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To 50 and Beyond podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

A podcast to help you find joy and confidence in going and staying alcohol-free later in life.


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A podcast to help you find joy and confidence in going and staying alcohol-free later in life.



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The Benefits of Staying Sober When You're Alone

Episode 292 I enjoyed drinking alone, and I know that being alone can be a challenge when you stop drinking. Whether you live alone or find drinking alone an enjoyable “reward,” but you don’t want to continue drinking, this episode is for you. Today, I’m answering a question from a To 50 and Beyond listener, Kim, as part of my six-week Q&A series. Kim sent me an email saying: I go about 30 days without drinking but find it hard to keep it going, mainly because I live alone. No one will know if I drink, so I often give in and tell myself—I’ll have just a little (you know how this goes) or just because I’m bored or miss my nightly glasses of wine. How do I break this habit of giving in because of feeling this way? In this episode, I discuss the benefits of staying sober alone in midlife: building more trust, pride, confidence, and patience with yourself when you stay true to what you want more than alcohol. I share suggestions to help you if you’re feeling lonely, bored, or in the habit of rewarding yourself with alcohol to create new rituals for yourself. My message to you is that you are not the only one who feels like drinking alone is enjoyable or lives alone and finds it hard not to give in. “I’ll just have one.” Give yourself time and lots of love and kindness to help you find new ways to manage your daily life without drinking alcohol. I’m with you 100%! Please contact me if you have a topic for the podcast or need a friend. Thank you for listening! Mentioned in this episode: The Daily Sobriety Toolkit Join Team Alcohol-Free Help me spread the word! There is another option besides drinking in midlife. If you liked this episode and want to take a few minutes to support the podcast, I encourage you to leave a positive rating and review on Apple Podcasts. So many women out there don’t know there is an “alcohol-free” option and are struggling with their drinking. Your support will help these women find the podcast this week and learn about an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life. ➡️Click here, scroll to the bottom of the page, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Make sure to “follow” To 50 and Beyond to get all the wonderful episodes coming your way. If you don’t click “follow," you will miss hearing what’s coming up. Thank you!


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Wondering if Your Drinking Isn't "Bad Enough" to Quit?

Episode 291 Today, I’m answering the question: What if my drinking isn’t “bad enough” to quit? I’ve heard this question from midlife women for years and asked myself this question for two years. f you are on the verge of going alcohol-free but aren’t 100% certain that your drinking is at a place where you “need” to remove alcohol completely, this is the episode for you. Even though my drinking was considered “bad enough” to quit on paper and in my heart, it didn’t mean that I stopped. For two years, I tried to justify and compare my drinking to others whose drinking was worse than mine. The purpose of this episode is to share some good news - you don’t have to measure your drinking by “bad” to go alcohol-free. I've got you, friend! During this episode, you’ll hear: My story and reasons why I was trying to moderate my drinking and make alcohol “work” What I envisioned of someone who had to quit drinking, and why I resisted being a sober woman Why the consequences of my drinking and others doesn’t make it easier to quit drinking The good news! Why you don’t have to measure your choice to quit drinking by labels or by comparing yourself to others How Gray Area drinking plays a role in our choice to stop drinking on our own accord The questions you can ask yourself if you are wondering if your drinking isn’t “bad enough” to quit Ask yourself these questions to learn more about where you are with your drinking and where you want to be: Why are you wondering if your drinking isn’t bad enough to quit? Is it to validate quitting or continuing to drink? If my drinking is not bad enough, how bad does it have to get? When is enough enough? What is holding you back from going alcohol-free? What if you allow yourself to create an alcohol-free lifestyle not because your drinking is bad but because YOU want better and different than what alcohol gives you? Don’t compare how you feel about alcohol and your drinking to anyone else - including me. Stay in your lane because that is where you will figure it out. 👊🏻 Mentioned in this episode: The Hardest Part of Getting Sober Email me with a question you would like me to answer. How I can help you: The Daily Sobriety Toolkit Join Team Alcohol-Free Plan A Private Coaching Help me spread the word! There is another option besides drinking in midlife. If you liked this episode and want to take a few minutes to support the podcast, I want to encourage you to leave a positive rating and review on Apple Podcasts. So many women out there don’t know there is an “alcohol-free” option and are struggling with their drinking. Your support will help these women find the podcast this week and learn about an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life. ➡️Click here, scroll to the bottom of the page, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I read my reviews and will hug you when I see yours. Make sure to “follow” To 50 and Beyond to receive all the wonderful episodes. If you don’t click “follow," you will miss out on what’s coming up. Thank you!


