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Whiskey Wheels Wounds

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Military service can be the most rewarding experience of a person’s life, but it may come at a cost of lasting physical and emotional challenges. Join Shawn and Steve (Combat Veterans with more than thirty years of military experience) and their guests each week, as they delve into the complexities of how Veterans overcame their vices (whiskey) by using their favorite leisure activities (wheels) all while living with scars from their service (wounds). If you are a Veteran struggling with the daily battles, their family members or caregiver this show is for you.


United States


Military service can be the most rewarding experience of a person’s life, but it may come at a cost of lasting physical and emotional challenges. Join Shawn and Steve (Combat Veterans with more than thirty years of military experience) and their guests each week, as they delve into the complexities of how Veterans overcame their vices (whiskey) by using their favorite leisure activities (wheels) all while living with scars from their service (wounds). If you are a Veteran struggling with the daily battles, their family members or caregiver this show is for you.



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Memorial Day Special, A Tribute to the Medal of Honor

Memorial Day is a day of remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us. In this episode Steve and Shawn highlight 6 amazing men who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for actions in their respective conflicts. Frank Luke Jr WWI John Fox WWII Louis Sebille Korean War Wayne Caron Vietnam War John Chapman Afghanistan Jason Dunham Iraq --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Incarcerated Veterans

Steve and Shawn discuss the complicated topic of Incarcerated Veterans and how the views and opinions of these Veterans are handled in the Veteran community --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Season 2 Teaser

Welcome to Season 2, now with video. Shawn and Steve give you a brief overview of the plans for this season. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Embracing the Ride: Our Adventures in Love, Life, and Learning

These past 20 weeks have been a profound journey. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the support from you, our listeners, as we've shared tales of adversity, resilience, and transformation. There's an undeniable power in connection and self-awareness, and we've seen how these forces can bring about change. Together, we've explored the trials of trauma, the strength it takes to face one's reflection and the courage required to decide it's time for change. We've looked deeply into the power of love and kindness, and how they can sometimes be the only thing standing between a person and their darkest moments. As veterans ourselves, we've shared personal stories of overcoming trauma, embracing self-awareness, and recognizing when it's time for change. We've seen firsthand how a single event can ripple out, impacting not just an individual, but those around them. Our candid discussions about relationships, parenting, and personal growth have underscored the importance of connection and the power it holds. In the end, it's not just about surviving; it's about living and thriving. We've laughed and learned through our many adventures and challenges, embracing the lessons they've brought us. The joy of riding motorcycles, the fulfillment of charity work, and the importance of spending time with family – these are just some of the experiences that have enriched our lives. Thank you for embracing this journey with us. Now, as we prepare for the upcoming changes to our podcast, we look forward to continuing to share, learn, and grow together. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Postponing Episode 20: Reflections, Gratitude, and Looking Ahead with Whiskey Wheels Wounds

What if you could be a part of a conversation that echoes the thoughts you have had, but never quite knew how to phrase? What if you discovered a community that understands your struggles and shares your victories? This is what we're building here at Whiskey Wheels Wounds. While Shawn isn't with us today, I am here to give you a quick update on why we've postponed our much-anticipated 20th episode. With our annual motorcycle event demanding our attention, we decided that our 20th installment - the big finale of season one - deserves our full focus. So, buckle up for a full-length episode next week, as we recharge, regroup, and prepare for a thrilling journey into a new season and a new digital platform. We take this moment to say a heartfelt thank you to our listeners spread across 240+ cities in the US and seven other countries. From the towns of Martin's Ferry and Coshocton to far-off Hawaii, we appreciate each one of you. Our guests, who have courageously shared their personal struggles, deserve a special mention -Sean Brown, Morgan Watt, Mark Stoffer, Gary Haynes, Jonathan Haney, and Andy Duch. Your testimonials have brought life to our platform. We cherish your support and participation, and it brings us great joy when you tell us that our conversations articulate your thoughts. That, after all, was our mission when we set out - to voice the unspoken, to bring clarity to the complex. Stay tuned for more such compelling stories and insightful conversations in our upcoming episodes and seasons. Until next time, keep riding, keep thinking, and keep supporting Whiskey Wheels Woun --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Recounting Laughter, Lessons and Longings from the NCO Club

