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SV Ayurveda

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Enjoy knowledge from the Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) tradition as taught by Vaidya Ramakant Mishra and the lineage of Shaka Brahmin healers. Gain new insight into an ancient science of health and longevity. Improve your yogic practices through diet and marma. Learn about herbs and spices, and how you can use them for daily bliss and balance. For more information, please visit


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Enjoy knowledge from the Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) tradition as taught by Vaidya Ramakant Mishra and the lineage of Shaka Brahmin healers. Gain new insight into an ancient science of health and longevity. Improve your yogic practices through diet and marma. Learn about herbs and spices, and how you can use them for daily bliss and balance. For more information, please visit



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#33 Vitamin D - PART 2

In this two-part dissertation, Dr. Teitelbaum explains all one needs to know about this indispensable vitamin to stay healthy. Among the many important roles of vitamin D in our physiology inhibiting cancer and assisting in the absorption of calcium are but two highlights. Unfortunately, in the US and most of the Western world, modern lifestyle has produced an endemic deficiency of vit. D levels with which modern "medicine" simply can't cope. The recommended daily ingestion values of vit. D have been doubled and tripled by medical "authorities" without solving or even minimally alleviating the problem (while creating liver and kidney imbalances that have led to patients' deaths). A problem that the ancient Sanskrit text solved millennia ago. Part 1 discusses the dilemmas of vitamin D deficiency and highlights the pitfalls of the "big pharma Docs", while Part 2 brings the divine light of Ayurveda and the SVA tradition to the rescue.


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#32 Vitamin D - PART 1

In this two-part dissertation, Dr. Teitelbaum explains all one needs to know about this indispensable vitamin to stay healthy. Among the many important roles of vitamin D in our physiology inhibiting cancer and assisting in the absorption of calcium are but two highlights. Unfortunately, in the US and most of the Western world, modern lifestyle has produced an endemic deficiency of vit. D levels with which modern "medicine" simply can't cope. The recommended daily ingestion values of vit. D have been doubled and tripled by medical "authorities" without solving or even minimally alleviating the problem (while creating liver and kidney imbalances that have led to patients' deaths). A problem that the ancient Sanskrit text solved millennia ago. Part 1 discusses the dilemmas of vitamin D deficiency and highlights the pitfalls of the "big pharma Docs", while Part 2 brings the divine light of Ayurveda and the SVA tradition to the rescue.


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#31 The Mucuna Plant

In this episode, Vaidya Mishra discusses the medicinal properties of the mucuna plant directly from the Sanskrit ancient text, highlighting its balancing properties over the five vata subdoshas. His distinguished disciple and long-time collaborator, Dr. Lisa Rasking, shares her research findings on modern science corroborating the accuracy of the ancient Sutras.


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#30 Facial Marma Massage

This episode was recorded live with in-person and distant, Skype participants. The first section has Vaidya Mishra introducing the concept of marmas and their relation to the pranic energy as well as the SVA products he formulated to treat them. The second section is a step-by-step practicum guided by Dr. Melina Takvorian on how to massage each marma and in what order. The closing is a Q&A with the audience.


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#29 How to Clear Acne without Harming Your Body

Hormonal changes, birth control pills, greasy fast food, and excessive refined sugars can all add up to a genetic predisposition that results in acne. Sadly, this skin disorder is frequently treated in the West through antibiotics and other medications that lower the action of our immune system and can result in inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis colitis, and many other illnesses. Dr. Teitelbaum explains in depth the underlying causes of acne and discusses the harmless Ayurvedic alternatives to treat it.


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#28 The Deep Causes of Hair Loss

In this day and age of massive exposure to poisonous chemicals and radiation in our everyday lives, hair weakening and eventual loss is a misfortunate reality for many men and women, older and younger. Frequently, it is addressed as a problem of the hair follicle and scalp when in reality its origin can be as deep as the health of bones and proper functioning of the thyroid gland. In this episode, Dr. Teitelbaum reveals profound insights into maintaining healthy, radiant hair based on the ancient knowledge of SV Ayurveda.


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#27 Home Detox Program

According to Ayurveda, toxins are at the core of illnesses and physiological imbalances. In this full-coverage lecture, Vaidya Mishra addresses how to detox at home and explains the four types of toxins, the relevance of proper diet and digestion, how to properly prepare our body for the process of eliminating poisonous chemicals, and finally, how to implement the detoxification program.