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The Hardest Part of Getting Sober

If you have a question you would like answered on the podcast, send me an email! Episode 290 If you are a gal in midlife who is questioning her drinking and having a hard time getting sober, I’m with you. In this episode, I answer a client's question: What was the hardest part of getting sober for you? After she asked me this question, I didn’t hesitate. The hardest part for me was deciding to stop drinking. I spent two years feeling stuck in decision fatigue and putting in lots of effort to make alcohol work. On August 11, 2013, I decided to go all in on what I wanted more than drinking alcohol. In this episode, you will hear: How and why I decided to stop drinking My take on what it means to “get sober” Why it’s difficult to decide to quit drinking (spoiler alert: it’s not you, it’s alcohol) The fears that I faced in going alcohol-free, which are shared among many women in midlife What it takes to go “all-in” on freeing yourself from alcohol My message to you… If you are having difficulty deciding right now, take a walk with yourself and map out a plan. Maybe now isn’t the time to take this on, and that’s okay - you can’t force yourself to get sober - you will figure it out, and you're on your way. I If you’re ready to go all in, you can do it. I believe in you. Be kind and patient with yourself and take it day to day. Thank you for listening! Mentioned in this episode: The Daily Sobriety Toolkit Join Team Alcohol-Free


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Living With the Regret of My Drinking as a Mom

Episode 289 Hey there, friend! This episode comes straight from my heart and is for the moms and grandmas of the world who feel regretful about their drinking. I share what becoming a mom was like, how I started drinking the day I came home from the hospital, and why I quit drinking for myself, not my son, but stay sober for him today. I also talk about how I'm living with the regret of my drinking as a mom. In honor of Mother's Day and where I am today on my motherhood road, I wanted to talk about this topic to let you know you are not alone. My favorite thing I said in this episode (yes, I'm quoting myself) is: I have never regretted the decision to stop drinking. Thank you for being here. I appreciate you! How I can help you: Download The Daily Sobriety Toolkit. Schedule a Discovery Session to enroll in private coaching. Get coaching and make new friends inside Team Alcohol-Free.


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The Daily Sobriety Toolkit to Help You Stay Alcohol-Free

Bonus episode Hello friend! I'm popping in today to share with you a new free resource I created, The Daily Sobriety Toolkit. I'm so excited to share this toolkit with you! The Daily Sobriety Toolkit is your trusted companion to help you plan your day and stay connected to the reason why you are choosing yourself over alcohol today. Not forever. You can grab your toolkit here. Thank you for listening! I will be on a break until May 8, 2024. See you back here then. Do you need extra support in going and staying alcohol-free? Learn more about my community, Team Alcohol-Free. To learn more about myself and my coaching, visit my website here.


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How Alcohol Affects Hormones During Menopause with Dr. Dawn Bantel

Episode 288 I first came across Dr. Dawn’s Instagram account and was immediately drawn to her passion for helping others and the way she teaches and shares her wisdom - which is why I reached out to invite her back to the podcast to help us understand more about what hormones are the hormones that are the key players during menopause and how alcohol affects our hormones during this time. Dr. Dawn is a Naturopathic physician with extensive experience in the treatment of substance use disorders, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, and is doing work in ketamine therapy, which she talks about in this episode. This episode is for you if you are a gal in perimenopause and beyond. It’s also for you if you’re not sure. About Dr. Dawn: Dr. Dawn is a licensed naturopathic physician in Arizona. She has specialized in addiction recovery for almost two decades, first as the medical director of an eating disorder treatment center and then as the medical director of a residential program specializing in addictions and trauma. She is passionate about transformation and believes integrative medicine is an important component of addiction recovery. What you’ll hear in this episode: The different stages of transition into menopause What hormones play a key role during perimenopause and beyond The hormones effected by alcohol during menopause How to approach your doctor and share about your drinking to get help The best course of action to take when it comes to your drinking Dr. Dawn’s services, including her latest research into Ketamine therapy Find Dr. Dawn here: Dr. Dawn's Website Instagram Facebook TikTok Mentioned in this episode: Dr. Dawn on To 50 and Beyond #165 Join Team Alcohol-Free


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Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder with Sarah Rusbatch

