, after extensive efforts, Rep. Frank Wolf introduced a bill that became the District of Columbia Civil Contempt Imprisonment Limitation Act. As a result, in that year, Elizabeth Morgan was freed after 759 days in prison, and joined her daughter and parents in New Zealand. In 1992, the story of the case was made into a television film, A Mother's Right: The Elizabeth Morgan Story. Elena is now a physician and continues to look for ways to help overcome injustices that still confront victims of child sexual abuse. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org


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MEDICINE FOR LIFE! Live in "Whole Health" Beyond Trauma

Today, I’m so grateful to be joined by Dr. Patrick Fratellone, MD. Patrick transformed my thinking and feeling about how doctors can help us heal and overcome the physical and emotional impacts of child sexual abuse in our adult lives. But that’s also because Patrick is not your conventional doctor—I hope he’ll do the same for you in this podcast! Dr. Fratellone’s guiding philosophy is a raw, real, and highly individualized approach to health and well-being. Patrick is guided by his personal mission to serve, empower and partner with his patients on the path to wellness, transformation, and wholeness, beyond what he came to see as conventional “cookbook medicine” that can too often leave patients unhealed and hooked on medications. Born with an undiagnosed congenital heart disease, and inspired by his grandparents’ use of herbs and plants as remedies, Dr. Fratellone become passionate about nurturing the intrinsic healing of the whole person. As Dr. Fratellone was pursuing his more creative approach to healing, he was recruited by the late Dr. Robert Atkins, (the world-renowned physician and cardiologist, best known for the Atkins Diet) to become Chief of Medicine and Director of Cardiology at the Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine. “Practice what you believe in,” were the words of advice to Patrick from Dr. Atkins, and those words committed Patrick to do just that. Following Dr. Atkins’ death, Patrick moved to Arizona to work with the now-celebrity integrative doctor, Andrew Weil, MD., where Patrick embarked on his fellowship of integrated medicine, and the pursuit of new and alternative approaches to medicine and healing that continue today through Patrick’s New York-based integrative medical practice. Sobriety has become a cornerstone of Patrick’s own healing, not only for his physical healing, but also for his healing from childhood sexual trauma. That journey remains a source of strength for Patrick and helps him to be the best partner to his patients through an innate intuition and empathy to “get real and raw” in order to help us heal “wholly” from our deepest physical and emotional challenges. For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org
