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Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself

Health & Wellness Podcasts

We all deserve a life of joy and fulfillment, but for many of us that joy feels elusive. We've checked off all the boxes and done all the the things that the blueprint of life says should make us happy, and yet - no joy. Turns out, being happy isn't about following society's blueprint, but about creating our own blueprint for what we want out of our lives and taking action to make that happen. For us to embrace that opportunity, we first have to let go of other people prescriptions for our life choices, and build trust in our own inner compasses. That journey was hard and long for me, but it doesn't have to be. Join me as we explore and build an exciting future based on what YOU want, and how YOU feel inside, unlock a life of joy and fulfillment, and release yourself of the guilt of not enough.


United States


We all deserve a life of joy and fulfillment, but for many of us that joy feels elusive. We've checked off all the boxes and done all the the things that the blueprint of life says should make us happy, and yet - no joy. Turns out, being happy isn't about following society's blueprint, but about creating our own blueprint for what we want out of our lives and taking action to make that happen. For us to embrace that opportunity, we first have to let go of other people prescriptions for our life choices, and build trust in our own inner compasses. That journey was hard and long for me, but it doesn't have to be. Join me as we explore and build an exciting future based on what YOU want, and how YOU feel inside, unlock a life of joy and fulfillment, and release yourself of the guilt of not enough.




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Believing in the Power of Maybe Burke

Join us on this empowering episode of our podcast where we sit down with Maybe Burke, an acclaimed artist and educator deeply involved in advocating for transgender and non-binary communities. Maybe shares her journey through the arts and how it carved a path toward impactful activism. Dive into a thought-provoking discussion that explores the intersection of identity, representation, and the transformative power of storytelling in advocacy. Whether you're familiar with the nuances of gender discussions or seeking to broaden your understanding, this episode offers valuable insights into creating inclusive spaces and the importance of visibility in the fight for equality. Tune in to be inspired by Maybe’s dedication to education and change, and learn how we can all contribute to a more inclusive society. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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Finding Happiness at Work with Robyn Garrett

In Episode 88 of "Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself," Minessa Konecky sits down with workplace culture expert Robyn Garrett to dissect the oppressive dynamics often hidden within corporate environments. They explore the profound insights from Robyn's latest book, discussing strategies for employees and leaders alike to recognize and reform toxic workplace practices. Tune in for an enlightening conversation that could redefine your views on work and leadership, and empower you to contribute to a healthier, more respectful professional world. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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How to Re(un)become Yourself with The Real Slim Sherri

Join Minessa Konecky in this episode of "Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself," featuring an engaging conversation with Sherry Dindal, a viral content creator and a loud voice for Gen X. Known for her TikTok and Instagram handle, "The Real Slim Sherri," she discusses the brutal experience of unbecoming yourself to rediscover the joy of living in authenticity. In this candid talk, Minessa and Sherri explore deep topics such as personal empowerment, overcoming societal conditioning, and embracing one’s true self after decades of conformity. They delve into how Sherri's humorous yet insightful content on social media has become a beacon for many navigating midlife, menopause, and beyond. We recorded this podcast for GenXers who are healing from past traumas, and understanding the impact of social media on self-expression. Whether you're a Gen Xer feeling the weight of societal expectations or a younger listener seeking wisdom from those who've tread the path before, or want to get an idea of what it's like to be us, there's something in this conversation for you. Stay tuned for part two of this profound discussion and explore more content that resonates with issues of authenticity and community. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell icon to get notified about new episodes and join a community committed to genuine self-discovery and empowerment. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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From Self Care to Self Aware - Tracy Robin's Guide to Genuine Wellness