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#26 Ayurveda and Good Sleep

According to the science of Ayurveda, sleeping is one of the three pillars that support life. It is during the soma-predominant hours of the night, when our mind and senses go to rest, that our body does the big work of replenishing ojas for the following day. Vaidya Mishra explains the cycle of sleep as understood by the millennia-old wisdom of Ayurveda.


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#25 Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Are you low in calcium? Are you high in calcium? No calcium level in your body is good if it's not matched to the level of MAGNESIUM in a ratio of one to one; and, in fact, all your calcium supplements can cause disasters in your physiology if not properly balanced. Vaidya Mishra used to call MAGNESIUM "the intelligence of the calcium" and in this enlightening lecture, Dr. Teitelbaum explains all the whys, dos, and don'ts of its management. Headaches, menstrual cramps, stiffness of arteries and ligaments, brittle bones, cataracts, and many symptoms of aging can be prevented, alleviated, and even reversed with proper levels of this vital substance, which is written in Chinese by putting together the signs for mineral and beautiful.


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#24 The Friendly Bacteria PART 2

In this two-part lecture, Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum addresses the importance of the gut's microflora and the illnesses and imbalances that a decimated intestinal friendly bacteria is sure to produce in our physiology. She brilliantly explains the reasons why, from one generation to the next, Americans began to experience a myriad of food allergies, attention deficit, autism, Asperger's, and all kinds of bowel illnesses due to the vaccination craze, indiscriminate antibiotic prescriptions, and contemporary artificial lifestyle. For those who care about their personal health and the well-being of their loved ones, this is not a lecture packed with information, but rather packed with revelations.


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#23 The Friendly Bacteria PART 1

In this two-part lecture, Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum addresses the importance of the gut's microflora and the illnesses and imbalances that a decimated intestinal friendly bacteria is sure to produce in our physiology. She brilliantly explains the reasons why, from one generation to the next, Americans began to experience a myriad of food allergies, attention deficit, autism, Asperger's, and all kinds of bowel illnesses due to the vaccination craze, indiscriminate antibiotic prescriptions, and contemporary artificial lifestyle. For those who care about their personal health and the well-being of their loved ones, this is not a lecture packed with information, but rather packed with revelations.


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#22 Mind and Mental Functions PART 2

In this live-recorded presentation, Vaidya RK Mishra addresses a fascinating topic, the mind. PART 2 Covers the ayurvedic concept of mind as it relates to the five senses and the light of the soul. Vaidya explains the mind's abilities and attributes, dhee, dhriti, and smriti; and describes extensively the herbs and foods that nurture the brain and contribute to its proper functioning. The "second brain", the colon, which Vaidya eloquently calls the intelligence of the brain, and the production of neurotransmitters are also explained in detail. As a bonus, by the end, Vaidya enthusiastically announces the launching of a new formulation, the Chyawanprash sweetener, and provides fantastic tips to stay away from the "white poison", refined table sugar.


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#21 Mind and Mental Functions PART 1 (preliminary concepts)

In this live-recorded presentation, Vaidya RK Mishra addresses a fascinating topic, the mind. PART 1 is an introduction covering preliminary concepts. It begins with a definition of the science of Ayurveda and the most pivotal elements: Prana, its nature and flow, its three main components, soma, agni, and marut, and its relation to the three doshas of human physiology: vata, pitta, and kapha.


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#20 Pain Management the Ayurvedic Way

In this informal talk held as a live session for the few fortunate participants who got a chance to sit at the feet of the master, Vaidya elaborates on the ayurvedic approach to Pain Management. He begins with a description of the fundamental millenia-old texts that form the foundation of his Shaka Vansya Ayurveda lineage: Charak Sanhita, Susrut Samhita, and Vagbhat Ashtang Hridaya. Later, he discusses pain management techniques and recounts experiences of real clinical cases. And by the end of the talk Vaidya explains the creation process of a new pain reliever (at the time still in testing stages), and spills the beans on the ingredients and properties of his flagship formulation: Super Sport Transdermal Cream.


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#19 Vaidya R. K. Mishra - A True Visionary & Pioneer of Ayurveda Who Stood in a League of His Own

In this special presentation, made as a tribute to Vaidya RK Mishra, her distinguished disciple, formulation tester, and patient consultation partner of 20 years, Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum, of whom Vaidya himself once said "She has the light of the rishis, and before I live this body, I want to teach her everything I know" summarizes Vaidya's inconmensurable contribution to the science of Ayurveda. Vaidya Mishra, was the heir of a millenia-old lineage of ayurvedic healers whose origins are recorded in the Puranas (ancient Sanskrit Vedic texts). They practiced the purest and most elevated form of ayurveda and had the highest understanding of the human physiology; an understanding that went beyond body organs and functions and holistically took into account the connection, communion, and harmonious balance of the physical body as the housing of the soul, put in motion by the flow of Prana and kept in harmony with the natural laws of the universe, as the true means of attaining HEALTH and BLISS.


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#18 Ayurvedic Eye Care

In this live-recorded session Vaidya RK Mishra discusses the agnea nature of the eye organs, explains the Pitta subdoshas that govern their functioning, teaches the participants how to locate the facial marma points that affect their circulation of Prana and blood irrigation, introduces the recitation of the eye mantra of the Shaka Vansyia Ayurveda, his ancestral ayurvedic lineage, and describes the properties of the main ingredients in his eye-care formulations. This is an episode packed with invaluable information"


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#17 The Ayurvedic Answer to Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (EMF)

Electro-Magnetic Frequencies are generated by all electrical and electronic devices that became part of our modern lifestyle, from cell phones to computers and from TV sets to air conditioners. Their electromagnetic radiations alter the flow of Prana in our physiology producing imbalances that compromise our health. Surprisingly, this contemporary illness, its prevention, and treatment were already addressed in ancient ayurvedic texts such as the Charak Samhita, which is, at least, 3,000 years old. In this episode Dr.Renee Mehrra interviews Dr. Melina Mishra about how to protect ourselves from the toxic effects of EMF.


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#16 Here's Why Ayurveda Says We Should Cook Our Food

Many people nowadays have lots of raw vegetables, cold salads and juice their vegetables for various reasons. Some state that the cooking process destroys the enzymes in the food, others say juicing is good because it breaks down the cellulose fibers in the vegetables for better absorption into the cells. Lots of people would rather toss together a quick salad rather than standing over a pot cooking the vegetables. Plus the raw salads look so green and healthy. This video debunks all these myths and shows what the knowledge of Ayurveda has to say about these misconceptions. Ayurveda is based on sound knowledge, cognized from enlightened seers whose knowledge which is passed down to us is known as “siddhantas,” or eternal truths. Learn why the cooking process prevents the formation of ama and shleshma (sticky substances that clog the body’s vast network of physical channels. And that while cooking may destroy some of the enzymes in the food, there is far more absorption into the cells than if the vegetable is raw. Not only that, there are lots of dangerous compounds in raw vegetables which will evaporate out once the vegetable is cooked. And finally, eating raw vegetables and juicing cold vegetable juice will throw your Vata out of balance over time, as raw vegetables contain all the attributes of data, which is cold, dry and light. Website


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#15 How to Make Home-made Yogurt - The Miracle Food for Your Gut Health

Yogurt is an excellent way to replenish your gut with its probiotic cultures. However, it is best to make your own from a good yogurt starter as described in this video. Even the healthier brands of yogurt found in the health food stores are somewhat lacking in their live strains of probiotics. So if you make your own yogurt you can replenish the strains every two months with the yogurt starter powder to insure the highest quality cultures. In addition, the ancient texts of Ayurveda stated that the yogurt needs to have an alkaline taste or else if it is too acidic the acids could kill off some of the friendly bacteria cultures in the yogurt. Yogurt could be very channel-clogging and create ama (heavy undigested food which remains undigested in the gut) if not taken in the correct way. This video describes various ways to take yogurt properly in order to prevent this clogging from occurring. Also explained is why yogurt is better than kefir, and which foods don’t combine well with yogurt. It’s important to have a thorough understanding about yogurt as it is one of the more important foods to help us retain robust health into old age, yet it has to be both prepared correctly and taken as described in the ancient texts or else this important food can just sit in the gut, rotting and fermenting if we aren’t aware of these issues. Website


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#14 Self-Marma Massage PART 3 (Questions and Answers)

In PART 3, Vaidya RK Mishra answers all questions from the audience and shares insighful details of the practice of self-marma massage.