Hold onto your hats and prepare for a wild ride as we, your hosts along with Duke and Sarge, welcome you into the brotherhood of our military pasts. Unlock the vault to some of the most hilarious, shocking, and sometimes flat-out weird experiences from our time in the service. From mischievous antics during basic training to unforgettable adventures in far-off lands, our stories offer you a peek behind the curtain into the blend of camaraderie, discipline, and humor that defines military life. As former soldiers, we've seen a thing or two, and boy do we have tales to tell. Remember the culture shocks, the characters we met, and the unique situations we sometimes found ourselves in? We sure do, and we're more than ready to spill the beans. From hyphenated last names to the unforgettable incident involving a deuce and a half truck - get ready for an unfiltered journey into life as we knew it. But, don't brace yourself just for the laughter, as we'll also delve into the sobering reality of military discipline, fitness tests, and the challenge of dealing with difficult recruits. But wait, there's more. We're not just swapping war stories here. We'll take you inside the world of NCOs - the non-commissioned officers who work tirelessly to ensure every soldier's success. We'll share our insights on the importance of discipline, how it's enforced, and how it shapes every soldier. From our unforgettable time in the military to our experiences as NCOs, this episode is a roller-coaster ride of laughter, learning, and a healthy dose of nostalgia. So buckle up, it's time to embark on this unforgettable journey together. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Discovering Peace and Understanding in the New Normal

As veterans, we've personally experienced the trials and tribulations of transitioning from military life to civilian life, a journey we've come to term 'the new normal.' It's a challenging process, filled with a unique set of obstacles, from adjusting to a less regimented lifestyle to grappling with physical and mental restrictions. But what if there were a way to ease this transition, to find solace and understanding in the midst of change? This episode of our podcast explores this very question. We'll be sharing candid insights from our own experiences, discussing the power of habits, the importance of tolerance, and the strategies we've found effective in our journey. With real-life examples, like the story of a Marine Corp Staff Sergeant acquitted in the death of one of his Marines, we delve into the complexities of the new normal. We'll also touch on more everyday issues, from the frustrations of parking in unfamiliar cities to the importance of understanding and respecting others' preferences, even when it comes to something like music at a country bar. But this isn't just about sharing our struggles. It's also about offering practical advice and tools to help others navigate their own new normal. We discuss techniques like self-talk for dealing with memory issues and the importance of creating your own happiness. We'll also be touching on more light-hearted topics like navigating through Cleveland's parking difficulties and managing anger and anxiety in crowds. And as a final note, we'll be discussing an upcoming charity event, highlighting the importance of giving back to our communities. So join us for an episode filled with laughter, learning, and lots of personal experiences. After all, what better way to understand the new normal than to hear from those who've lived it? --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Exploring Volunteerism: The Challenges, Rewards, and Impact on Veterans

Ever questioned the societal expectations surrounding volunteerism? What if we told you that often, people require some form of return to commit their time and energy to community service? This episode promises to reveal why that is, illustrated through our experiences within the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association® 12-6(CVMA®12-6). We explore critical subjects like peer counseling as a motivational tool, maneuvering organizational bylaws, and the defining intricacies of chapter events and sanctioned events. Taking a leaf from the book of a dedicated friend, we share first-hand experiences of the challenges faced in volunteer leadership. Steve was a state leader of Mission 22, a powerful charity for veterans, and his story underlines the importance of consistency, accountability, and resilience. We also touch on the impact of Mission 22 and discuss how it partners with various therapy organizations to craft comprehensive services for veterans. As we delve deeper, we underline the significance of being genuinely committed to a charity's mission and the harms of volunteering for mere recognition. Finally, we turn to a heartfelt recount of Bryant Hartman’s fight, and events leading to the wonderful story of a community who came together to help our organization that helped one of their own , a veteran touched by Mission 22. His tale is a testament to the real, lasting impact that volunteerism can have This episode is an emotive journey through volunteerism, its challenges, rewards, and significant societal implications. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Unraveling the Threads of Patriotism: A Fresh Perspective

