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The Healing Power Hour


Our program’s core message is that HEALING IS ALWAYS POSSIBLE, AND PRESENTED IN THE RIGHT WAY, LEARNING ABOUT HEALING IS FASCINATING TO EVERYONE, BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS A HUMAN BODY AND EVERYONE EXPERIENCES ILL HEALTH AT SOME POINT, OR KNOWS SOMEONE WHO DOES. If you are sick, you will move beyond feeling overwhelmed and defeated by your illness. We will help you gain both strategies and hope, and be inspired to overcome any health issue you are dealing with. If you aren't immediately sick, your interest and fascination will be awakened. Our show will cover a wide range of health topics from strengthening your immune system and treatment of parasites to healing Candida. You’ll gain immediately applicable solutions to problems and learn new approaches and modalities to treat illness or disease. You will also gain further insight into the energetics of illness and learn how healing truly works.


New York, NY




Our program’s core message is that HEALING IS ALWAYS POSSIBLE, AND PRESENTED IN THE RIGHT WAY, LEARNING ABOUT HEALING IS FASCINATING TO EVERYONE, BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS A HUMAN BODY AND EVERYONE EXPERIENCES ILL HEALTH AT SOME POINT, OR KNOWS SOMEONE WHO DOES. If you are sick, you will move beyond feeling overwhelmed and defeated by your illness. We will help you gain both strategies and hope, and be inspired to overcome any health issue you are dealing with. If you aren't immediately sick, your interest and fascination will be awakened. Our show will cover a wide range of health topics from strengthening your immune system and treatment of parasites to healing Candida. You’ll gain immediately applicable solutions to problems and learn new approaches and modalities to treat illness or disease. You will also gain further insight into the energetics of illness and learn how healing truly works.




333 East 46th St, Suite 1J New York, NY 10017 212-557-6216

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Finding and Connecting to Your Soul Purpose

Finding one’s soul purpose, one’s reason for being, is perhaps the most essential intangible that every human being is going to want to discover and connect to in their lifetime. It is the driving force that motivates people to achieve that which will make them most happy, and feel most fulfilled throughout the course of their lives. But as we all know, finding one’s soul purpose isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to uncover. The ancient science of astrology is highly useful in this regard. Join me as I talk with Christy Walker, master astrologer, about this issue and how one can use the science of astrology to find direction and purpose in life.


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Climbing Out of Depression with Breath Work

Approximately 1 in 10 adults in the United States suffers from depression and by the year 2020, it is estimated that depression will be the 2nd major cause of death after heart disease. Recent findings show that anti-depressant medication fares no better than a placebo except in extreme cases of depression, so what are your options when combating this disease? Breath work is probably the premier way to conquer depression, and my guest, Antonia Katrandjieva, Ph.D., is an expert on the breath. Today she will walk us through how to heal our bodies through the use of breath work. See her instructional videos at Yogea.


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The Importance of Iodine

Iodine is a trace mineral used by many different tissues in the body. Most people are aware that your thyroid needs iodine to function properly, but it’s not just the thyroid that uses iodine. Many other tissues in the body require iodine for proper functioning, including the ovaries, the breast tissue, the prostate and the brain. Join me as I interview Dr. David Brownstein, holistic medical doctor and author of the book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It. He will talk about why most people are deficient in iodine in our country today, and why it is so vital to the body.


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The Why and How of Meditation

Meditation is more than just sitting and trying not to think of anything. The intention is actually to attain an altered state of consciousness that allows you to connect to your deepest essence. In order to do so, your physical body must also be relaxed, not just your mind. Meditation is an excellent tool to help you heal and repair your body’s cells, as well as achieve an inner state of calm and peace, even if chaos surrounds you. In today’s episode, I will share with you how I teach meditation in my classes, which I have found to be the quickest and most efficient way to learn meditation. My guest will be Chongtul Rinpoche, a Tibetan lama of the Bon tradition, so please listen as Chongtul shares his perspective and wisdom with regard to meditation.


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Clearing Fear From the Body

Fear is a natural human emotion that helps ensure our survival; absolute lack of fear is dangerous. But many of us carry unnecessary fear. Today’s show will discuss the energetics of fear and how it takes hold in the body, as well as what we can do to transform our fears. Martial arts is one of the primary exercises I recommend to patients to help them transform their fears. Today’s guest will be Mary Clare Bland, owner of East Side Tae Kwon Do in New York City, who is a Fourth Degree Black Belt, a certified Goshindo (Samuraisword) teacher, a certified Yoga instructor, and a Reiki master. She will share with us about how Tae Kwon Do can help not only your body, but your mind/emotional state as well.


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Shifting Your Voice to Heal Your Body

The sound of our voice, as well as how we use our voice to communicate, reveals an enormous amount about how we experience ourselves, how we experience the world, and how we experience ourselves in the world. A key component of disease and illness is lack of empowerment and separation from one’s true identity, as evidenced through the voice. Shifting our voice can, therefore, often open up trapped energy that we desperately need to heal. Join me as I talk about the energetics of the voice and its associated chakras, and later, Colette Sible, a vocal coach I recommend often to patients, will be joining me to talk about how she works with clients to help them connect to their true voice.


