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Rocket Chiropractic Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Rocket Chiropractic Podcast is the business and marketing podcast for chiropractors. Hosted by Dr. Jerry Kennedy, this podcast provides practical, common-sense, patient-centered tips that chiropractors can start using right away. So if you are a new chiropractor, a struggling chiropractor, or just a chiropractor looking for tips to grow your chiropractic practice, subscribe now. Get practical advice designed to help you decrease the stress around growing your practice, help you help more people, and help you start growing your income. Best chiropractic websites: Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic SEO:


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The Rocket Chiropractic Podcast is the business and marketing podcast for chiropractors. Hosted by Dr. Jerry Kennedy, this podcast provides practical, common-sense, patient-centered tips that chiropractors can start using right away. So if you are a new chiropractor, a struggling chiropractor, or just a chiropractor looking for tips to grow your chiropractic practice, subscribe now. Get practical advice designed to help you decrease the stress around growing your practice, help you help more people, and help you start growing your income. Best chiropractic websites: Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic SEO:



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465: Why Chiropractors Should STOP Calling Themselves Nervous System Doctors

Chiropractic is NOT just about backs and necks. I think most chiropractors would agree with that to some degree or another. In fact, many chiropractic patients would agree with that too. Over the years, countless chiropractic patients have reported improvements to their health that went far beyond their neck and back pain. More traditional chiropractors say that the improvements people experience going to the chiropractor are because of the chiropractic adjustment and its impact on the nervous system. Some chiropractors go as far as calling themselves “Nervous System Doctors.” That’s a mistake. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about why some chiropractors call themselves Nervous System Doctors. I discuss why I think that’s a terrible thing to do, and the problems that come from it. I also talk about the different approaches to chiropractic and I share some of the reasons why chiropractors should be proud to be chiropractors. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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464: How Chiropractors Can Create Linkable Content That Helps Them Rank Higher On Google

Whether you manage your own chiropractic website or they have someone else do it (like Rocket Chiro Websites), getting more backlinks into your website will help you rank higher on Google. If you rank higher on Google, you are more likely to get more new patients from the internet. Unfortunately, the problem that most chiropractors have with their websites is the lack of linkable content. There often isn’t a compelling reason for another website to link to theirs. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about 2 different types of content that will help chiropractors get more backlinks. One of the ways is so simple that every chiropractor should do it. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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463: Chiropractic Reality Check & Bad Chiropractic Posters | A Conversation With Dr. John Stenberg

In this week’s podcast, the conversation between Jerry and John revolves around the realistic challenges and expectations of being a chiropractor. They discuss the importance of balancing optimism with realism and the need for students to be aware of the struggles they may face in the real world. They also touch on the significance of focusing on the smaller circles of influence, such as family and community, rather than trying to change the world on a grand scale. The conversation emphasizes the complexity and hard work required to succeed in chiropractic practice, debunking the notion that success can be achieved easily. The conversation explores the importance of finding one’s own path in chiropractic practice and not getting caught up in following someone else’s model. It emphasizes the need to prioritize fulfillment over external markers of success and to focus on what truly matters in life. The discussion also touches on the significance of embracing the journey, navigating resistance, and making choices that align with one’s values and goals. The hosts critique the use of certain posters in chiropractic offices that may send the wrong message or require too much explanation. In this conversation, Jerry and John discuss various chiropractic posters and their misleading messages. They critique posters that focus on the concept of subluxation, spinal degeneration, and the nervous system. They highlight the flaws in these posters and emphasize the importance of being honest and transparent with patients. They also discuss the need for chiropractors to prioritize excellence and focus on individual patient needs rather than relying on generic posters. Overall, they encourage chiropractors to challenge their assumptions and provide an empowering and authentic healthcare experience. Takeaways from this episode Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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462: Life Isn’t Fair For Chiropractors. Now What?

Life is hard for everyone. I think we can all agree on that. But life isn’t equally hard for everyone, and that often upsets people. Life isn’t fair. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about fairness, obstacles in life, and victimhood. I discuss how your perspective can impact your outcome. And I talk about the two ways that people handle obstacles. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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461: Why Don’t Medical Doctors Refer To Chiropractors?

Chiropractors often wonder why they don’t get referrals from other medical professionals in their area. Many chiropractors assume it’s because medical doctors don’t like chiropractors. Sure, there may be some of that. But I don’t think that’s the main reason why medical doctors don’t refer to chiropractors. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about 3 reasons why the average chiropractor doesn’t get referrals from medical doctors. I discuss how medical bias, ignorance, and a lack of trust influence the referral process and what chiropractors can do about each of those issues. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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460: How Chiropractors Can Get More New Patients From Google Search

Most chiropractors would say YES to more new patients. The good news is there are probably more ways to attract new patients now than there have ever been. When it comes to attracting new patients from the internet, one of the best opportunities is getting people from local search. Just think about it. There are currently people who are going to Google and searching for their next chiropractor. That’s awesome. But the question for chiropractors is, are they finding you? When they do find you, are they choosing you? In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about the factors that impact where a chiropractors shows up on Google. I also discuss the importance of a new-patient-focused website and having a chiropractic website that helps transition people from non-patients to patients. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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459: Top Chiropractors On Instagram | Who Were My Favorites And Why?

