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The MaxLiving Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Welcome to the MaxLiving Podcast, your source for taking charge of your health so you can perform at your fullest potential every day. In each episode, we will cover the foundations of natural health and action steps you can take. We will discuss the 5 Essentials® of true, natural health, including Chiropractic, Nutrition, Mindset, Oxygen and Exercise, and Minimizing Toxins, to help you unlock your best, healthiest self.


United States


Welcome to the MaxLiving Podcast, your source for taking charge of your health so you can perform at your fullest potential every day. In each episode, we will cover the foundations of natural health and action steps you can take. We will discuss the 5 Essentials® of true, natural health, including Chiropractic, Nutrition, Mindset, Oxygen and Exercise, and Minimizing Toxins, to help you unlock your best, healthiest self.



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Allopathy vs. Vitalism

Allopathy vs. Vitalism To close out Season 2 of The MaxLiving Podcast, hosts Dr. Ryan & Ashley Berlin discuss the importance of understanding the principles of health, specifically allopathy vs. vitalism. Allopathy is composed of mostly western medicine and believes in more of an outside-in approach to health. For example, in order to get healthy, you have to treat a certain condition. Vitalism on the other hand is a more natural approach where health is something that you already have inside of you. The purpose in sharing the difference between these two health principles is so you have the information you need to make informed healthy decisions for you and your family. Throughout the episode, the Berlin’s explained the 4 tenants of allopathy and how they differ from vitalism. They also explain the importance of getting to the root cause of your health problems with the help of the 5 Essentials: core chiropractic, mindset, nutrition, oxygen & exercise, and minimizing toxins. Thank you for tuning in to Season 2 of The MaxLiving Podcast! Keep the momentum going by checking out our earlier episodes, and stay in the loop by following us on social media for details on Season 3. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources


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Healthy Alternatives to Toxic Household Products

Healthy Alternatives to Toxic Household Products Today’s episode is a continuation of last week’s on toxicity in our daily lives. With spring cleaning upon us, it’s important to note that cleaning up our homes can also mean cleaning up our health, and we’re here to give you some tips on how to do just that. Learn what household products could be causing harm to your body & what healthy alternatives we suggest in order to avoid the damage of toxins. First up let’s talk about water. Tap water has been found to contain a plethora of toxic chemicals including arsenic, and lead just to name a few. Not only can this be harmful when you’re drinking water, but also when you’re taking a shower, brushing your teeth, etc. The easiest thing you can do to avoid toxic tap water is to get some sort of filtration system whether it’s individually on your shower head, sink, or through your entire house with a whole-house filtration system. Another toxic household item you may want to consider switching is your cleaning products. Ashley Berlin explains that what you’re spraying on your kitchen counters matter because if your kids drop food on the table and eat it, they may be consuming remnants of the toxic cleaner that was previously used there. There are plenty of clean brands nowadays that make non-toxic cleaners such as Branch Basics, but if you’re looking for a cheaper option check out our article to see how you can make your own at home! Be sure to listen to the full episode to hear Dr. Ryan & Ashley’s recommendations for non-toxic cookware, makeup, and more! And be sure to reach out to your local MaxLiving office for details on how you can attend their Terminate Toxins event in just a few weeks. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources last week’s podcast episode on


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3 Hidden Toxins in Your Everyday Life

3 Hidden Toxins in Your Everyday Life Due to the recent toxic spill in Ohio, it’s raised concerns for a lot of people about the presence of dangerous chemicals in our environment. Toxins can be found in our food, water, and even the air we breathe causing damage to our health. MaxLiving and the 5 Essentials prioritize minimizing the amount of toxins present, whether through detoxification or by adopting new lifestyle habits to mitigate chemical exposure. In this episode of The MaxLiving Podcast, Dr. Ryan & Ashley Berlin discuss the issue of toxicity and how to avoid it. In order to live a healthy, toxin-free life, you have to become aware of what toxins you’re encountering on an everyday basis. The Berlin’s explain the three main culprits of toxicity including pharmaceuticals, processed foods, and chemicals that enter through the skin such as makeup, sunscreen, personal care products, etc. While reducing exposure to these items is a great start, there are other detoxification strategies you can take to further help your body heal and function optimally. One way is to get regular chiropractic adjustments to remove interference in the spine and nervous system. Additionally, you could take supplementation such as MaxLiving Detox System or Max Cleanse to flush out toxins. During the month of April, our MaxLiving offices across the country will be hosting their own Terminate Toxins event where you can learn more about how you can steer clear of toxins on a daily basis. Reach out to your local MaxLiving location for details and ticket information. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources how to cleanse the body of


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How Can Chiropractic Care Transform My Life?

