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Achtung! History

History Podcasts

Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat its mistakes. Join historian Simon J. James for a biweekly documentary podcast and delve into famous and forgotten moments of the past. Explore the rise and the fall of Nazi Germany, resistance within the Third Reich, discover war criminals in West German politics, Prussia's Glory and the tyrannical characters of the German Empire, coming to you every other Monday.


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Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat its mistakes. Join historian Simon J. James for a biweekly documentary podcast and delve into famous and forgotten moments of the past. Explore the rise and the fall of Nazi Germany, resistance within the Third Reich, discover war criminals in West German politics, Prussia's Glory and the tyrannical characters of the German Empire, coming to you every other Monday.



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Hitler's Swiss Enclave - The Story of Wilhelm Gustloff

As the Third Reich rises in Germany, Switzerland suffers with its own problems with National Socialism, and its own identity. Overshadowed by its neighbours, fractured by its cantons, the nation has to face to the real threat that Hitler's national socialism brings, both outside and within. This conflict is further exasperated as Hitler's henchman, Wilhelm Gustloff, rule over a small enclave with an iron fist. Discover, Hitler's Swiss Enclave and the story of the Wilhelm Gustloff only on...


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Resistance: The Edelweißpiraten

In this episode of Achtung! History Simon J. James returns to the tales of resistance to the National Socialist regime of Germany. It is a common perception that the National Socialist regime of Germany (1933-1945) was a totalitarian one. But was it as totalitarian as popular culture has led us to believe. In this episode of Resistance, Simon J. James looks into the resistance that existed amongst the youth of the German nation and in doing so explores the history and ideology of the Hitler...


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The Man with a Thousand Faces Act II

He was one of the greatest conmen of the 20th century, but after the failed Kapp Putsch in Berlin 1920 he was persona non grata in most European nations. So how did Ignatius Trebitsch continue to strive to find steal his place in the world? Discover the continuing act of this most audacious tale.


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The Week that Was - Episode 1 - 25th October 1926

Achtung! Achtung! Journey back to the events of a city long lost, Berlin in 1926. With music and real events from the Welthauptstadt Berlin. This is a trial episode.


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The Man With A Thousand Faces Act I

Discover the incredible, true story, of possibly the 20th centuries greatest con man, a man who defrauded the Church of England, and wiggled his way not only into British Government but also into two different German governments, that of Kapp and later that of Hitler and his NSDAP, in this two parter uncover the fantastic tale of 'The Man With A Thousand Faces.' Support Achtung History and gain early access to the next episodes on Patreon for as little as 1€. Achtung! History is presented...


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The First Soldier of the Third Reich - Schlageter

His name became infamous, his story legend. But today the name Schlageter has faded into history, so who was Schlageter and why did Adolf Hitler proclaim him to be 'The First Soldier of the Third Reich?" Find out in the latest episode of the Achtung! History podcast. Support Achtung History and gain early access to the next episodes on Patreon for as little as 1€. Achtung! History is presented by Simon J, James. Follow Achtung! History on Twitter.


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The Battle of Großbeeren

A small victory or the turning point in the Napoleonic wars? Find out about the oft forgotten Battle of Großbeeren in this weeks episode of Achtung! History. A special thanks to Katja Hoyer for her input in this episode, her book Blood and Iron: The Rise and Fall of the German Empire 1871-1918 is available now. Support Achtung History and gain early access to the next episodes on Patreonfor as little as 1€. Achtung! History is produced by The Berlin Tour Guide and presented by Simon J,...


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Death in the Landwehr

How did the discovery of the body of a man in the Landwehrkanal in Berlin in August 1919 lead to the exposing of and the collapse of the much of the Police Informant ring. And what did one man have to do both with the Communist uprising in Berlin and the short lived Bavarian Soviet Republic? Find out now in Achtung! History's latest episode. Support Achtung History and gain early access to the next episodes on Patreonfor as little as 1€. Achtung! History is produced by The Berlin Tour...


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Tunnel, Traitor, King, Gold (2/2)

It was the most audacious plan of the West in the Cold War, to tunnel beneath the boundary between East and West and steal information from the Soviet's own telephone line. In this concluding episode, discover the true story of spies, espionage, deception and traitors in a whirlwind adventure into the acts that defined the Cold War. Support Achtung History and gain early access to the next episodes on Patreonfor as little as 1€. Achtung! History is produced by The Berlin Tour Guide and...


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Tunnel, Traitor, King, Gold

Discover one of the most audacious and incredible forgotten tales from the Cold War. A story following the CIA and British SIS as they attempt to understand the intentions of the Soviets and gain an upper hand in an Europe divided by undertaking one of the greatest acts of underground secretive engineering ever attempted. This is Tunnel, Traitor, King, Gold, a Podcast by Achtung! History. Support Achtung History and gain early access to the next episodes on Patreonfor as little as...


