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The Big Leap

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Big Leap is about two main things; one, Your Upper Limits. How much we can accomplish or achieve? How much love and abundance we can receive? And two, Discovering Your Zone of Genius. The difference between stagnation and success lies in the decisions you make in the moments that matter. This podcast is about those turning points -- the single decisions in life and business that change everything because the difference between stagnation and success lies in the decisions you make in the moments that matter. Gay and Mike will talk about business, relationships, limiting beliefs, and creating freedom and from time to time, you’ll also meet some of their favorite thinkers, thought leaders and celebrities and hear about their Big Leaps.


United States


The Big Leap is about two main things; one, Your Upper Limits. How much we can accomplish or achieve? How much love and abundance we can receive? And two, Discovering Your Zone of Genius. The difference between stagnation and success lies in the decisions you make in the moments that matter. This podcast is about those turning points -- the single decisions in life and business that change everything because the difference between stagnation and success lies in the decisions you make in the moments that matter. Gay and Mike will talk about business, relationships, limiting beliefs, and creating freedom and from time to time, you’ll also meet some of their favorite thinkers, thought leaders and celebrities and hear about their Big Leaps.



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3 Secrets to Creating Intrigue

Get ready to go down the rabbit hole of intrigue with today’s podcast episode. You won't want to miss this one! Gay and Mike uncovered the keys to captivating your audience from the moment you open your mouth. They're talking tips, tricks, and mind-blowing strategies to hook people in and leave them desperate for more. You'll discover: And just wait until you hear about Mike's magic tricks for creating an "oh wow" factor whenever he takes the stage! Here's a hint: It involves some mind-blowing Ai capabilities that will blow your mind. But beyond the concrete tips, Gay and Mike explore the deeper side of intrigue — how to tap into your life's purpose, ask beautiful questions that lead to beautiful answers, and channel your truth in a way that intrigues audiences and customers alike. This episode is a true masterclass in the art of captivation from two guys who have spent decades honing their skills on stages worldwide. Whether you're looking to uplevel your presentations, sales conversations, or just want to be a more fascinating human, you need to hear this! P.S. Gay shares some hilarious stories from his early days of public speaking that will have you laughing out loud. Another reason not to skip this one! Key Takeaways Additional Resources The Big Leap Experience!The Ai AcceleratorPS - TRY THIS! Mike's fully-automated system will capture and enrich leads and follow up with hyper-personalized custom websites on any channel (even WhatsApp): http://www.DigitalCafe.Ai


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3 Steps to Radical Simplicity and Joy

A “How-To” with Gay Hendricks Mike is psyched to share today’s new podcast episode with Gay Hendricks because he guarantees it will have you rethinking your relationship with "stuff." Gay opened Mike's eyes to some profound insights about how eliminating excess possessions and complications can create more space for your true genius to flourish. Gay talked about going through his closet each year and getting rid of anything he doesn't absolutely love wearing. Imagine only surrounding yourself with clothes that give you an "erotic experience" when you put them on! They also explored the concept of identifying the handful of people who light up when you enter the room - and prioritizing intimacy with them over shallow social obligations. Gay's annual "table of eight" tradition for ringing in the New Year is a fascinating exercise in conscious relating. This episode will inspire you to start editing out the nonessentials so you can focus on what you truly love. You may even find yourself ordering some luxuriously soft merino wool t-shirts or cashmere socks from Wales after listening! Whether you're drowning in clutter, overwhelmed by commitments, or just feel stuck in a rut, this conversation gives you an amazing recipe for injecting more simplicity (and love!) into your daily life. It's bound to leave you feeling lighter and freer. Key Takeaways Additional Resources The Big Leap Experience!The Ai AcceleratorPS: TRY THIS! Mike's fully-automated system will capture and enrich leads and follow up with hyper-personalized custom websites on any channel (even WhatsApp) http://www.DigitalCafe.Ai


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“Your Big Leap Year”- Gay's Brand New Book

