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Queen of the Thrones® Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Queen of the Thrones® podcast is an informational source aiming to enrich our listeners' lives and teach them about our self-care products and world class health and beauty support.




Queen of the Thrones® podcast is an informational source aiming to enrich our listeners' lives and teach them about our self-care products and world class health and beauty support.



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Castor Oil Packs and Magnesium for Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a silent battle waged within, reaching into every corner of a woman’s life and leaving behind a trail of anguish and uncertainty. In this podcast, we embark on a journey of discovery, shedding light on the profound impact that magnesium and Pelvic & Hips Castor Oil Packs may have when navigating the complex symptoms of endometriosis. Join us as we dive deep into uncovering the secrets that may hold the key to reclaiming control over our bodies and our lives. Magnesium is a powerhouse element, participating in over 300 biochemical reactions that keep our bodies functioning at their best. One of its remarkable feats lies in its ability to relax muscles and ease tension, a quality that holds. Beyond its muscle-relaxing abilities, magnesium acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent, soothing the inflamed tissues that wreak havoc on the reproductive organs in cases of endometriosis. Moreover, wearing a Castor Oil Pack over your pelvic region, may give you a similar feeling to a cozy weighted blanket, as the pack provides gentle compression. Studies have shown that compression stimulates the C-tactile afferents (nerve receptors) may be linked to releasing oxytocin (your love and connection hormone), helping to build a sense of connection and well-being within. So, it is thought that the simple act of wearing a Castor Oil Pack may stimulate those receptors, making you feel more relaxed helping with Endometriosis symptoms. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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Spring Cleanse for Body, Mind & Spiritual Wellness

As the seasons change, so do our bodies' needs. If you're anything like me, you're feeling the urge for a fresh start—a clean slate for your body, mind, and spirit. But where to begin? What is a full body cleanse? Cleansing and detox are natural functions your body does everyday that are crucial for staying healthy. They help remove harmful substances from our cells, which can otherwise cause sickness and even death if left unchecked. This process includes getting rid of toxins from both outside sources (like pollution) and those produced within our bodies. It's clear that our world is getting more polluted, with chemicals from industry, pesticides, heavy metals, and radiation. These toxins can harm us in many ways, like causing cancer, messing with our reproductive system, affecting our metabolism, and even impacting our mental health. They build up in our bodies over time, especially through the food we eat. Sometimes, when different toxins mix together, they can become even more dangerous than they are on their own. So, where exactly do we begin to understand the different types of cleanses, and which may be right for you? Let’s explore further! Liver cleansing The liver acts as your body's defender against harmful chemicals. It does this by changing these chemicals into forms that can easily be flushed out of your body through urine, bowel movements, or even sweat. Lymphatic cleanse Lymphatic cleanse helps with: Colon cleanse: Chances are, you’ve likely heard of a “colon cleanse” before, right? It's not just a passing trend; in fact, it's an important step in the cleanse and detox journey. Widely recognized as a way to flush out toxins and rejuvenate your system, colon cleansing has gained popularity for its potential health benefits. Juice cleanse: A juice cleanse is a unique way to help your body detox. It involves drinking only fruit or vegetable juices for three to ten days while avoiding solid foods. The idea is if you give your digestion a “break” by only consuming nutrient-rich fluids, more energy can be focused on flushing out the “junk.” As we embrace the essence of spring and explore different avenues of cleansing and renewal, remember that wellness is a holistic journey encompassing body, mind, and spirit. Castor Oil Packs have been used for ages as a natural way to support natural and gentle detoxification while encouraging digestive wellness. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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Give the Gift of Self-Care: Mother’s Day 2024