Have you ever felt like you're living in a cycle of unhealed wounds and generational trauma? Our special guest Tracy Robin joins us to discuss how a holistic approach to healing can liberate us from such patterns. Her wisdom, drawn from the practices of yoga and self-study, offers a fresh perspective on confronting the deep-seated truths within ourselves and our lineage. Together, we examine how addressing the somatic and physiological experiences can lead to profound transformation, including the role psychedelics can play in this process. Settling for 'good enough' can be a subtle trap that snares many aspects of our lives, from relationships to personal health. I open up about my own confrontation with mediocrity and how the insidious acceptance of discomfort as the norm can prevent us from reaching our true potential. We delve into the importance of listening to our bodies, interpreting signals like fatigue and chronic pain not as mere nuisances but as calls to action towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. As we wrap up our enriching discussion, the thread of self-empowerment and community support weaves through our narrative. I share a turning point in my life that underscores the continuous nature of healing and the importance of never walking that path alone. Tracy's vibrant presence leaves us with insights on how to connect further, fostering a sense of empowerment and community. Tune in for an episode filled with heartfelt exchanges that will inspire you to embrace self-awareness and embark on a more connected and empowered healing journey. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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The Art of the Finish: Liz August on Bringing Your Vision to Fruition

Discover how Liz August, the virtual assistant with a trophy shelf, unveils the secrets behind a powerful user journey that's more than just skin deep for any business. We'll traverse the misconception that flashy websites and social media tweaks are the magic bullets for sales slumps. Instead, Liz and I dissect the transformative power of a meticulously structured customer journey—because it's the strategic trail of breadcrumbs that really leads to the golden egg of client conversion. Strap in as we unveil the financial tightrope act that entrepreneurs often find themselves performing. I recount a story that turns the 'more hours equals more success' equation on its head, sharing how a client managed to multiply her income with a fraction of her previous working hours. We'll also tackle the temptation to throw money at overpriced solutions, advocating instead for smart, stage-appropriate investments. It's a bit like finding the perfect pair of jeans—why splurge on a designer label when the perfect fit can be found without breaking the bank? Finally, we stir the pot on creativity, finances, and finding the right blend for a fulfilling professional journey. I'll take you through my own realizations about aligning missions with actions, revealing how it’s akin to crafting the perfect marinara sauce of work life. We also talk about the symbiotic dance between the dreamers and the doers in any thriving business. Plus, we'll share the recipe for maintaining authenticity while stirring up success. So, if you're ready to transform your business approach from a sketchy doodle to a masterpiece, Liz and I have the canvas, brushes, and colors all set for you. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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The Healing Power of Touch: Discovering Alternative Therapies with Sara Jane Wellock

In this conversation, Sarah Jane Wellock discusses the importance of using different modalities to heal trauma and the power of listening to our bodies. She shares her experiences with various practices, such as the Living Blog and caress, which involve writing, movement, and self-stimulation. Sarah Jane emphasizes the need to lower our walls and barriers, trust our bodies, and release judgment. She also highlights the significance of creating a safe space for ourselves and others. Overall, the conversation explores the messy and nonlinear nature of healing and the importance of self-care. TAKEAWAYS CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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Breaking the Mold: Redefining Professionalism with Dr. Sheva Guy

Have you ever felt the weight of a 'suit-and-tie' expectation on your shoulders? Dr. Sheva Guy joins me to unravel the tightly stitched seams of traditional professionalism, revealing how this standard can serve as a tool of oppression, perpetuating systemic barriers like racism and classism. As we share our personal narratives – her journey through the expectations of an Eastern European Jewish family to a champion of diversity and inclusion, and our candid discussion of mental health challenges – we lay bare the profound impact of these standards on those who dare to deviate from the norm. The invisible walls within corporate hallways don't just define spaces; they often delineate who belongs and who does not. This episode peels back those layers, highlighting the importance of amplifying the often overlooked voices in change management, from Oracle implementations to higher education consulting. We tackle the perils of tokenism and the critical need for true inclusivity, where diversity isn't just present but is actively valued and engaged. As we recount tales of tattoos as symbols of defiance and academia as a haven for authentic self-expression, we underscore the importance of challenging stifling professional identities. As we navigate the transformative currents of change management, our discussion turns to the paradox of organizations that profess a love for change yet resist it when it knocks on their door. Drawing parallels between parenting strategies and fostering agency in professional transformations, we advocate for understanding the 'why' behind change to mitigate natural resistance. And just as a free-flowing conversation can lead to unexpected depths, so too does our dialogue wander through topics like research administration, emphasizing the organic power of authenticity, and the potential for collaborative growth in our professional journeys with Dr. Sheva Guy. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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Networking Magic on the South Shore: A Conversation with Allison Guido

Discover networking strategies that transform apprehension into achievement with Allison Guido, CEO of Almar Building and Remodeling, in a remarkable narration of her leap from the wings to center stage within the South Shore Women's Business Network. This episode isn't just about making connections; it's a deep dive into the psychology of networking, overcoming self-doubt, and the structured approach that turns potential anxiety into business prowess. I'll share my own stories of hiding in bathrooms at networking events, and having panic attacks in parking lots! As we unravel the intricacies of networking, Allison and I shed light on balancing the act between real-world engagements and the digital realm's networking norms. You'll grasp not only how to gear up for events with goals and talking points but also the assurance that others are just as self-engaged, often oblivious to the tiny missteps we fear. We navigate through the digital evolution of networking, emphasizing the undying need for personal connections and trust, regardless of the platform. To cap off, we confront the challenges faced by industries like construction and remodeling, which are on the cusp of a generational cliff. Allison's strategies for injecting new life into her field are as innovative as they are necessary, combining vocational training advocacy with a fresh narrative around manual labor careers. This episode is more than just a guide; it's a celebration of building businesses anchored in community, craft, and collaboration. Join us for an enlightening discussion on how the right networking approach can lead to success and fulfillment in both your professional and personal lives. Connect with Allison: LinkedInFacebookLinkTreeInstagramCONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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The Art of Being Pink in a LinkedIn World, Miranda VonFricken's Branding Wisdom

Ever felt trapped between being your true self and fitting into a professional mold? Miranda VonFricken joins us to shatter that mold, advocating for the power of personal branding that's as unique as you are. Our candid conversation with this LinkedIn luminary and entrepreneur will inspire you to infuse your career with authenticity. From managing the tightrope walk of corporate conformity to embracing your quirks, we promise you'll find actionable advice to create a brand that's both genuine and professionally savvy. In this episode, we share our own personal branding journeys, reflecting on those moments when we've felt the pressure to suppress our individuality for the sake of a job. We discuss the delicate balance of adapting without losing the essence of who we are, and how leaning into our true selves can attract the opportunities and connections that resonate most. You'll hear real-life stories illustrating how embracing one's whole self can lead to growth and unexpected career paths—because who says you can't have blue hair and be a powerhouse in your field? Concluding with a deep dive into LinkedIn strategy, we provide insider tips on how to leverage the platform for career advancement. Whether you're eyeing that next promotion or seeking to redefine your professional persona, this episode is packed with wisdom on fostering a personal brand that stands out and aligns with your aspirations. So plug in, as Miranda and I guide you through embracing your unique professional identity, and watch as the right doors begin to open just for you. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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Diamonds in the Rough: Ashley Robyn's Path to Professional Empowerment

Have you ever felt the sting of being undervalued? Ashley Robyn, the acclaimed author of "Maybe We're All Diamonds," joins us to share her courageous tale of self-advocacy in the face of injustice. We wade through the murky waters of workplace boundaries and the art of claiming your worth. Ashley's personal triumph over a slashed salary and increased workload, set against the backdrop of her powerful book on toxic relationships, is nothing short of inspiring. Her experiences shine a beacon on the subtle, yet damaging discrepancies between company slogans and their actual treatment of employees. Navigating the treacherous terrain of toxic workplace cultures can be a solitary endeavor, but with the right insights, one can emerge stronger and more aware. Ashley and I dissect the warning signs of such environments, from the dreaded 'golden handcuffs' to the gaslighting that corrodes professional growth. She also offers a sneak peek into her upcoming book, a guide designed to illuminate the early indicators of a harmful company atmosphere. Moreover, we celebrate the cathartic journey of storytelling, both personal and communal, and how it can foster deep connections and healing. Topping off this heart-to-heart, we dig into the significance of honoring personal victories and the empowerment found in self-validation. Listeners are invited to relish the transformative impacts of such milestones, as I reflect on the liberating shift from a turbulent marriage to the fulfilling world of freelance writing. We wrap up with a heartfelt discussion on the promise of collaboration and the enduring value of friendships carved from shared struggles. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for those seeking to fortify their professional lives and personal narratives with authenticity and conviction. InstagramE-mailBuy the Book!CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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Actualizing Your Worth: Navigating Salary and Success with Dorothy Mashburn