Episode 286 I invited Sarah Rusbatch to the podcast to talk about Alcohol Use Disorder and share how alcohol impacts women as we get older. Sarah is a Gray Area Drinking and Menopause coach, as well as the author of the book Beyond Booze: How to Create a Life You Love Alcohol-free. Sarah and I discuss the importance of addressing alcohol use disorder for women in midlife, exploring coping mechanisms, societal pressures, challenges, and the benefits of an alcohol-free lifestyle. We also talk about the effects of alcohol during perimenopause and how to emphasize self-care, empowerment, and building resilience for those contemplating reducing alcohol intake. You can read this episode's show notes here. Are you ready to get support in going and staying alcohol-free? Join Team Alcohol-Free today! Team Alcohol-Free is a safe and private community forum for women 35 and over who are curious about sobriety or already living alcohol-free. To learn more, click here.


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Drinking Moderately Vs. Moderating Your Drinking

Episode 286 What does it mean to drink moderately? Hello! I'm glad you're here. This episode will help you understand what it really means to drink moderately. I will share the latest research, and then we will look at what it looks and feels like to be the moderator of your drinking. I’m going to share my experience with trying to be a moderate drinker and why I couldn’t. I talk about the "moderation game" I played with myself and why just a little alcohol wasn't enough. This episode is for you if you’re working at drinking moderately and disappointing yourself because you can’t moderate your drinking and feel bad about yourself that you can’t. This episode is not meant to make you feel bad about your drinking. You are not alone if you are having a hard time drinking less. I'm with you. Read this episode's full show notes here. Mentioned in this episode: Florence And The Machine: Moderation Do you want help in creating a plan to stay alcohol-free in April? I will help you create a simple and flexible plan in April and every month after inside my community Team Alcohol-Free. You are not lacking willpower, but chances are you may be missing out on a plan, and a supportive community to help you see it through. Join Team Alcohol-Free today!


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When Alcohol is a Reward with Leigh and Anne Walkup

Episode 285 Hello, friend! I'm glad you're here! If you have ever found yourself saying, "I deserve a drink," or feel deprived when you stop drinking because you think of alcohol as a reward, you are not alone. You will appreciate today's episode with two of my favorite people: the twins are back! Leigh and Anne Walkup are the Founders of Retro Rodeo Publishing, LLC and Front Porch Life Magazine. They drank together and got sober together. They know a thing or two about using alcohol to treat themselves. In this episode, you will hear the signs of viewing alcohol as a reward and how to change your perspective to find new rewards without drinking. You can read the episode's full show notes here. Thank you for listening! Find Leigh and Anne here. Ready to get support to help you go and stay alcohol-free? Learn more about joining a community of women who understand where you are and have your back! Join Team Alcohol-Free 2024


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What I Needed to Hear When I Quit Drinking

Episode 284 Hello, friend! A short and sweet episode for you today where I reflect on what I needed to hear before I stopped drinking. One of the things I needed to hear before I quit drinking, wasn't easy to hear, but it was the catalyst for me to get to sobriety two years later. This episode goes out to those brave souls who are standing at the crossroads of sobriety. It is a nudge, not a push, to listen to more of what you're saying to yourself because chances are that is what you need, and deserve to hear today. Mentioned in this episode: Join my email community to receive my new freebie coming next week: The Daily Sobriety Toolkit, and to learn more about Team Alcohol-Free 2024 enrollment coming March 20th! Join here.


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Insights Into Addiction and 12-Step Programs Today with Angela Pugh

3/6/2024 283 This is an episode about the change of addiction and 12-step programs throughout the years and where we are today, with a woman who proudly shares how AA helped change her life: Angela Pugh. Angela Pugh is a Master Life Coach, speaker, and the host of the highly popular podcast, Addiction Unlimited. In this episode, you’ll hear: How alcohol affected her life, and what her drinking looked like before she quit drinking. Angela’s decision to seek support through AA after she caused a serious car accident. How AA meetings work today and how to make the program work for you. Angela discusses the terminology of drinking labels today and why labeling yourself is the least important part of quitting drinking. The meaning of “high-functioning” and Angela’s internal struggle as a high-functioning alcoholic. How the coping skills she built in recovery helped her through perimenopause. To read this episode's full show notes, click here. To find Angela: Angela's website The Addiction Unlimited Podcast Thank you for listening today! Visit to learn more about myself and my coaching services. Send me an email to say hello and tell me what you thought of today's episode. Join Team Alcohol-Free


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25 "Permission Slip" Ideas for Midlife Women