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No Man's Land 1945: The Republic of Schwarzenberg

The Second World War is over yet East has not met West everywhere. Nestled in the Ore mountains a region centred around the town of Schwarzenberg remains strangely empty of Allied Occupying Forces. It seems as the world has forgotten this small town that once lay on the border of Czechoslovakia. Discover the strange story of Schwarzenberg and how for 42 days at the end of the Second World War it fell into no occupation zone but formed its own government and council and how history can be...


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In the Shadow of the Swastika: May Day and the Quashing of the Unions

May Day, famously the day of the international worker. It was a day used by Unions and by the parties, especially in Germany, to unite their workers in putting down tools as a demonstration of international strife. However, when the NSDAP came to power in 1933, and Hitler became Chancellor and with that Joseph Goebbels the Reich Propaganda Minister, they quickly set about destroying the powers of old and turning May Day into Tag der nationalen Arbeit. Join Simon J. James in this adventure...


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The Reichstag: The Coming Storm - 04

In this, the final episode of The Reichstag for now, the German parliament building lays smouldering but the persecution of those considered enemies of Hitler and the NSDAP continues. How does Hitler and his party use the fire to further their hold on Germany and continue the tearing down of the republic only for it to be rebuilt as a dictatorship. Support Achtung History and gain early access to the next episodes on Patreonfor as little as 1€. Achtung! History is produced by The Berlin...


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The Reichstag: Retribution - 03

The Reichstag is in flames. Inside the burning parliament Hitler, Göring, Goebbels and von Papen gather together on a balcony overlooking the fire and discuss how to go forward. At the Brandenburger Tor, Rudolf Diels interviews the captured Dutch man by the name of Marinus van der Lubbe. All, except Diels, are convinced it is a communist conspiracy and are ready to once and for all stamp out the opposition to their NSDAP not only within the Reichstag but across the German Reich. Support...


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The Reichstag: Fire! - 02

A cold night in Berlin turns into a night that will change the course of the 20th century itself. A young theology student wandering home from his studies at the Staatsbibliothek on Unter den Linden witnesses a shadowy figure scaling the walls of the German parliament building, little does he know that he is the first to witness the makings of an event that would bring death and destruction for Germany. In this episode Simon J. James takes you through the minute by minute happenings of that...


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The Reichstag: Fanning Flames - 01

Welcome to the new series by Achtung! History and Simon J. James. This time we take a look at the Reichstag, the German parliament building famous for the fire that gutted the building on the 27th of February 1933 and catapulted Hitler into dictator. At least that's what history classes teach us. The truth is, Hitler's ascent into dictator had begun within the first few days of coming to power and the Reichstag was an opportunity to be exploited. So join Simon in discovering those 28 days...


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Resistance: The Moral Fight

What does resistance to tyranny mean? Is it fighting with guns on the streets, distributing pamphlets, trying to organise a coup. In this episode Simon takes a deep dive into an event that occurred in Berlin as the Soviet Red Army forces closed upon the Reichs Capital and those within the high offices of the NSDAP regime desperately tried to cling on to power and continue living the life of luxury they had enjoyed for twelve years, even if that meant starving their own people. Support...


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Wheels of Revolution - Lenin's Sealed Train to Petrograd

Discover, in this latest episode, the events leading up to the infamous journey of Lenin, Russian leader in the making, from Switzerland to a Russia in the midst of Revolution. Unearth a brief biography of the controversial man who would lead a Russian Revolution down a dark and bloody path. Support Achtung History and gain early access to the next episodes on Patreon for as little as 1€. Achtung! History is produced by The Berlin Tour Guide and presented by Simon J, James. You can follow...


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Monarch of the Forest - The Kaiser's Forgotten Domain

Rominten is a forgotten domain. Once ruled over by Electors, Kings, Kaisers and Reichsmarshalls, discover the forgotten history of what was once the last Kaiser's favourite hunting ground and how it brought him into conflict with Hermann Göring. Support Achtung History and gain early access to the next episodes on Patreon for as little as 1€. Achtung! History is produced by The Berlin Tour Guide and presented by Simon J, James. You can follow Achtung! History on Twitter, Facebook and...


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Christmas: In the Shadow of the Swastika

When Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP came to power in 1933 they quickly set about changing all aspects of the German state, even Christmas. In this episode, Christmas: In the Shadow of the Swastika, discover how all aspects of Christmas were perverted to aide the National Socialist cause. Achtung! History is produced by The Berlin Tour Guide and presented by Simon J, James. You can follow Achtung! History on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram or support Achtung History and gain early access to the...