Don't miss it! Mike has an insanely valuable resource to share with you today - one that's going to blow your mind wide open and put you on the fast track to unleashing your full creative genius. As you know, Mike's brilliant co-host, Gay Hendricks, is the legendary author of “The Big Leap” and other transformational books. Well, he just released a groundbreaking new book called “Your Big Leap Year,” and the conversation about it was truly next-level. Gay lays out a power-packed "owner's manual for your mind" to help you make daily expansions into living from your highest creative potential. He shares insights like: ⭐️ The two "sacred elements" that define true genius (and how to embody them) ⭐️ A shockingly simple commitment to transform your whole life ⭐️ His life-changing morning ritual (after 52 years of daily practice!) ⭐️ How to create the time you need to unleash your unique brilliance ⭐️ Visceral techniques to "feel" commitments in your body (not just think them) This isn't just theory, either. Gay draws from his own personal journey transforming from a broke, overweight smoker in a toxic relationship to international success as a pioneering author and human consciousness guide. He's spent over 50 years mastering how to unleash the creative fire burning within each of us. “Your Big Leap Year” is his masterful recipe book for activating that spark, with 367 profound (yet simple) daily experiences to stoke your genius flame. Do yourself a favor and take the first step on “Your Big Leap Year" by checking out this episode now. You will walk away with powerful mindset shifts and a clearer vision of your genius. Don’t forget to grab Gay’s new book on Amazon: Key Takeaways Additional Resources Click here to get Gay’s New Book: Ready to unlock the power of Ai to 3-10X your productivity and enhance your team effectiveness while growing your revenue? Take a moment to schedule a conversation with Mike's team. They can answer any questions and walk you through exactly what they can do for you AND your team. Click here: TRY THIS! Mike's fully-automated system will capture and enrich leads and follow up with hyper-personalized custom websites on any channel (even WhatsApp): http://www.DigitalCafe.Ai


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5 Steps To Ending Period Pain the Easy Way

Get ready for something TOTALLY different on this week's podcast… As you know, Gay and Mike like to go off the beaten path and get out of our comfort zones sometimes. Well, this week they went WAY out of their comfort zone and talked with an amazing young woman, Christine Marie Quigless, about something they never thought they'd be discussing on a podcast - women's periods! Not our usual topic, but hear us out… Christine has dedicated her life to helping women have a better, easier monthly cycle. She's written a book all about the science and psychology behind it called, “Ending Period Pain the Easy Way.” And here's the cool part - what she's discovered can teach us guys a LOT about ourselves too. The same principles of tuning into your body's wisdom apply whether you're a man or woman. Christine is so passionate and articulate. The story of how she met Gay and ended up speaking with him and Mike is pure conscious luck in action. She's on a mission to change women's lives, and the insights she shared have opened my eyes in all kinds of unexpected ways. So come with an open mind and get ready for a fun, frank conversation about something that affects half the human population. Not only will you learn a ton, but you'll be thoroughly entertained. Christine has so much heart and her enthusiasm is downright infectious. Mike and Gay were cracking up through parts of the convo. (Let's just say she does NOT hold back. The girl's got no filter and they loved it.) Check out this week's podcast and let us know what you think. Curious to hear your reactions to this one! Key Takeaways: Additional Resources:


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5 Steps To Double Your Luck With Stuart Lacey

Mike has something super special for you in this week's podcast episode — a fascinating conversation about luck, opportunity, mindset and manifesting positive outcomes with two unconventional thinkers. Gay and Mike sat down with Stuart Lacey for a fascinating exploration of luck. You're going to absolutely love hearing Gay and Stuart dive deep into what luck really means, how to cultivate it in your life, and their unique formulas for manifesting more luck. These are two guys who have thought more about luck than almost anyone Mike knows. Gay literally wrote the book on Conscious Luck and Stuart's new book is called "The Formula for Luck." So they've got some profound wisdom to share. They covered things like: Mike had so much fun geeking out with Gay and Stuart on this topic. As three naturally curious people, they got into the metaphysics, neuroscience, and social dynamics behind luck and good fortune. So whether you want to understand luck on a theoretical level or learn how to have more of it in your own life, you're going to find tremendous value in this episode. Jump in and let Mike know what gems you uncover! Key Takeaways Additional Resources“Conscious Luck: Eight Secrets to Intentionally Change Your Fortune” HEREThe Big Leap Experience


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How to Break Free from the Prison of Fear and Anxiety

