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Confident Fit Women Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

EMPOWERING WOMEN AND MAKING THEM CONFIDENT FIT WOMEN! I am your host Salomé Abeger and we are the hosts of the #1 weight loss podcast for women who want to lose weight, build muscle, and be confident while enjoying their lives. Without restrictive dieting or long workout, living our lives in a sustainable and enjoyable way. In this podcast I lay out the blueprint for you to succeed in your health and fitness journey without having to guess if you are doing the right thing For the past 4 years, I have helped over 200 women lose 27 lbs in the first 90 days and want to change more women's lives! I know that if others can do it, so can you! From women empowerment to fitness, to fun - We will be coming at you once a week with a new episode to help you feel Confident, Fit and ready to crush your fitness journey. NO SLACKING, BACK AGAIN!


United States


EMPOWERING WOMEN AND MAKING THEM CONFIDENT FIT WOMEN! I am your host Salomé Abeger and we are the hosts of the #1 weight loss podcast for women who want to lose weight, build muscle, and be confident while enjoying their lives. Without restrictive dieting or long workout, living our lives in a sustainable and enjoyable way. In this podcast I lay out the blueprint for you to succeed in your health and fitness journey without having to guess if you are doing the right thing For the past 4 years, I have helped over 200 women lose 27 lbs in the first 90 days and want to change more women's lives! I know that if others can do it, so can you! From women empowerment to fitness, to fun - We will be coming at you once a week with a new episode to help you feel Confident, Fit and ready to crush your fitness journey. NO SLACKING, BACK AGAIN!



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The Truth About Fad Diets

In the quest for quick weight loss, many people turn to fad diets promising rapid results with minimal effort. These diets often come with catchy names and bold claims, but their effectiveness is usually short-lived. Understanding why fad diets don't work long-term can help you make better choices for sustainable health and well-being.Let's explore the truth behind these diets and why they're often more trouble than they're worth. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Why Weight Loss Plateaus Happen & How To Overcome Them

Hitting a weight loss plateau can be incredibly frustrating, but it's a common part of the journey.So today, let's dive into the science behind plateaus and explore some friendly, practical tips to push through them. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Celebrating Non-Scale Victories

The journey toward better health and weight loss, it's easy to become fixated on the number on the scale. However, true progress encompasses more than just weight loss. #confidentfitwomen


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The Connection Between Hormones and Weight Loss

In this episode, we are going to tackle hormones and how it connects to weight loss. Cause Hormones play a pivotal role in regulating many of the body's essential functions, including metabolism, appetite, and fat storage. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Mindful Eating Techniques

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to rush through meals or eat mindlessly while distracted by technology or other distractions. However, practicing mindful eating can help you develop a healthier relationship with food, improve digestion, and prevent overeating. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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How Sleep Is Crucial For Weight Loss

Today we are going to talk about Quality sleep is often overlooked but plays a crucial role in overall health, including weight management. Research has shown that inadequate sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, increase appetite, and impair metabolism, making it harder to lose weight and maintain a healthy body composition. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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The Secrets Of Metabolism

Unlocking the Secrets of Metabolism: How to Boost Your Body's Fat-Burning Potential. Today we are going to Understand how metabolism works and how to optimize it can empower you to boost your body's fat-burning potential and achieve your weight loss goals. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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5 Ways to Achieve Success in Your Weight Loss Journey

Today we are going to talk about 5 ways to achieve success in your weight loss journey. It can be hard to figure out what to focus on, and these are the best 5 tips! #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Celebrating Small Wins: Recognizing Your Progress

In the next 5 minutes I will teach you to finally start recognizing your progress and wins in your fitness journey! So you can start celebrating beyond what the scale says once and for all!!! #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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The Role of Hormones in Women's Weight Loss Journey

In the next 5 minutes I am going to explain how hormones play a significant role in your weight loss journey. And how you can make the right informed choices based on it! #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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10 Tips To Control Your Sweet Cravings

In the next 5 minutes I want to talk about strategies to kick your craving to the curb with some healthier alternatives.#CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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The Science Behind Stress and Weight Gain

Today we are going to talk about how stress is not helping your weight loss efforts and how it is impacting your fitness goals. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Setting Realistic Goals

In the next 5 minutes, we are going to talk about how setting realistic goals is essential for achieving success on your weight loss journey. Whether you're aiming to lose a few pounds or undergo a significant transformation, establishing clear and achievable goals provides direction, motivation, and accountability. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Understanding Portion Control: A Key to Weight Loss

In the next 5 minutes, I want to help you understand portion control and how important it is for your weight loss journey. It is 90% of your results! #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Finding Activities You Love

Exercise shouldn't feel like a chore; it should be a source of empowerment, joy, and self-expression. So today we are going to talk about how to find activities that you love for your fitness journey. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Ditching Diets: Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle

For many individuals, the cycle of restrictive diets and short-term weight loss goals can feel like a never-ending battle. However, shifting focus from quick fixes to embracing a sustainable lifestyle can lead to long-lasting health and wellness. And let’s talk about that today!!! #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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How Water Helps You Lose Weight

Water is often overlooked as a crucial component of a successful weight loss journey, yet it plays a significant role in supporting overall health and facilitating weight loss. So let's talk about it and give you some tips! #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Overcoming Emotional Eating: Strategies for Success

Today we are going to talk about Emotional eating, it is a common response to stress, boredom, sadness, or other emotions, where individuals use food as a way to cope with their feelings rather than to satisfy physical hunger. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Creating a Home Workout Space on a Budget

Today we are going to talk about investing in a home workout space can be a game-changer for your fitness routine, providing convenience, flexibility, and privacy. However, creating a home gym doesn't have to break the bank. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN


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Sleep and Weight Loss —The Surprising Connection

Today in this episode, we will talk about the quest for weight loss, many people focus on diet and exercise, overlooking the significant role that sleep plays in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. #CONFIDENTFITWOMEN