Imagine mustering the courage to demand the salary you truly deserve—Dorothy Mashburn, the negotiation virtuoso, and I, Minessa Konecky, unravel the complexities behind this daunting task. This episode is a treasure trove of insights, empowering you to peel away the layers of societal conditioning and self-doubt that have long dictated our worth in the workplace. Together, we dissect the systemic ideologies and gender-specific hurdles that often handcuff our confidence, providing you with the strategies needed to assert your value and secure the compensation that reflects your true worth. Swaying in the gravity of societal expectations can paralyze us from climbing the ladder to financial empowerment. Join us as we shed light on the psychological tactics of anchoring in salary discussions and the transformative power of having a strong 'Option B'. Dorothy Mashburn's wisdom is a beacon, guiding you through the nuances of workplace dynamics and teaching you how to flip the power balance in your favor. Our conversation is a masterclass in crafting leverage and the fine art of transforming negotiations into partnerships, instilling a bold confidence that radiates through every aspect of your professional and personal life. This episode isn't just about asking for that raise; it's a playbook for approaching all of life's negotiations with clarity, confidence, and the joy of knowing you're stepping into your power. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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The Resilience Revelation: How Recovery Fuels Our Strength with Nancy Medoff

Embracing the ebb and flow of life's relentless pace, bestselling author and speaker Nancy Medoff joins me, Minessa Konecky, for an insightful conversation that's sure to reframe your perception of resilience. You'll feel the tension ease from your shoulders as we navigate the landscape of self-care, sharing stories of how the art of recovery is not just a counterbalance to burnout but a foundation for thriving in both personal and professional spheres. Our exchange extends an invitation to you, the listener, to redefine the way you approach rest and productivity. This episode invites you into the heart of our reflections, where memories walk hand in hand with mindfulness. Discover the transformative power of regular walks, quality sleep, and setting boundaries, not as mere strategies for enhanced output, but as cornerstones of a fulfilling life. Nancy and I ponder on how these small, yet intentional choices ripple out to create a richer, more vibrant existence. Finally, step behind the curtain to see how setting clear boundaries with clients and partners is crucial in maintaining not just our sanity, but our creative integrity. I'll reveal strategies from my professional playbook on managing expectations and upholding the sacred space where our best work comes alive. Wrapping up with the successes and inspirations drawn from Nancy's Cape Cod retreat, we underscore the continued journey of growth and the importance of staying connected with mentors who champion our evolution. Join us for an episode that not only illuminates these vital themes but also emboldens you to take the actions that return you to your best self. CONNECT WITH NANCY InstagramLinkedInWebsiteCONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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Finding Immigrant Joy - A Therapists Hidden Insights

Where does fear reside, and how can we conquer it, especially in the pursuit of new opportunities? These are the questions we grapple with as we examine the unique experiences of women of color in the workplace, guided by the wisdom of our guest, Duly Orozco, a licensed mental health counselor. We delve into the power of relationships, the potential for greatness, and the challenges that inhibit us from forging meaningful connections. Much like an expedition, we set out to explore the vast landscape of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We take a critical look at assimilation in the United States and the alarming implications of anti-Arabic violence. We unfold the importance of representation in leadership roles and expose the inadequacies of a 'one size fits all' approach to diversity initiatives. This journey compels us to understand the individual stories and experiences that shape our identities, both in and out of the workplace. Finally, we wrestle with our own biases and the discomfort they stir within us. It's a confrontation that invites us to exercise self-compassion and empathy. We explore how to cultivate relationships, the power of vulnerability, and the growth that comes from recognizing and confronting our biases. Join us, as we open the door to these exciting conversations and more with Duly Sierosco. We guarantee it's a conversation that will challenge, enlighten and empower you. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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Harnessing the Power of Local Networks: The Inspiring Journey of Jen Maseda and She's Local