In this podcast Queen of the Thrones® will help you discover the ideal self-care and wellness gift for Mother’s Day 2024. In a world where every day feels like a whirlwind of responsibilities, mothers stand as the unsung heroes, navigating the intricate dance of balancing family, work, and personal aspirations. This Mother's Day, for those seeking wellness gift ideas that speak volumes of appreciation and care, consider the gift of natural self-care with Castor Oil and Castor Oil Packs. Gift Bundle #1: Mom’s Starter Spa Kit: This exquisite bundle is more than just a gift; it's a sanctuary of self-care and wellness meticulously curated to honor the tireless efforts of mothers everywhere. At the heart of this kit lies the Queen of the Thrones® Liver Castor Oil Pack, a time-honored practice that is thought to support gentle detoxification, lymphatic drainage, inflammation balance and overall well-being. But we didn't stop there. We've added a touch of luxury with the Queen of the Thrones® 100% Organic Cotton Flannel Insert, designed not only to prolong the life of your liver pack but also to cocoon you in a layer of cozy comfort. Sounds wonderful, agreed? Gift Bundle #2: Hormone Harmony Spa Kit Crafted with love and care, this bundle is a sanctuary of self-care for mothers everywhere, tailored to honor the intricate dance of hormones and wellbeing. Gift Bundle #3: Mother's Day Self-Care Spa Kit This exquisite bundle is a testament to the art of pampering and replenishment, carefully curated to honor the practice of self-love. For moms, especially, who constantly pour their hearts into caring for others, the allure of embracing wellness through gentle self-care practices resonates deeply, agreed? Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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Can you use Castor Oil when you have a cold or the flu?

In this podcast you will discover how using Castor Oil can help you to cope with the cold and flu symptoms. The Castor Oil plant, scientifically known as Ricinus communis L., has been used for thousands of years as a valuable traditional medicine. It's known for its various uses, such as liver support, stomachaches, constipation, inflammation, and more. The plant contains different natural compounds that are thought to have medicinal properties that may support balancing inflammation, and even exhibits antioxidant activity. But, can you use Castor Oil when you have a cold or the flu? While Castor Oil is not typically recognized as having a direct connection between supporting cold-like symptoms, we can look at what Castor Oil is most recognized for. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Castor Oil contains ricinoleic acid, which has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects. You see, research shows that inflammation is the root cause to dis-ease within the body, meaning inflammation may be a common response to infections, including those causing cold and flu symptoms. So, it could be said that Castor Oil may be able to support balancing the inflammation that’s naturally happening when you’re feeling under the weather. So, applying Castor Oil on the chest or throat may help. Alternatively, wearing a Castor Oil Pack over your neck/thyroid, may be an easy way to care for your throat. More on this soon! Antiviral and Antibacterial Effects: Some studies suggest that Castor Oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. So, it could be said that these properties may be a support when you’re feeling run down. However, it's important to note that Castor Oil is not a substitute for conventional medicine that your healthcare provider has suggested for you. Skin Barrier Support: Applying Castor Oil to the skin may help maintain its integrity and act as a barrier, via linoleic acid, while hydrating the skin.19 This may be particularly relevant when the skin might be more prone to dryness due to frequent nose wiping or exposure to tissues and other drying agents. Pretty amazing, agreed? But remember, not all Castor Oil is created equally. When it comes to your wellness, you want to ensure you’re sourcing Castor Oil that is 100% pure, organic and hexane free, like Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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How Castor Oil May Help Support Bone Spurs

Have you or someone close to you been struggling with bone spurs? Bone spurs, or osteophytes, are bony growths that form in your joints or in the spine, and have the potential to cause significant pain and discomfort in your daily life. The most common cause of bone spurs is osteoarthritis, with the damage and inflammation to the joints leading to the formation of bone spurs. Aging is also a natural component to the formation of bone spurs. As our discs wear down over time, the ligaments become looser and can't support the joints as well. To compensate, the body tries to thicken the ligaments to hold the bones together. Over time, these thicker ligaments start forming bits of bone. This combination of thickened ligaments and new bone around the spinal cord and nerve roots puts pressure on them. Aging also contributes to the breakdown of the joints, which may lead to inflammation, pain, stiffness, and deformity. Castor Oil contains anti-inflammatory properties, such as ricinoleic acid, which studies have shown supportive in balancing inflammation that helps to treat the main symptoms of bone spurs. Plus, because Castor Oil may also be able to support bringing circulation to your joints via nitric oxide stimulation, while potentially supporting lymphatic drainage. So, it could be said that reduced inflammation may enhance blood flow to the joints, potentially bringing comfort to the inflamed area. Now that we’ve looked at Castor Oil on its own, what about combining that with an actual Castor Oil Pack? Well, a Castor Oil Pack can make a versatile and supportive self-care option, wrapping around the lower back, providing natural warmth and comfort. Plus, the gentle compression of a Castor Oil Pack is thought to help your body enter the ‘rest and digest’ state, supporting relaxation, which may help ease sore muscles and joints. Some other factors to consider in the formation of bone spurs include: Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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How Castor Oil May Help Support Toenail Fungus

In this podcast you will learn how Castor Oil may help support toenail fungus. Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis , is a common fungal infection of the nail that commonly affects toenails (90%) and fingernails (75%). The main culprits are dermatophytes (a type of fungi that can infect and thrive on the skin, hair, or nails), like Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum. Various types of fungi found in the environment can lead to fungal nail infections. When there are small cracks in your nail or the nearby skin, these fungi can enter, triggering an infection. Factors that may increase the risk include: Believe it or not, Castor Oil is thought to exhibit antifungal activity, as it contains a natural antifungal component called undecylenic acid. Studies have shown that this fatty acid may help prevent the growth of fungus. Furthermore, the thick, viscous nature of Castor Oil works well as an emollient and natural skin moisturizer, which may help to ease dry, cracked skin around the nail bed. It gets better though, because Castor Oil is also believed to be a natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory thanks to the unique fatty acid, ricinoleic acid. Castor Oil has also been shown to promote nitric oxide, which studies have shown to demonstrate antifungal activity. As for inflammation, research shows that ricinoleic acid looks like a prostaglandin of the anti-inflammatory type, meaning Castor Oil may be a support for calming inflammation.. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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How Castor Oil Packs May Help Support Menopause Sleep Issues

In this podcast you will learn how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs may help support menopause sleep issues. Menopause revolves around the intricate dance of hormones, with estrogen and progesterone as the main performers. As their levels shift, these reproductive key players send waves through your body, ushering in a mix of anticipated and unforeseen changes. From hot flashes and mood swings, to a shift in your sleep patterns, menopause introduces a cast of characters that can make this journey both intriguing and challenging. Entering menopause often brings more sleep troubles for women. Insomnia, or difficulty sleeping, is a common complaint among menopausal women. According to the 3-P Model (pathogenic model), various factors like previous struggles with insomnia and the natural aging process can heighten the chances of experiencing sleep issues during menopause. Additionally, hormonal changes and symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, overall health issues, pain, other sleep problems, and changes in daily rhythms can contribute to insomnia during this phase. Imagine your nightly routine feeling like a warm hug for your body, similar to snuggling under your favorite cozy blanket. As you ease into the evening, slipping under the covers becomes a comforting self-care routine with your Castor Oil Pack. Studies have shown that there’s a connection between oxytocin and pleasant human touch via stimulating c-afferent nerves (receptors that respond to light touch). So, it could be said that when a soft Castor Oil Pack is wrapped around you, c-afferent nerves may be stimulated, releasing oxytocin, therefore helping you enter the ‘rest and digest’ state. Navigating insomnia during menopause can be a challenging task, but incorporating simple and natural self-care practices can help make a difference. When you embrace the possible soothing benefits of Castor Oil for menopause sleep issues and Castor Oil Packs, you’re not only providing yourself with potential physical relief, but also creating a comforting routine to help ease your mind and body. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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How Castor Oil and Castor Oil Packs May Help Support Menopause Hot Flashes

Ever found yourself wondering what exactly causes those uncomfortable menopause hot flashes, discover in this podcast, how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil and Castor Oil Packs may help support menopause hot flashes. Hot flashes, those quick moments of heat, sweating, and discomfort, are quite common during menopause. Surprisingly, not many women seek help for these symptoms, even though they can be bothersome. These hot flashes happen because the body reacts strongly to small increases in core temperature, and various factors like hormones and certain signals in the brain contribute to them. Think of Castor Oil as your natural menopause ally. When you’re dealing with those fiery hot flashes, applying a Castor Oil Pack to your abdomen is like a cozy, comforting hug. The idea is that it may help to calm your nerves, ease stress and encourage relaxation by naturally supporting your ‘rest and digest’ state. Plus, Castor Oil contains ricinoleic acid, which is known to support inflammation balance, potentially helping to give you some sweet relief when you need it most. Navigating menopause is like learning to dance with a new partner, agreed? It brings a mix of physical and emotional challenges that can leave you feeling like you’re doing the cha-cha one minute, and the tango the next. But hey, that’s the beauty of the journey! Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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How Castor Oil May Help Support Hair Loss Due to Menopause

In this podcast you will learn How Castor Oil May Help Support Hair Loss Due to Menopause. Menopause, a term shrouded in uncertainty, marks the end of a woman's reproductive years—the finale of the menstrual cycle. From hot flashes and mood swings to shifts in sleep patterns, menopause introduces an array of bodily changes, making the journey both unpredictable and challenging, especially when it comes to your hair. As estrogen levels decline during menopause, the delicate balance in hormonal fluctuations can impact various aspects of our well-being, including hair health. Estrogen plays an important role in maintaining the hair growth cycle, and when it begins to decline, it can lead to a condition known as female pattern hair loss. As you incorporate Castor Oil into your hair care routine, envision it not as a solution to dryness, texture, breakage etc., but as a daily affirmation of self-compassion and self-care. Afterall, the act of massaging Castor Oil into your scalp can become a moment of connection with your own body, a gesture of kindness to the strands that have accompanied you through countless experiences. So, as you navigate the intricacies of menopause and menopause hair loss, remember that embracing the physical changes, including those in your hair, is a testament to the strength and beauty within every woman. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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How Castor Oil Packs Can Help Support Menopause

Discover in this podcast how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help support menopause and deal with the the challenges of menopausal symptoms. Menopause revolves around the intricate dance of hormones, with estrogen and progesterone as the main performers. As their levels shift, these reproductive key players send waves through your body, ushering in a mix of anticipated and unforeseen changes. From hot flashes and mood swings, to a shift in your sleep patterns, menopause introduces a cast of characters that can make this journey both intriguing and challenging. Castor Oil Packs are an ancient wellness practice that has been reinvented to be less messy, easy to do and adaptable to your everyday life. Sounds good, agreed? Queen of the Thrones® has designed Castor Oil Packs for nearly every part of your body, including the Pelvis & Hips Castor Oil Pack, which can make a wonderful natural support to help you through your hot flashes, bloating, indigestion, hormone balance and more! Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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How your menstrual cycle is connected to the moon cycles

In this podcast we’re going to uncover the moon’s potential impact on your hormones and how you can support natural hormone balancing by “Single” Seed Cycling with the moon cycle and Castor Oil Packs. Are you ready? Are you menstruating on the new or full moon? Or in between? Or maybe you’re a woman having been on an outside source of hormones, like the birth control pill, the morning after pill, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), as well as some antidepressants and anti-anxieties, which can have an effect on your hormones. Let’s discover how your menstrual cycle is connected to nature and the moon cycles, showing how you can use a hormone balancing method called the seed cycling protocol to support your hormone balance… …and the alternative “Single” Seed Cycling with Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs for those with a sensitive gut and distinguished palate would prefer. Exciting, agreed? So, to begin, the moon exists in a rhythm of cycles known as moon phases, which are connected to your hormonal clock1. You see, using seed cycling or the alternative “Single” Seed Cycling protocol, for those with sensitive guts and distinguished palates for hormonal balance, you can support your period along with the moon’s timing. Sounds amazing, agreed? Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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Does the Moon make your Hormones go Crazy?

Everything is interconnected and the moon is controlling much more than you think. Makes sense, agreed? You’re in the right place because in this podcast we’re going to talk about how the moon cycles may impact your hormones and help you discover the pros and cons of seed cycling for hormone imbalance. The traditional seed cycling protocol alternates what seeds to eat at different times of the month according to your hormones and the moon: flax, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds. One downfall for many women with hormonal problems is that these seeds can cause digestive distress when repeatedly consumed, creating a leaky gut or aggravating a pre-existing condition. Additionally, it can become a hassle preparing the seeds, coordinating when to eat each kind, and finding new recipes to keep things exciting. Many often start this protocol with the best of intentions but give up shortly after starting. Sound familiar? “Single” Seed Cycling, on the other hand, soothes digestive distress and is simply less hassle, by using Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs for Liver , instead of eating seeds. “Single” Seed Cycling is supportive for your well-being, working from the outside in. Therefore, it’s a great alternative if you’re tired of taking so many supplements and would rather do a self-care practice as easy as wearing a Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Pack for Liver or using the Queen of the Thrones® Hormone Balance & Detox Kit, on a different part of the body, at different times of the month according to the moon cycles. Plus, there’s an additional bonus with “Single” Seed Cycling with Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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How Castor Oil Packs Help Support Perimenopause

Perimenopause is the transitional phase leading to menopause, marking the closing of a woman's reproductive years, and usually begins in a woman’s 40’s, although it can start earlier for some and later for others. During perimenopause, hormonal fluctuations become more pronounced, leading to a variety of physical and emotional changes. So, how can you make sense of these changes? Imagine your body as a finely tuned orchestra, and hormones as the musicians playing in harmony. As you enter perimenopause, this symphony takes an unexpected turn. Estrogen levels fluctuate, causing irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, and even unexpected hot flashes. In the midst of perimenopause, finding a comforting companion on this transformative stage of life becomes invaluable. This is where Castor Oil Packs come in- a soothing practice that offers support for your wellness, helping to build a moment of self-care tailored to the unique challenges of perimenopause. Castor Oil boasts anti-inflammatory properties believed to enhance relaxation, making it an ideal candidate for those seeking a holistic approach to perimenopausal support. Creating your personal haven of tranquility involves a simple, yet profound practice- the Castor Oil Pack. This self-care routine is similar to wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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Empowering Endometriosis Self-Care with Castor Oil Packs

Endometriosis is a condition that typically affects teenagers and women of reproductive age. It involves the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, often leading to persistent pelvic pain and fertility problems. Diagnosing endometriosis can be slow because there's no clear and easy way to confirm it without invasive methods. Symptoms vary, making it tough to pinpoint. Treatment usually involves using hormones and pain relievers, but they don't always work well since endometriosis often comes back. Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs have been designed to support your self-care and wellness with ease and simplicity. So, let’s explore the benefits of Castor Oil Packs and discover how they can help enhance your well-being and support your self-care with endometriosis. The pain, cramping and inflammation associated with endometriosis can really impact the quality of life women experience, agreed? Besides pain relievers like naproxen, ibuprofen etc. a naturally comforting approach can be used with the Queen of the Thrones® Pelvis & Hips Castor Oil Pack. This self-care gem is like a warm, comforting hug for your pelvic area, and feels like a cozy weighted blanket. The best part? When combined with organic Golden Castor Oil, you’re creating a self-care practice that goes beyond the surface, bringing you the benefits of Castor Oil and gentle compression from your pack. The Queen of the Thrones® Back Castor Oil Pack works in the same comforting fashion as the Pelvis & Hips Castor Oil Pack, but has been specially designed to support tension, aches, and pains that may be holding you back. How exactly does it help back pain? The benefits lie in the combination of the Castor Oil and the compression of the pack like we discussed above. You see, Castor Oil contains ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that has natural anti-inflammatory properties, potentially helping to balance inflammation and pain associated with endometriosis. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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The Benefits of Castor Oil Postpartum

Castor Oil has been celebrated all over the world for its multi-purpose abilities, bringing you whole body wellness- without needing to consume it! Sounds wonderful, agreed? In this podcast we will learn about Castor Oil’s uses in postpartum: Castor Oil can help in postpartum hair loss: Your Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Hair Mask, is a nourishing, natural hair remedy that supports thicker and longer hair, enhance shine and strength and nourish breakage and split ends that happens during pregnancy Castor Oil is not only great for the hair on your head, but for your lashes and brows too. But, maybe you’re wondering if this self-care practice is safe while breastfeeding? Thankfully, the topical application of Castor Oil on your eyelashes and brows is a safe self-care practice. Applying Castor Oil topically on your breasts can also bring you wonderful skin-loving nutrients and support. Plus, you’ll be able to support your breast wellness even more with the Castor Oil Packs for Breasts! Also, Castor Oil is an effective remedy for constipation post delivery. Postpartum constipation is the unwelcome guest that makes its appearance after childbirth. As if postpartum recovery wasn’t challenging enough, then when you add in the discomforts of constipation post delivery it can feel like you're giving birth all over again, can you relate? To reset your gut, fix constipation, and nourish depleted tissues, Queen of the Thrones Pelvic Castor Oil Pack practice is a great place to start! (Save the Liver Castor Oil Pack until after you’ve finished breastfeeding.) Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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Can I use Castor Oil during pregnancy?

Castor Oil Packs are a wonderful approach to natural self-care, and are ideal for supporting gentle liver detox, lymphatic drainage, balanced inflammation and deeper sleep (just to name a few!). However, whether you’re a long time Castor Oil Pack user or you’re new to this wonderful self-care practice, you will have to put your beloved Castor Oil Pack aside for the duration of your pregnancy. Why is this? Well, because Castor Oil is widely used by midwives to stimulate labor when consumed orally5, it is unclear if topical application has the same effect. To err on the side of caution, it is best to avoid Castor Oil Packs during pregnancy to limit any potential risks to you or your baby. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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4 Benefits of Castor Oil for Men’s Health