Episode 282 Hey there! I'm happy you're here. Today, we are exploring the concept of giving yourself permission to do and not do what you want. If it sounds silly, let it be! This episode is inspired by a group coaching meeting that I recently hosted inside my community, Team Alcohol-Free. In this episode, I talk about the insights women face when giving themselves a "permission slip," why giving yourself permission matters, and 25 ideas to help get you started. You can find the show notes for this episode here. Download the 25 Permission Slip Ideas PDF here. Here is a challenge for you today. After you tune in, send me an email to share one thing you are giving yourself permission to do or not do today. Team Alcohol-Free 2024 Opens for Enrollment March 20th Are you ready to join a caring and supportive TEAM of women who are exploring and living an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life? Join the Team Alcohol-Free interest list to gain access to all enrollment updates. In case you missed last week's episode, Getting Older and Staying Sober, check it out here.


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Getting Older and Staying Sober

Episode 281 Hey there! Today, I'm sharing a reintroduction to the podcast as it turned 6 this week! I also give you an update on life as a 56 year old sober woman. I share my thoughts, discoveries as I've gotten older, and why and how I maintain long-term sobriety. I talk about what I consider midlife, and how I manage past regrets, and what I'm doing today to keep my sobriety going. I also share an update about the future of To 50 and Beyond. I appreciate you for listening to and supporting the podcast. Always! Thank you! To read this episodes show notes, click here. Get on the Team Alcohol-Free Enrollment list here. Enrollment starts March 20th!


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Finding Freedom From Disordered Eating with Helen Bennett

Episode 280 Coach Helen Bennett is here with us to share her story of disordered eating, including binging and purging, and how she started to find freedom and heal her relationship with food. I invited Helen to the podcast because I appreciate her compassionate approach to using practical tools to get started in recovery and empowerment toward food freedom. Helen Bennett is a certified Health Coach and Addiction Recovery Coach and the founder of Disclaimer: This episode offers insights into binge eating and bulimia, along with practical tips to initiate the journey towards recovery. It is important to note that this podcast does not substitute professional medical advice. Rather, it serves as a source of inspiration, drawing from Coach Helen Bennett's extensive personal and professional expertise in overcoming disordered eating patterns. Click here to read this episode's show notes. Resources mentioned: Free Food Freedom Masterclass Helen’s website Let's stay in touch! Join Lori's email community to receive inspiration and tips on how to find joy + confidence in living alcohol-free later in life. Click here to join the mailing list. Private Coaching Are you interested in working closely to quit drinking for good? Schedule a complimentary discovery session to learn more about how private sobriety coaching can help you find joy and confidence in sobriety. Click here to schedule your session.


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The Signs of Gray Area Drinking with Kari Schwear

Episode 279 Have you ever found yourself questioning your relationship with alcohol? It's not like your drinking is “that bad,” but it's far from being something you can manage and still feel your best as you get older. You've noticed some downsides to your drinking, but quitting altogether feels like a big leap. The fear of judgment around being a non-drinker adds another layer to the mix. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. You might be a Gray Area drinker, joining a rising community of individuals navigating this middle ground. Let's explore together. In today's episode, I have invited Kari Schwear, a Gray Area Coach and Founder of Gray Tonic, here to explore the topic of gray area drinking and the signs. Kari shares her perspective, kindness, and wisdom to create a supportive space for anyone exploring their relationship with alcohol. To read this episode's show notes, click here. Thank you for listening today! Let's stay in touch! Join Lori's email community to receive inspiration and tips on how to find joy + confidence in living alcohol-free later in life. Click here to join the mailing list. To enroll in Team Alcohol-Free 2024, join the interest list here.


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Quitting or Continuing to Drink for Other People

Episode #278 This episode is for the gal who feels the inner struggle to quit or continue drinking because of other people. The inner struggle comes from hearing either you should stop drinking or you don’t have to quit drinking, but knowing that is not what YOU want. In my 5+ years of coaching midlife women, I have heard my clients say, “I know I should stop drinking. My kids are worried about me,” or “I want to stop drinking, but my husband doesn’t think I should.” It’s such a conundrum when you are faced with people who know you and love you but aren’t honoring what you want. The purpose of this episode is to let you know that you are not the only one who experiences feeling the pressure to quit drinking for other people or continuing to drink because people around her drink. Reach out via email if you need an alcohol-free friend. Click here to read this episode's full show notes. Join the Team Alcohol-Free interest list. Stay Connected Sign up to receive podcast episodes and tips to help you explore and create an alcohol-free lifestyle in midlife and beyond delivered to your inbox. Click here to join my email community.