What does it mean to be a patriot? This question, often polarizing and deeply personal, is at the heart of our conversation in this thought-provoking episode. Drawing from our experiences, we construct a fresh understanding of the concept of patriotism that transcends beyond mindless allegiance to one's country. We bring out the need for patriotism to be rooted in the community, in contributing to societal improvements, and in defending the ideals of the constitution. As we peel back the layers of this complex topic, we delve into the distortions and common misconceptions surrounding patriotism. We reflect on the uniqueness of American freedom, safeguarded by the constitution, and propose that adhering to this protective barrier against government overreach is a significant form of patriotism. We examine the shifting landscape of patriotism in America. From the unflinching service of the 1940s generation to the courage required to withstand judgment today, we explore the evolution of what it means to be a patriot. We consider how patriotism has been utilized to justify as diverse acts as whistleblowing and protest, and even in international sports. We share deeply personal stories about wrestling with patriotism, including a military veteran's account. From Colin Kaepernick's controversy to flag etiquette and leadership accountability in the army, we take you on a rollercoaster ride, deconstructing the different expressions of this potent emotion. Join us as we dissect this emotionally charged topic, inviting you to question your understanding of patriotism and consider its multifaceted complexities --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Embracing the Journey: Lessons from a 3500-Mile Motorcycle Road Trip Adventure

Ever feel like you're juggling too many tasks? We've all been there, and in our recent road trip out West, we discovered that multitasking is not the same as doing several things at once. Join us as we share our discoveries from this adventure, the camaraderie, leadership challenges, and of course, the unexpected “Steve Tours”. We also discuss the difference between group travel and solo ventures, recounting personal anecdotes that highlight the importance of recognizing individual strengths and weaknesses within a group. Marvel with us as we dodge challenges on our 1000-mile motorcycle trip from Zanesville, Ohio, to Dodge City, Kansas. We share stories of how our patch family came to our aid in the most unexpected circumstances, reminding us to embrace the journey even when it doesn't end as anticipated. We also shed light on our friend's encounter with altitude sickness at Pikes Peak, Colorado, and how this affected our plans to summit Mount Evans. We further dive into our time in Colorado Springs, the spicy Cajun food and exclusive whiskey that left a mark. Finally, hold on tight as we navigate through stormy Oklahoma City traffic, bike breakdowns, and other road trip challenges. We stress the importance of understanding our bike set up, making necessary adjustments on the fly, and the patience needed to deal with unpredictable situations on the road. We also voice our outrage towards people who breed dogs solely for profit and share the touching story of how we came to rescue our six-dog. Tune in, as we wrap up our 12-day, 11-state, 3500-mile journey, reflecting on the delights and difficulties encountered, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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This Too Shall Pass

Ever pondered upon the philosophical truth - "This Too Shall Pass"? What does it really mean when we're down in the dumps or soaring high? That's exactly what Steve and I will be rummaging through in this episode, as we dive into life's transience, suicide stigma, and the human condition. We'll also be unmasking the power of laughter, the weight of guilt, and the role we all play in our own healing journey. Did you know that a single phrase can be an emotional tripwire, leading to a cascade of tension? We all carry our unique emotional baggage and understanding this is key in preventing misunderstandings. So sit tight as we explore the intricacies of relationships, the challenges of grieving, and the fulfilling yet edgy life from Steve and my perspective. On the brighter side, we'll be shining a light on the power of comradery among veterans and how supporting one another can impact the journey positively. We also share insights from an encounter at a gas station that left us pondering about standing up for oneself. So, gear up for an emotional rollercoaster as we take you through stories of resilience, and reflections on life, adversity, healing, and recognition. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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From Sergeant Major to Civilian: Navigating Identity, Leadership, and Personal Growth with Retired Army Sergeant Major Andy Duch

