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Casual History

History Podcasts

Welcome to "Casual History" We are two casual history buffs who are constantly learning and wanting to explore new ideas and mysteries of the past. We are no experts by any means, but through this process we hope to gain a deeper understanding and love for our shared history. New episodes weekly! - CH


United States


Welcome to "Casual History" We are two casual history buffs who are constantly learning and wanting to explore new ideas and mysteries of the past. We are no experts by any means, but through this process we hope to gain a deeper understanding and love for our shared history. New episodes weekly! - CH



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The Phoenix Lights

It's a typical evening in Phoenix, Arizona. The desert cools as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and purple. Families settle in for the night, unaware that their city is about to become the center of a mystery.. New episodes weekly! If you like what you hear, consider giving us a rating and review. Social Media @CasualxHistory - CH


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Sarah Edmonds - Civil War Spy

In the shadows of history, lies the remarkable tale of Sarah Edmunds. Who In a daring act of defiance transformed herself into 'Franklin Thompson' to fight in the American Civil War.. If you enjoyed this podcast make sure to leave us a rating and review! New episodes weekly. Social Media @CasualxHistory (Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok) - CH


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Alexander The Great

In the year 334 BC, on the rugged terrains of Asia Minor, a young king stood at the precipice of history. Before him lay the vast Persian Empire, a colossus that had dominated the ancient world for centuries. This king, a mere 22 years old, was poised to challenge this goliath, His name was Alexander, later to be known as 'the Great,' this is listening to Casual History.. New episodes weekly. If you like what you hear be sure to subscribe! Social Media @CasualxHistory (Instagram, Twitter, Youtube) - CH


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The Gunpowder Plot

In the words of Franklin D Roosevelt, rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God. Welcome to Casual History, today we dive into the tale of Intrigue, betrayal & gunpowder with the gunpowder plot of 1605. If you enjoyed the podcast, consider giving us a rating & review! Social Media: @CasualxHistory (Youtube, Instagram, Twitter) New episodes weekly! - CH


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Killers Of The Flower Moon

In the early 20th century, the Osage Nation in Oklahoma experienced a dramatic transformation. Beneath their land lay vast reserves of oil, making them, per capita, the wealthiest people in the world. But this newfound wealth brought unforeseen tragedy.. Find us on social media @CasualxHistory & New Episodes Weekly! - CH


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The Survival of Juliane Koepcke

Imagine plummeting 10,000 feet into the amazon rainforest. The sole survivor of a catastrophic plane crash, beginning an unimaginable journey of survival.. New Episodes weekly! If you enjoyed this podcast, let us know by giving us a rating and review. Social Media @CasualxHistory - CH


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The Dyatlov Pass Mystery

In the early months of 1959, in the remote reaches of the Ural Mountains, a mystery unfolds that still echoes through time. Ten seasoned hikers, led by Igor Dyatlov, embark on a winter expedition. But what was meant to be a challenging trek turns into a baffling enigma. Their tent, found abandoned on the slopes, had been cut open from the inside. The hikers no where to be found, leaving behind a mystery.. New Episodes weekly! Social Media @CasualxHistory - CH


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The Mary Celeste

In 1872, The Mary Celeste was discovered adrift in the Atlantic. Sails billowing in the wind, with no souls aboard. This brigantine found in near perfect condition but eerily deserted sparked a mystery that has baffled the world for over a century.. New episodes weekly. If you enjoy the podcast, consider giving us a rating and review! Social Media @CasualxHistory - CH


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Jesse James

September 7th 1876, in Northfield Minnesota. A group of men later identified as the James-Younger Gang attempted daylight robbery of the first national bank. This act, bold and reckless would mark a turning point in the life of one of Americas most infamous outlaws.. Jesse James.. If you enjoy what you hear, consider giving us a rating and review! New Episodes weekly. Social Media: - CH


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The Pirate King - Olivier Levasseur

In the waning light of piracies golden era, one mans legend eclipse them all. Olivier Levasseur, an architect turned pirate whos cryptic final message has ignited the worlds imagination for century's.. If you like what you hear, consider leaving us a rating and review. Social Media: CasualxHistory (Instgram, Twitter, Facebook) New episodes weekly! - CH