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Understanding Romantic Love as It Relates to Soul Purpose

Without a doubt, having healthy love in one’s life is a key ingredient to achieving and maintaining optimal well-being. Today’s show will cover how romantic love relates to your soul purpose in life, and why you can often be confused when you consider the nature of your attraction, and subsequent attachment to, a particular significant other. Today’s guest is Amir Levine, MD, co-author of “Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How it Can Help You Find and Keep Love.” Amir will discuss his perspective and discoveries about romantic attachments – it’s a truly fascinating topic!


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The Energetics of Addiction: How EFT Can Help

In our fast-paced, modern world, many more people are struggling with addictions that go beyond drugs and alcohol. Today’s show will discuss the energetics of addiction and how you can use EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique, to help you overcome these addictions. Join us as Jade Barbee, EFT Practitioner, shares with us his knowledge and experience of using this technique to help his clients not only overcome addiction, but also heal and transform a wide range of issues, from anxiety and insomnia to writers block.


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Joint Pain and Arthritis: Using Tai Qi and Qi Gong to Heal

Joint pain and arthritis are common maladies that do not just affect the elderly. Many people have experienced pain, inflammation and reduced mobility in one or more joints by the time they have reached age 30. A key component to reducing pain and restoring the joints back to working order is to heal systemic inflammation. Today’s show will discuss the energetics of these conditions and how they can be healed naturally with the use of supplements. Join me as I talk with renowned Tai Qi and Qi Gong Master Yang Yang of New York City, as he shares with us the benefits of his discipline, as well as his own miraculous healing.


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Why Eating Organic Matters

Many people wonder whether they are getting their money’s worth when they pay for organic….does it really make a difference? More media articles are arguing that it’s just big business and there isn’t much difference, particularly as there is no way to know if something is truly organic. But as an acupuncture practitioner, I can tell you for sure that eating organic absolutely matters. In my clinical practice, it is clear that sick patients fare far better eating organic food. Join me as I talk with Doug DeCandia, an organic farmer and Food Growing Project Coordinator for the Food Bank of Westchester, as he shares his knowledge about organic farming, from farming philosophy to how to make distinctions in our food choices as we shop.


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Demystifying Parasites: How Ozone Therapy Can Help

Many people think that parasites can only be contracted while visiting other countries. The truth is that you can acquire parasites without ever stepping foot outside the United States, and it's more common than you think. Learn the tell-tale signs of parasites as well as what to do about them, including an incredibly effective alternative treatment called Ozone Therapy. Ozone therapy is extremely functional in helping rid the body of parasites, fungi and bacteria and has been helpful in the treatment of many illnesses ranging from chronic fatigue to cancer. Learn how this therapy works, why it works and how it may possibly benefit you. Today's guest will be New York City's resident expert in the field of ozone therapy, Dr. Howard Robins. Dr. Robins is known world-wide for his work in the field of natural healing, nutrition, and bio-oxidative therapies and is a dynamic educator and leader in the field of alternative health and healing.


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The Energetics and Politics of Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically modified foods (GMOs or GM foods) are beginning to make their way into our food supply on a more pronounced basis. As a healthcare practitioner, I find it alarming that more and more patients are having digestive and skin issues, even those who have never historically had a problem in these areas. Join me as I discuss the energetics of all foods, including genetically modified foods, and how they affect your body. My guest today will be Jeffrey M. Smith, author of “Seeds of Deception” and creator of the film “Genetic Roulette”, both about GMOs and how they affect our world, Jeffrey will share his in-depth knowledge on this subject as well as give us an update on the current status of things. It’s going to be a highly interesting show!


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Colon Hydrotherapy: Not Just Kooky Medicine

Maintaining a clean and healthy colon is crucial for people to experience optimal health. Particularly as we age, the diseases that arise tend to all have their roots in poor colon health. The simple fact is, the healthier your colon is, the longer and healthier your life will be. Colon Hydrotherapy, a process of cleaning out the colon with filtered water, is a powerful healing protocol to help in this effort. Many people have misconceptions about colon cleansing with hydrotherapy, however. They have heard that it's dangerous or unsanitary. Western medical practitioners and even naturopaths often tell people that it's harmful to the body. This couldn't be farther from the truth, and it is unfortunate that these misconceptions lead people to shy away from every trying it. Tune in as I speak with my guest, Cher Elyse Carden, who has over 19 years experience as a colon hydrotherapist. She just might open the door to a new experience for you!


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Eliminating Allergies Can Be Done!

In today's broadcast, learn how you can clear your body of unwanted allergies that hamper your quality of life and keep you from living a carefree, active existence. Many people are plagued with allergies, ranging from seasonal allergies to pollen and grass, to chronic and potentially deadly allergies to things like nuts and animals. Learn how NAET, a proven allergy elimination technique, can clear these stubborn allergies from your body. It can help you, as it has already helped so many others regain their health and their freedom from fear of accidentally eating the wrong foods. In the United States, every year the amount of people experiencing allergies increases significantly. The Western medical solution is to pump the body with anti-histimines, an approach that does not work for a large majority of the population. NAET is a cutting edge alternative energy treatment that gives concrete results. Tune in and learn what NAET can do for you.
