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The BHITB Podcast

History Podcasts

Join me every week as we discuss various topics important to the black community, such as our identity, social justice, and the Bible.


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Join me every week as we discuss various topics important to the black community, such as our identity, social justice, and the Bible.





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The BHITB Podcast (028) - Cultivating Black Excellence - Part 2

2019 is right around the corner and there are big things coming as we await the end of the 400 year curse. While we wait, I thought it would be fun to create a platform specifically for cultivating black excellence. We'll also cover: Open auditions for 50% of the audio royalties for The Black Hebrew Awakening.Open invitation for all black bloggers, podcasters, and YouTube content creators.YouTube series in the works.


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The BHITB Podcast (027) - This Is Satan's America - Part 8

In this part we're going to cover the events leading up to the false freedom of black people in America and the laws created to put us back into slavery after we were freed. Emancipation ProclamationBlack CodesVagrancy Laws


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The BHITB Podcast (026) - Cultivating Black Excellence

This show is going to be part update, part Q&A, and part teaching. I'm going to address what it means to cultivate black excellence and some of what I've been working on to get closer to that goal.


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The BHITB Podcast (025) - The First Purge - Part 2

The book of Esther is only 10 chapters long, the main hero is a woman, and her actions are still celebrated today in during Purim. What makes the book so unique is that it describes the scenario put forth in the movie The Purge. A law was passed that allowed people to do anything they wanted to the Jews, including murder. The Jews were then allowed to do the same to anyone coming after them. This event resulted in the deaths of over 75,000 people spanning from India to Ethiopia. We're going...


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The BHITB Podcast (024) - The First Purge - Part 1

The book of Esther is only 10 chapters long, the main hero is a woman, and her actions are still celebrated today in during Purim. What makes the book so unique is that it describes the scenario put forth in the movie The Purge. A law was passed that allowed people to do anything they wanted to the Jews, including murder. The Jews were then allowed to do the same to anyone coming after them. This event resulted in the deaths of over 75,000 people spanning from India to Ethiopia. We're going...


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The BHITB Podcast (023) - This Is Satan's America - Part 7

Today we're going to talk about the founding of America. What did Europeans see when they first arrived?Are black people natives to America?What were the Slave Codes?Why does the Democrat party still embrace some of the slave codes?Why does the American justice system still embrace some of the slave codes? Don't miss this episode as we continue our journey into the truth about America


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The BHITB Podcast (022) - This Is Satan's America - Part 6

Today we get into Part 6 of this series and address cultural appropriation. Europeans haven't just stolen black culture, but elements of many cultures throughout history.


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The BHITB Podcast (021) - This Is Satan's America - Part 5

In this part we're going to address some of the prophecies conering the future of the Gentiles.


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The BHITB Podcast (020) - Nephilim Q & A

Quite a few people had questions about the nephilim mention in episode 18, so I'm going to try to clear up as many of those questions as possible.


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The BHITB Podcast (019) - This Is Satan's America - Part 4

We're going to get into the lineage of Shem and Japheth this week. We'll cover some of the deceptions found in Eurocentric doctrine.


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The BHITB Podcast (018) - This Is Satan's America - Part 3

In this episode we're gonna get into the three sons of Noah, the table of nations, and several false teachings meant to hide the truth about both.


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The BHITB Podcast (017) - This Is Satan's America - Part 2

In Part 2 we get into Noah’s flood, fallen angels, nephilim, and the agenda of the Eurocentric Christian church to cover up the truth. We’ll also touch on Rob Skiba’s false doctrine of Nephilim genes making it on board of Noah’s ark.


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The BHITB Podcast (016) - This Is Satan's America - Part 1

Some of this study was inspired by Donald Glover's "This Is America" video, in which he touches on a lot of valid criticisms in the black community and black entertainment in general. However, the story is much deeper than what we see in his video. We're going to take a real look inside of what many people believe to be the "greatest country on earth." This Is America (Video) The BHITB Website


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The BHITB Podcast (015) – The Miseducation of The Black Church

At one point the black church was the biggest influence in the black community, but that has given place to music, movies, and other false religions to creep in. Black pastors seem scared to touch the truth in order to keep the churches packed, but are failing to realize that the fluff, prosperity, milk preaching is what is driving people away from the church and into the world.


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The BHITB Podcast (014) - Law Keeping (Part 3) - Doctrines of Deception

Today we'll get into more examples that mirror today's Black Hebrew Israelite camp behavior and doctrine. We'll look at how Paul, Baranabas, and other disciples handled them. And if there's time left, we'll get into the two commandments that were highlited by Christ.


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The BHITB Podcast (013) - Law Keeping (Part 2) - Doctrines of Deception

In Part 1 I laid the foundation as to which laws led to our ancestors being placed under a curse. In this episode I'll talk about prophecies concerning the New Covenant that was to come under Christ.


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The BHITB Podcast (012) - Law Keeping - Doctrines of Deception

In Acts 15 there were people preaching that believers in Christ need to keep the law, and the debate was answered by a council of disciples, apostles, and the Holy Spirit. We'll take it to scripture and see exactly what it says about law keeping under the New Covenant.


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The BHITB Podcast (011) - The Psalms 83 Conspiracy - TEOTW Ministries

Psalms 83 tells us that there would be a multi nation conspirace to kidnap Israel and make them forget who they are. Even though this prophecy exists, it is largely left out of Eurocentric Christian doctrine. We'll be discussing which nations were involved in one of the greatest crimes in history. The kidnapping of Israel.


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The BHITB Podcast (010) - Doctrines of Deception - Gentiles and Edomites 2

The first show had mixed responses, so I'm going to get a little bit deeper into the false doctrine about Esau. What many of the camps are teaching will send many unsuspecting believers straight to hell.


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The BHITB Podcast (009) - Edomites and The Synagogue of Satan - TEOTW Ministries

TEOTW Ministries joins me to talk about the Edomites and the Synagogue of Satan. We've been sharing research behind the scenes and we're reaching many of the same conclusions. Make sure you don't miss this episode if you want to find out how the two are connected, and what we believe may be their role in bringing the "Antichrist" to power.