This week, Gay and Mike go deep on how to overcome anxiety, fear and other crazy emotions that can hold you back from your next level of success and happiness. As many of you know, Mike went through some intense personal challenges earlier this year that triggered severe anxiety and fear in him. He's not ashamed to say he completely lost his mind for a bit! But with Gay's wisdom and support, along with some deep inner work, Mike was able to regain his center. In this episode, Gay and Mike share openly about our own journeys conquering fear and anxiety, including a terrifying THC reaction I had that sent me to the hospital! You'll hear amazing insights like: Trust us, this episode comes at the perfect time. If you're like us, you've probably noticed there seems to be more fear and anxiety swirling around lately than ever before. People are freaking out about all kinds of stuff - the state of the world, the economy, you name it. We also talk about how fear can actually be harnessed as rocket fuel for your next level. You just have to learn how to dance with the bear, as Gay likes to say. So if you or someone you care about is struggling with fear, anxiety or feeling blocked from your potential, do yourself a favor and have a listen. Key Takeaways: Additional Resources: Punch The ElephantThe Big Leap Experience!


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Big Leaps of Big Money: The Mindset of Wealth

Mike has a juicy new episode today that you're going to love. Gay and Mike have an honest conversation about the biggest money mistakes they've made over their careers, and some of their biggest wins and lessons learned. Mike confesses some horrendous investments he has made early in his career that lost half his investment and Gay shares how a stupid fear and mistake cost him $10 million (yep, you read that right) in potential gains on an early Tesla investment. They also share what they'd do differently if they had to start over today. Here are a few key points: They get super honest about family money dynamics, like trying to "coach" their own kids. Let's just say hiring and firing your own offspring is...complicated! Whether you're new to investing or an old pro, Mike thinks you'll find this episode motivating, insightful and entertaining. Have a listen and let's hear your key takeaways! Key Takeaways Additional Resources Punch The ElephantThe Big Leap Experience!


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Ai for Coaches: How to Automate Your Coaching Business in Minutes

If you want to take your coaching business to the next level (without being replaced by Ai), you need to listen to this week's Big Leap podcast. Gay and Mike covered some mind-blowing strategies on how to leverage Ai as a coach to be more efficient, effective and EXPAND your capabilities (not reduce them). This was one of Mike's favorite episodes because it was totally improvised and unscripted. Just he and Gay riffing on how to practically apply Ai as a coach TODAY. They built prompts in real-time, created content together, designed original artwork and even wrote client emails! You'll get a ton of value from hearing Gay learn new AI tricks—and how you can put these tools to work immediately in your own business. Gay also shares his personal insights on: The key to Ai is understanding how to prompt it. Mike shared his exact prompts, formulas and favorite tools with Gay so you can swipe what works! Want to know the craziest part? This technology is available to anyone right now for FREE or dirt cheap. If you want to learn directly from one of the legends in coaching and personal development - AND - get priceless tips on integrating Ai into your daily work, growing your biz faster and impacting more people… don’t miss this episode! Key Takeaways Additional Resources Ai Superpower Accelerator Directory by Mike Koenigs prompt that created all of this


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The Love Thief with Arielle Ford

Gay and Mike just finished an incredible podcast with their dear friend, Arielle Ford, about her debut novel “The Love Thief” and they can’t wait for you to hear it! Arielle is one of the world's leading experts on love, relationships and the greatest manifester Mike has ever known. She's written numerous bestselling non-fiction books like “The Soulmate Secret” and “Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate,” but this is her first foray into fiction - and what an adventure it's been! In this episode, Arielle takes Gay and Mike behind the scenes of how this book came to be. It all started with a crazy idea from her husband, Brian, involving aliens and operatic singing! But soon, the characters began “talking” to Arielle, almost driving her crazy. She found herself acting insecure for the first time in her career, constantly seeking reassurance from friends about her writing. Eventually, Arielle surrendered to the muse and let this wild story download through her. The result is a juicy tale of love, betrayal, spiritual awakening, and sweet revenge. Part Eat, Pray, Love, and part Dirty John, Arielle calls it "a romantic, spiritual thriller with a surprise happy ending." Mike won't give away all the details, but let's just say one of the characters was inspired by HIM! (It won’t be hard to figure it out.) Mike and Gay were fascinated and inspired to hear about Arielle's creative process. Even though writing this novel was torture at times, she learned a ton about herself along the way. And you have to hear her vision for the audiobook (something she hopes to turn into a Grammy-winning production). Just like her manifesting powers, Arielle's imagination knows no bounds! Whether you're an aspiring writer, novel lover, spiritual seeker, or just a fan of Arielle's work, Mike highly recommends giving this interview a listen. Arielle's joy is contagious. He knows you'll be inspired. Key Takeaways Additional Resources http://www.thelovethief.com


