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Rear Vision — How History Shaped Today

History Podcasts

Move beyond the headlines to see how the past defines our world.


United States


Move beyond the headlines to see how the past defines our world.



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Capital gains are income so why are they taxed less than wages?

Australia starting taxing capital gains in 1986, stamping out a whole lot of tax evasion in the process.So why in 1999 did the Howard government introduce a discount on that tax? And how has that concession impacted investing in property?


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The International Criminal Court—A toothless tiger or a lion about to roar?

Rear Vision puts contemporary events in their historical context.


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Paris politics in the pacific – why riots broke out in New Caledonia

Its colonial history, the fight for independence and why this archipelago in the heart of the pacific is so important to France.


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The student protests on US campuses—repeat of the 1960’s or something completely different?

At colleges and universities across America, students have been protesting the ongoing war in Gaza and their institutions connections with Israel. In the 1960’s and early 70’s students protested America’s involvement in the Vietnam war. Are we seeing history repeat itself or is this movement completely different.


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How the US military industrial complex got so big

The United States spends more on defence than the next ten countries combined. The drive for military dominance started during the Cold War but what does it look like today?


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The two-state solution—A way forward or more of the same

International leaders are calling for a two-state solution – as the only long-term way to solve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the occupied territories. But just how viable is the creation of a Palestinian state and does the political will exist on either side to negotiate a final agreement?


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The Middle East conflict and the two-state solution

The two-state solution — notion that in the region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River there should be two states: one Israeli and the other Palestinian has been around since the 1930. And it’s an idea that is being pushed by world leaders, including the Australian government. We take a look at the history of the two-state solution.


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The People’s Army – the role of the IDF in Israeli society

The story of how the military helped develop Israel’s national identity and how compulsory service can shape the lives and values of Israelis.


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Could two lawsuits bring down the US gun industry?

Mexico has one of the highest murder rates on earth, and most of these murders are committed by guns that come into Mexico illegally from America. Can or should American gun manufacturers be held responsible for the damage caused by these guns. That’s the question being asked by Mexico in two court cases underway in the US states of Massachusetts and Arizona.


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The power to choose — how Australia curated post war migration

Australia is a nation built on migration, but the system has a sometimes-cruel history. How has our migration program evolved?And why the perception of being in control has been so central to its success.


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Roe v Wade and how it changed the United States

It's almost two years since the US supreme court overturned Roe V WadeIn this episode from our archives, we revisit the story of the landmark 1973 ruling.


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How TikTok went from addictive pastime to a potential threat to national security

As TikTok's power and popularity has grown, concerns around its Chinese ownership have gotten louder.


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Haiti — the background to political and social chaos

The gang violence that is gripping the Caribbean nation of Haiti, is the most recent disaster in a long line of political, economic, and natural disasters. Today Haiti is one of the poorest and most unstable country on the planet, but this was not always the case, it was once France’s riches colony and the world’s first black-lead republic. So why has Haiti become such a political and economic mess?


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Border crossings — a history of migration at the US-Mexico border

Immigrants are showing up at the southern border in record numbers. We examine the history of US policy toward immigration and border security with Mexico.


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How to end conflict—The art of peace making

It’s a truism of peace talks that we’re not negotiating with our friends but rather our enemies. And when most of our enemies have been designated as terrorist and murderers it’s not an easy task. How have we’ve ended violent conflicts in the past and are there lessons we can learn from previous peace negotiations.


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Qatar has become the world's go-to mediator, but what's in it for them?

The story of how this tiny country got so good at conflict mediation and why their pragmatism is also a liability.


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Power without Responsibility—The role of the Pakistani military in politics

Since the birth Pakistan in 1947 the military has been interfering either directly or indirectly in politics and their election last month was no different. So how and why has the military come to play such a critical role in Pakistan politics and what has this meant for Pakistan’s democracy.


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Tough on Crime: a history of putting kids in prison

Figuring out the best way to respond to young people who commit crimes is a vexed issue.Especially when there is a perception that not enough is being done to keep the community safe.We examine the evolution of juvenile justice and the use of institutions to reform and punish children.


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Axis of Resistance—Terrorists or Resistance Fighters?

The Axis of Resistance, is a coalition of state and non-state actors, led by Iran and committed to resisting the presence of the United States and Israel in the Middle East. Since Hamas’s attack on Israel and the subsequent invasion of Gaza, members of the Axis have targeted anything connected with Israel or the United States across the region. Yet Iran has remained reluctant to confront the US or Israel directly. Is this reluctance undermining Iran’s standing within the Axis of resistance?


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How Australia's supermarket sector became one of the most concentrated in the world

Coles and Woolworths didn't start out in food retail but after making the switch in the 1950s they quickly started taking over the competition. So what do we lose when an industry is dominated by just two players?
