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Zero Doubt Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

A podcast focused on Mindfulness, Health, Fitness & Joy led by Jeremy Torchinsky and Eric Golubitsky. After spending time with these two, you'll have zero doubt about living a healthy and positive lifestyle. Eric G, co-founder of Zero Doubt Club has tried being a member of 10+ gyms, private trainers, multiple diet programs, etc… Nothing worked for 25 years! Jeremy T, his coach and now business partner pulled him through the impossible and created a healthier, more confident, happier and more motivated person in the meantime.


United States


A podcast focused on Mindfulness, Health, Fitness & Joy led by Jeremy Torchinsky and Eric Golubitsky. After spending time with these two, you'll have zero doubt about living a healthy and positive lifestyle. Eric G, co-founder of Zero Doubt Club has tried being a member of 10+ gyms, private trainers, multiple diet programs, etc… Nothing worked for 25 years! Jeremy T, his coach and now business partner pulled him through the impossible and created a healthier, more confident, happier and more motivated person in the meantime.





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Healing the body / Magic Mushrooms and BioFeedback

In this episode, Jeremy discusses his experience with mushrooms and biofeedback, exploring how these methods can profoundly bring deep-rooted traumas to the surface and release them from the body. Of course, there are many ways to self-heal, but sometimes external help is needed. Biofeedback machines offer a range of benefits for both physical and mental health by enabling individuals to learn how to control bodily processes that normally occur involuntarily. Here are some of the key benefits of using biofeedback machines Magic mushrooms, commonly referred to as psilocybin mushrooms, have garnered interest for their potential therapeutic benefits, particularly in the field of mental health. Here are some of the key benefits that research has highlighted: Treatment of DepressionAnxiety ReductionPTSD ReliefAddiction TreatmentPersonal and Spiritual GrowthNeuroplasticityCluster HeadachesWhile the benefits of magic mushrooms can be significant, it is important to note that their use is still illegal in many parts of the world, and their effects can vary greatly among individuals. Research is ongoing, and interested individuals should ensure they are in a safe and legally permissible environment if considering their use. @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Doing The Inner Work/Flu Update/Signs and Synchronicities

In this quick-hit podcast, I discuss what it means to be doing The Inner Work. Additionally, I provide updates on my personal life and share some really cool synchronicities. Join our community of like-minded individuals as we embrace the challenges and transform them into opportunities for growth. Let's journey together, learning to master our fears and step into our full potential. Schedule for a Discovery Call: @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Breaking Barriers: 5 Steps to Conquer Fear of Failure and Rejection

In this quick hitter podcast, Jeremy takes you on a transformative voyage to conquer the fears of failure and rejection. This podcast is more than just advice—it's a deep dive into the art of turning setbacks into stepping stones. Jeremy brings his personal experiences and those of his clients to the forefront, sharing stories of resilience, growth, and triumph over adversity. Join our community of like-minded individuals as we embrace the challenges and transform them into opportunities for growth. Let's journey together, learning to master our fears and step into our full potential. Schedule for a Discovery Call: @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Episode 73: Part 3 of our '7 Power Creator Exercises' series on Meditation

Join us for Episode 73 of our podcast, where we continue with Part 3 of our '7 Power Creator Exercises' series, focusing on the profound practice of Meditation. Hosts Jeremy and Eric share their personal journeys and mystical experiences, highlighting the transformative power of meditation. Whether you're seeking inspiration or find meditation challenging, this episode serves as a beacon into the art of purposeful living. In this enlightening episode, you'll learn how meditation can empower you to shape a life of your own design. Also, revisit Episode 72, where we explored Positive Self-Talk, discussing the impact of positive affirmations on your mindset. Looking forward to more? Part 4 of our series is coming up, where we'll delve deeper into the benefits of Meditation. And for those eager to embrace all 7 exercises, send us your email for a comprehensive 15-page PDF containing each transformative exercise. As a special bonus, at the end of Episode 73, we offer a 7-minute guided meditation focused on overcoming fear. This powerful session is designed to help you confront and conquer your fears, aiding in your journey towards a balanced and fulfilling life. Tune in to Episode 73 for a transformative experience and learn how to master your mindset and create the life you've always dreamed of. @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Episode 72: Elevate Your Mind – Positive Self-Talk Mastery in the Powerful Creator Series