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When You're Worried About Your Drinking with Gigi Langer, PhD

Episode 277 Hey there, friend! You are not alone if you are worried about your drinking. I spent two years trying to make alcohol work because I was worried about my drinking, but most of all, I was worried about what life would be like without alcohol. I know that worry around drinking in midlife is a much-needed topic, and that is why I invited our Gigi Langer to the podcast. Gigi used to be a prisoner of her worries and used alcohol, romance, and professional accomplishments to soothe her frayed nerves. Gigi holds a Ph.D. in Psychological Studies in Education and an MA in Psychology, both from Stanford University, and she is an author talking about the book 50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection. Click here to read this episode's show notes and access the resources mentioned. Receive a special offer on Gigi's book, 50 Ways to Worry Less and pay only $6.00 for shipping. Click here for the offer. Stay Connected Join my email community here. Visit my website here.


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My Story: Why Committing to Sobriety Felt Impossible

Episode 276 I can’t think of any other area in my life where I felt the fear of committing to something more than I did when I quit drinking. In the episode, I talk about: Click here to read the full show notes with mentioned resources. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening. Plan A 12-Week Private Coaching Learn more and schedule a free Discovery Session here. Stay Connected Join my email community here to receive podcast episodes, updates, and tips for living alcohol-free.


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Managing Sobriety Through Nutrition and Supplements with Dr. Brooke Scheller

Episode 275 Whether you are sober curious or already sober like myself, today’s guest, Dr. Brooke Scheller is going to help you feel better through her functional medicine approach. I reached out to Dr. Brooke after seeing her talk about her new book, How to Eat to Change How You Drink: Heal Your Gut, Mend Your Mind, and Improve Nutrition to Change Your Relationship with Alcohol because I was fascinated by the topic. Dr. Brooke Scheller is a doctor of clinical nutrition, the founder of Functional Sobriety and she is a fellow sober woman who, you will hear, knows, and loves the work that she does, which you will hear about. Some of the topics you will hear: Dr. Brooke explains the three different drinking archetypes and gives us the characteristics of each How short-term and long-term alcohol use creates nutrient deficiencies which can lead to fatigue, anxiety, hormone imbalances, and low moods Supplement suggestions for nutrient deficiencies Click here for this episode's full show notes. Find Dr. Brooke here: Dr. Brooke's website Functional Sobriety Functional Sobriety Supplements Find Lori here: Plan A 12-Week Private Coaching Package for Midlife Women Are you ready to go "all-in" on yourself and create an alcohol-free lifestyle that works for you? Schedule your free 30 minute discovery session to learn more today. Join my email community to stay connected to upcoming podcast episodes and special enrollment offers for Team Alcohol-Free. Send me an email.


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How to Write a "Dear Alcohol" Letter as a New Year Ritual

Episode 274 Hello friend! Happy New Year! If you're thinking about giving up alcohol in 2024 and want to kickstart the year on a positive note, try writing a "Dear Alcohol" letter. It's a great way to understand your relationship with alcohol better and get pumped up for an alcohol-free lifestyle. In this episode, I will talk about the main benefit of writing a letter to alcohol, how to decide if this practice is for you, and some simple tips to help you get started if you choose, and then what to do with your letter when you’re done. I will also read my current “Dear Alcohol” letter. You can read the full show notes here. Resources mentioned in this episode: Exploring Your Relationship with Alcohol and Why It Matters Private Coaching Schedule a complimentary Discovery Session if you are interested in Private Sobriety Coaching in 2024. Click here to schedule. Stay Connected Join my email community to receive podcast episodes and tips to help you navigate an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life. Join here. Help me spread the word about sobriety in midlife and beyond! If you liked this episode and want to take a few minutes to support the podcast, I encourage you to leave a positive rating and review on Apple Podcasts. So many women out there don’t know there is an “alcohol-free” option and are struggling with their drinking. Your support will help these women find the podcast this week and learn about an alcohol-free lifestyle later in life. Click here, scroll to the bottom of the page, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I read my reviews and will hug you when I see yours. Make sure to “follow” To 50 and Beyond to get all of the wonderful episodes coming your way. If you don’t click “follow," you will miss hearing what’s coming up. Thank you!