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Change Your Life with Ai + ChatGPT

Mike is really excited about this podcast episode today. Why? Because he and Gay are diving DEEP into a subject that he's been living, breathing, obsessing over, and teaching for months now. Can you guess what it is? That’s right… they're talking about Ai and ChatGPT. Gay and Mike go down the Ai rabbit hole, exploring the potential of this rapidly-evolving technology, particularly for coaches, healers, and writers. How can Ai make our lives easier, better, and more enriched? They'll unravel this mystery. In the last few months, Mike has spoken about and taught Generative Ai for Executives to thought leaders like Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis, and Dave Asprey and their thousands of patrons. Mike has even traveled to Spain to speak to a billionaire about integrating Ai into his 60 different companies. Needless to say, Mike has been DEEPLY immersed in this transformative technology, and he has some really cool insights to share with you! Mike has always been a problem-solver, a translator of the complex, and that's what he's bringing to the table today. He promises to break everything down so it’s super simple to understand AND implement. They'll discuss how Ai can act as your 'perfect first draft' partner, helping you think more clearly, ask better questions, and become a more empathic listener. It can revolutionize your speed of learning, doing, and achieving. It all starts with learning how to think in Ai so you can tell Chat GPT exactly what you want. Imagine communicating with a three-year-old who knows almost everything but remembers almost nothing. It’ll push you to face your limitations until you realize the only thing limiting you is your imagination. And once you get the hang of it, you'll see why Mike says you can practically bend time and access just about any wisdom and knowledge. This is more than just a conversation about Ai, though. It's a conversation about our future, our potential, and how we can evolve to keep pace with our creations. Get ready for an engaging, enlightening, and thought-provoking journey into the world of Ai. It's worth every minute, and as always, Mike can't wait to hear what you think! The future is here, and it's incredibly exciting! Key Takeaways Additional Resources Ai Superpower Accelerator Directory by Mike KoenigsPunch The Elephant - Big Leap Experience! -


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Surviving a Life-Changing Injury: Gay’s Big Adventure

Mike has an extraordinary episode for you today, one that is a soul-touching testament to resilience, recovery, and the human spirit. Gay shares a remarkable and deeply personal account of his recent adventure – a harrowing, yet enlightening experience following a serious accident. This episode isn't just about a physical healing journey; it's a spiritual odyssey filled with profound insights that arose from an unexpected ordeal. Those who struggle with imprints that command and control our lives, sometimes without us being aware of their presence, can relate to Gay's story. Gay talks about an unfortunate accident that had him immobilized for weeks, forcing him to pause and look within. In these solitary moments, he uncovered deep-seated imprints from his early life. This episode is an exploration of how a painful physical experience can bring to light life-altering realizations about self-worth, existence, and mortality. Gay’s candid narrative is nothing short of a modern-day hero's journey, a testament of grace and growth in the face of adversity. Get ready for a roller coaster of emotions and a treasure trove of wisdom. You'll learn how even the most challenging situations can help us grow and heal in ways we never thought possible. No matter what stage of life you're in, this episode will resonate deeply and offer a fresh perspective on dealing with personal adversities and unconscious mental imprints. Gay's story will inspire, motivate, and change the way you perceive life's unexpected turns. Key Takeaways Additional Resources Punch The Elephant - Big Leap Experience! -


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15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership with Diana Chapman and Jim Dethmer

Are you ready to redefine your business realm and discover what happens when you let go of drama? This week, Mike and Gay are stepping into the genius zones of Diana Chapman and Jim Dethmer, two extraordinary leaders doing groundbreaking work in the business world. They'll delve into the art of "Ineffective Training," a profound exercise designed to crack open your consciousness, and the enlightening distinction between "Stories and Facts." They'll also unmask the roles of the "Victim, Villain, and Hero" in our daily narratives and discuss the 'Big Three Payoffs' of saying NO to drama. It's a revelation you don't want to miss! Additionally, they'll explore the vast ocean of "Word of Mouth" marketing, unveiling the messages that resonate best and making some pretty large splashes along the way. Be prepared for some massive Aha moments. This episode is a veritable buffet of wisdom, so grab your notepads, jot down these gems, and gear up for some instant transformation. Whether it’s in your business or personal life, this episode is designed to impact, inspire and help you step into your zone of genius. Happy listening! Key Takeaways Additional Resources Conscious Leadership GroupThe 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership: A New Paradigm for Sustainable SuccessThe Big Leap Experience!