How Can Chiropractic Care Transform My Life? Our MaxLiving Chiropractic Clinics see miracles happen in their office everyday. Now you may be wondering - how can chiropractic care change someone’s life? By finding the root cause of our patients' health problems, we may be able to help improve the functioning and healing of the body. You see - chiropractic is centered around your spine and nervous system which are the core of all of your body’s functions. When there’s interference in the spine and nervous system, your body can’t function as it’s supposed to since communication from the brain to the body is disrupted. Through the use of x-rays and nerve scans, we can help pinpoint the interference in the body and perform unique chiropractic adjustments to restore healing. Tune in to today’s episode to hear real stories from MaxLiving Chiropractic patients about how living a 5 Essentials lifestyle has transformed their wellbeing. “There’s no better time to change your life than right now,” -Ashley Berlin. If the testimonials shared in today’s episode made you think of yourself, a friend, or even a family member who struggles with their health, it’s time to do something about it. Investing in your health now will only help you in the future and we’re here to help. Take the first step by finding your local MaxLiving location. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources


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Why Physical Strength Adds Value to Your Life

Why Physical Strength Adds Value to Your Life In order to thrive and survive in everyday life, you have to have some sort of physical strength. Whether it’s being able to bend down to tie your shoe, lift a toddler off the ground, push open a heavy door, etc. - strength is a necessity. With sedentary lifestyles on the rise, it’s important to understand the benefits of moving the body in order to build the strength your body requires everyday of The MaxLiving Podcast. A lot of people have the idea that when you workout you have to focus on one area of your body at a time such as Monday being arm day, Tuesday being leg day, etc. While that may seem like a good idea, you don’t always just use one area of your body to complete a task. If you’re picking up something that fell on the ground, you have to use your legs, your arms, your core, & possibly even more areas of the body to pick it up. According to the Berlin’s, there are a few major movements you can do to increase strength: The key is learning how to do these movements correctly so that you can perform strength tasks such as bending down, picking up, pushing out, and lifting above your head easier. Another effective way to get your heart rate up while also building strength is through our 12 minute HIIT workout program, MaxT3. With over 24 workouts and 80+ exercises to choose from, this at-home exercise tool is perfect for anyone who’s looking to move their body, but doesn’t have hours to do so. If you found this episode helpful, leave us a review on your favorite podcast app. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources


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How to Get the Most Out of Chiropractic Care

How to Get the Most Out of Chiropractic Care While you may think all chiropractors do the same thing, or offer the same quality care, that isn’t the case. MaxLiving Chiropractic doctors spend countless hours training on processes and procedures that help their patients heal and function optimally. When it comes to the outcomes of a patient’s care though, MaxLiving chiropractor Dr. Ryan Berlin and his wife Ashley say that there are 3 key components that influence how effective a patient's chiropractic care will be. Tune in to today’s new episode of The MaxLiving Podcast to learn how to get the most out of your chiropractic care. No matter if you’re a new corrective chiropractic care patient, or a long time maintenance chiropractic patient at your re-evaluation, these questions will still influence your results. We hope today’s episode gave you some insight on how these questions and answers could influence the outcome of how well your body heals with chiropractic care. Hear previous episodes of The MaxLiving Podcast by searching for our show on your favorite podcast app! *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources


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Tips to Avoid the Dangers of Sitting

Tips to Avoid the Dangers of Sitting What if we told you that something you do everyday could be a contributing factor to poor health? According to the Mayo Clinic, sitting for long periods of time whether you’re at work, school, in the car, or lounging on the couch has been compared to doing as much damage as smoking would. While it may seem impossible to not sit in these situations, there are some things you can do to offset the amount of sitting that you’re doing in order to avoid possible health risks. Tune in to today’s episode of The MaxLiving Podcast to learn tips to avoid the dangers of sitting. Contrary to popular belief, sitting is actually more harmful on your spine than standing. For example, when you’re standing, your spine is being supported by your legs, but when you’re sitting, all that pressure is being put on your lower back. The position you sit in as well could cause even more pressure such as if you cross your legs or have a wallet in your back pocket. A few tangible strategies Dr. Ryan & Ashley Berlin suggest to avoid the dangers of sitting include: Share this episode with someone who sits for long periods of time. It could possibly save them from developing health issues as a result of their prolonged sitting in the future! *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources


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Becoming the Health Leader in Your Community