Ever wondered how to transform a setback into a force for change? Our latest conversation with Jen Maseda, the woman behind She's Local, is proof that passion can fuel reinvention. She's Local is all about creating hyperlocal experiences, fostering connections between women in the same communities through affordable and relevant conferences. Jen opens up about her own journey, turning job loss into an opportunity to create this empowering platform. During our conversation, we discuss the first hyper-local conference, Metro West, and Jen shares her commitment to curate experiences that empower women. We delve into the shift in energy when attendees transform from mere spectators to ardent supporters of the speakers, emphasizing the potential impact of such setups. We also explore the challenges and rewards of organizing such events and the power of resilience in this journey. The episode rounds off with an enlightening discourse on brand control, networking, and mission-driven risk-taking. We reflect on the challenges of maintaining control while scaling a brand, the perks of local networking, and the audacity required to be a purpose-driven risk-taker. We even touch on how anger can serve as a potent motivator and the struggles of maintaining control as a business scales up. So tune into this power-packed episode, and get ready to be inspired as we explore the entrepreneurial journey through the lens of this inspiring community creator, Jen Maseda. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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Making Retirement the Best Years of Your Life with Lisa Stornaielo

Can retirement be the most exciting chapter in your life? Lisa, a business owner and retired Fidelity , thinks so and she's eager to tell you why. We kick off with a refreshing chat about retirement, shaking off the outdated notion that it signals the end of one's working or even living and experiential journey. Instead, Lisa provides valuable insights into how this phase can be a delightful transition, filled with opportunities to fulfil personal dreams and goals. Ever wonder how to build a balanced 'life portfolio'? We join Lisa as she demystifies this concept and shares practical guidance on how to create one that suits your unique needs. We delve into the idea of using retirement as a stage for freedom and flexibility, encouraging you to dust off past dreams and utilize resources to build a vision for your future. This is a conversation that prompts you to look beyond the societal norms that place undue emphasis on productivity and to understand that rest and leisure hold their own value. We wrap up with an enlightening discussion on retirement planning not just as a financial necessity but also as a route to finding and living with purpose. Lisa speaks to us about the power of retirement workshops as a safe space to explore, the importance of perpetual learning, and the sheer joy of a purpose-driven life. It's not often you encounter a conversation that could change your perspective on something as significant as retirement, but this episode promises to do just that. Join us, and let's redefine retirement together. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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A Gentler Way to Happiness with Pascale Cook-Fernandes

Have you ever questioned your happiness? Ever felt as though, despite seemingly having it all, something was still missing? Join us and our open-hearted guest, Pascale Cook Fernandes, as we examine a heartfelt journey from the surface of perceived perfection to the depths of authentic self-discovery. Pascale's experience as a stay-at-home mom with an idyllic lifestyle, yet experiencing a profound sense of lacking, evokes a universal conundrum. We dive deep into discussions around the influence of masculine and feminine energy on our lives, the societal stigmas and labels that can often hold us back, and the significance of embracing our unique blueprint. With topics ranging from gender and energetics to muscle testing as a tool for decision-making, we navigate the complexities and joys of self-understanding, all while sharing our personal encounters. Embark on this exploration of personal expression, supportive friendships, overcoming fear, and embracing authenticity. Pascale gives us an inside look into her business, Women Finding Clarity, and shares about her podcast, The Happiness Workshop. Through the power of conversation and sincerity, we hope to inspire you to connect with your own authentic self. Join us as we ignite a spark for true happiness, one that starts from within and radiates out into the world around you. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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FLIHH to New Heights with Sherri Damon