Get ready for Episode 72, the much-anticipated Part 2 of our '7 Power Creator Exercises' series. This episode dives deep into the transformative practice of Positive Self-Talk, featuring an engaging discussion between Eric and Jeremy. They explore the compelling science behind the power of positive affirmations and how it can profoundly impact your mindset and daily life. Join us as Eric and Jeremy unveil practical strategies to enhance your self-talk. They'll guide you through the steps to shift from negative patterns to empowering, positive narratives. This episode isn't just theoretical; get ready for some hands-on coaching with role-playing scenarios that illustrate the effectiveness of positive self-talk in real-life situations. This enlightening conversation is packed with insights, backed by scientific evidence, demonstrating how positive self-talk can lead to significant improvements in your mental well-being, confidence, and overall life satisfaction. Don't miss out on this invaluable episode! And if you're eager to delve deeper, we're offering a comprehensive 15-page PDF containing all '7 Powerful Creator Exercises.' Part 3 of our series is just around the corner, where we'll explore the benefits of Meditation – another key element in our series. Excited for all 7 exercises? Send us your email, and we'll send you the PDF straight away. Tune in to Episode 72 for a transformative journey towards mastering your mindset with the power of positive self-talk. Thanks for checking out the Zero Doubt Club YouTube channel! If you want to know more about any of our services and locations, Click the link below: - To get started on your own wellness journey, book a free discovery call: - Share your story with us on Instagram: - For all business inquiries, connect with us on LinkedIn: - Or email us at: - @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Overcoming Toxic Relationships with Morgan Danielle – Empower Yourself and Build Healthier Connections

Welcome to Episode 71 of our empowering journey! In this enlightening episode, we're thrilled to have Morgan Danielle, a Master coach who helps in guiding women through the aftermath of toxic relationships. Together with our host Jeremy, they delve into the essential steps to not only navigate away from unhealthy relationships but also to foster deeper, more meaningful connections with others and, most importantly, with oneself Morgan brings her wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, providing practical advice and strategies that anyone can apply to their lives. From recognizing the signs of toxicity to establishing strong personal boundaries, this episode is packed with insights and guidance. Join us as Jeremy and Morgan engage in a candid conversation, sharing their expertise and personal experiences. They discuss the importance of self-care, the power of positive self-talk, and how to cultivate self-love and respect as the foundation for all relationships. Whether you're in the process of healing from a toxic relationship or simply seeking ways to improve your interactions with others, this episode offers valuable lessons and empowering strategies. Tune in to transform the way you relate to others and, most importantly, to yourself. Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a journey towards healthier, more fulfilling relationships! Watch on Youtube: @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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"Mastering Your Life Canvas: The Power of Accountability – Part 1 of '7 Powerful Creator Exercises'"

Welcome to the first episode of our enlightening series, '7 Powerful Creator Exercises', where we embark on a transformative journey to become the masterful creators of our own lives. In this inaugural episode, titled "Mastering Your Life Canvas: The Power of Accountability," we delve into the essential first step of taking full accountability for all our actions. Discover how embracing accountability is more than just owning up to our decisions; it's about recognizing the profound impact our choices have on the intricate tapestry of our lives. This episode explores the concept of being the principal artist of your own existence, wielding the brush of decision-making with intention and purpose. We'll uncover how shifting from blame and external excuses to a mindset of personal responsibility can dramatically transform our life's narrative from random occurrences to a beautifully orchestrated masterpiece. Through engaging discussions and insights backed by research, you'll learn practical ways to adopt accountability in everyday life, making it a cornerstone of your journey towards a life filled with meaning, purpose, and joy. Join us as we step into the realm of conscious action and deliberate choices. Whether you're looking to reshape your personal story, enhance your relationships, or elevate your professional life, this episode provides the foundational tools to start painting a future that resonates with your deepest desires and values. Tune in and be inspired to reclaim your role as the creator of your life, manifest your dreams, and illuminate your world with the brilliance of a life lived fully and authentically. @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Episode 69: Audrey Novotny's Journey - From Struggle to Non-Profit Leader & TED Speaker

In this inspiring Episode 69, we are thrilled to welcome Audrey Novotny, a beacon of resilience and leadership. "Defying Odds: A Woman’s Rise from Joblessness to Non-Profit Leadership and TED Talks" takes us through the riveting story of Audrey's ascent from periods of joblessness to becoming a key figure in non-profit leadership and securing a spot on the TED Talk stage. Audrey opens up about her personal journey, revealing the hurdles she faced and the critical moments that shaped her path. We delve into the stepping stones that paved her way to success, discussing the valuable work of her non-profit organization and its significant impact on empowering women. Moreover, Audrey offers an exclusive glimpse into the themes of her upcoming TED Talk and shares invaluable insights for anyone navigating through challenging times. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking for a dose of motivation, seeking practical advice, or aspiring to delve into the world of non-profit leadership. Join us as we explore Audrey's extraordinary journey of turning obstacles into opportunities, proving that with determination and purpose, no goal is unreachable. Don't miss out on this compelling story of transformation and empowerment. Remember to subscribe, comment, and share as we continue to bring you stories that not only inspire but also fuel the spirit of positive change and resilience. @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Embracing Transformation: Joy Dushay's Story on The Zero Doubt Podcast

Welcome to a transformative episode of The Zero Doubt Podcast with your insightful host, Jeremy Torchinsky! In our captivating 68th installment, we're honored to be joined by the incredible Joy Dushay. Prepare to be inspired as we delve into the profound journey of Joy's life, beautifully encapsulated by The Joyful Approach. Years ago, amidst the turbulence of grief and illness following the heartbreaking loss of her brother, Joy embarked on a path of healing that birthed The Joyful Approach. A beacon of light emerging from the shadows, Joy's own transformation story is nothing short of remarkable. Battling years of sorrow, PTSD, and depression, she confronted an Ischemic stroke at the tender age of 29, all while nurturing her role as a mother to two young girls. As she navigated her recovery, Joy's introspection led her to question the very essence of her existence. The realization dawned upon her that until that moment, she had been living a life devoid of genuine purpose – a life of emptiness, evasion, and numbing. Looking back, this pivotal juncture marked the birth of an awakening, a voyage of holistic and spiritual revelation. Amidst the shadows of her past, Joy sensed the stirring of possibility, the chance for rebirth. This marked the commencement of a profound odyssey into profound healing and profound learning. Every step was a dance of discovery, a process that, as she reflects, was akin to being reborn into a richer, more meaningful existence. With wonder, she witnessed the miracles that followed in quick succession, confirming the interconnectedness of her growth with the world's embrace of her story. Join us in this episode as we explore Joy Dushay's journey, a testament to resilience, rebirth, and the boundless power of sharing our truths with the world. As we engage with her narrative, let it remind us that even in the darkest moments, seeds of transformation can germinate, ultimately blossoming into a radiant tapestry of hope and healing. Stay tuned and embrace the possibility of transformation with The Zero Doubt Podcast – where stories like Joy's illuminate our path to understanding, growth, and unbreakable human spirit. 🌟🎙️ #ZeroDoubtPodcast #JoyfulApproach #TransformationalJourney #HolisticHealing #Resilience #Inspiration @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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From Resilience to Radiance: Diane Randall's Journey to Holistic Wellness

Hey there, wonderful souls! 🌟 Get ready to dive into the world of holistic wellness with a brand-new episode on The Zero Doubt podcast, hosted by the amazing Jeremy Torchinsky. 🎧✨ In this episode, we're joined by the incredibly insightful guest, Diane Randall. 🙌 With a heart full of passion and a deep commitment to promoting balance and wellness, Diane's wisdom is bound to light up your day. 🌼 From finding that perfect life balance to nurturing mental wellness, embracing self-care, and exploring self-realization, Diane covers it all. 🌿 And let's not forget her expertise in plant-based nutrition and the art of whole life wellness – she's a true advocate for a healthier, happier you! 🌱🌞 An accomplished author, consultant, speaker, and college instructor, Diane's experience speaks volumes. She's been guiding Chicago police officers through stress management and resiliency techniques, and offering effective wellness strategies to busy professionals. 💪🏼📚 Diane's influence reaches far and wide – she's not just a speaker, but also a podcast host sharing her gems of wisdom with a diverse audience. 🎙️🌎 Her insights have graced renowned publications like Vegan Street, Plant Pure Nation, New York Times, and many more. Plus, she's been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, discussing the secrets of successful relationships! 💬❤️ So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of holistic well-being, tune in to this special episode. Let's celebrate the art of harmonizing life with Diane Randall. Remember, it's not just about the destination – it's about the beautiful path we choose to walk. 🌈✨ Stay tuned, spread the love, and let's embrace the power of wellness together! 💫🌻 @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Unleashing Inner Wisdom: Insights w/ Lynna Teer

Welcome to the Zero Doubt Podcast with your host, Jeremy Torchinsky. In this special episode, Jeremy is joined by the insightful guest, Lynna Teer, to delve into the theme of "Unleashing Inner Wisdom: Insights." Together, they explore the art of tapping into one's inner guidance and intuition to make wiser decisions and find purpose. Lynna shares her expertise as a renowned spiritual coach, offering practical tools and practices to enhance self-awareness and connect with inner wisdom. Join the conversation as they inspire listeners to trust their intuition, embrace personal growth, and navigate life's journey with clarity and confidence. Tune in for transformative insights and embark on your path to self-discovery! Share your story with us on Instagram: Get LinkedIn : Learn more about our wellness services: @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Unleashing your potential with Growth mindset

Welcome to the Zero Doubt Podcast hosted by Eric Golubitsky and Jeremy Torchinsky. In this episode, they embark on an inspiring journey to explore the transformative power of a Growth Mindset. Through their expertise, Eric and Jeremy reveal how embracing a Growth Mindset can unleash untapped potential. Discover how to shift from fixed beliefs to a mindset of continuous growth and resilience. Join the conversation as they share practical tips, real-life success stories, and evidence-based research, empowering you to overcome challenges, embrace opportunities, and reach new heights in every aspect of your life. Tune in and unlock your true potential today! Share your story with us on Instagram: Get LinkedIn : Learn more about our wellness services: @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Emotional Intelligence

Welcome to the Zero Doubt Podcast with hosts Eric Golubitsky and Jeremy Torchinsky. In this episode, they dive deep into the fascinating topic of Emotional Intelligence (EI). Through their unique perspectives, they unravel the significance of EI in personal and professional growth. Listeners will gain practical insights on recognizing and managing emotions, empathizing with others, and fostering stronger relationships. Join Eric and Jeremy as they share real-life examples and evidence-based strategies to enhance emotional awareness and harness its power. Tune in to elevate your Emotional Intelligence and unlock a more fulfilling and successful life. @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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10 Tips for Overcoming Mental Barriers

Welcome to the Zero Doubt Podcast, where hosts Eric Golubitsky and Jeremy Torchinsky delve into mental empowerment. In this episode, they explore "10 Tips for Overcoming Mental Barriers." Drawing from their diverse backgrounds, Eric and Jeremy provide invaluable insights on conquering self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs. Through engaging discussions, listeners will discover practical techniques to enhance resilience, boost confidence, and unlock their full potential. Join them as they share empowering stories backed by scientific research to help you build a stronger mindset and navigate life's challenges with newfound courage. Tune in and conquer your mental barriers today! Share your story with us on Instagram: Get LinkedIn : Learn more about our wellness services: @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Eric's Journey & Prep to Run His 1st Marathon

Hey guys, it's Eric here from the Zero Doubt Podcast. I wanted to share with you all about my journey and preparation leading up to running my first marathon. It has been a long and challenging road, but I am excited to finally take on this incredible feat. Thanks for listening to my story, and I hope it inspires you to pursue your own goals and dreams. Until next time, keep pushing forward and never doubt yourself. @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Woman Wellness Warrior: How Cleveland Entrepreneur Lauren Tamir Found Inner Strength from Healing Chronic Illness

3/7/2023 @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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The Power of Plant Medicine w/ Jenessee Roy

This week we talk to a very special guest- Jenessee Roy! Jenessee chats with us about her work in plant medicine, chakra systems, and spiritual metaphysics. This podcast is for ALL listeners! If your curious about how you may be able to benefit yourself through mindful practices everyday or maybe even take it a step deeper and learn about the power of plant medicine, then listen now! @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Attract The Love You Desire- Special Guest Morgan Danielle

This week, Jeremy sits down with Morgan Danielle to talk about her life purpose and how she helps others rekindle self-love to help them connect to their deepest, most honest self. Morgan Danielle talks about how shes gotten to where she is today, and provides listeners with guidance on how they can start shifting their perspective to become a happier, healthier person! @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Special Guest Tamara Higgs - Owner of MyoLife

Our special guest… Tamara Higgs, Certified Orofacial Myologist 🤯 What is that? Orofacial myology is the study of musculature in the mouth, face, neck, and throat. It is characterized as functional medicine and the primary goal is healthier living through assuring functionality of the mouth, airway, and muscles surrounding and working on the cranium. 💆💁 Here are a things that improper care and dysfunction of these regions can cause that might shock you 😳: ❗️Allergies ❗️Teeth Grinding ❗️ADHD ❗️Sleep Apnea ❗️GERD ❗️Stomach upset ‼️‼️ MANY MORE…. Everyone can benefit from breathing more and having less stress, and that’s exactly what is targeted in this podcast, so give it a listen. It WILL help you 🏼🤩 @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife


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Gina Boneta’s Life Transformation

Eric and Jeremy sit down with Gina Boneta to talk about her life story and her path of transformation. Gina goes in depth about what led her to live a more intentional life and how her journey is continuing to unravel. She speaks about her personal experiences, the flow of her mental and emotional state, and the energy shifts that has changed her perspective of life. @zerodoubtclub @zerodoubtkitchen @jeremytorchlife
