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The Art of Falling Asleep

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Art of Falling Asleep is a podcast where insomniacs can feel guided and understood, and given a place to slowly integrate outside the box concepts with their sleep. Grounded in the science of sleep, this podcast will venture to explore creative angles for sleeping better in the short-term and long-term, all inspired by my success and my client's successes out of insomnia, under the guidance of my proprietary sleep system, the Art of Falling Asleep. Please come hang out with me, and start sleeping better!


United States


The Art of Falling Asleep is a podcast where insomniacs can feel guided and understood, and given a place to slowly integrate outside the box concepts with their sleep. Grounded in the science of sleep, this podcast will venture to explore creative angles for sleeping better in the short-term and long-term, all inspired by my success and my client's successes out of insomnia, under the guidance of my proprietary sleep system, the Art of Falling Asleep. Please come hang out with me, and start sleeping better!





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Quality Vs Quantity

If waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back to sleep has become your greatest sleep challenge, you may be looking in the wrong place and trying to fix the wrong problem. You also may be facing a couple of different dilemmas regarding nighttime routines: 1) being too sleepy or lethargic to go through a sleep ritual 2) feeling like you have to trade quality for quantity In this episode I talk about how these dilemmas occur, and how to reframe this very common problem so that you aren't spinning your wheels looking for right solutions for the wrong problem. There is an easier way to get quality AND quantity. Stick around and have a listen! Ready to learn more about the Art of Falling Asleep and your transformational path?


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The Monkey Wears a Watch

What does it really mean to sit with it? In this episode we'll get into the illusion of resistance and the reality of sleep. How waiting it out is the only way in, with sleep & with life. The monkey has a place to go, and so do you.


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Good Grief

What is sleep trying to tell us about grief? In this episode I discuss the daily role of grief in our lives and how experiencing grief every night supports a deeper, more spiritual experience of sleep.


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In this episode I explore the true essence of forgiveness, why it can feel so hard to offer and how we can better at it, to sleep better and to grow.


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My Space

In this episode I discuss our most valuable asset, space. Literally the space that exists all around us that feels restricted when we can't seem to sleep. It's not a novel concept but one that's easy to forget about. Tune in to learn more about how to practice developing a better relationship with space and claiming the space that is naturally yours.


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Have you ever tried surrendering but not really feel like anything happened? In this episode I'll explain my process for surrendering and walk you through the 2 steps I take to release back into the flow of life and sleep...


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Eliminating Shame From Falling Asleep

We all want to find out what's at the root of the problem, and taking that journey can be one of the most satisfying processes of the human experience. But it can also feel like a hostage situation when finding the source of "that thing" feels like the only way you'll ever be able to sleep. I have made it my case since I reversed my own insomnia and started coaching that yes, achieving "resolve" is a wonderful tool for overcoming insomnia, but it's not the only one, and in the meantime you can still sleep. One of the keys to being able to do this is making distinctions with shame, shame the ally or shame the obstacle and being able to exercising the obstacle out of your body. In Episode 8, I will share a simple concept for making peace with shame. I do hope you listen and I do hope this episode helps you feel better on your journey.


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The Insomnia Reversal Mindset

Sleep takes place with the body, but the creation of transformation starts with the mind, in particular the mindset. If you have been struggling with insomnia far too long, turning loose from it is more about the mindset than the sleep. In Episode 7, I'll breakdown the difference between the two mindsets used to achieve sleep, how one is not inherently wrong, but how the other is appropriate for breaking free from insomnia.


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Just Passing Thru

The first stage of resistance is trying to let go of something that was never yours. Join me for Episode 6, we'll honor the concept of the Fall season and explore the essence of what it really means to "Let Go." ⁠ If you've struggled with letting go in the past, this episode will serve you with a concept that makes it less complicated. ⁠ Read the transcribed episode here.


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'Til Death Do Us Part

In this episode I share how getting in touch with your mortality may be the best way to practice balance & presence. Could insomnia just be the ego's belief that going to sleep without fixing your problems could mean it has to deal with them for eternity? It just may be. Join me in Episode 5 to learn more about the concept and feel for yourself! If you would like to read the transcript of this episode, check it out here!


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Weird Silence

Has the soundtrack of silence conditioned the body to experience trauma before sleep? Is it the silence, not the sleep that you might be struggling with? In this episode I explore silence as the setting for sleep, your relationship to silence, what to do with it, and the concept of being more present with silence in order to be more present to sleep. If you would like to read the transcript for this episode, check it out here!


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Matter Over Mind

Many describe their biggest obstacle to sleep as an "active mind." I propose that it's not an active mind but a mind disconnected from the body that is the real obstacle. In this episode I will discuss how physics insists the body has more influence over sleep than the mind possibly could, and how this newer, more helpful concept of "Matter Over Mind" can redirect "active thinking" back to consciousness and allow your mind to coexist with sleep. For additional resources to support your sleep: The easiest and best thing you can do for your sleep immediately is block blue light! Dormi's high quality blue blockers offer the best protection possible. Click on the link to learn more and start sleeping better. Use the discount code ART! If you would like to learn more about sleep or coaching, please visit my site. Send me a message and we can discuss different ways to fast track your journey out of insomnia! If you would like to read the transcript for this episode, check it out here!


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Phone, Keys, Wallet...

The planet is undergoing the biggest human energetic shift in its history! In Episode 2, I explain how this shift could be affecting your sleep, and how you can better acclimate using a sleep concept I call phone, keys, wallet. This concept takes the less helpful concept of "something is wrong with me" when you can't sleep and instead, focuses on the energy field as the culprit. I'll show you how to easily switch energy fields and experience the kind of conscious & unconscious change necessary to fall asleep. For additional resources to support your sleep: The easiest and best thing you can do for your sleep immediately is block blue light! Dormi's high quality blue blockers offer the best protection possible. Click on the link to learn more and start sleeping better. Use the discount code ART! If you would like to learn more about sleep or coaching, please visit my site. Send me a message and we can discuss different ways to fast track your journey out of insomnia! If you would like to read the transcript for this episode, check it out here!


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Why Can't I Sleep?

Deep underlying emotions can be the undercurrent of insomnia. In this episode, I talk about replacing trying to solve what is underneath by instead pondering the more artistic model of allowing life, with its wide spectrum of unpredictable experiences, to inform the formation of sleep on an unconscious level. For additional resources to support your sleep: The easiest and best thing you can do for your sleep immediately is block blue light! Dormi's high quality blue blockers offer the best protection possible. Click on the link to learn more and start sleeping better. Use the discount code ART! If you would like to learn more about sleep or coaching, please visit my site. Send me a message and we can discuss different ways to fast track your journey out of insomnia!