Becoming the Health Leader in Your Community If you’re a MaxLiving Chiropractic patient who’s experienced a health transformation through the 5 Essentials, this episode is for you! Can you imagine what your life would be like if you didn’t start care at MaxLiving? Pretty crazy right. Now think about a friend, family member, neighbor or coworker who struggles with their health. While it may sound crazy, YOU may have the power to change that person’s life forever. As the Developer of Chiropractic B.J. Palmer once said, “you never know how far reaching something you may think, say or do today might affect the lives of millions tomorrow.” Be sure to listen to today’s episode of The MaxLiving Podcast to hear how you can become the health leader in your community. You may be thinking, “I’m not qualified to be a health leader,” but in fact, you are! As someone who’s had first hand experience with a health transformation, you have the knowledge and resources to share your story with the people in your community that need it. Along with your experience, you’ve also had the opportunity to learn about true health and the incredible power your body inside of you by being part of a MaxLiving office. So many people in your everyday life are in pain or confused, thinking that their health will only get worse as time goes on, but that doesn’t have to be the case! We’ve helped thousands of patients achieve health goals they never thought were possible… and it's all thanks to patients like you who have shared their story. Do your part and make a difference in someone’s life by becoming the health leader in your town. Invite a loved one to a community dinner or workshop, explain to them the power of chiropractic care, or get their contact information so we can reach out to help. Together, we can change the health of so many. If you enjoyed today’s episode, be sure to leave us a review on your favorite podcast app! *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources


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Understanding Fat & Your Metabolism

Understanding Fat & Your Metabolism Did you know that there are action steps you can take to possibly speed up your metabolism? Since your everyday behaviors make up your metabolism, eating a healthier diet or even working out may be able to increase your metabolic rate. Don’t miss today’s episode of The MaxLiving Podcast to learn all about fat and what you can do to increase your metabolism. Dr. Ryan and Ashley Berlin explain the 3 primary purposes that fat provides to the body: Fat isn’t always a bad thing - it’s actually essential to the wellbeing of your body (in healthy amounts of course). Similarly, your metabolism is responsible for all the functions in your body to keep you alive, including the process of how the food that you eat turns into energy or heat. Our MaxLiving offices across North America are hosting their “Kickstart Your Metabolism Makeover” throughout the month of February. If you enjoyed today’s episode and want to learn more, contact your nearest MaxLiving location to reserve your spot. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources


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Biohacking: is it worth it?

Biohacking: is it worth it? What do a fitness tracker, sauna, and ice bath all have in common? They’re all examples of biohacking. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, biohacking involves making incremental changes to the biology of your body in order to enhance its ability to function. While biohacking can be a very useful tool, it’ll “never going to outsmart innate intelligence,” -Dr. Ryan Berlin. To hear more about biohacking and to find out if it’s worth it, be sure to tune in to today’s episode. Dr. Ryan says “a lot of our lifestyle has become so unnatural.” Whether it’s keeping our temperature stagnant in our house, or keeping a close eye on our fitness tracker data to see what is normal and what’s not. Instead, the Berlin’s recommend doing more natural things to enhance the body such as going outside and getting sun exposure for at least 15 minutes a day or working out to sweat out toxins. For more from today’s episode, listen on your favorite podcast app! *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources Read more about innate


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How to Find Your “Big Why”

How to Find Your “Big Why” The new year is in full swing which usually means you’re either still adamant about achieving your goals for the year, or you’re slowly losing motivation to do so. One of the reasons why you may find yourself lacking motivation is because you don’t feel tied to the goal. The good news is, you were born with a purpose for what you’re meant to do here on earth. Whether you know it or not yet that’s okay, but coming up with your “big why” may be able to help you gain success in achieving your goals and overall purpose in life. Tune in to today’s episode to learn how to find your “big why.” Dr. Ryan and Ashley Berlin suggest asking yourself the four critical questions below to get you to start thinking about what you big why is: One of Dr. Ryan’s “big why’s” is to be an example for his family and his patients. He explains that sometimes he wants to skip a workout, but in the back of his mind he knows that skipping a workout means a lot more than just not going. It means that he’s not being the example of what it means to be healthy for his kids. We hope that today’s episode helped you gain clarity around your “big why” so you can work towards crushing your goals. If you enjoyed today’s episode, give our show a rating on your favorite podcast app! *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources Read more about innate


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Innate Intelligence Explained