How do you transition from being a Sergeant Major in the US Army to civilian life? Join us as we chat with our special guest, retired Sergeant Major Andy “Duke” Duch, about his 25-year military journey, and how he navigated the challenges of redefining his identity post-retirement. Andy takes us through his experience with the Hawk missile system, Patriot missiles, and the Avenger missile system, and shares his insights on the leadership skills he honed during his time in the service. In our conversation, we explore what it takes to become a great Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO), and how Andy discovered his niche within the military. He divulges the importance of both book smarts and the ability to apply knowledge in the field, and what ultimately led him to a successful and fulfilling career. As we wrap up our discussion with Andy Duch, we delve into the challenges he faced during his transition from military life to civilian life, and how the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association (CVMA) played a pivotal role in helping him find a supportive community and a renewed sense of self. Listen in to this fascinating conversation about leadership, personal growth, and the power of connection as we learn from Andy's storied military career and his journey to finding solace in the great outdoors. You won't want to miss it! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Mastering Long-Distance Shooting and Embracing Brotherhood: Gary All Out Hanes’ Journey

What does it take to master the art of long-distance shooting and find solace in the brotherhood of a motorcycle club? Join us for an insightful conversation with Gary All Out Hanes, a nine-year veteran of the US Army, as he shares his passion for guns, outdoor sports, and the camaraderie he found in the world of motorcycle enthusiasts. From competing in international pistol shooting competitions to navigating life with a prosthetic leg, Gary's story is both captivating and inspiring. Discover how precision and focus in shooting helped Gary channel his energy, sharpen his skills, and recenter himself when needed. We also delve into the support and mental well-being he found in the brotherhood of his motorcycle club, as well as the humorous and heartwarming stories that come with his adventures as an amputee. Gary's journey demonstrates the importance of finding joyful leisure activities and a strong support system to cope with the challenges veterans face. Finally, Gary offers valuable insights into navigating the VA healthcare system and his journey to becoming a 100% disabled veteran. Learn about his Kentucky Windage technique for hitting targets and why aiming small can lead to big results. Don't miss this remarkable episode with Gary All Out Hanes, as we explore the world of guns, motorcycles, and brotherhood. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Faithful Companions

What if a four-legged hero could change a life forever? Today, we're honored to be joined by two incredible veterans, Sean Brown and Morgan Watt, who share their heartwarming journeys with service dogs. Discover how these remarkable animals transformed their lives, offering physical and emotional support that has helped them heal from trauma and find hope. Listen as Sean and Morgan open up about the dedication and training that goes into raising these exceptional service dogs and the incredible bond that forms between owner and dog. Hear the touching story of a "change of command" ceremony between two service dogs, a testament to the dedication and love these animals provide their owners. We also delve into the power of service dogs in helping veterans and their families cope with the challenges they face. From Sean's life-altering experience with both his service dogs, to Morgan's newfound sense of purpose and companionship, we celebrate the incredible work of organizations like South Eastern Guide Dogs and their life-changing impact on our brave veterans. Join us for this inspiring and heartwarming episode, championing the healing power of service dogs. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Motorcycle Therapy: Healing Power, Addiction Recovery, and Navigating Veteran Disability Claims with Jonathan “Sarge” Haney