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SNL Comedian Kevin Nealon’s Big Leap from Stage to Canvas

There's an incredibly special treat for you in today’s episode… The hilariously charming Kevin Nealon! You've laughed at his comedy for years, and now you're about to fall in love with his art. You’re going to love this one! Mike and Gay dove deep into the evolution of an artist - exploring how Kevin constantly reinvents himself, from his comedic roots to his newly discovered artistic prowess. The episode covers a ton, but keep your ears sharp for Kevin's 'Big Leap' stories. The leaps he made in his comedy career and the creative leaps into the world of art will give you a profound insight into his evolution as an artist and a human being. And wait ‘till you hear the tale of how he met his wife. It’s laugh-out-loud funny! If you're an artist, a comedian, or just a human being trying to evolve, Kevin's words will strike a chord with you. His experiences remind us that evolution isn't just natural; it's necessary - especially in the areas we love the most. Get ready for an exciting ride with Kevin Nealon. You’re not going to want to miss this one! Key Takeaways Additional Resources Kevin’s BOOK on AmazonKevin’s WEBSITE @kevinnealon @kevinnealonartwork @sukiyeagleyThe Big Leap Experience!


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How to Tap Into Your Infinite Creativity + Intuition

If you're looking for a dose of wonder and inspiration, you're in the right place. In today’s episode, Gay and Mike are diving deep into the art of staying open and how wondering can lead to infinite creativity. Gay shares the details about how he stays open and keeps that space of pure consciousness alive and working for him at ALL times. They'll also share their own personal stories, including a hilarious tale of Gay's experience in the Zen monastery of an LA traffic jam, and a connection he made with Ram Dass himself. But what really stood out to Mike was Gay's discussion of the “third way of manifestation” where we tap into a space of pure openness without any content. A deliciously limitless space where intuition and creativity flow freely, and the universe has no choice but to reveal itself to us in all its glory. So if you're ready to tap into your infinite creative muse and experience the wonders of the universe, tune in to their latest episode of The Big Leap. And who knows, you might even discover some new ways to beat LA traffic or find the key to connecting with extraterrestrial beings! Stay open, friends. Key Takeaways Additional Resources Referral Party HERE!The Big Leap Experience!


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Reinvent Yourself or Rust Out: Break the Monotony and Reignite Your Passion

Today, Mike and Gay are talking about a term that Gay invented to describe the slow leeching of joy from an activity or from life. 😳 It’s called “Rusting Out.” We all know what burnout is, but Rusting Out is a different beast entirely. It happens when you resist the call of your genius and go through the same motions day after day after day. That sounds like a slow, painful death to Mike. Gay shares some real-life stories about how rust out affects even the biggest artists who struggle to get on stage and sing the same song for 30, 40, or even 50 years. Can you imagine doing the same thing day in and day out for that long? But don't worry, this episode isn't just about the doom and gloom of rusting out. Mike and Gay also tell you how to avoid it and keep reinventing yourself. They'll share their best tips for breaking out of your routine and doing something new every day, even if it's as simple as brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand or taking a new route to work. So don't rust out, friends! Listen to this week’s episode and start busting out of your comfort zone. You never know where it might take you. Key Takeaways Additional Resources Referral Party HERE!The Big Leap Experience!


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Surfing The Leading Edge

Reinventing Yourself at Any Age Lots of people go into midlife without opening up to find out what their real genius is for THIS stage of their life. One of Gay’s mentors said, “Every Breath You Take after 50 is a choice between creativity or stagnation” and that’s what today’s episode is all about. Mike and Gay are talking about Surfing the Leading Edge and why it’s so important when making big leaps in life. They'll tell you about a woman named Christine Marie, who has created a program based on the Big Leap principles and her own research to help women with issues like PMS and endometriosis (something she struggled with herself, but was able to find relief through her program). They'll also get into the challenges that people face as they get older, especially in the entertainment industry, where ageism is a real issue and share stories of actors and actresses who have overcome those challenges and found success later in life. Mike spent a little bit of time talking about a project that's really lit him up recently. He's been co-authoring a book with his 20-year-old son, Zack. They've found a really creative way to collaborate together and Mike says it’s been a lot of fun. This one is a really inspiring episode that Mike thinks you’re going to enjoy. Give it a listen and let him know what you think! Key Takeaways Additional Resources Referral Party HERE!The Big Leap Experience!