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James Armistead Lafayette

Amidst the turbulent waves of the American Revolutionary War, a tale of espionage, courage, and unforeseen alliances emerge. A young enslaved man named James Armistead, was standing at the front of an espionage mission that could tip the scales of war. You’re listening to casual history.. Find us on social media (CasualxHistory) Website: New episodes weekly! - CH


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The Loretto Staircase Mystery

In the heart of Santa Fe, a staircase spirals towards the heavens, defying the laws of physics and challenging the boundaries of belief. Today, we unravel the mystery of the Loretto Chapel Staircase, a marvel of engineering and a testament to faith.. New episodes weekly! Find us on social media @CasualxHistory - CH


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The Voynich Manuscript

The pages whisper secrets from the past. A manuscript lies before us, filled with the unknown script and baffling illustrations. Fantastical plants that botanists can't recognize, constellations that don’t match our night sky, and enigmatic women wading through interconnected pools of water. An ancient book, both mesmerizing and mystifying, that has dodged comprehension for centuries. You’re listening to casual history.. Find us on social media CasualxHistory New Episodes Weekly! - CH


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The Endurance

In the heart of the unforgiving Antarctic ice, the stout ship Endurance finds herself ensnared by nature's icy grasp. As the crew braces against the bone-chilling cold, Ernest Shackleton, their unyielding leader, gazes into the endless white abyss, knowing the indomitable spirit of adventure will be their only hope of survival in the harrowing odyssey that lay ahead.. New Episodes Weekly! Find us on social media @CasualxHistory - CH


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Mad Jack

Imagine, for a moment, the world immersed in the deadliest conflict it had ever known. Picture a battlefield with guns roaring and bombs exploding, the sky filled with the stench of gunpowder. Amidst this chaos, there strides a man, not with a rifle, but with a sword in hand, a longbow slung across his back, and a set of bagpipes cradled under his arm. This is not a fanciful tale spun from imagination, but the true story of a soldier who was an anomaly in modern warfare, You're listening to casual history.. Find us on social media @CasualxHistory (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Youtube) New Episodes weekly! - CH


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Incendiary Bats & Sea Battles - Special Episode

From baby races in bustling Toronto streets, to bats being drafted for World War 2 & the emperor who challenged the oceans gods. History isn't always about the big grand narratives. Sometimes it's about the strange, quirky & downright hilarious side story's that leave us an unforgettable mark. Buckle up for a ride through histories craziest story's on this special episode.. New episodes weekly! - CH


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The D.B Cooper Mystery

The passengers on Northwest Orient Airlines flight 305 are expecting a routine trip from Portland to Seattle, a mere 30 minute jaunt. Little did they know they were about to become apart of one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in U.S history. Dawning a dark suite, black tie & a briefcase this passenger isnt just any traveler. He's about to make aviation history, vanishing into the night sky, never to be found. This is the story of D.B cooper. If you like what you hear, give us a rating & review or send us a message on social media 'CasualxHistory'. New episodes weekly! - CH


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The Trojan War

Throughout the tapestry of human tales, the story of the Trojan War stands unparalleled — a grand epic where deities, legendary heroes, and human ambition converge. Venturing into this narrative, one is compelled to wonder: Were chronicles like Homer's Iliad the imaginative novels of their age? Were they rooted in actual events, only to be adorned with poetic grandeur? Such tales remind us that our understanding of history often dances between reality and mythos. Today we journey beyond legend to seek the truth encased within the fabled walls of Troy.. If you like what you hear or have subject suggestions let us know! New Episodes Weekly. - CH


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The Falcon Lake Incident

May 20th, 1976 - A date that would haunt Stefan Michalak, an experienced prospector exploring Falcon Lake's rocky terrain. The Air, thick with mist, carried a mysterious hum, growing louder, more insistent. Unaware, Stefan inched closer to the unknown, his curiosity pulling him towards a discovery that would defy reality & ignite a mystery still unsolved.. New episodes weekly! - CH


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Stealing Mona Lisa

In the dimly lit halls of the Louvre, as Paris slumbered on the eve of August 21st, 1911 a plot was unfolding that would send shock waves throughout the art-world. The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci's unparalleled masterpiece was about to vanish from its revered place on the museum walls. A theft so audacious, so brazen that it almost seems impossible. Who would dare to steal the most famous painting in the world? You're listening to Casual History.. New episodes weekly! - CH