Have you ever experienced the incredible therapeutic benefits of riding a motorcycle? Join us as we chat with Jonathan Sarge Haney, a 21-year United States Army veteran and former Veteran Service Officer, who shares his journey from racing cars to discovering the healing power of motorcycles. Sarge reveals how attending a PTSD ride with the Motorcycle Relief Project led him to upgrade his bike and ride more independently, providing him with much-needed stress relief and mental clarity. Addiction and recovery is a topic that affects many of us, and in this episode, we open up about our experiences with alcoholism, self-assessment, and the tough decisions we've had to make in order to save our relationships and better our lives. Discover how our friendship was established through shared experiences and a common NCO mentality as we candidly discuss the importance of self-awareness and having a strong support system. Navigating veteran disability claims can be a complex and confusing process, but Sarge's expertise sheds light on the crucial role of Veteran Service Officers and the importance of documentation. Learn about the challenges of the VA disability system, the benefits available to veterans with different disability ratings, and the role of organizations like the VFW in assisting with claims. Don't miss this enlightening conversation that delves into the struggles faced by veterans and the life-changing power of motorcycle therapy. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Never Forgotten, A Memorial Day Tribute

Shawn and Steve reflect on the impact of military service on veterans and their loved ones. These powerful stories serve as a reminder of the heavy burden carried by veterans and their families. By saying their names, we uphold the promise that they will never be forgotten. As we gather to honor the memory of our fallen heroes this Memorial Day, we are reminded of the sacrifices they made for our freedom. We share heartfelt stories of those who served, like Ray Borders, a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy who lost his life in Afghanistan, Father of Steve’s sister, Corporal Marvin Snyder, who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. Join us in paying tribute to these brave individuals and their families, and in remembering the true meaning of this special day. In this episode, we celebrate the incredible acts of bravery and selflessness demonstrated by two veterans. We honor the heroism of Air Force Staff Sergeant William H Pitsenbarger, a young soldier who risked his own life to save others, and Army Sergeant First Class Alwyn Cash, a Platoon Sergeant who saved six soldiers and an interpreter from a burning vehicle. As we commemorate Memorial Day, let's take a moment to appreciate the sacrifices made by these courageous individuals and offer our support and gratitude to their families. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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10 Grand

Annual goals are all the things you want to accomplish in a given year. Often your annual goals are very meaningful to you and can make a lasting impact on your life. They can be large and challenging goals, or they can be smaller and more personal. It all depends on what you want to achieve. Steve and Shawn talk about the 10,000 mile goal for the 2022 riding season and more importantly bonds that develop from those miles. Goal setting will only be successful if there is a collaborative approach between all involved in achieving such a objective. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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In the episode Steve and Shawn address their issues with abandonment. The toll it has taken on themselves as well as their families. Abandonment is a feeling of disconnectedness, rejection, and neediness. The aftermath of this type of trauma generates a looming fear of not only losing connection with the people you love, but being forced to fend for yourself. Abandonment is a component of Post Traumatic Stress. It can be caused by experiences that make us feel unsafe, insecure, and alone. The emotional distress that stems from this type of trauma can persist throughout a Veteran’s life. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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The Alpha

Steve and Shawn sit down with Mark “Cornbread “ Stoffer, an 82nd Airborne Division Combat Veteran and Retired Law Enforcement officer. Mark shared how those “Alpha” career fields enabled his reluctance to seek help. Alpha careers, refers to a dominant person or their behavior, especially with respect to socially aggressive, hyper-masculine people doing dangerous jobs. Mark opens up about his battles with Post Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury, contributing to a failed marriage, abusing Alcohol and ultimately finding his way out of the darkness. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message


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Ripple Effects

In the episode; Steve and Shawn sit down with their wives, Kristina Vickers and Brandi Neighbor to discuss how our mental health battles produces ripple effects to those around us. Post Traumatic Stress can cause problems with trust, closeness, communication, and problem solving. These problems may affect the way the Veteran acts with others. In turn, the way a loved one responds to their Veteran affects those with PTSD . A circular pattern can develop that may sometimes harm relationships. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whiskey-wheels-wounds/message