Ever wondered how therapy could impact your day-to-day life, not just during the session, but long after? Our special guest, Sherri Damon, founder of Fly and a renowned psychotherapist, joins us to shed light on this critical aspect of therapeutic healing. We delve into her innovative Coper model, designed specifically to assist those combating eating disorders, and the transformative role of her wellness retreats in this journey of recovery. In this episode, we take a deep dive into the correlation between our nervous systems and stress, exposing the hidden triggers of burnout. Sherri walks us through the often neglected connection between our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and how understanding them can help us handle stress better. We also embark on an enlightening exploration of Sherri's innovative models: COPER and TheraFarm. These models hinge on connection, optimism, play, empowerment, and resilience as the cornerstones of health and healing. Sherri’s commitment to making wellness accessible to all, regardless of income or insurance, is truly inspiring. We learn about the treatments, wellness retreats, workshops, and therapies available at Fly and Butterfly Farm, and how they are breaking barriers to make healing accessible. From the benefits of retreat spaces to the importance of work-life balance, we discuss it all. So tune in, learn and embark on a journey towards optimal health with us. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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Maybe You're the one Who's been Right All Along? With Beth Knaus

Have you ever found yourself doubting your skills or talents, even when you're great at what you do? You're not alone. I had the privilege of sitting down with the incredible Beth Knaus, a brilliant editor, podcast host, speaker, and confident female entrepreneur who knows the struggle of self-doubt all too well. Beth has spent years intentionally building a foundation that allows her to communicate confidently. Together, we explored the labyrinth of self-doubt and the importance of confidence in our personal and professional lives. Our conversation ranged from professionalism and brand messaging to the power of clear communication. Beth narrated her professional journey, which took her from the beauty industry to being a renowned copywriter and brand messaging consultant. She emphasized the key to being a professional is not in the superficial details but in your ability to solve a client's problem. We reflected on our experiences with career transitions, the importance of finding a career that fits our strengths, and the challenges of overcoming self-doubt. Beth offered insightful advice on how to navigate these transitions while maintaining your confidence. We also delved into brand messaging, exploring the importance of clarity in your message to bolster online confidence. We touched upon the dangers of perfectionism and how to tackle naysayers when pursuing your goals. Beth shared her experiences of achieving dreams through setting goals and the importance of community support in our pursuit of success. Her journey is a testament to the power of confidence and perseverance, a story that is sure to inspire and motivate you to push past self-doubt and achieve your goals. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion with Beth Knaus. It's time to overcome self-doubt, embrace your strengths and confidently step into your success. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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How to Make Friends as a Grown Up

In this week’s podcast, join me as I share my personal journey of building connections and creating a sense of community, even in the face of challenges like social anxiety, neurodivergence, and constant pain. Throughout my life, from moving countries to navigating various towns within Massachusetts, I've developed a unique system that allows me to thrive socially while respecting my own boundaries and needs. Check out the entire podcast and video here: CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:


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Hack Your Way to Happiness with Tanessa Shears

Ever feel like you're simply surviving, not thriving? Health consultant Tanesa Shears, who specializes in helping entrepreneurs, has a powerful answer to this predicament - biohacking for optimal performance. Our intimate chat unpacks how using wearable technology to fine-tune our brains & bodies can lead to improvements in our sleep, diet, and overall resilience to stress. Tanesa's mantra, progressing 1% at a time, emphasizes the power of small, consistent changes and how they can significantly modify our lives, both professionally and personally. We then shift gears to discuss the ever-present challenge of balancing work and leisure. Tanesa shares her unique journey, from launching her business in 2014 to becoming a new mom in 2020, and how she creates boundaries to safeguard her own mental health. We examine how systems and optimization are crucial in managing mental load, particularly in business and marketing. Are constant notifications draining your energy? We tackle this common issue head-on and explore methods of creating a middle ground that respects your need for downtime. Finally, we dive headfirst into the topic of combating self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Our conversation covers the power of language in decision-making, the necessity of carving out guilt-free time for ourselves, and how small decisions can have major ramifications. Ready for a shock? Tanesa's personal commitment to a daily cold shower for 10 days makes a compelling case for how minor habits can drastically improve our lives. Join our conversation to not just learn about, but truly understand how to optimize your life for maximum performance. CONNECT WITH ME MORE AT: 🎵 Thank you to Karacter for allowing me to use Telepathy (2005) in my intro. This is one of my favorite albums of all time. 👉 Check it out:
