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Touchy Topics with Megan Lambert

Health & Wellness Podcasts

How do we create a long-lasting, passionate relationships? What does epic sex feel like? How do we discover what our deepest desires are? How are men and women different? What is feminine empowerment? These are a few of the questions we explore in Touchy Topics, a podcast dedicated to helping you have more love, better sex, and inner harmony.


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How do we create a long-lasting, passionate relationships? What does epic sex feel like? How do we discover what our deepest desires are? How are men and women different? What is feminine empowerment? These are a few of the questions we explore in Touchy Topics, a podcast dedicated to helping you have more love, better sex, and inner harmony.



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On the Spot vs. Off the Spot (Mini Episode!)

How do you know when a decision is right for you? What does that vague restless feeling tell you about your current life path? This mini episode is about a key concept I learned from my Orgasmic Meditation training - being on vs. off the spot - and how that concept has influenced the way I look at subtle energetics of life choices. It’s been one of the most life-changing concepts I’ve found. Hope you enjoy it! Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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The Polarity of Dream Creation (Mini Episode!)

How do you work with masculine and feminine energy when it comes to bringing dreams to life? What gifts do our inner masculine and feminine bring around dreams? How do you dream together as a couple, in a polarized and sexy way? As we start 2024, may this mini-episode inspire you to bring your biggest and boldest dreams to life, either individually or as a couple. Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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Preparing for Birth Mentally, Physically and Spiritually (Mini Episode!)

How do you prepare for birth with the full reverence and devotion it deserves? Birth is one of the biggest initiations of a woman’s life. It touches every aspect of who she is emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially…. As well as ripples out to her partner, family, friends, and community. So - what can you do to prepare for an amazing birth? Here I share a few of my favorite resources and things that have helped me prepare for birth. For my full pregnancy resource guide, check out - Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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Co-Designing the Rhythms and Rituals of Your Relationship

One of the least talked about — but most important — aspects of a relationship is how you structure your daily lives together. What are the rhythms and rituals you live by? What is the flow of your days? Often couples fall into unconscious patterns, without having a clear conversation on the rhythms they want to create together. Nor do they talk about their implicit expectations and baseline standards - which can breed resentment and hurt feelings. By having an open and honest conversation about these areas, you two can consciously design a more beautiful and fulfilling life together. In this episode, I share with you two powerful sets of questions to talk about with your partner to help you set your baseline standards and design your daily rhythms. This is potent work! May it create more flow and harmony in your relationship. Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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Motherhood Shifts in a Growing Family with Jess Osie

One baby vs. two babies — depending who you ask, you’ll get a different answer about what it’s like to shift from a family of 3 to a family of 4 or more. This week, I’m talking with Jess Osie about the shifts in motherhood that come with a growing family. In this episode, we discuss motherhood as a rite of passage, the family nervous system, and caring for your relationship with your partner throughout all stages of parenthood. Jess gets real about what it’s like caring for two children and the struggles she and her partner have faced along the way. If you’re growing your family, or just curious to know what it’s like shifting into this new stage of life, this episode is for you. Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review! Find more from Jess: Instagram: Website:


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Staying Intimate as Parents

Are you pregnant, postpartum, or a parent --- and are also trying to keep an intimate relationship alive? This episode is for you. Here we cover one of the topics people ask me about the most - what changes in your intimacy once a little one arrives? In short, everything. In this episode, I break the conversation down into 3 phases - pregnancy, early postpartum days, and toddlerhood & beyond - and share the major challenges I hear from couples in each of these phases. Then I share 5 powerful ways you can keep the spark alive with your partner, even as you navigate the turbulent and awe-inspiring waters of parenthood. Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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Big News… Baby #2!

Have you heard the news? We’re expecting baby #2! James & I are planning to welcome a little boy to our family in February 2024. We’re so excited. In this life update episode I share all - how I knew it was time to conceive, our intimate conception story, finding out I was pregnant, and the way we surprised our family with the news. I also open up about fears and desires for this second journey through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum - as well as the challenges I’m anticipating. Lastly, I share how James and I are preparing our relationship to weather the storms of having more children - and how we’re continuing to deepen into parenthood together. If you’re interested in hearing about my first birth story, you can listen to that episode here: Apple: Spotify: Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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The Truth About “Low Libido” with Camille Bataillon

Have you ever struggled with a “low libido”? It can feel so isolating, especially in a relationship, where your partner may be looking to you for their erotic satisfaction. In this episode, with renowned French sexologist Camille Bataillon, we unravel what “low libido” really means - and what to do about it. We often talk about “low libido” as if it is an individual problem - but the truth is, when you’re in a partnership, “low libido” is a relational challenge of mismatched desire. So how do you address conflicting desires and needs, sexually? How do you uncover what you really want and nourish your erotic self? How do you take responsibility for your own erotic satisfaction and then share it with a partner? We cover all of these juicy topics in this episode. We hope it serves you in your journey towards more fulfilling sex, juicy desires, and closer partnership! Key Topics: —- Learn more about Camille at or connect with her on Instagram @camilleparlesexe. If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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3 Games for Couples to Reignite Intimacy

What leads to the spark dying down? How can you stoke the fire and bring back the flame - in a fun and playful way? In this episode, I share a sample story of a couple who’s passion and romance faded over time… and the specific ways James & I helped them revive the spark. One of the main ways we help couples is by bringing the play back into intimacy, predominantly through games. Intimacy games help couples feel on the same team, be open minded to discover each other, and communicate what they like. Here I share 3 of my favorite games for couples who want to reignite and rediscover each other intimately. Each game takes 10 min or less - but can radically shift your erotic life. Let me know how the games go afterwards via email ( or via Instagram (@megandlambert). Wishing you a fun and playful exploration with your partner! Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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Our Couples’ Retreat Recap With James and Megan

What actually happens at a couples retreat?! Who goes to a retreat? What do people learn? In this episode, my husband James Mattingley and I share about our most recent couples’ retreat in Bali. This was the third couples retreat we’ve hosted together, and like each one so far, it was full of lessons for ourselves and for the couples. We talk about the type of people who attend couples’ retreats, what these couples were looking for, and some of the surprising twists and turns this retreat took. We shared our favorite topics and a-ha moments from the retreat, from the myth of low libido to a body-based approach to navigating conflict in relationships, as well as one of the key skills we teach - how to spark the passion in long-term love. I hope you find this episode useful! If you’d like to join us on a future retreat, our next one is Dec 1-4th, 2023 in Bali. You can find more info on it here: Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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The Initiation of Birth, Death, and Sex in Motherhood with Londin Angel Winters

We’re backkk! The first episode with Londin Angel Winters was so powerful (listen to it here), that we immediately recorded a follow-up episode - this time centered on motherhood. If you don’t yet know Londin, she is an expert on the path of sacred devotional intimacy, having taught about sexuality, masculine / feminine dynamics, and the art of surrender for over 12 years. She is a true role model in this field and my former relationship mentor. In this episode, she shares about the pain of multiple miscarriages and how she (unexpectedly!) conceived at 47 years old, and had a successful home birth at 48 years old. We explore the profoundly spiritual aspects of giving birth, and what pregnancy and birth taught us about surrender, the power of the female body, and trusting the divine. We explore the intricate connections between birth, death, and sexuality. She shares about breaking the chains of old ways of parenting, and letting your child be your greatest spiritual teacher. We dive into intimacy and sex after baby - why so many moms lose interest in sex - and how postpartum actually represents a profound initiation into sacred sexuality and intimate depth, if both people are willing to uplevel together. Lastly, we end by talking about the purpose of motherhood - to give love in a way you never received - and how anchoring into that purpose can provide meaning, even in challenging motherhood moments. Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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Healing Disease Through Pleasure and Self-Expression with Michelle Etchison

Meet Michelle Etchison - queen of naughty content, self-expression guide, breathwork facilitator and overall badass entrepreneur. She became a friend of mine through a mastermind, where I learned about her journey of healing her autoimmune disease through pleasure and self-expression. At only 23 years old, she found herself struggling with an autoimmune disease that left her frail and weak. Through reconnecting with her inner voice, expressing herself boldly, and exploring her pleasure, she has completely healed. These days, you’ll find her doing sensual dance, EFT, or breathwork, posting about her happy hoe life on Instagram, and being vibrantly, radiantly healthy. In this episode, we explore the wisdom of our bodies - how autoimmune disease is a wake-up call for parts of our souls to come alive. We look at pleasure, and the ways pleasure helps our body become a safe place to be. Lastly, we explore Michelle’s roots as a child of immigrants, and how her cultural heritage informs her work today. I hope you enjoy this episode! Key Topics: —- Connect with Michelle Etchison: On Instagram: @michelle.etchison If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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Natural Feminine Wisdom with Bindi Stables

Ever wonder if there is a more empowering and holistic way to view health challenges? Ever feel like modern medicine is missing a big piece of the puzzle, especially for women? In this episode with integrative health practitioner, Bindi Stables, we look at the root cause of chronic illness, disease, and body dysfunction, particularly when it comes to women’s bodies. Bindi shares her inspiring story of healing from daily seizures to thriving health, and how she found medical answers in unexpected places (ex: emotions, intuition, and ayuveda). We look at the most common health problem she helps women with - their menstrual cycles - and how this seemingly simple aspect of being a woman reveals much deeper patterns in our lives, as well as an invitation to an entirely new way of living. We also look at how our relationship to our menstrual cycle reflects our relationship to the feminine, and nature as a whole. Powerful stuff! I got chills many times during this episode because I believe this is such an important conversation. I hope you enjoy it! Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review! Connect with Bindi: On Instagram: @bindistables


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Ep. 22 – The Feminine Art of Receiving Gracefully with James Mattingley

Do you struggle to receive? Do you wish your partner did more thoughtful things for you? In this joint episode with my husband, James Mattingley, I share about the biggest gift I’ve ever received - and what it’s taught me about the art of giving & receiving in romantic relationships. James recently spent several months renovating my office! And in that process, I learned so much about the voices in my head that block my receiving (“Do I deserve this? I don’t need anything so beautiful…”), as well as the magic I saw in my relationship when I opened to receive this gift graciously. By sharing this story of learning to receive more fully, I hope you get a golden nugget for yourself around what it means to receive, what stands in the way, and how to open more fully to the love that is, always, all around. Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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Ep. 21 – Dissolving Identity Prisons & Opening to Transformation (Mini Solo Episode)

Grab a cup of tea and settle in for this is an intimate solo episode together, where I share my personal updates, and a shift I’ve noticed in my work lately towards more softness and just being - rather than pushing and doing. I open up about identity challenges this change has brought up for me - as well as how I knew it was time to let go of online coaching for now. I share about listening to my body for deeper wisdom, and trusting those messages even when they don’t “make sense”. Sacrifice is a big theme in the episode too - consciously deciding what I do NOT do is as important as what I will do. Lastly I share a tangible practice you can take with you to identify your own values and priorities - and align your life behind them. I hope you find this episode useful for your own journey! Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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Ep. 20 – Reigniting Polarity Through Surrender with Londin Winters

This might be one of my favorite episodes yet. It’s a profound interview with my mentor, Londin Angel Winters, where we explore, “How do you create a passionate partnership after decades together? What’s required to continue growing and deepening with your lover through having a child, starting a business, and navigating uncertainty?” Londin is one of the wisest - yet playful! - women I know, and this episode is packed full of a-ha moments around intimacy, love, and relationship. In the episode, I bring her 3 typical challenges from my clients, and she responds with deep, life-changing advice for these situations. You may even get something for yourself! We talk about what surrender *really* is, ways we unconsciously kill polarity and attraction, how to inspire masculine leadership, and how to offer yourself as a gift to your relationship. Londin asks, “How are you going to use your body and your time on earth to awaken conscious love?” Key Topics: To deepen your surrender practice, check out Londin’s Receptive Breath guided audio practice here: You can find her on Instagram at @londinawinters. —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


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Ep. 19 – “Rewilding” Your Relationship with Food and Your Body

What were you taught about food and your appetite? How is your relationship with your hunger? How do you feel about your body right now? This is such a hot topic for my female clients right now, so I wanted to dive into it here with you. In this intimate solo episode, I share with you my personal journey around food, body image, and feminine hunger. I touch on the healthiest aspects of my journey - as well as my dysfunctional habits - and the specific tools I’ve used to “rewild” my relationship with food and my body. When I watch my 16 month old baby naturally eat what she wants, when she wants, and intuitively follow her own hunger cues… I know that this is our natural state. Yet so many of us have a far-from-natural relationship with food and our bodies. We may diet, overexercise, binge & purge, obsessively count calories, or restrict ourselves. All of this comes from a “top-down” control of our bodies, rather than a deep trust of our body’s wisdom. This episode is an invitation back to your natural state, a chance to “rewild” your body, and rediscover what you intuitively know about eating and feminine hunger. Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review! To go deeper into feminine magnetism, take a look at my Bali women’s retreat on July 9-13th:


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Ep. 18 – The True Power of Feminine Magnetism

Hey feminine being - do you realize how powerful you are?! For years, I overworked, overgave, and over-hustled… because I had no idea how naturally and inherently magnetic I was. I didn’t trust the power of my feminine to attract what I wanted - in love, in friendship, in work. In this potent solo episode, I share about my personal feminine awakening 10 years ago, and my journey into deeper trust with my body, with my longings, and ultimately, with the universe. I’ll also share the 9 qualities of being magnetic, and invite you into deeper self-reflection with me on your current superpowers - as well as areas you may be curious to explore further. May this episode activate a deep remembering inside you of just how badass and magnetic you truly are. Key Topics: —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review! To go deeper into feminine magnetism, take a look at my Bali women’s retreat on July 9-13th:


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Ep. 17 – Balancing Being Lovers and Co-Parents

This is our most requested episode topic yet! Join me and my husband, James, this week as we share about keeping intimacy alive while caring for a newborn. No easy feat! But we have learned so much about how to balance both and this journey has deepened our love for each other. In this episode, we’ll share our perspectives on what it’s like trying to care for one another and a baby when you’re running on empty, how to still fill up each other’s cups while avoiding resentment (as much as possible), and the excitement around rediscovering your intimacy as a couple in a new phase of life. At the end of this episode, we leave you with two powerful questions that can transform your intimacy - for life. May this episode support you in the wild journey of raising babies while caring for a marriage! Key Topics: When filling up your own cup is replaced by a newborn[1:57]Where men need to create intimacy that’s replenishing to the mother in the newborn stage[5:03] Resentment is smoke on the fire of a desire or need for more support[7:19]Cultivating space around baby to allow for deeper intimacy with each other[11:15]Rekindling intimacy and excitement in “the new you” as co-parents [14:09]Most relationships die waiting for spontaneity[17:45]How can you love your partner differently every single day?[22:00] —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit us at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review to let us know your thoughts!


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Ep. 16 – Soulmate Clients Only: How The Content Queen Made Her Magic Online with Rebecca Ives

Say hello to Rebecca Ives, my current coach and online love. She says she is a “spiritual teacher masquerading as a marketing coach”. She has built her multi-six-figure brand on unapologetic self-expression, saying the rawest and realest thing, and having her own back in a big way. In this conversation, we’ll talk about how Rebecca began her online career and built her internet persona and community over the past decade, and how that has allowed her to work only with people she considers “soulmate clients”. Watching the way she holds loving - yet firm - boundaries in her business has deeply inspired me to also raise my standards and only work with people that feel amazing to my soul. She has helped me pay close attention to the energetics of my business to make sure it feels enlivening rather than draining, especially as a new mom. I’ve also been impressed by how Rebecca ditches the overly glossy highlight reel and shares openly about her sometimes messy, always real, personal journey. She oozes self love, sparkle, and glittery goddess vibes so if you’ve been waiting to unleash more of your whole self online - you don’t want to miss this episode! Key Topics: The genesis of The Content Queen: creating the persona [1:37] The quantum leap that scaled her business to multiple six-figures [4:41] Soulmate clients only: setting clear boundaries for ultimate feminine flow [8:23] Using social media as the playground for the deeper parts of your soul [14:41] Getting cancelled and earning your internet battlescars [18:34] How to romanticize your business [24:37] What do ADHD, emotional trauma, and smoking weed have in common? [31:27] Reflecting love like a diamond-encrusted mirror [35:22] Your negative experiences are just a cloud over the sunshine of your essence [40:09] Connect with Rebecca on Instagram: @the_content_queen —- If you’re curious about my offerings, visit us at If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review to let us know your thoughts!
