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Pandemic Survival Guide

Health & Wellness Podcasts

In these uncertain times we’re all facing challenges of: not seeing family, the fear of losing a job, coping with loneliness and generally staying positive. Sometimes, it can feel like we are encountering these difficulties for the very first time. And yet, within art, literature and history - there are countless examples that offer us guidance and direction for overcoming our present predicament.Not meant for experts or scholars, each episode will be accessible and explore a different theme: perhaps seeking inspiration from Shakespeare, courage from Beethoven or wisdom from Greek myth. Classical knowledge doesn’t belong to the dusty pages of the past, but offers us real insights for helping us live in the here and now.


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In these uncertain times we’re all facing challenges of: not seeing family, the fear of losing a job, coping with loneliness and generally staying positive. Sometimes, it can feel like we are encountering these difficulties for the very first time. And yet, within art, literature and history - there are countless examples that offer us guidance and direction for overcoming our present predicament.Not meant for experts or scholars, each episode will be accessible and explore a different theme: perhaps seeking inspiration from Shakespeare, courage from Beethoven or wisdom from Greek myth. Classical knowledge doesn’t belong to the dusty pages of the past, but offers us real insights for helping us live in the here and now.



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Surviving Loneliness with Nietzsche

For an overcrowded world, it feels quite lonely at the moment. And like the Coronavirus, no one has immunity to the difficulties that our own and others isolation brings. Routine can mask some of its impact, but lengthy and protracted time alone often presents innumerable challenges. But like many aspects of this Pandemic, look in the right places and we can find new opportunities and knowledge. To provide some company for our lonely minds and bodies, and help us better understand how to cope with the distance that surrounds us, let’s meet a truly great philosopher and learn from a remarkable idea.


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Finding Opportunity with Supernovae

Outbreak. Transmission. Asymptomatic. Lockdown. R-value. Isolation. Distancing. Quarantine. PPE. Ventilator. For many of us these words have become all too familiar in the past months. It is a vocabulary that is cold and functional and describes the coronavirus pandemic in stark and bleak terms, devoid of any possibility or hope. Yet, amidst this far-reaching and unwelcome event - that for so many brings fear and anxiety – it is possible to find hope and opportunity. To help us seek this out and gain inspiration for our wearied minds, we need to go on a journey far, far into the vastness of space, discover a distant star, learn about its story and find opportunity from chaos.


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Staying Productive with Shakespeare

The alarm goes. You wake up. The routine begins. It is another day at home. Walk a few steps to the office. You check the calendar. More Zoom calls to attend. Online lectures booked. Job applications to complete. Tomorrow is the same, and so on for the foreseeable future. This prospect can make, for some, finding the motivation to make it through the day without drifting into thoughts, hopes or fears, challenging. Yet, I want to share an example of a great mind who encountered conditions not that dissimilar to our own, yet remained productive and industrious throughout and offers us inspiration for our own time.


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Keeping Resilient with Beethoven

Referred to as one of the greatest classical composers, possessing fame and fortune in his day, and creating a vast collection of musical works - many of which are widely recognized today - Beethoven was, to many, a hugely successful and influential figure. However, if you look beyond the label of musical genius and revered composer, his life was filled with numerous set-backs, failures and difficulties. Today, many challenges face us too- both personal and further afield. But, by looking to the attitude and mind-set adopted by this composer in overcoming his own trials - we can find some direction for learning to cope with our own.


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Seeing More Clearly with Friedrich

Sometimes the barrage of health statistics, regulations, press conferences or ministers announcing new rules, becomes overwhelming and a little disorienting in the fast-moving world of living with through a global pandemic. Trying to keep up is hard, with our attention thrown here and there. Not to mention the variety of other worries and pressures we may be feeling right now. To guide us in trying to overcome this feeling and re-discover some of what is real and important to us, we need to journey to Germany and meet a mountaineer, a rocky landscape and a breath-taking view. with Jonathan Wilson Painting Link