Innate Intelligence Explained Have you ever stopped to think about how incredible the human body is? No matter what you’re doing, it’s working non-stop to help you breathe, eat, sleep and live the abundant life you deserve. What you might not realize though is that there’s a process that helps your body adapt, change, and heal on its own, known as innate intelligence. If you’re unfamiliar with innate intelligence and what it is, or you’ve heard of it and want to learn more, you’re in luck! Today Dr. Ryan and Ashley Berlin will deep-dive into all things innate intelligence so you can work with your body, rather than against it. The reason why innate intelligence is such an incredible process is because your body already knows how to do it. You don’t have to tell your body to breathe, or your heart to beat - it happens on its own. Unfortunately though there are things that can interfere with your body’s ability to heal including spinal misalignment, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, etc. In an effort to assist your body in functioning more efficiently, Dr. Ryan and Ashley suggest removing interference in the body through chiropractic adjustments. Ashley says that “the greatest doctor is inside of you,” and we couldn’t agree more. Your entire body is capable of healing through innate intelligence, but it can’t communicate with all parts of the body if interference is present. Learn more about health and healing by listening to our previous episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts & more! *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Chiropractic Resources Read more about innate


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Natural Birthing 101

Natural Birthing 101 Bringing a child into the world is a beautiful thing, but the process leading up to having your baby can be nerve wracking and stressful at times. Since so many of our patients ask us about home births, we thought it would be fitting to re-share one of our favorite episodes that goes into a deep dive of natural birthing 101. In today’s episode our hosts will discuss their natural birthing experiences and share their advice for anyone considering a home birth. If you have a loved one who’s pregnant and considering options for how to give birth, please don’t hesitate to share this episode with them. Regardless of if they want to have a home birth or not, there’s a lot of mindset advice about birthing in general that any pregnant mom could benefit from hearing. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Prenatal Health


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Finding the Root Cause of Headaches

Finding the Root Cause of Headaches As 2022 comes to a close, we thought it would be fitting to look back at some of our favorite episodes throughout the year. Since a high volume of people experience symptoms such as headaches, today’s episode will be a repost of episode 47, “Tension Headache Relief.” Hear Dr. Ryan and Ashley Berlin discuss how to get to the root cause of your headaches, and how chiropractic care may be able to relieve your headaches. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a review wherever you listen to your podcasts. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.


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Holistic Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

Holistic Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System During the winter months it can feel almost impossible to stay away from sickness, but the good news is there’s action steps you can take on a daily basis to protect yourself from it. If you’re looking for holistic ways to strengthen your immune system, don’t miss today’s episode of The MaxLiving Podcast! Hosts Dr. Ryan and Ashley Berlin’s top piece of advice to improve immune system function is to increase your visits to the chiropractor. “Germs don’t make people sick, weak immune systems do. And your immune system is weaker when there is stress from subluxation interfering with your nervous system’s ability to control the immune system,” -Dr. Ryan Berlin. By getting adjusted more frequently, you can ensure your nervous system and immune system can heal and function properly. While chiropractic care is a great first step, the Berlin’s suggest a few other options to improve your immune system function. Since nutrition plays a pivotal role in the overall health of your body, it’s important you include the top 5 immune boosting foods into your diet such as healthy fats, berries, citrus, garlic, and protein. Another easy addition to your routine is adding supplements such as IM Support, Vitamin C Complete and Vitamin D. To learn more about the reasoning behind how these foods and supplements support immune health, listen to the full episode on Spotify, Apple Music & more. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.


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Maximizing your Morning Routine

Maximizing your Morning Routine If your morning consists of snoozing your alarm, spending time on your phone, or rushing to get out of the house, it’s time to make a change. Rather than starting your day on a chaotic note, try creating a consistent morning routine. According to Dr. Ryan and Ashley Berlin, a good morning routine includes a handful of microhabits that can help you feel more productive so you can win the day. Follow along for tips on how to create a productive morning routine. Ashley mentions that “morning preparation starts at night,” and we couldn’t agree more. Rather than wasting time in the morning to pick out your workout clothes or decide what workout you’re going to do, plan it the night before so you’re more likely to complete it in the morning. The same goes for any other habits you plan on adding to your morning routine such as journaling. If you have your journal on the nightstand right next to you, you’ll be more likely to write in it as soon as you wake up. When creating your morning routine, it’s important to note that not every plan will work for you. Dr. Ryan talks about how he used to try to read the bible first thing in the morning but it ended up making him more tired. Now he drinks a full glass of water, journals, does a workout, and then reads the bible before starting his day. Regardless of what you decide to add to your morning routine, make sure it’s beneficial to you and your needs in order for you to become the best version of yourself. Listen to the full episode on Spotify, Apple Music, & more for additional resources on how to maximize your morning routine. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.