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Steven Sashen, The Creator of Xero Shoes

The Evolution of A Renaissance Man What do you get when you combine a comedian, a sprinter, a filmmaker, an archer, and an entrepreneur all in one? You get Steven Sashen, and this week, Gay and Mike had the pleasure of picking his brain. One of the things that Mike loves about Steven is that he is a first-principle thinker with a wild background and an absolutely fascinating story. Today they'll delve into Steven's mindset, how he approaches problem-solving, and his guiding principle for making a living and having as much fun as possible. They also talked about some of the Big Leaps he's made in his life, from being a professional stand-up comedian to running a software company to accidentally starting a footwear brand with his wife that has grown to over a million customers worldwide. The thing Mike found most impressive about Steven was his willingness to look at any situation with a clear-eyed perspective and seek the truth. His insights and perspectives are something we can all learn from, and Mike thinks you'll enjoy hearing them. Tune in to The Big Leap Podcast for an insightful and entertaining conversation with Steven Sashen. Key Takeaways Additional Resources XeroShoes.comReferral Party HERE!


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The Secret to Unlocking Your Creativity

From Beethoven to Bach… Do you ever have a hard time getting your creative juices flowing? It’s okay… It happens to the best of us. No worries. Mike and Gay have you covered! In today’s podcast, they're diving into the world of creativity and sharing their own personal examples of how they approach creativity every day. You'll walk away with a step-by-step recipe for accessing your creativity and some cool facts about the sources of creativity used by Beethoven and Bach. (Hint: It involves the number 60.) Plus, you'll also get to hear about Gay's 60 Bean Cup of Coffee Ritual and Mike's barista class in Costa Rica. So, get ready for some rapid-fire ideas, a little bit of caffeine, and a lot of inspiration. Tune in to the latest Big Leap podcast now and make more big leaps by inspiring your own creativity! Key Takeaways Additional Resources NEW, #1 SELLING BOOK, YOUR NEXT ACT!The Big Leap Experience!


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Conscious Resting and Intentional Vacationing

We've just wrapped up a time of year that tends to be super busy and STRESSFUL for a lot of us. You’re probably feeling burnt out and in need of some rest and relaxation, right? Well, you're in luck because in today’s episode, Gay and Mike dive into the Art of Conscious Resting and Intentional Vacationing ...and it's not just about lounging on the beach with a cocktail (although they're all for that, too!) Gay shares his personal experience of discovering the power of deep rest on a trip to Maui, and how it changed the way he approaches vacationing. Mike and Gay also discuss the importance of finding balance and taking the time to recharge. They'll also delve into the concept of moving at the right speed for your essence and how it can improve your relationships and overall well-being. (A concept that has changed the way Mike is having conversations with his wife.) So, put down the to-do list and take a break to listen to this episode. Your mind (and body) will thank you. And you may even learn a thing or two about finding your own perfect way of Conscious Resting. Key Takeaways Additional Resources Fairmont Kea Lani Pod, #1 SELLING BOOK, YOUR NEXT ACT! Big Leap Experience!


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The Secret to Finding More Time in Your Day

This week, Gay and Mike discuss the T word… TIME. How do you manage your time? How do you define time? How are you saving time? Over the years, Gay and Mike have tried (and failed) many different time management techniques, and have figured out what works for them. For example, Mike has a hard and fast “No A-Hole’s” policy, and Gay has a “No Bad Energy Rule.” Similarly, they both hate scheduling and planning, and Mike absolutely can’t STAND doing “homework.” They'll reveal ways of getting around that stuff if you’re so inclined. Lastly, they'll give you the tips, tricks, and tools you need to find your perfect time management plan. Believe it or not, Mike ONLY uses the calendar app on his phone. Wouldn’t it be nice to get rid of all the other apps you have to plan and manage your time? Listen to the whole episode to find out how to become your best “you” by managing your time and energy. P.S. This is the perfect holiday episode because they'll tell you how to say NO to negative energy — maybe that odd cousin you have to see at Grandma’s house? Key Takeaways Additional Resources NEW, #1 SELLING BOOK, YOUR NEXT ACT! Big Leap Experience!