In my last podcast, I did an overview and talked about some of my observations in an article I wrote called “Top Chiropractors On Instagram: What Can We Learn?” There were 23 chiropractors on my list, so I thought I would talk about my 7 favorites. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk the 7 accounts that were my favorites on my list of the top chiropractors on Instagram. I also discuss why 3 of the accounts were unique amongst the rest and what other chiropractors can learn from that. Let’s get into it! Top Instagram Chiros: Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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458: Top Chiropractors On Instagram | My Overview & Observations

I recently finished an article called “Top Chiropractors On Instagram: What Can We Learn?” I was curious who the top chiropractors on Instagram were and if there was anything that other chiropractors could learn from them that would help them grow their own Instagram following. So I started digging through the internet looking for answers, and after many hours and a lot of data crunching, I started to notice some patterns. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about how I found the top chiropractors on Instagram. I discussed why a few chiropractors with large followings didn’t make my list. And I talked about a few observations that I noticed as I was digging through chiropractic content on Instagram. Let’s get into it! Top Instagram Chiros: Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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457: Should Chiropractors Spend The Money To Advertise On Radio Or TV?

Someone recently asked me what I thought about spending money on radio advertising. He was concerned about the cost and whether it was worth taking the risk. Now I’ve been down this road before. When I was in practice, I spent money on radio advertising in several different ways. My experience wasn’t great, but the bottom line regarding marketing is all about return on investment. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about why chiropractors may want to steer clear of big media marketing. I discuss which chiropractors may want to consider advertising on the radio or TV. I also talk about alternative advertising options that would probably work better for the average chiropractor. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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456: How Chiropractors Can Start Selling Products On Their Website

One of my clients emailed me recently and asked about how to start selling products on his website. It’s not something that I’ve ever talked about on the podcast, so I thought it would make an interesting episode. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about why a chiropractor should and shouldn’t be interested in selling products on their website. I discussed what to expect as well as the 3 most common ways it’s done. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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455: Chiropractors Make Their Life Harder Than It Really Needs To Be

I recently heard someone say “Don’t own things that are not yours to own.” That made me think about all the things that chiropractors “own” that are just making their lives harder than they have to be. Being a chiropractor is hard enough. We shouldn’t make it worse. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about 7 things that chiropractors do that make their life (and practice) harder than it needs to be. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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454: Struggling Chiropractors Often Ask The Wrong Question

More often than not, successful chiropractors are also small-business owners. It’s hard to make a good living as a chiropractic associate. That’s why so many chiropractors venture off on their own shortly after graduating. Unfortunately, being a small-business owner isn’t an innate skill. It’s also not something that most chiropractors learn about before graduating from chiropractic college. So chiropractors find themselves trying to grow a successful practice without the skills necessary to grow a successful practice. It’s frustrating. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about why so many chiropractors are asking the wrong questions. I discuss why so many chiropractors just want someone to tell them WHAT to do. I also talk about why knowing what to do is dangerous if chiropractors don’t also know why they are doing it. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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453: Talking Chiropractic Micro Practices & Getting Started with Dr. Margie Smith

I wanted to bring someone on the podcast to talk more about the micro practice model for chiropractors. So I reached out to one of my chiro college classmates, Dr. Margie Smith. Margie is a chiropractor from California who has started several practices over her career. After becoming a mom, she wanted to find a practice style that allowed her to help people as a chiropractor without interfering with her role as a mom. So she decided to start a micro practice. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk with Dr. Margie Smith about the upside of a micro practice for chiropractors. I talked to her about why she decided to start a micro practice, how her practice has evolved, and what some of the keys are that have helped her grow a successful practice. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO: Dr. Margies clinic site: Dr. Margie on Instagram:


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452: The Starting Point Of Patient Retention For Chiropractors

Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO: Chiropractors often reach out to me and ask for help. Frequently, the area where they are having the most problems in their practice is patient retention. Now I’m sure that most chiropractors would just prefer that I give them a simple “secret” to patient retention. But I’m not sure that something like that exists. I am sure that there are a couple of foundational principles regarding patient retention that every chiropractor needs to follow. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about the 2 keys for chiropractic patient retention. I discuss why neglecting these two things will always result in a chiropractic practice with poor patient retention. Let’s get into it!


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451: 14 Common Mistakes That Young Chiropractors Make When Starting Their First Practice

Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO: I would argue that most people who decide they want to be a chiropractor, in their heart, just want to help people and make a good living while doing it. That doesn’t seem to be too much to ask, right? Unfortunately, for many chiropractors, they struggle to do just that. They get out of school, excited about their new career, only to find out that it’s not as simple as getting a job, helping a lot of people, and making a good living. Sure, there are plenty of jobs out there for chiropractors, but most of them are well below 6 figures. I’m not the type of person who believes that money is the only thing that matters, but I do believe that the average chiropractor should make an income that warrants the amount of time, energy, and money that it requires to become a chiropractor. In short, if chiropractic colleges are going to charge an arm and a leg to chiropractic students to get a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, I think it’s OK for chiropractors to expect to make a 6-figure income. The good news is that lots of chiropractors make a 6-figure income. The bad news is that they rarely do it as an associate. If you want to make a 6-figure income as a chiropractor, you are most likely going to do it by starting your own chiropractic practice. Like it or not, you’re going to have to venture into the world of small-business ownership, and that’s something that chiropractic college DID NOT prepare you for. Thankfully, there are a TON of business and marketing resources out there for chiropractors. This hasn’t always been the case. In fact, when I graduated from chiropractic college in 2004, it was really hard to find help unless you were lucky enough to have a chiropractor (who knew what they were doing) take you under their wing, or you could afford ridiculously overpriced (and often not very helpful) chiropractic coaching. Those were basically your only options. Today there are books, videos, podcasts, training courses, online coaching, virtual summits…the number of practice-building resources available to young chiropractors is almost endless. And as an added bonus, most of these practice-building resources are very affordable. Heck, the free stuff now is better than the expensive chiropractic coaching was back in the day. The bigger problem nowadays is that chiropractors almost have too many choices for advice. Seems like EVERYONE has advice to give. There are even chiropractic students out there giving practice success advice before they’ve ever practiced a day in their life. Crazy! With so many resources and so many voices telling young chiropractors how to be successful, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Young chiropractors who listen to 100 different “experts” with 100 different keys to success can find themselves being pulled in 100 different directions. That’s rarely a good thing. With all that being said, that brings me to the point of this article. Over the last 7-8 years, I’ve had the chance to help many young chiropractors as they start their chiropractic careers. When a chiropractor is starting their practice it’s a very stressful time, and it’s also a time when new chiropractors make new chiropractor mistakes. Thankfully, many new chiropractor mistakes can be avoided. But it’s hard to avoid things that you don’t even know what they are. Ignorance may be bliss, but it’s not helpful if you are trying to minimize mistakes. Common Mistakes That Young Chiropractors Make So what I decided to do is create a list of some of the most common mistakes that I have seen new chiropractors make during the early stages of their careers. This is NOT a complete list...


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450: What Type Of Content Should Chiropractors Create?

Chiropractors have often heard the quote, “Content is KING.” But in a world overflowing with content, is there a specific type of content that a chiropractor should focus their attention? Or does content help chiropractors grow their practice no matter what kind it is? In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about the different types of chiropractic content. I discuss why it’s important for chiropractors to lean into their strengths. I talk about why the intent of the content is one of the most important things for chiropractors. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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449: Non-SEO Factors That Are Important For Your Chiropractic Website

When I do a practice assessment for chiropractors, I want to know the answer to two questions. Is this chiropractor being found online and are people choosing this chiropractor if they do find them? If a chiropractor can do things to get more people to find them or more people to choose them, they will get more new patients from the internet. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about non-SEO factors that will help chiropractors get more new patients from the internet. I discuss why implementing these 4 things on your website will help more new patients choose you as their next chiropractor. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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448: Buying a Chiropractic Practice? Here’s Some Things Chiropractors Should Know

Buying an established chiropractic practice can be a great way to bypass some of the headaches that go with starting a practice from scratch. That’s assuming the chiropractic practice that you are buying is a good practice and that you are purchasing it at a fair price. But that’s not true for a lot of chiropractic practices that are for sale. Many chiropractic practices that are for sale are overpriced dumpster fires that no chiropractor should ever buy. RUN AWAY!!! In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk about the pros and cons of buying an existing chiropractic practice. I also give 9 simple tips that can save chiropractic practice buyers a lot of headaches (and money) when they buy an established chiropractic practice. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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447: Talking About Chiropractic & The Importance Of Communication With Dr. Kevin Christie

I’m sure most of you know Dr. Kevin Christie from Modern Chiropractic Marketing. I’ve had him on the podcast before, and I’ve always enjoyed chatting with him. It had been a while so I decided to have him back on to talk about chiropractic. In this week’s chiropractic podcast, I talk with Dr. Kevin Christie. We talk about the importance of communication for successful chiropractors. We discuss why younger chiros may struggle with communication more than they did in the past. We also talked about a few random things including what we consider to be the dumbest thing that we ever spent money on while in practice. Let’s get into it! Modern Chiropractic Marketing Website: MCM Mastermind West: Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:


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446: Chiropractic Marketing Home Runs, IC Nightmare, & Plans For The New Year

This week’s chiropractic podcast is a bit of a chiropractic marketing mashup. I talk about the problems that chiropractors face when they keep trying to hit marketing home runs. I discuss the dangers of ignoring business basics. I talk about a situation facing some Independent Contractors that makes me furious. I also discuss the importance of structure for your chiropractic practice and how to plan for the upcoming new year. Let’s get into it! Business & marketing training for chiropractors: Free practice assessment: Chiropractic podcast: Best chiropractic websites: Chiropractic SEO:
