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Silent Superheroes - Talking About Mental Health At Work

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Silent Superheroes tells the story of people who are working while battling with a mental illness.


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Silent Superheroes tells the story of people who are working while battling with a mental illness.





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#35 It’s Time To Talk About Suicide

Olga is a Technical Program Manager at Expedia. She is originally from Venezuela and now lives in Montreal. Olga is also an active YouTuber with her channel Cronopio. Growing up in a Latino community with an alcoholic father and a stoic mother, Olga learned that you don’t complain and you don’t talk about your feelings. … Continue reading "#35 It’s Time To Talk About Suicide" The post #35 It’s Time To Talk About Suicide appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#34 Making Rap Music As Therapy

Dillon and Wesley are a rap duet who perform under the names Weslex and MySYN. Wesley and Dillon took different paths through life. Whereas Dillon was the broody kid a little withdrawn from others, writing poetry and coming from a broken home. Wesley was the sociable, happy kid making everybody laugh. Despite different paths, their … Continue reading "#34 Making Rap Music As Therapy" The post #34 Making Rap Music As Therapy appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#33 When Learning Disabilities Become A Superpower – Anne’s Story

In college, choosing a major was challenging for Anne. Her challenge wasn’t because she was a feckless student unable to pick something and stick to it. It was because her undiagnosed learning disabilities made learning new subjects difficult. Textbooks were a constant battle for Anne while going through school and college. After a college therapist … Continue reading "#33 When Learning Disabilities Become A Superpower – Anne’s Story" The post #33 When Learning Disabilities Become A Superpower – Anne’s Story appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#32 On Being Bipolar 1 With Stephen Hays

Stephen is the Founder and Managing Partner of “What If Ventures”. He is also the host of the Stigma podcast. Stephen has left a trail of destruction in his life due to undiagnosed bipolar 1. Three country clubs threw him out for being disruptive. He paid gambling debts by cashing in pensions and was unfaithful … Continue reading "#32 On Being Bipolar 1 With Stephen Hays" The post #32 On Being Bipolar 1 With Stephen Hays appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#31 Why am I bipolar?

Carrie started her career as a pastry chef in the United Kingdom. 30 years later, she’s a leader in the Ketogenic diet scene and the author of 5 popular Keto cookbooks including books on crock pot meals, soup and ice cream. In between pastries and keto, Carrie spent twenty years working the grind of corporate … Continue reading "#31 Why am I bipolar?" The post #31 Why am I bipolar? appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#30 Just Talk About It – Managing Anxiety and Depression

David is a former radio personality from Malta who is managing anxiety and depression. As an infant, David’s mother took him from Malta to Australia to start a new life. Unfortunately alcoholism and abuse followed them. After a difficult childhood David returned to Malta, the place of his birth, at 19 looking to start a … Continue reading "#30 Just Talk About It – Managing Anxiety and Depression" The post #30 Just Talk About It – Managing Anxiety and Depression appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#29 Can You Climb The Ladder with Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Ruth is a successful businesswoman who lived, undiagnosed, with panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder for 20 years. One day, after a run-of-the-mill setback work, she found herself in her bath, contemplating suicide. The next day, Ruth wondered who the woman was with dead eyes looking back at her. She had to go one more … Continue reading "#29 Can You Climb The Ladder with Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder?" The post #29 Can You Climb The Ladder with Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder? appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#28 Who am I beyond my illness? Rachel’s journey with anorexia

It’s a question that many people with chronic illnesses must face. Answering that question pulled Rachel back to living her life after four years of hospitalization. As a young teenager, she struggled to find her own identity and place in the world. It was that struggle that lead to her to her pre-anorexia and later … Continue reading "#28 Who am I beyond my illness? Rachel’s journey with anorexia" The post #28 Who am I beyond my illness? Rachel’s journey with anorexia appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#27 The Flywheel of Mental Wellness

Jonathan Shooshani is the co-founder of HR tech company Joon, that makes it easy for employees to self direct their benefits. For HR and finance teams, Joon eliminates the administrative burden of physical and mental wellness initiatives. Listen To Episode 27 For some people, total wellness is something that comes to them as part of … Continue reading "#27 The Flywheel of Mental Wellness" The post #27 The Flywheel of Mental Wellness appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#26 Doing The Hard Work – Panic Disorder, Anxiety and Depression

Andrew is the CEO of mental health startup Heard who are creating a trusted space for therapists. Becoming a CEO wasn’t always on the cards for Andrew. Early in life, he was beset with panic disorder, anxiety and depression and as a teenager he did drugs and ran with the wrong crowd. At his worst … Continue reading "#26 Doing The Hard Work – Panic Disorder, Anxiety and Depression" The post #26 Doing The Hard Work – Panic Disorder, Anxiety and Depression appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#25 Situational Depression With Taylor Comeau

Taylor Comeau ‘s retirement from professional soccer helped her realized mental health is as important as physical health. At the end of her she started experiencing situational depression and sought help from a therapist. Situational depression is a short term, stress related type of depression. Listen To Episode 25 Show Notes I’m a huge fan … Continue reading "#25 Situational Depression With Taylor Comeau" The post #25 Situational Depression With Taylor Comeau appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#24 Calming the Tornado of ADHD

From time to time, I get requests through LinkedIn from people I don’t know to go for coffee. I often decline but sometimes my curiosity kicks in and I say “Yes”. When I got Jim’s message, something piqued my interest, and I said Yes. We arranged to meet at Miro Tea in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood. … Continue reading "#24 Calming the Tornado of ADHD" The post #24 Calming the Tornado of ADHD appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#23 Healing From Inherited Trauma – Being an Adult Child of an Alcoholic

Elizabeth has built a successful career in education but grew up in an alcoholic household and became an adult child of an alcoholic. In Silent Superheroes, we often hear about people’s personal battle with mental illness. The truth is that most of us aren’t an island. We have friends, family and colleagues in our life … Continue reading "#23 Healing From Inherited Trauma – Being an Adult Child of an Alcoholic" The post #23 Healing From Inherited Trauma – Being an Adult Child of an Alcoholic appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#22 How to manage employee mental health through Coronavirus

What happens to employee mental health when you add a global pandemic like Covid-19 / coronavirus to the usual stresses and strains of work and life? I sought out experts in workplace mental health field to get their advice. I was fortunate to find Candice Schaefer, the Head of Global Employee Wellness at Twitter and … Continue reading "#22 How to manage employee mental health through Coronavirus" The post #22 How to manage employee mental health through Coronavirus appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#21 A psychiatrist, counselor and advocate walk into a podcast

In this episode of Silent Superheroes, we’re doing something a little bit different to mix things up. We’ll listen in on a conversation about mental illness at work between 3 people who work in the mental health field. Firstly, we have Catherine Davies who is a licensed psychiatrist. Secondly, we have Joe Guppy, a therapist … Continue reading "#21 A psychiatrist, counselor and advocate walk into a podcast" The post #21 A psychiatrist, counselor and advocate walk into a podcast appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#20 Finding Perspective, Bipolar and Alcoholism at Work

By day, Daniel is a sales manager at a credit card processing company and by night he’s a stand up comedian. Bipolar and alcoholism bring a unique perspective to Daniel’s work. As a stand up comedian, his life provides plenty of material, and his bipolar means he’s two comedians in one. As a sales manager, … Continue reading "#20 Finding Perspective, Bipolar and Alcoholism at Work" The post #20 Finding Perspective, Bipolar and Alcoholism at Work appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#19 Garbage And Gas To A Mental Health Advocate – ADHD

Todd and his family identified his ADD fairly early in life. For a while, a regimen of medication helped him be a 4-point student. Then in 7th grade, a friend introduced him to marijuana. Todd decided he’d found a different way to manage ADD, quit his medications and started a rollercoaster that didn’t fully settle … Continue reading "#19 Garbage And Gas To A Mental Health Advocate – ADHD" The post #19 Garbage And Gas To A Mental Health Advocate – ADHD appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#18 A Monster, Saved By Her Knight In Shining Armor – Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Suicide

“I remember doing it, and I remember making the conscious effort. But it really wasn’t me … but it was me. It’s a really hard thing to explain.” Listen To Episode 18 Show Notes That was Shana, describing what she was feeling just after swallowing handfuls of pills during a suicide attempt. Shana was the … Continue reading "#18 A Monster, Saved By Her Knight In Shining Armor – Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Suicide" The post #18 A Monster, Saved By Her Knight In Shining Armor – Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Suicide appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#17 My Boss Wants To Fire Me, PTSD And OCD At Work

Shana is an HR professional managing bipolar, PTSD, OCD and body dysmorphic disorder at work. On their own, any one of these conditions can be overwhelming. Managing all of them together should be an insurmountable obstacle, but it’s one Shana overcomes. Even so, there are serious consequences, like having 31 jobs in 20 years and … Continue reading "#17 My Boss Wants To Fire Me, PTSD And OCD At Work" The post #17 My Boss Wants To Fire Me, PTSD And OCD At Work appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.


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#16 Marnie’s Mental Health Management Masterclass

Marnie works at Expedia helping teams tell stories, which she describes as her dream job. Like me, Marnie lives with bipolar disorder and focuses on her mental health management. Before her diagnosis, Marnie went through two marriages and divorces before an offhand comment in an acting class nudged her to explore her mental state. Listen … Continue reading "#16 Marnie’s Mental Health Management Masterclass" The post #16 Marnie’s Mental Health Management Masterclass appeared first on Silent Superheroes | Mental Health Podcast.