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How to Set Mission-Centered Goals

How to Set Mission-Centered Goals As 2022 comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on the highs and lows of the year, and come up with a plan for how to make 2023 even better. Rather than setting unattainable goals, Dr. Ryan and Ashley Berlin suggest creating goals around your mission, vision, and purpose statement, so you’re more motivated to achieve them. Don’t miss today’s new episode of The MaxLiving Podcast to learn how to set mission-centered goals. One of the most important things you can do in life is to set your mission statement. Personal mission statements help clearly define your purpose and allow you to steer clear of distractions. Dr. Ryan states, “we all have the same 24 hours in a day… but it’s how we utilize it and the vision we have for it” that sets us apart. Before setting action steps for your new goal, it’s vital you identify what your current mission is in life either individually, or for your family. By understanding this first, you can have a solid foundation for everything you do. When it comes to setting mission-centered goals, Dr. Ryan recommends writing down your current habits vs. habits you need to change in order to achieve them. This will help you plan your days, weeks, and months accordingly so you spend time on what’s most important. If you liked today’s episode, share it with someone you love! New episodes release every Tuesday on Spotify, Apple Music & more. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. to set great new year’s resolutions@maxlivingofficial@maxliving.


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Give the Gift of Health

Give the Gift of Health If you’re having trouble finding the perfect gift for your friends, family, coworker, etc., we’ve got you covered. Gift giving is all about bringing joy to your loved one’s life, and the fact of the matter is, it can be hard to bring joy to someone who’s lost their health. Rather than giving a gift that lasts a few days, a season, or a year, Dr. Ryan and Ashley Berlin discuss giving a gift that will last a lifetime - the gift of health. While health may seem like a huge gift, it doesn’t have to be. Many of our MaxLiving doctors offer a discounted price on the first visit, which is a perfect option to gift your loved one so they can get started in the office and get a baseline of where their health is currently. Another option is to give your loved ones metabolic testing. MaxMetabolix is our functional nutrition & toxicity testing program that helps to detect disruptions & deficiencies in the body. If you’re looking to give more than just one visit or test, you could also give an entire care plan so that your friend or family member has all of their chiropractic visits taken care of. Ashley and Ryan mention other health-related items that they’ve gifted throughout the years, including any of our MaxLiving supplements, or the MaxLiving Align Your Health: Maximizing Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Newborn book. No matter how big or how small the gift you decide to get this holiday season, consider if it will make an impact on that person’s life. Health is something that everyone needs, but a lot of people don’t value until they lose it. Get started by contacting your nearest MaxLiving office. Want more of The MaxLiving Podcast? Listen on your favorite podcast app - Spotify, Apple Podcasts & more. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.


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How to Heal Fibromyalgia Naturally

How to Heal Fibromyalgia Naturally So many times patients with fibromyalgia are told that the only option they have to ease their pain is medication. While medication may seem like a great idea at the time, it can be extremely dangerous and could cause other complications down the road. In today’s episode of The MaxLiving Podcast, Dr. Ryan & Ashley Berlin discuss what they believe is the best option to relieve fibromyalgia pain and help heal the body with corrective chiropractic care. Dr. Ryan explains a research study done by the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology (2022), which concluded that a misaligned neck (specifically the cervical curve) may be a key factor associated with fibromyalgia. For those who are unaware, a normal neck is supposed to be shaped like the letter “C”. Unfortunately though, physical, mental and emotional stress can cause the neck to change shape and become straight, creating dysfunction in the body. Luckily for patients with fibromyalgia, chiropractic care may be able to help regain the normal “C” shaped curve by removing interference in the spine and nervous system. Our MaxLiving doctors across North America have helped thousands of patients experience a life without limits. If you or someone you know has fibromyalgia, be sure to share this episode with them! For more of The MaxLiving Podcast, listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts & more. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.


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The Importance of Practicing Gratitude

The Importance of Practicing Gratitude What if we spent the entire year focusing on gratitude and giving thanks rather than just during Thanksgiving? Gratitude not only helps us to feel good, but it also allows others to feel wanted and appreciated. Who doesn’t want more of that? In this week’s episode of The MaxLiving Podcast, Dr. Ryan & Ashley Berlin talk about what gratitude is, the positive impacts it can have on us, and the importance of reflecting on what you’re thankful for everyday. Dr. Ryan explains that “one of the best things about practicing gratitude is the more you use it… the more you see the things showing up in your life that you’re grateful for.” Whether you’re telling someone thank you, or writing in a gratitude journal, expressing gratitude has been found to improve sleep and overall well being (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). Read more information about gratitude and how to stay positive during the holiday season. If you enjoyed today’s episode, be sure to rate our podcast on your favorite podcast app. *Please note: the information shared on this podcast are the opinions/views of the hosts. The contents of The MaxLiving Podcast and website are strictly for educational purposes and are not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice because of something you heard or read on The MaxLiving Podcast or website. If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.