One often overlooked companion in the realm of men’s health is Castor Oil, a versatile and natural oil that seamlessly integrates into your daily routine, offering a range of benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Discover in this podcast how incorporating Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil and Castor Oil Packs into your self-care may help support your journey towards wellness and balance in your daily life. Some of Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil benefits for men are: 1) Castor Oil for men’s hair: - Can help to support the look and feel of your hair. - Can help to treat the discomfort caused by razor burn - Can help to treat the receding hairline - Can contribute with the wellness of your scalp and help to treat dandruff 2) Castor Oil for Testosterone: - Can help with male fertility - Can support prostate health 3) Castor Oil for hydrocele: In combination with doctors' recommendations, adapting a natural self-care practice into your routine, such as with the topical use of Castor Oil, may help bring additional benefits to treat hydrocele. 4) Castor Oil Packs for men’s wellness: - Castor Oil Packs can help to treat for constipation. - Castor Oil Packs support relaxation - Castor Oil Packs help to improve your sleep Castor Oil packs become more than a self-care practice, but a symbol that aims to help break free from the stigma that has long surrounded men’s wellness. It’s about acknowledging that, just like everyone else, men are entitled to moments of reflection, moments to address stress, and moments to embrace the beauty of vulnerability without shame. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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Valentine's Day Self-Care Gift Ideas with Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil

Can you believe the month of February is here already? By now I'm sure you’ve been noticing Valentine’s ads, commercials and gift ideas online and at your local stores, doing their best to entice you into the ‘perfect’ gift, right? But is there really such a thing as the ‘perfect’ gift? Perhaps you’ve been searching endlessly for something special for your partner, friends, family… but you keep leaving empty-handed because nothing quite feels right… is this you? Whether it’s date night, girls night, or family fun night- Queen of the Thrones® has you covered with gifts that keep on giving. For instance, Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil, combined with the Liver Castor Oil Pack has got your back (or should we say your liver), when it comes to simple, natural and gentle self-care. Liver Castor Oil Packs are a centuries old, time-tested practice thought to support: Gentle colon-cleansingEnhanced lymphatic drainageBalanced inflammationDeeper sleep and relaxationThis Valentine's Day, shift the focus to wellness with Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil. From personalized gifts to self-care bundles, our products are designed to make every day a celebration of love and well-being. Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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What Is Oil Pulling and Why Do It With Castor Oil

Oil pulling is a centuries-old tradition that’s making a modern comeback. This ancient Ayurvedic technique is believed to help detoxify the body and support overall well-being. When you engage in oil pulling, it may activate enzymes in your saliva that are thought to absorb various toxins, including chemical, bacterial, and environmental toxins from the bloodstream. These toxins are then thought to be expelled from the body through the tongue. Castor Oil is a powerhouse of nutrients and has been used for centuries in traditional home remedies, including oil pulling. According to Ayurveda, there's a theory that the tongue is linked to different organs like the kidneys, heart, lungs, small intestine, spine, and more. And the practice of oil pulling is thought to aid in the elimination of toxic heavy metals through saliva. Oil pulling with Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil, that only takes 1-2 minutes! How to do oil pulling at home: That’s all there is to it! With practice, you can extend the duration of your oil pulling sessions as you become more used to the practice. Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in recommending our easy-to-use tools and practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice, in clinic, or online with the people you serve, you can join now! Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.


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Red Wine Resveratrol and the Gut

In this podcast you will learn about red wine, resveratrol and how beneficial they are for your gut. Resveratrol is part of a group of compounds called polyphenols. They’re thought to act like antioxidants, protecting the body against damage that can put you at higher risk for things like cancer and heart disease. Also, resveratrol may help women lose weight and maintain healthy estrogen levels . Estrogen dominance is a problem that can lead to gain weight, which can cause your body to produce more estrogen. The flavonoids that are contained in resveratrol, are very important in keeping the gut mucosal membrane lining healthy and it's crucial for the gut barrier to stay strong for optimal functioning. To support the benefits of resveratrol in your gut, Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil Packs can also help you to reset your gut, relax, reduce inflammation and alkalinity, support the detox pathways, the regulation of bowels and break down biofilm. Are you a practitioner, health coach or wellness influencer? If you’re interested in recommending our easy-to-use tools and practically applying them in your health and wellness professional practice, in clinic, or online with the people you serve, you can join now! Follow us at @queenofthethrones and discover how Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs can help to support your health and beauty routines.
